Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 45 Issue: 2, 56 - 62, 01.05.2019



  • Allegra, C., Bartolo, M.J., Carioti, B., Cassiani, D., 1995. An original microhaemorheological approach to the pharmacological effects of Daflon 500 mg in severe chronic venous insufficiency. International Journal of Microcirculation, Clinical and Experimental 15, 50-54. Behboudi, H., Esmaeilipour, O., Mirmahmoudi, R., Mazhari, M., 2016. The influence of drinking water containing lemon juice and thyme supplemented diet on performance and some blood parameters of broilers under heat stress. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 6, 169-174. Castillo, M.C., de Allori, C.G., de Gutierrez, R.C., de Saab, O.A., de Fernandez, N.P., de Ruiz, C.S., Holgado, A.P., de Nader, O.M., 2000. Bactericidal activity of lemon juice and lemon derivatives against Vibrio cholerae. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 23, 1235-1238. Catli, A.U., Bozkurt, M., Kucukyilmaz, K., Cinar, M., Bintas, E., Coven, F., Atik, H., 2012. Performance and egg quality of aged laying hens fed diets supplemented with meat and bone meal or oyster shell meal. South African Journal of Animal Science 42, 74-82. Choi, G.S., Lee, S., Jeong, T.S., Lee, M.K., Lee, J.S., Jung, U.J., Kim, H.J., Park, Y.B., Bok, S.H., Choi, M.S., 2004. Evaluation of hesperetin 7-O-lauryl ether as lipid-lowering agent in high-cholesterol-fed rats. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 12, 3599-3605. Del Toro-Arreola, S., Flores-Torales, E., Torres-Lozano, C., Del Toro-Arreola, A., Tostado-Pelayo, K., Guadalupe Ramirez-Duenas, M., Daneri-Navarro, A., 2005. Effect of D-limonene on immune response in BALB/c mice with lymphoma. International Immunopharmacology 5, 829-838. Elaroussi, M.A., Forte, L.R., Eber, S.L., Biellier, H.V., 1994. Calcium homeostasis in the laying hen. 1. Age and dietary calcium effects. Poultry Science 73, 1581-1589. Ezzat, H.N., Shihab, I.M., Hussein, M.A., 2017. Effects of ionized water on certain egg quality traits and the levels of proteins and enzymes in the blood of the Japanese quail Coturnix japonica. International Journal of Poultry Science 16, 69-80. Farghly, M.F.A., Ahmad, E.A.M., Alagawany, M., Abd El-Hack, M.E., Ali, R.A.M., Elnesr, S.S., Taha, A.E., Salah, A.S., 2018. Use of some nutritional supplements in drinking water of growing turkeys during 1st month of age and their effect on performance, meat quality, blood profile and antioxidant status. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 102, 1625-1633. Goliomytis, M., Kostaki, A., Avgoulas, G., Lantzouraki, D.Z., Siapi, E., Zoumpoulakis, P., Simitzis, P., Deligeorgis, S.G., 2018. Dietary supplementation with orange pulp (Citrus sinensis) improves egg yolk oxidative stability in laying hens. Animal Feed Science and Technology 244, 28-35. Goliomytis, M., Orfanou, H., Petrou, E., Charismiadou, M.A., Simitzis, P.E., Deligeorgis, S.G., 2014. Effect of hesperidin dietary supplementation on hen performance, egg quality and yolk oxidative stability. British Poultry Science 55, 98-104. Kadam, A.S., Lonkar, V.D., Patodkar, V.R., Kolangath, S.M., Bhosale, T.A., 2009. Comparative efficacy of supplementation of natural (Citrous limon juice), herbal and synthetic Vitamin C on the immune response of broiler chicken during summer stress. Asian Journal of Poultry Science 3, 57-62. Karadağoğlu, Ö., Özsoy, B., Ölmez, M., Durna Aydın, Ö., Şahin, T., 2018. The effects of drinking water supplemented with essential oils on performance, egg quality and egg yolk fatty acid composition in laying hens. Acta Vet Eurasia 44, 85-92. Karimi Torshizi, M.A., Moghaddam, A.R., Rahimi, S.H., Mojgani, N., 2010. Assessing the effect of administering probiotics in water or as a feed supplement on broiler performance and immune response. British Poultry Science 51, 178-184. Kim, H.K., Jeong, T.S., Lee, M.K., Park, Y.B., Choi, M.S., 2003. Lipid-lowering efficacy of hesperetin metabolites in high-cholesterol fed rats. International Journal of Clinical Chemistry 327, 129-137. K., Kim, C.H., Vaziri, N.D., 2005. HMG-CoA reductase inhibition reverses LCAT and LDL