Research Article
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Effectiveness of Anchor Borrowers’ Program on Fish Farming in Osun State, Nigeria

Year 2025, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 15 - 28, 01.03.2025


The main objective of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of Anchor Borrowers’ Program (ABP) on fish farming (FF) in Osun State, Nigeria.120 smallholder fish farmers Participating in ABP (PABP) were chosen using a multi-stage sampling approach. Data were obtained between January and March of 2023. Interview schedule was used to collect data on respondents’ demographic characteristics, sources of information on FF (SIFF), benefits derived (BD) from PABP, constraints to PABP, and effectiveness of ABP (EABP) in FF. Data were analyzed using frequency count, percentage, mean, Chi-square, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Most respondents’ were males (75.8%), members of fish farmers association (68.3%), and aged 46.0±9.0years. The FF information was accessed mostly through ABP representatives (x ̅=1.7). Access to SIFF was moderate (63.3%), and BD was moderate (66.7%). Increase production (x ̅=1.7) was the most BD from PABP. Poor access to water (x ̅=1.8) was the highest constraint to PABP. Constraints to PABP were moderate (74.2%), and EABP in FF was moderate (68.3%). EABP in FF was influenced by SIFF (r=-0.15). ABP representatives (r=-0.22), family and friends (r=-0.28), newspaper (r=0.16), cell phone calls (r=0.20) and extension agents (r=-0.21) information source types significantly influenced EABP in FF. The anchor borrowers’ program was moderately effective in fish farming and this was influenced by sources of information on fish farming.


  • Akingbade M. B. (2019). Contribution of anchor borrowers programme to rice farmers productivity in Ekiti State, Nigeria.[Master’s thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Ashagye, A. (2019). Fish farmers seek ınclusion to join CBN’s anchor borrowersprogrammes. Nigerian newspaper: The sun. Published on the 11th of March, 2019.
  • Ayinde, O. E., Fatigun, O., Ogunbiyi, K., Ayinde, K., &Ambali, Y. O. (2018).Assessment of central bank intervention on rice production in Kwara State, Nigeria: A case-study of anchor borrowers’ program.[Paper presentation].30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists.
  • Balogun, O. L., Ayo-Bello, T. A., Abasilim, C. F., Abimbola, O. G., Afodu, O. J., &Akinwole, O. T. (2021). Assessment of the performance of anchor borrowers programme (ABP) beneficiary and non-beneficiary rice farmers in Badagry Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria Ife Journal of Agriculture, 33(2): 62-76.
  • Belewu, K. Y., Ajao, O. A., &Babatunde, R. O. (2023). Effect of anchor borrowers’ programme on poverty status of rice farmers in Nigeria Agricultural tropicaetsubtropica, 56: 177- 188.
  • Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN, 2016).Annual reports and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st December.
  • Eforuoku, F. (2018).Determinants of dietary intake among rural farming households in north western, Nigeria.[Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Elugbaju, O. O. (2019). Fish farmers assessment of the effectiveness of anchor borrowers programme in Ogun State, Nigeria.[Master’s thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.(FMARD, 2015).Agricultural transformation agenda document.P. 92.
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.(FAO, 2020).Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics.GlobalProduction by Production Source 1950-2018 (FishstatJ).Retrieved from FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (online)
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.(FAO, 1991).Fishery Information, Data and Statistics' Service.Aquaculture Production (1986-1989).FAO Fish.Cire.(815), Rev.3. 141p.
  • Galappaththi, E. K., Aubrac, C. J., Ichien, S. T., Hyman, A. A., & Ford, J. D. (2020). Climate change adaptation in aquaculture Reviews in Aquaculture, 12(4):2160-2176.
  • Joseph, O. C. (2023). Effects of anchor borrowers’ programme on aquaculture production in Osun State, Nigeria.[Master’s thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Kaleem, O., &Sabi, A. F. B. S. (2021). Overview of aquaculture systems in Egypt and Nigeria, prospects, potentials, and constraints Aquaculture and Fisheries, 6(6): 535-547.
  • Maina, J. G., Mbuthia, P. G., Ngugi, J., Omolo, B., Orina, P., Wangia, S. M., Karuri, E. G., Maitho, T., &Owiti, G. O. (2014). Influence of social-economic factors, gender and the fish farming enterprise and productivity project on fish farming practices in Kenya Liv. Res. for Rural Dev., 26(2): 1-9.
  • Odebode, S. O., Oyibo, O., &Nwanebo, C. C. (2021). Determinants of sweet potato production level among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria Int’l Journal of Agric. and Rural Dev., 24(1): 5559-5568
  • Ofuoku, A. U. (2015). Farm operations cooperative in central agricultural zone of Delta State, Nigeria EgeUniversitesiZiraatFakültesiDergisi, 52(3): 327-334.
  • Okotie, S. (2018).The Nigerian economy before the discovery of crude oil.In P. E. Ndimele (Ed.),The political ecology of oil and gas activities in the Nigerian aquatic ecosystem (pp. 71-81). Academic Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • Oluwasola, O., &Ige, A. O. (2015).Factors determining the profitability of catfish production in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Sustainability Agricultural Research, 4(4).
  • Onada, O. A., &Ogunola, O. S. (2017). Effects of catfish (Clariasgariepinus) brood-stocks egg combination on hatchability and survival of fish larvae Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development, S2: 014.
  • Onoja, N. M., Olajide, R. B., Haruna, O. E., Ajibade, Y. E., &Onoja, E. A. (2024). Effect of anchor borrowers’ programme on rice yield in North-Central, Nigeria Journal of Agricultural Extension, 28(3) 70-78.
  • Oyibo, O., &Odebode, S. O. (2024). Contribution of sweetpotato production to economic empowerment of farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 21(4): 916-927.
  • Oyibo, O., &Odebode, S. O. (2023). Correlates and determinants of ınvolvement in sweetpotato production among farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria YuzuncuYil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 33(3): 377-388.
  • Oyibo, O. (2021). Effects of sweetpotato production on empowerment of farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria.[Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Oyibo, O. (2020). Cassava farmers’ attitude towards participation in root and tuber expansion programme in Delta State, NigeriaYuzuncuYil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(3): 462-474.
  • Samuel, O. O. (2020). Involvement in fish farming and the wellbeing of youths in Southwestern Nigeria.[Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Umeh, J. C., &Adejo, M. A. (2019).Assessment of central bank of Nigeria’s anchor borrowers’ programme effects on rice farmers in Kebbi state, Nigeria.[Paper presentation].6th African Conference of Agricultural Economists in Abuja, Nigeria.
  • WorldFish. (2018). WorldFish Nigeria Strategy 2018–2022. In WorldFish. Strategy: 2018- 09. Malaysia: Penang.

