Research Article
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Çanakkale Boğazındaki İstavritin (Trachurus trachurus, Linnaeus, 1758) Kas Dokusunun Histopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 303 - 313, 01.09.2022


Ağır metaller ve diğer su kirleticilerin balıkların kas, sindirim, solunum sistemi organlarında birikmesi sonucu besin zinciri yoluyla insanlara ulaşabileceği, kirlilik ve birikim miktarına bağlı olarak toksik etkilere neden olabileceği çalışmalarla desteklenmektedir. Bu çalışma, Çanakkale Boğazı'ndan mevsimsel (ilkbahar, yaz, sonbahar ve kış) olarak avlanan, ekonomik ve besin değeri yüksek, ayrıca sık tüketilen bir balık türü olan istavrit örnekleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Taze balığın dorsa-lateral kaslarından diseke edilen dokular fiksasyon için Bouin's fiksatifine konuldu ve rutin histolojik takipten sonra kesitler alındı. Bulgular, özellikle sonbahar mevsiminde yakalanan balıkların kas dokularında dejeneratif ve inflamatuar bulguları ortaya çıkardı. Ayrıca sonbahar örneklerinde immunoreaktivite açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0.05).

Supporting Institution

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi

Project Number



Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Koordinasyon Birimi'ne teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.


  • Abalaka, S. E. (2017). Histopathological evaluation of Oreochromis mossambicus gills and liver as biomarkers of earthen pond water pollution. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 15 (1), 57-66.
  • Abbas, H., & Ali, F. (2007). Study the effect of hexavalent chromium on some biochemical, cytotoxicological and histopathological aspects of the Oreochromis spp. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (2), 3973-3982.
  • Allen, J. I. (2011). Issues in Environmental Science and Technology. Marine Environment and Human Health: An Overview. pp. 1-24. In R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison (Eds), Marine Pollution and Human Health, 1st ed. London, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, p.168.
  • Atli, G., Ariyurek, S. Y., Kanak, E. G., & Canli, M. (2015). Alterations in the serum biomarkers belonging to different metabolic systems of fish (Oreochromis niloticus) after Cd and Pb exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 40, 508-515.
  • Ayas, Z., Ekmekci, G., Yerli, S. V., & Ozmen, M. (2007). Heavy metal accumulation in water, sediments and fishes of Nallihan Bird Paradise, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Biology, 28(3), 545-549.
  • Chang, T. Y., Zivin, J. G., Gross, T., & Neidell, M. (2019). The effect of pollution on worker productivity: evidence from call center workers in China. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11 (1), 151-172.
  • Çakına, S. , İrkin, L. C. , Özdemir, İ. & Öztürk, Ş. (2021). Effect of Mediterranean Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) From Polluted Areas on Hepatotoicity in Rats by Immunuhistochemical Method . Acta Aquatica Turcica , 17 (1) , 108-118 .
  • Dane, H., & Şişman, T. (2017). A histopathological study on the freshwater fish species chub (Squalius cephalus) in the Karasu River, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41(1), 1-11.
  • Dane, H., & Şişman, T. (2020). Effects of heavy metal pollution on hepatosomatic ındex and vital organ histology in Alburnus mossulensis from Karasu River. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 44(3), 607-617.
  • Demir, N., & Akkuş, G. (2018). Seasonal Variations of Antioxidant Enzyme and Heavy Metal Levels in Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis L., 1819) In Dardenelles Bosphorus (Kepez). Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(4), 659-666.
  • Deore, S. V., & Wagh, S. B. (2012). Heavy metal induced histopathological alterations in liver of Channa gachua (Ham). Journal of Experimental Sciences, 3, 35-38.
  • Drishya, M.K., Kumari, B., Mohan, K. M., Ambikadevi, A. P., & Aswin, B. (2016). Histopathological changes in the gills of fresh water fish, Catla catla exposed to electroplating effluent. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 4, 13-16.
  • Duruibe, J. O, Ogwuegbu, M. O. C., & Egwurugwu, J. N. (2007). Heavy metal pollution and human biotoxic effects. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2(5), 112-118.
  • Gezen, M. R., Demir, N., & Çetin, M. (2011). Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Umurbey Kıyısındaki Deniz Suyu ve Bazı Yumuşakçalarda (Bivalvia ve Gastropoda) Ağır Metal Düzeylerinin Araştırılması, Ekoloji 2011 Sempozyumu, Düzce, 178.