receptor deficiencies and improves HDL in rats with chronic renal failure. American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology 288, F539-544. Mabe, I., Rapp, C., Bain, M.M., Nys, Y., 2003. Supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet with manganese, copper, and zinc from organic or inorganic sources improves eggshell quality in aged laying hens. Poultry Science 82, 1903-1913. Min, Y.N., Liu, F.X., Qi, X., Ji, S., Ma, S.X., Liu, X., Wang, Z.P., Gao, Y.P., 2018. Effects of methionine hydroxyl analog chelated zinc on laying performance, eggshell quality, eggshell mineral deposition, and activities of Zn-containing enzymes in aged laying hens. Poultry Science 97, 3587-3593. Molnar, A., Maertens, L., Ampe, B., Buyse, J., Zoons, J., Delezie, E., 2018. Effect of different split-feeding treatments on performance, egg quality, and bone quality of individually housed aged laying hens. Poultry Science 97, 88-101. Neter, J., Kutner, M.H., Nachtsheim, C.J., Wasserman, W., 1996. Applied Linear Statistical Models. Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, USA NRC, 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry.Nineth Revised Edition, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA Noy, Y., Sklan, D., 1999. Different types of early feeding and performance in chicks and poults. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 8, 16-24. Palamidi, I., Mountzouris, K.C., 2018. Diet supplementation with an organic acids-based formulation affects gut microbiota and expression of gut barrier genes in broilers. Animal Nutrition 4, 367-377. Penniston, K.L., Nakada, S.Y., Holmes, R.P., Assimos, D.G., 2008. Quantitative assessment of citric acid in lemon juice, lime juice, and commercially-available fruit juice products. Journal of Endourology 22, 567-570. Ritzi, M.M., Abdelrahman, W., Mohnl, M., Dalloul, R.A., 2014. Effects of probiotics and application methods on performance and response of broiler chickens to an Eimeria challenge. Poultry Science 93, 2772-2778. Roberts, J.R., 2004. Factors affecting egg internal quality and egg shell quality in laying hens. The Journal of Poultry Science 41, 161-177. Sadjjadi, S.M., Rostami, J., Azadbakht, M., 2006. Giardiacidal activity of lemon juice, vinifer and vinegar on Giardia intestinalis cysts. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 37, 24-27. Samanta, S., Haldar, S., Ghosh, T.K., 2010. Comparative efficacy of an organic Acid blend and bacitracin methylene disalicylate as growth promoters in broiler chickens: effects on performance, gut histology, and small intestinal milieu. Veterinary Medicine International 645150. Shihab, I.M., Ezzat, H.N., Hussein, M.A., 2019. Effect of using ionized water on some productive and physiological performance of Japanese quails. Poultry Science DOI: 10.3382/ps/pey590, in press. Tavakkoli, H., Masallanejad, S.S., Salandari, S., 2014. Effect of lemon juice on the egg shell quality of layers subjected to heat stress. International Journal of Advance Biological Biomedical Research 2, 847-853. Virden, W.S., Dozier, W.A., Corzo, A., Kidd, M.T., 2009. Physiological stress responses in broilers as affected by drinking water supplements or dietary corn particle size. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 18, 244-251. Xu, G., Liu, D., Chen, J., Ye, X., Ma, Y., Shi, J., 2008. Juice components and antioxidant capacity of citrus varieties cultivated in China. Food Chemistry 106, 545-551. Yapo, B.M., 2009. Lemon juice improves the extractability and quality characteristics of pectin from yellow passion fruit by-product as compared with commercial citric acid extractant. Bioresource Technology 100, 3147-3151. Yatao, X., Saeed, M., Kamboh, A.A., Arain, M.A., 2018. The potentially beneficial effects of supplementation with hesperidin in poultry diets. World`s Poultry Science Journal 74, 265-276. Zhang, Y.N., Zhang, H.J., Wang, J., Yue, H.Y., Qi, X.L., Wu, S.G., Qi, G.H., 2017. Effect of dietary supplementation of organic or inorganic zinc on carbonic anhydrase activity in eggshell formation and quality of aged laying hens. Poultry Science 96, 2176-2183.

Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production

Year 2019, Volume: 45 Issue: 2, 56 - 62, 01.05.2019


DOI: 10.26650/actavet.2019.19005

A total of 120 laying hens (57 weeks old)
were randomly assigned to 5 groups and lemon juice (LJ) was daily added to
drinking water (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%,5%) during 4 weeks. Egg production increased
(p<0.05) in 1% and 2.5% LJ groups. The LJ had no effect on feed and water
intake, live weight, feed conversion ratio, egg mass and weight. Haugh unit
increased in 1% LJ group and egg yolk color was lighter in 5% LJ group
(p<0.05). The LJ had no effect on eggshell thickness, albumin and yolk
index. Serum HDL levels increased and Total Antioxidant Status decreased in
0.5% LJ group (p<0.05). The LJ juice had no effect on serum AST, ALT, LDL,
Cholesterol, Glucose, Total Protein, IgG levels and Oxidant Status. Blood
lymphocyte decreased (p<0.05) in 2.5% LJ over control, however, red blood
cell numbers (p<0.01) increased in 1% LJ group. The LJ had no effect on
other hematology parameters. In conclusion, the water supplementation of LJ
showed positive effects on production without adverse effects on egg quality
traits and health of late-phase laying hens. However, the positive responses
may be more relevant to acidity of water. 

Cite this article as: Gültepe, E.E., Iqbal,
A., Çetingül, İ.S., Uyarlar, C., Özçınar, Ü., Bayram, İ., 2019. Effects of
Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of
Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production. Acta Vet Eurasia 2019; DOI:


  • Allegra, C., Bartolo, M.J., Carioti, B., Cassiani, D., 1995. An original microhaemorheological approach to the pharmacological effects of Daflon 500 mg in severe chronic venous insufficiency. International Journal of Microcirculation, Clinical and Experimental 15, 50-54. Behboudi, H., Esmaeilipour, O., Mirmahmoudi, R., Mazhari, M., 2016. The influence of drinking water containing lemon juice and thyme supplemented diet on performance and some blood parameters of broilers under heat stress. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 6, 169-174. Castillo, M.C., de Allori, C.G., de Gutierrez, R.C., de Saab, O.A., de Fernandez, N.P., de Ruiz, C.S., Holgado, A.P., de Nader, O.M., 2000. Bactericidal activity of lemon juice and lemon derivatives against Vibrio cholerae. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 23, 1235-1238. Catli, A.U., Bozkurt, M., Kucukyilmaz, K., Cinar, M., Bintas, E., Coven, F., Atik, H., 2012. Performance and egg quality of aged laying hens fed diets supplemented with meat and bone meal or oyster shell meal. South African Journal of Animal Science 42, 74-82. Choi, G.S., Lee, S., Jeong, T.S., Lee, M.K., Lee, J.S., Jung, U.J., Kim, H.J., Park, Y.B., Bok, S.H., Choi, M.S., 2004. Evaluation of hesperetin 7-O-lauryl ether as lipid-lowering agent in high-cholesterol-fed rats. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 12, 3599-3605. Del Toro-Arreola, S., Flores-Torales, E., Torres-Lozano, C., Del Toro-Arreola, A., Tostado-Pelayo, K., Guadalupe Ramirez-Duenas, M., Daneri-Navarro, A., 2005. Effect of D-limonene on immune response in BALB/c mice with lymphoma. International Immunopharmacology 5, 829-838. Elaroussi, M.A., Forte, L.R., Eber, S.L., Biellier, H.V., 1994. Calcium homeostasis in the laying hen. 1. Age and dietary calcium effects. Poultry Science 73, 1581-1589. Ezzat, H.N., Shihab, I.M., Hussein, M.A., 2017. Effects of ionized water on certain egg quality traits and the levels of proteins and enzymes in the blood of the Japanese quail Coturnix japonica. International Journal of Poultry Science 16, 69-80. Farghly, M.F.A., Ahmad, E.A.M., Alagawany, M., Abd El-Hack, M.E., Ali, R.A.M., Elnesr, S.S., Taha, A.E., Salah, A.S., 2018. Use of some nutritional supplements in drinking water of growing turkeys during 1st month of age and their effect on performance, meat quality, blood profile and antioxidant status. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 102, 1625-1633. Goliomytis, M., Kostaki, A., Avgoulas, G., Lantzouraki, D.Z., Siapi, E., Zoumpoulakis, P., Simitzis, P., Deligeorgis, S.G., 2018. Dietary supplementation with orange pulp (Citrus sinensis) improves egg yolk oxidative stability in laying hens. Animal Feed Science and Technology 244, 28-35. Goliomytis, M., Orfanou, H., Petrou, E., Charismiadou, M.A., Simitzis, P.E., Deligeorgis, S.G., 2014. Effect of hesperidin dietary supplementation on hen performance, egg quality and yolk oxidative stability. British Poultry Science 55, 98-104. Kadam, A.S., Lonkar, V.D., Patodkar, V.R., Kolangath, S.M., Bhosale, T.A., 2009. Comparative efficacy of supplementation of natural (Citrous limon juice), herbal and synthetic Vitamin C on the immune response of broiler chicken during summer stress. Asian Journal of Poultry Science 3, 57-62. Karadağoğlu, Ö., Özsoy, B., Ölmez, M., Durna Aydın, Ö., Şahin, T., 2018. The effects of drinking water supplemented with essential oils on performance, egg quality and egg yolk fatty acid composition in laying hens. Acta Vet Eurasia 44, 85-92. Karimi Torshizi, M.A., Moghaddam, A.R., Rahimi, S.H., Mojgani, N., 2010. Assessing the effect of administering probiotics in water or as a feed supplement on broiler performance and immune response. British Poultry Science 51, 178-184. Kim, H.K., Jeong, T.S., Lee, M.K., Park, Y.B., Choi, M.S., 2003. Lipid-lowering efficacy of hesperetin metabolites in high-cholesterol fed rats. International Journal of Clinical Chemistry 327, 129-137. K., Kim, C.H., Vaziri, N.D., 2005. HMG-CoA reductase inhibition reverses LCAT and LDL receptor deficiencies and improves HDL in rats with chronic renal failure. American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology 288, F539-544. Mabe, I., Rapp, C., Bain, M.M., Nys, Y., 2003. Supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet with manganese, copper, and zinc from organic or inorganic sources improves eggshell quality in aged laying hens. Poultry Science 82, 1903-1913. Min, Y.N., Liu, F.X., Qi, X., Ji, S., Ma, S.X., Liu, X., Wang, Z.P., Gao, Y.P., 2018. Effects of methionine hydroxyl analog chelated zinc on laying performance, eggshell quality, eggshell mineral deposition, and activities of Zn-containing enzymes in aged laying hens. Poultry Science 97, 3587-3593. Molnar, A., Maertens, L., Ampe, B., Buyse, J., Zoons, J., Delezie, E., 2018. Effect of different split-feeding treatments on performance, egg quality, and bone quality of individually housed aged laying hens. Poultry Science 97, 88-101. Neter, J., Kutner, M.H., Nachtsheim, C.J., Wasserman, W., 1996. Applied Linear Statistical Models. Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, USA NRC, 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry.Nineth Revised Edition, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA Noy, Y., Sklan, D., 1999. Different types of early feeding and performance in chicks and poults. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 8, 16-24. Palamidi, I., Mountzouris, K.C., 2018. Diet supplementation with an organic acids-based formulation affects gut microbiota and expression of gut barrier genes in broilers. Animal Nutrition 4, 367-377. Penniston, K.L., Nakada, S.Y., Holmes, R.P., Assimos, D.G., 2008. Quantitative assessment of citric acid in lemon juice, lime juice, and commercially-available fruit juice products. Journal of Endourology 22, 567-570. Ritzi, M.M., Abdelrahman, W., Mohnl, M., Dalloul, R.A., 2014. Effects of probiotics and application methods on performance and response of broiler chickens to an Eimeria challenge. Poultry Science 93, 2772-2778. Roberts, J.R., 2004. Factors affecting egg internal quality and egg shell quality in laying hens. The Journal of Poultry Science 41, 161-177. Sadjjadi, S.M., Rostami, J., Azadbakht, M., 2006. Giardiacidal activity of lemon juice, vinifer and vinegar on Giardia intestinalis cysts. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 37, 24-27. Samanta, S., Haldar, S., Ghosh, T.K., 2010. Comparative efficacy of an organic Acid blend and bacitracin methylene disalicylate as growth promoters in broiler chickens: effects on performance, gut histology, and small intestinal milieu. Veterinary Medicine International 645150. Shihab, I.M., Ezzat, H.N., Hussein, M.A., 2019. Effect of using ionized water on some productive and physiological performance of Japanese quails. Poultry Science DOI: 10.3382/ps/pey590, in press. Tavakkoli, H., Masallanejad, S.S., Salandari, S., 2014. Effect of lemon juice on the egg shell quality of layers subjected to heat stress. International Journal of Advance Biological Biomedical Research 2, 847-853. Virden, W.S., Dozier, W.A., Corzo, A., Kidd, M.T., 2009. Physiological stress responses in broilers as affected by drinking water supplements or dietary corn particle size. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 18, 244-251. Xu, G., Liu, D., Chen, J., Ye, X., Ma, Y., Shi, J., 2008. Juice components and antioxidant capacity of citrus varieties cultivated in China. Food Chemistry 106, 545-551. Yapo, B.M., 2009. Lemon juice improves the extractability and quality characteristics of pectin from yellow passion fruit by-product as compared with commercial citric acid extractant. Bioresource Technology 100, 3147-3151. Yatao, X., Saeed, M., Kamboh, A.A., Arain, M.A., 2018. The potentially beneficial effects of supplementation with hesperidin in poultry diets. World`s Poultry Science Journal 74, 265-276. Zhang, Y.N., Zhang, H.J., Wang, J., Yue, H.Y., Qi, X.L., Wu, S.G., Qi, G.H., 2017. Effect of dietary supplementation of organic or inorganic zinc on carbonic anhydrase activity in eggshell formation and quality of aged laying hens. Poultry Science 96, 2176-2183.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Article