Nijerya'nın Osun Eyaletinde Balık Çiftçilerine Yönelik Sabit Borçlular Destek Programı Etkililiği

Year 2025, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 15 - 28, 01.03.2025


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Nijerya'nın Osun Eyaletindeki balık ciftçilerine Anchor Borrowers Destek Programı etkinligi belirlemektir. Anchor Borrowers Destek Programı katılan 120 küçük çiftçi balık çiftçisi, çok aşamalı bir örnekleme yaklaşımı kullanılarak seçildi. Veriler 2023 yılının Ocak ve Mart ayları arasında elde edildi. Görüşme programı, katılımcıların demografik özellikleri, balık ciftçilerine hakkındaki bilgi kaynakları, anchor borrowers destek programı katılımdan elde edilen faydalar, anchor borrowers destek programı katılımın kısıtlamaları ve balık ciftçilerine anchor borrowers destek programı etkinliği hakkında veri toplamak için kullanıldı. Veriler frekans sayısı, yüzde, ortalama, Ki-kare ve Pearson Ürün Moment Korelasyonu kullanılarak analiz edildi. Katılımcıların çoğu erkekti (%75,8), balık çiftçileri derneği üyesiydi (%68,3) ve yaşları 46,0±9,0 yıldı. Balık ciftçilerine bilgilerine çoğunlukla anchor borrowers destek programı temsilcileri aracılığıyla erişildi (x ̅ = 1,7). Balık ciftçilerine ile ilgili bilgi kaynaklarına erişim orta düzeydeydi (%63,3) ve elde edilen fayda orta düzeydeydi (%66,7). Üretim artışı (x ̅=1,7) anchor borrowers destek programı katılımdan elde edilen en büyük faydaydı. Suya erişimin zayıf olması (x ̅=1,8) anchor borrowers destek programı katılımdaki en büyük kısıtlamaydı. Anchor borrowers destek programı katılımdaki kısıtlamalar orta düzeydeydi (%74,2) ve balık ciftçilerine anchor borrowers destek programı etkinligi orta düzeydeydi (%68,3). Balık ciftçilerine anchor borrowers destek programı etkinligi balık ciftçilerine ile ilgili bilgi kaynaklarından etkilenmiştir (r=-0,15). Anchor borrowers destek programı temsilcileri (r=-0,22), aile ve arkadaşlar (r=-0,28), gazete (r=0,16), cep telefonu görüşmeleri (r=0,20) ve uzatma görevlileri (r=-0,21) bilgi kaynağı türleri balık ciftçilerine anchor borrowers destek programı etkililiğini önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Balık ciftçilerine ana anchor borrowers destek programı orta düzeyde etkiliydi ve bu durum balık ciftçilerine ilişkin bilgi kaynaklarından etkilenmişti.