  • Igwilo, I.O., Afonne, O.J., Maduabuchi, U.J.M., & Orisakwe, O.E. (2006). Toxicological study of the Anamriver in Otuocha, Anambra state. Nigeria. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 61 (5), 205-208.
  • Irkin, L.C. & Ozturk, S. (2021). Seasonal Examination of Heavy Metal Levels in Muscle Tissues of European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum 1792) . Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(1), 29-34. http://doi: 10.29329/actanatsci.2021.314.5
  • Jabeen, F., & Chaudhry, A. S. (2010). Metal uptake and histological changes in gills and liver of Oreochromis mossambicus inhabiting Indus River. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(1), 9-18.
  • Kaur, S., Khera, K. S., & Kondal, J. K. (2018). Heavy metal induced histopathological alterations in liver, muscle and kidney of freshwater cyprinid, Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6 (2), 2137-2144.
  • Mansour, S. A., & Sidky, M. M. (2003). Ecotoxicological studies. The first comparative study between Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan wetland (Egypt), with respect to contamination of their major components. Food Chemistry. 82 (2), 181-189.
  • Moore, M. N., Icarus, A. J., & McVeigh, A. (2006). Environmental prognostics: An integrated model supporting lysosomal stress responses as predictive biomarkers of animal health status. Marine Environmental Research, 61, 278-304.
  • Numata, M., Morinaga, S., Watanabe, T., Tamagawa, H., & Yamamoto, N. (2013). The clinical significance of SWI/SNF complex in pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Oncology, 42 (2), 403-410.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Sönmez, P., Özdemir, İ., Topdağı, Y. E., & Tuğlu, M. İ. (2019). Antiapoptotic and proliferative effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on experimental asherman model. Cukurova Medical Journal, 44, 434-446.
  • Padrilah, S. N., Sabullah, M. K., Abd-Shukor, M. Y., Yasid, N. A., Shamaan, N. A., & Ahmad, S. A. (2018). Toxicity effects of fish histopathology on copper accumulation pertanika. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 41 (2), 519-540.
  • Peebua, P., Kruatrachue, M., Pokethitiyook, P., & Singhakaew, S. (2008). Histopathological alterations of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in acute and subchronic alachlor exposure. Journal of Environmental Biology, 29(3), 325-331.
  • Reddy, P. B., & Rawat, S. S. (2013). Assessment of aquatic pollution using histopathology in fish as a protocol. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 2(8), 79-82.
  • Singla, N. (2015). Histological changes induced by monocrotophos in the kidney of Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 5, 54-59.
  • Strzyzewska, E., Szarek, J., & Babinska, I. (2016). Morphologic evaluation of the gills as a tool in the diagnostics of pathological conditions in fish and pollution in the aquatic environment. Veterinarni Medicina, 61 (3), 123-132.
  • Tchounwou, P. B., Wilson, B. A., Abdelghani, A. A., Ishaque, A.B., & Patlolla, A.K. (2002). Differential cytotoxicity and gene expression in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells exposed to arsenic trioxide and monosodium acid methanearsonate (MSMA). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 3(11), 1117-1132.
  • Thomas, S., & Mohaideen, A. J. (2014). Analysis of heavy metals in fish, water and sediment from Bay of Bengal. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 3(8), 42-46.
  • Viana, A. P., Frédou, F. L., Montes, C. S., & Rocha, R. M. (2013). Fish histopathology and catalase activity as biomarkers of the environmental quality of the industrial district on the Amazon estuary, Brazil. Acta Scientiarum, 35(3), 395-401.
  • Yaman, M., Kaya, G. &Yekeler, H. (2007). Distribution of trace metal concentrations in paired cancerous and non-cancerous human stomach tissues. World Journal of Gastroenterology,13(4), 612-617.
  • Yİ, Y., Yang, Z., & Zhang, S. (2011). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in fishes in the middle and lower reachesof the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 159, 2575-85.
  • Yilmaz, F. (2009). The comparison of heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn) in tissues of three economically important fish (Anguilla anguilla, Mugil cephalus and Oreochromis niloticus) inhabiting Köycegiz Lake-Mugla (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 4 (1), 7-15.