Eyüp Eren Gültepe This is me

Aamir Iqbal This is me

İbrahim Sadi Çetingül This is me

Cangir Uyarlar This is me

Ümit Özçınar This is me

İsmail Bayram This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 45 Issue: 2


APA Gültepe, E. E., Iqbal, A., Çetingül, İ. S., Uyarlar, C., et al. (2019). Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia, 45(2), 56-62.
AMA Gültepe EE, Iqbal A, Çetingül İS, Uyarlar C, Özçınar Ü, Bayram İ. Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production. Actavet. May 2019;45(2):56-62.
Chicago Gültepe, Eyüp Eren, Aamir Iqbal, İbrahim Sadi Çetingül, Cangir Uyarlar, Ümit Özçınar, and İsmail Bayram. “Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production”. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 45, no. 2 (May 2019): 56-62.
EndNote Gültepe EE, Iqbal A, Çetingül İS, Uyarlar C, Özçınar Ü, Bayram İ (May 1, 2019) Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 45 2 56–62.
IEEE E. E. Gültepe, A. Iqbal, İ. S. Çetingül, C. Uyarlar, Ü. Özçınar, and İ. Bayram, “Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production”, Actavet, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 56–62, 2019.
ISNAD Gültepe, Eyüp Eren et al. “Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production”. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 45/2 (May 2019), 56-62.
JAMA Gültepe EE, Iqbal A, Çetingül İS, Uyarlar C, Özçınar Ü, Bayram İ. Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production. Actavet. 2019;45:56–62.
MLA Gültepe, Eyüp Eren et al. “Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production”. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia, vol. 45, no. 2, 2019, pp. 56-62.
Vancouver Gültepe EE, Iqbal A, Çetingül İS, Uyarlar C, Özçınar Ü, Bayram İ. Effects of Lemon Juice on Performance, Egg Quality Trait, and Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens in the Late Phase of Production. Actavet. 2019;45(2):56-62.