  • Akingbade M. B. (2019). Contribution of anchor borrowers programme to rice farmers productivity in Ekiti State, Nigeria.[Master’s thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Ashagye, A. (2019). Fish farmers seek ınclusion to join CBN’s anchor borrowersprogrammes. Nigerian newspaper: The sun. Published on the 11th of March, 2019.
  • Ayinde, O. E., Fatigun, O., Ogunbiyi, K., Ayinde, K., &Ambali, Y. O. (2018).Assessment of central bank intervention on rice production in Kwara State, Nigeria: A case-study of anchor borrowers’ program.[Paper presentation].30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists.
  • Balogun, O. L., Ayo-Bello, T. A., Abasilim, C. F., Abimbola, O. G., Afodu, O. J., &Akinwole, O. T. (2021). Assessment of the performance of anchor borrowers programme (ABP) beneficiary and non-beneficiary rice farmers in Badagry Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria Ife Journal of Agriculture, 33(2): 62-76.
  • Belewu, K. Y., Ajao, O. A., &Babatunde, R. O. (2023). Effect of anchor borrowers’ programme on poverty status of rice farmers in Nigeria Agricultural tropicaetsubtropica, 56: 177- 188.
  • Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN, 2016).Annual reports and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st December.
  • Eforuoku, F. (2018).Determinants of dietary intake among rural farming households in north western, Nigeria.[Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Elugbaju, O. O. (2019). Fish farmers assessment of the effectiveness of anchor borrowers programme in Ogun State, Nigeria.[Master’s thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.(FMARD, 2015).Agricultural transformation agenda document.P. 92.
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.(FAO, 2020).Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics.GlobalProduction by Production Source 1950-2018 (FishstatJ).Retrieved from FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (online)
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.(FAO, 1991).Fishery Information, Data and Statistics' Service.Aquaculture Production (1986-1989).FAO Fish.Cire.(815), Rev.3. 141p.
  • Galappaththi, E. K., Aubrac, C. J., Ichien, S. T., Hyman, A. A., & Ford, J. D. (2020). Climate change adaptation in aquaculture Reviews in Aquaculture, 12(4):2160-2176.
  • Joseph, O. C. (2023). Effects of anchor borrowers’ programme on aquaculture production in Osun State, Nigeria.[Master’s thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Kaleem, O., &Sabi, A. F. B. S. (2021). Overview of aquaculture systems in Egypt and Nigeria, prospects, potentials, and constraints Aquaculture and Fisheries, 6(6): 535-547.
  • Maina, J. G., Mbuthia, P. G., Ngugi, J., Omolo, B., Orina, P., Wangia, S. M., Karuri, E. G., Maitho, T., &Owiti, G. O. (2014). Influence of social-economic factors, gender and the fish farming enterprise and productivity project on fish farming practices in Kenya Liv. Res. for Rural Dev., 26(2): 1-9.
  • Odebode, S. O., Oyibo, O., &Nwanebo, C. C. (2021). Determinants of sweet potato production level among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria Int’l Journal of Agric. and Rural Dev., 24(1): 5559-5568
  • Ofuoku, A. U. (2015). Farm operations cooperative in central agricultural zone of Delta State, Nigeria EgeUniversitesiZiraatFakültesiDergisi, 52(3): 327-334.
  • Okotie, S. (2018).The Nigerian economy before the discovery of crude oil.In P. E. Ndimele (Ed.),The political ecology of oil and gas activities in the Nigerian aquatic ecosystem (pp. 71-81). Academic Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • Oluwasola, O., &Ige, A. O. (2015).Factors determining the profitability of catfish production in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Sustainability Agricultural Research, 4(4).
  • Onada, O. A., &Ogunola, O. S. (2017). Effects of catfish (Clariasgariepinus) brood-stocks egg combination on hatchability and survival of fish larvae Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development, S2: 014.
  • Onoja, N. M., Olajide, R. B., Haruna, O. E., Ajibade, Y. E., &Onoja, E. A. (2024). Effect of anchor borrowers’ programme on rice yield in North-Central, Nigeria Journal of Agricultural Extension, 28(3) 70-78.
  • Oyibo, O., &Odebode, S. O. (2024). Contribution of sweetpotato production to economic empowerment of farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 21(4): 916-927.
  • Oyibo, O., &Odebode, S. O. (2023). Correlates and determinants of ınvolvement in sweetpotato production among farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria YuzuncuYil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 33(3): 377-388.
  • Oyibo, O. (2021). Effects of sweetpotato production on empowerment of farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria.[Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Oyibo, O. (2020). Cassava farmers’ attitude towards participation in root and tuber expansion programme in Delta State, NigeriaYuzuncuYil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(3): 462-474.
  • Samuel, O. O. (2020). Involvement in fish farming and the wellbeing of youths in Southwestern Nigeria.[Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan].
  • Umeh, J. C., &Adejo, M. A. (2019).Assessment of central bank of Nigeria’s anchor borrowers’ programme effects on rice farmers in Kebbi state, Nigeria.[Paper presentation].6th African Conference of Agricultural Economists in Abuja, Nigeria.
  • WorldFish. (2018). WorldFish Nigeria Strategy 2018–2022. In WorldFish. Strategy: 2018- 09. Malaysia: Penang.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fisheries Management, Aquaculture and Fisheries (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Caleb O. Joseph 0009-0001-0632-4116

Ogheneakpobor Oyıbo 0000-0002-5719-3486

Adegbenga E. Adekoya 0000-0001-7854-7143

Early Pub Date March 18, 2025
Publication Date March 1, 2025
Submission Date July 16, 2024
Acceptance Date September 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Joseph, C. O., Oyıbo, O., & Adekoya, A. E. (2025). Effectiveness of Anchor Borrowers’ Program on Fish Farming in Osun State, Nigeria. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 21(1), 15-28.