Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 122 - 127, 02.09.2018



  • Arca, P., Sarıtaş, Z.K., 2017. Köpeklerde midazolam-ketamin-izofloran ve midazolam-propofol-izofloran anestezisinin koagulasyon parametrelerine etkisinin araştırılması. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, 93-114. Beier, S.L., Da Rosa, A.C., Mattoso, C.R.S., De Moraes, A.N., Oleskovicz, N., Dallabrida, A.L., 2015. Evaluation of the isoflurane-sparing effects of a constant rate infusion of remifentanil undergoing mastectomy in dogs. Semina: Ciências Agrárias 36, 3139-3148. Binici, O., Kati, İ., Göktaş, U., Soyaral, L., Aytekin, O.Ç., 2015. Comparing effects and low and high-flow anesthesia on hemorheology and coagulation factors. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 31, 683-688. Campbell, V.L., 2005. Anesthetic protocols for common emergencies. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 35, 435-453. Charlesworth, T.M., Agthe, P., Moores, A., Anderson, D.M., 2012. The use of haemostatic gelatin sponges in veterinary surgery. Journal of Small Animal Practice 53, 51-56. Chohan, A.S., Greene, S.A., Grubb, T.L., Keegan, R.D., Wills, T.B., Martinez, S.A., 2011. Effects of 6% hetastarch (600/0.75) or lactated Ringer’s solution on hemostatic variables and clinical bleeding in healthy dogs anesthetized for orthopedic surgery. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 38, 94-105. Forsythe, L.T., Willis, S.E., 1989. Evaluating oral mucosa bleeding times in healthy dogs using a spring-loaded device. Canadian Veterinary Journal 30, 344-345. Fresno, L., Moll, J., Penalba, B., Espada, Y., Andaluz, A., Prandi, D., De Gopegui, R.R., Garcia, F., 2005. Effects of preoperative administration of meloxicam on whole blood platelet aggregation, buccal mucosal bleeding time, and haematological indices in dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy. The Veterinary Journal 170, 138-140. Gimenes, A.M., De Araujo Aguiar, A.J., Peri, S.H.V., de Paula Nouggueira, G., 2011. Effect of intravenous propofol and remifentanil on heart rate, blood pressure and nociceptive response in acepromazine premedicated in dogs. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 38, 54-62. Giurgiu, G., Niculae, M., Brudaşca, I., Zimveliu, E., Mircean, M., Popovici, C., Scurtu, I., 2009. Observation regarding prothrombin time (pt) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt) in dogs. Veterinary Medicine 66, 38-43. Güzel, Ö., Erdikmen, D.O., Yıldar, E., Ekici, A., Şaroğlu, M., Ekiz, B., 2013. The effects of propofol and a diazepam/alfentanil combination in dogs aged 10 years and above on heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry data, intraocular pressure, and body temperature. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 37, 170-176. Guzel, O., McKinstry, D.S., 2017. Malignant hyperthermia in dogs during general anaesthesia. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences 2, 57-62. Guzel, O., Yildar, E., Karan, B., Aydin, D., McKinstry, D.S., 2018. Unusual hyperthermia related to general anaesthesia in an Anatolian shepherd dog. Veterinarni Medicina 63, 36-39. Jandrey, K.E., 2012. Assessment of platelet function. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 22, 81-98. Kamal, M.S., Kamal, A., 2008. An experimental study on the effects of ketamine and propofol anesthesia on certain hemostatic indices in dogs. Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal 6, 126-137. Kürüm, B., Pekcan, Z., Kalender, H., Kumandaş A, Mutan O.C., Elma E. 2013. Comparison of Propofol-Remifentanil and Propofol-Fentanyl anesthesia during ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (Suppl-A): A33-A40. Lamont, L.A., Mathews, K.A., 2007. Opioids, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatories, and Analgesic Adjuvants. In: Tranquili, W.J, Thurmon, J.C., Grimm, K.A. (Eds.), Lumb&JonesVeterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 241-271. Lee, J.Y., 2012. Oxidative stress due to anesthesia and surgical trauma and comparison of the effects of propofol and thiopental in dogs. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 74, 663-665. Mischke, R., 2011. Determination of canine coagulation factor VII. The Veterinary Journal 190, 305-306. Murrell, J.C., Van Notten, R.W., Hellebrekers, L.J., 2005. Clinical investigation of remifentanil and propofol for the total intravenous anaesthesia of dogs. Veterinary Record 156, 804-808. Ogurtan, Z., Ceylan, C., İpek, H., İzci, C., 2002. Effect of xylazine-ketamine and diazepam-ketamine anesthesia on activated partial thromboplastine time, prothrombin time and bleeding time in dogs. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 153, 243-246. Pei, Z., Mao, Y., Wang, S., Tang, X., 2014. Continuous infusion of remifentanil combined with target-controlled infusion of propofol for tracheal intubation in dogs. Veterinary Record 175, 119. doi: 10.1136/vr.101995. Smith, J.W., Day, T.K., Mackin, A., 2005. Diagnosing bleeding disorders. Compendium 27, 828-843.

Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs

Year 2018, Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 122 - 127, 02.09.2018


DOI: 10.26650/actavet.2019.434600

Studying the effect of general anaesthesia on
blood parameters is extremely important both in terms of patient safety and
determining protocol suitability for the patient. There is no study on the
assessment of the effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil
combination administered to dogs on clotting time, thrombin time (TT),
prothrombin time (PT), active partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and buccal
mucosa bleeding time (BMBT). The purpose of the study presented is to
investigate the effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil
combinations on coagulation parameters in dogs aged 5 years and older,
requiring surgery for various reasons. Prior to anaesthesia (T0), it was found
that there was no difference between the two groups in terms of PT, TT, aPTT
and BMBT (p=0.426 p=0.091, p=0.166, p=0.686, p=0.209, respectively). Following
anaesthesia (T1), it was found that the buccal mucosal bleeding time in dogs in
the Diazepam/Remifentanil group had a tendency to be shorter (p=0.084) than
those in the Diazepam/Propofol group. Also, PT in the Diazepam/Remifentanil
group was longer (p=0.031) compared to the Diazepam/Propofol group. No
significant difference was found between the groups with respect to clotting
time, TT or aPTT (p=0.191, p=0.467, p=0.972). While it is stated that neuroleptanalgesia
produces reliable anaesthesia induction in unwell patients, based on the data
obtained at the end of the study, it was determined that Diazepam/Propofol
combination is more reliable in the anaesthesia of patients requiring surgical


  • Arca, P., Sarıtaş, Z.K., 2017. Köpeklerde midazolam-ketamin-izofloran ve midazolam-propofol-izofloran anestezisinin koagulasyon parametrelerine etkisinin araştırılması. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, 93-114. Beier, S.L., Da Rosa, A.C., Mattoso, C.R.S., De Moraes, A.N., Oleskovicz, N., Dallabrida, A.L., 2015. Evaluation of the isoflurane-sparing effects of a constant rate infusion of remifentanil undergoing mastectomy in dogs. Semina: Ciências Agrárias 36, 3139-3148. Binici, O., Kati, İ., Göktaş, U., Soyaral, L., Aytekin, O.Ç., 2015. Comparing effects and low and high-flow anesthesia on hemorheology and coagulation factors. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 31, 683-688. Campbell, V.L., 2005. Anesthetic protocols for common emergencies. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 35, 435-453. Charlesworth, T.M., Agthe, P., Moores, A., Anderson, D.M., 2012. The use of haemostatic gelatin sponges in veterinary surgery. Journal of Small Animal Practice 53, 51-56. Chohan, A.S., Greene, S.A., Grubb, T.L., Keegan, R.D., Wills, T.B., Martinez, S.A., 2011. Effects of 6% hetastarch (600/0.75) or lactated Ringer’s solution on hemostatic variables and clinical bleeding in healthy dogs anesthetized for orthopedic surgery. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 38, 94-105. Forsythe, L.T., Willis, S.E., 1989. Evaluating oral mucosa bleeding times in healthy dogs using a spring-loaded device. Canadian Veterinary Journal 30, 344-345. Fresno, L., Moll, J., Penalba, B., Espada, Y., Andaluz, A., Prandi, D., De Gopegui, R.R., Garcia, F., 2005. Effects of preoperative administration of meloxicam on whole blood platelet aggregation, buccal mucosal bleeding time, and haematological indices in dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy. The Veterinary Journal 170, 138-140. Gimenes, A.M., De Araujo Aguiar, A.J., Peri, S.H.V., de Paula Nouggueira, G., 2011. Effect of intravenous propofol and remifentanil on heart rate, blood pressure and nociceptive response in acepromazine premedicated in dogs. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 38, 54-62. Giurgiu, G., Niculae, M., Brudaşca, I., Zimveliu, E., Mircean, M., Popovici, C., Scurtu, I., 2009. Observation regarding prothrombin time (pt) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt) in dogs. Veterinary Medicine 66, 38-43. Güzel, Ö., Erdikmen, D.O., Yıldar, E., Ekici, A., Şaroğlu, M., Ekiz, B., 2013. The effects of propofol and a diazepam/alfentanil combination in dogs aged 10 years and above on heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry data, intraocular pressure, and body temperature. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 37, 170-176. Guzel, O., McKinstry, D.S., 2017. Malignant hyperthermia in dogs during general anaesthesia. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences 2, 57-62. Guzel, O., Yildar, E., Karan, B., Aydin, D., McKinstry, D.S., 2018. Unusual hyperthermia related to general anaesthesia in an Anatolian shepherd dog. Veterinarni Medicina 63, 36-39. Jandrey, K.E., 2012. Assessment of platelet function. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 22, 81-98. Kamal, M.S., Kamal, A., 2008. An experimental study on the effects of ketamine and propofol anesthesia on certain hemostatic indices in dogs. Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal 6, 126-137. Kürüm, B., Pekcan, Z., Kalender, H., Kumandaş A, Mutan O.C., Elma E. 2013. Comparison of Propofol-Remifentanil and Propofol-Fentanyl anesthesia during ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (Suppl-A): A33-A40. Lamont, L.A., Mathews, K.A., 2007. Opioids, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatories, and Analgesic Adjuvants. In: Tranquili, W.J, Thurmon, J.C., Grimm, K.A. (Eds.), Lumb&JonesVeterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 241-271. Lee, J.Y., 2012. Oxidative stress due to anesthesia and surgical trauma and comparison of the effects of propofol and thiopental in dogs. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 74, 663-665. Mischke, R., 2011. Determination of canine coagulation factor VII. The Veterinary Journal 190, 305-306. Murrell, J.C., Van Notten, R.W., Hellebrekers, L.J., 2005. Clinical investigation of remifentanil and propofol for the total intravenous anaesthesia of dogs. Veterinary Record 156, 804-808. Ogurtan, Z., Ceylan, C., İpek, H., İzci, C., 2002. Effect of xylazine-ketamine and diazepam-ketamine anesthesia on activated partial thromboplastine time, prothrombin time and bleeding time in dogs. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 153, 243-246. Pei, Z., Mao, Y., Wang, S., Tang, X., 2014. Continuous infusion of remifentanil combined with target-controlled infusion of propofol for tracheal intubation in dogs. Veterinary Record 175, 119. doi: 10.1136/vr.101995. Smith, J.W., Day, T.K., Mackin, A., 2005. Diagnosing bleeding disorders. Compendium 27, 828-843.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Didar Aydın Kaya 0000-0002-0839-0029