Histopathological Evaluation of Muscle Tissue of Horse Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, Linnaeus, 1758) in Çanakkale Strait

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 303 - 313, 01.09.2022


It is supported by studies that heavy metals and other water pollutants can reach humans through the food chain because of accumulation in organs of digestion, respiration, and muscles of fish, and may cause toxic effects depending on the amount of pollution and accumulation. This study was carried out by obtaining Horse mackerel samples from the Çanakkale Strait, which are fish species with high economic and nutritional value, as well as frequently consumed, seasonally (spring, summer, autumn, and winter). In the study, the tissues dissected from the dorsolateral muscles of the fresh fish were taken into Bouin's fixative, and sections were taken after routine histological follow-up. The findings revealed degenerative and inflammatory findings in the muscle tissues of fish caught especially in the autumn season. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found in autumn samples in terms of immunoreactivity (p<0.05).

Project Number



  • Abalaka, S. E. (2017). Histopathological evaluation of Oreochromis mossambicus gills and liver as biomarkers of earthen pond water pollution. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 15 (1), 57-66.
  • Abbas, H., & Ali, F. (2007). Study the effect of hexavalent chromium on some biochemical, cytotoxicological and histopathological aspects of the Oreochromis spp. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (2), 3973-3982.
  • Allen, J. I. (2011). Issues in Environmental Science and Technology. Marine Environment and Human Health: An Overview. pp. 1-24. In R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison (Eds), Marine Pollution and Human Health, 1st ed. London, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, p.168.
  • Atli, G., Ariyurek, S. Y., Kanak, E. G., & Canli, M. (2015). Alterations in the serum biomarkers belonging to different metabolic systems of fish (Oreochromis niloticus) after Cd and Pb exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 40, 508-515.
  • Ayas, Z., Ekmekci, G., Yerli, S. V., & Ozmen, M. (2007). Heavy metal accumulation in water, sediments and fishes of Nallihan Bird Paradise, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Biology, 28(3), 545-549.
  • Chang, T. Y., Zivin, J. G., Gross, T., & Neidell, M. (2019). The effect of pollution on worker productivity: evidence from call center workers in China. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11 (1), 151-172.
  • Çakına, S. , İrkin, L. C. , Özdemir, İ. & Öztürk, Ş. (2021). Effect of Mediterranean Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) From Polluted Areas on Hepatotoicity in Rats by Immunuhistochemical Method . Acta Aquatica Turcica , 17 (1) , 108-118 .
  • Dane, H., & Şişman, T. (2017). A histopathological study on the freshwater fish species chub (Squalius cephalus) in the Karasu River, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41(1), 1-11.
  • Dane, H., & Şişman, T. (2020). Effects of heavy metal pollution on hepatosomatic ındex and vital organ histology in Alburnus mossulensis from Karasu River. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 44(3), 607-617.
  • Demir, N., & Akkuş, G. (2018). Seasonal Variations of Antioxidant Enzyme and Heavy Metal Levels in Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis L., 1819) In Dardenelles Bosphorus (Kepez). Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(4), 659-666.
  • Deore, S. V., & Wagh, S. B. (2012). Heavy metal induced histopathological alterations in liver of Channa gachua (Ham). Journal of Experimental Sciences, 3, 35-38.
  • Drishya, M.K., Kumari, B., Mohan, K. M., Ambikadevi, A. P., & Aswin, B. (2016). Histopathological changes in the gills of fresh water fish, Catla catla exposed to electroplating effluent. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 4, 13-16.
  • Duruibe, J. O, Ogwuegbu, M. O. C., & Egwurugwu, J. N. (2007). Heavy metal pollution and human biotoxic effects. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2(5), 112-118.
  • Gezen, M. R., Demir, N., & Çetin, M. (2011). Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Umurbey Kıyısındaki Deniz Suyu ve Bazı Yumuşakçalarda (Bivalvia ve Gastropoda) Ağır Metal Düzeylerinin Araştırılması, Ekoloji 2011 Sempozyumu, Düzce, 178.
  • Igwilo, I.O., Afonne, O.J., Maduabuchi, U.J.M., & Orisakwe, O.E. (2006). Toxicological study of the Anamriver in Otuocha, Anambra state. Nigeria. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 61 (5), 205-208.
  • Irkin, L.C. & Ozturk, S. (2021). Seasonal Examination of Heavy Metal Levels in Muscle Tissues of European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum 1792) . Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(1), 29-34. http://doi: 10.29329/actanatsci.2021.314.5
  • Jabeen, F., & Chaudhry, A. S. (2010). Metal uptake and histological changes in gills and liver of Oreochromis mossambicus inhabiting Indus River. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(1), 9-18.
  • Kaur, S., Khera, K. S., & Kondal, J. K. (2018). Heavy metal induced histopathological alterations in liver, muscle and kidney of freshwater cyprinid, Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6 (2), 2137-2144.
  • Mansour, S. A., & Sidky, M. M. (2003). Ecotoxicological studies. The first comparative study between Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan wetland (Egypt), with respect to contamination of their major components. Food Chemistry. 82 (2), 181-189.
  • Moore, M. N., Icarus, A. J., & McVeigh, A. (2006). Environmental prognostics: An integrated model supporting lysosomal stress responses as predictive biomarkers of animal health status. Marine Environmental Research, 61, 278-304.
  • Numata, M., Morinaga, S., Watanabe, T., Tamagawa, H., & Yamamoto, N. (2013). The clinical significance of SWI/SNF complex in pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Oncology, 42 (2), 403-410.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Sönmez, P., Özdemir, İ., Topdağı, Y. E., & Tuğlu, M. İ. (2019). Antiapoptotic and proliferative effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on experimental asherman model. Cukurova Medical Journal, 44, 434-446.
  • Padrilah, S. N., Sabullah, M. K., Abd-Shukor, M. Y., Yasid, N. A., Shamaan, N. A., & Ahmad, S. A. (2018). Toxicity effects of fish histopathology on copper accumulation pertanika. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 41 (2), 519-540.
  • Peebua, P., Kruatrachue, M., Pokethitiyook, P., & Singhakaew, S. (2008). Histopathological alterations of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in acute and subchronic alachlor exposure. Journal of Environmental Biology, 29(3), 325-331.
  • Reddy, P. B., & Rawat, S. S. (2013). Assessment of aquatic pollution using histopathology in fish as a protocol. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 2(8), 79-82.
  • Singla, N. (2015). Histological changes induced by monocrotophos in the kidney of Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 5, 54-59.
  • Strzyzewska, E., Szarek, J., & Babinska, I. (2016). Morphologic evaluation of the gills as a tool in the diagnostics of pathological conditions in fish and pollution in the aquatic environment. Veterinarni Medicina, 61 (3), 123-132.
  • Tchounwou, P. B., Wilson, B. A., Abdelghani, A. A., Ishaque, A.B., & Patlolla, A.K. (2002). Differential cytotoxicity and gene expression in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells exposed to arsenic trioxide and monosodium acid methanearsonate (MSMA). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 3(11), 1117-1132.
  • Thomas, S., & Mohaideen, A. J. (2014). Analysis of heavy metals in fish, water and sediment from Bay of Bengal. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 3(8), 42-46.
  • Viana, A. P., Frédou, F. L., Montes, C. S., & Rocha, R. M. (2013). Fish histopathology and catalase activity as biomarkers of the environmental quality of the industrial district on the Amazon estuary, Brazil. Acta Scientiarum, 35(3), 395-401.
  • Yaman, M., Kaya, G. &Yekeler, H. (2007). Distribution of trace metal concentrations in paired cancerous and non-cancerous human stomach tissues. World Journal of Gastroenterology,13(4), 612-617.
  • Yİ, Y., Yang, Z., & Zhang, S. (2011). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in fishes in the middle and lower reachesof the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 159, 2575-85.
  • Yilmaz, F. (2009). The comparison of heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn) in tissues of three economically important fish (Anguilla anguilla, Mugil cephalus and Oreochromis niloticus) inhabiting Köycegiz Lake-Mugla (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 4 (1), 7-15.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Latife Ceyda İrkin 0000-0001-6603-8413

Şamil Öztürk 0000-0002-9435-8139

Ruhay Aldık 0000-0001-5791-7491

Project Number FBA-2020-3242
Early Pub Date August 24, 2022
Publication Date September 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 18 Issue: 3


APA İrkin, L. C., Öztürk, Ş., & Aldık, R. (2022). Çanakkale Boğazındaki İstavritin (Trachurus trachurus, Linnaeus, 1758) Kas Dokusunun Histopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 18(3), 303-313.