Özlem Güzel This is me 0000-0002-3832-4233

Erdal Matur This is me 0000-0003-0737-8148

Emine Esma Çerkez This is me 0000-0002-6832-2263

Simge Uğur This is me 0000-0002-4181-2334

Ezgi Ergen This is me 0000-0001-8655-7384

Dilek Olğun Erdikmen This is me 0000-0002-8190-8429

Publication Date September 2, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 44 Issue: 3


APA Aydın Kaya, D., Güzel, Ö., Matur, E., Çerkez, E. E., et al. (2018). Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia, 44(3), 122-127.
AMA Aydın Kaya D, Güzel Ö, Matur E, Çerkez EE, Uğur S, Ergen E, Olğun Erdikmen D. Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs. Actavet. September 2018;44(3):122-127.
Chicago Aydın Kaya, Didar, Özlem Güzel, Erdal Matur, Emine Esma Çerkez, Simge Uğur, Ezgi Ergen, and Dilek Olğun Erdikmen. “Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs”. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 44, no. 3 (September 2018): 122-27.
EndNote Aydın Kaya D, Güzel Ö, Matur E, Çerkez EE, Uğur S, Ergen E, Olğun Erdikmen D (September 1, 2018) Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 44 3 122–127.
IEEE D. Aydın Kaya, “Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs”, Actavet, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 122–127, 2018.
ISNAD Aydın Kaya, Didar et al. “Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs”. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 44/3 (September 2018), 122-127.
JAMA Aydın Kaya D, Güzel Ö, Matur E, Çerkez EE, Uğur S, Ergen E, Olğun Erdikmen D. Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs. Actavet. 2018;44:122–127.
MLA Aydın Kaya, Didar et al. “Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs”. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia, vol. 44, no. 3, 2018, pp. 122-7.
Vancouver Aydın Kaya D, Güzel Ö, Matur E, Çerkez EE, Uğur S, Ergen E, Olğun Erdikmen D. Effects of Diazepam/Propofol and Diazepam/Remifentanil Induction Protocols on the Coagulation in Dogs. Actavet. 2018;44(3):122-7.