Article Writing Template
Title Page (Title Page)
Copyright Transfer Form
Our journal follows the general guidelines for article writing as outlined below.
Article Submission Stages:
TITLE: The title of the work should be written in Times New Roman, size 14, with the initial letters capitalized, and should be text-appropriate, concise, and clear.
ABSTRACT: The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should briefly cover the purpose, significant findings, and results of the study. The abstract should stand alone in terms of coherence. No references should be included in the abstract. If abbreviations are used, they should be defined the first time they appear and should be consistently used throughout the article. Turkish articles should begin with the abstract, while English articles should begin with the abstract, both written in a single paragraph without exceeding the first page (single-spaced, 10-point font). Following the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords should be provided in both Turkish and English.
INTRODUCTION: The article should include main headings such as Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions. These headings should be numbered, written in 12-point and BOLD. (There should be a 12-point space between paragraphs.) The introduction and other main text sections should be prepared in "Times New Roman" font, size 12, and bold, without indentation at the beginning of paragraphs. There should be a single line space between paragraphs.
The introduction section provides basic information about the study, explains the purpose and significance of the study, presents related studies in the literature, and expresses the expected results of the study. Subheadings should not be used in the introduction section. Figures and tables can be used to facilitate narration in the introduction section. The introduction should be supported by literature reviews. Citations in the introduction and other sections should be made with references in APA format. If information about a study previously conducted by someone else or others is provided in the introduction and other sections, citations should be made in APA format (e.g., Bilgin, 2023 or (Berkcan and Keleş, 2023) for prepared article drafts). If there are multiple authors in the citations, the in-text citation style should be applied as Berkcan et al., 2023 for Turkish articles and Keleş et al. for English articles.
Abbreviations used in the article texts should be given in parentheses immediately after their first use, and these abbreviations should be used consistently in subsequent uses (12 points).
Materials and Methods (BOLD 12 POINTS)
The materials used in the study and the preferred method according to the stated purpose in the introduction section should be clearly presented in this section. Sufficient information should be provided for the study to be repeatable. This section can be presented in subheadings if desired (12 points).
2.1. Page Layout (BOLD ITALIC 12 POINTS)
The page layout of the article should be according to the rules specified below. Using the template of this document while preparing the article will ensure compliance with the journal writing format (12 points).
2.1.1. Basic page layout (Italic 12 points)
The prepared article pages should be in A4 (210 x 297 mm) paper size. There should be a margin of 2 cm on the left and right sides, 2 cm at the top, and 2 cm at the bottom. The entire article should consist of a single column.
2.2. Entry of Author Information
The first letter of the authors' names and the entire surname should be written in capital letters, size 12, and in bold. The order of the authors should be given as a superscript, and this order should be adhered to in the ORCID numbers in the address line and in the bottom information. ORCID numbers should be added as a link with a green circular ID icon. Authors' address information should be written in a single line for each author in the order of authors, numerated with a superscript, using 10-point regular text. All necessary information should be written in the relevant table, and the borders of the table should be removed. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) superscript, and the email information for the author is not necessary to be written at the bottom of the page since it is provided in the authors' affiliation information. There is information at the bottom of the first page explaining the corresponding author marked with *.
2.2.1. Headings
The main title of the article should be given in Turkish and English in Turkish-written articles, and in English and Turkish in English-written articles. The article headings should be written in size 14 and centered. Only the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized (except for conjunctions), and all other letters should be in lowercase. Times New Roman font should be used in the headings. The second-level headings (2.1, 2.2, 3.1, etc.) should be bold and left-aligned, with a font size of 12, and the first letter of each word in the heading should be capitalized, and all other letters should be in lowercase. Third (2.1.1, 2.2.2, 3.1.2, etc.) and fourth-level (,,, etc.) subheadings should be written in 12-point italics and left-aligned. Subheadings should not exceed the fourth level. Abbreviations should be avoided in article titles and other headings.
2.2.2. Font Type
The main text of the article should use a plain and justified 12-point "Times New Roman" font. Bold or italic characters can be used for emphasis.
All decimal numbers in the article text should be represented by a "." period, and a "," comma should not be used.
Results and Discussion
In this section, the findings obtained from the study should be clearly and concisely presented. Figures and tables can be used to facilitate the clear presentation of results. The emphasis should be on the importance of the results rather than raw results, and they should be interpreted with reference to the literature. If desired, this section can be presented in subheadings.
3.1. Equations
Equations should be presented in a general font, 12-point, and in MS Word equation format. Equations should be left-aligned on the page, and equation numbers should be right-aligned in parentheses.
If an equation does not fit on one line, it can be presented on multiple lines. Equations can also be provided in the main text when necessary. However, a single-line representation of the equation written in the text is required.
3.2. Figures
Figures should be centered on the page. Figure titles should be centered under each figure, and the figure numbers should be written in bold as Figure 1. If there is a reference to a figure in the main text, it should be cited. The resolution of the figures should be at a good level, and the text within the figures should be legible.
3.3. Tables
Tables should be centered on the page. Table titles should be written aligned with the top of each table, and table numbers should be written in bold as Table 1. If there is a reference to a table in the main text, it should be cited. Tables should not
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Article Writing Template
Title Page (Title Page)
Copyright Transfer Form
Our journal adheres to the general guidelines for article writing as follows.
Article Submission Stages:
TITLE: The title of the work must be written in Times New Roman, size 14, with initial letters capitalized. It should be concise, clear, and in line with the text.
ABSTRACT: The abstract should be within 200 words, summarizing the study's purpose, significant findings, and results. It should stand alone coherently. Avoid including references in the abstract. If abbreviations are used, define them initially and consistently throughout the article. Turkish articles should start with the abstract, and English articles should also begin with the abstract, both as a single paragraph without exceeding the first page (single-spaced, 10-point font). After the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords in both Turkish and English.
INTRODUCTION: The article should include main headings such as Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions. These headings should be numbered, written in 12-point and BOLD. (There should be a 12-point space between paragraphs.) The introduction and other main text sections should be prepared in "Times New Roman" font, size 12, and bold, without indentation at the beginning of paragraphs. There should be a single line space between paragraphs.
The introduction section provides basic information about the study, explains the purpose and significance, presents related studies in the literature, and expresses expected results. Subheadings should not be used in the introduction. Figures and tables can be used to facilitate narration. The introduction should be supported by literature reviews. Citations in the introduction and other sections should be made with references in APA format. If information about a study previously conducted by others is provided, citations should be made in APA format (e.g., Bilgin, 2023 or (Berkcan and Keleş, 2023) for prepared article drafts). If there are multiple authors in the citations, the in-text citation style should be applied as Berkcan et al., 2023 for Turkish articles and Keleş et al. for English articles.
Abbreviations used in the article texts should be given in parentheses immediately after their first use, and consistently used in subsequent uses (12 points).
2. Materials and Methods (BOLD 12 POINTS)
The materials used and the method according to the stated purpose in the introduction should be clearly presented in this section. Sufficient information should be provided for the study to be repeatable. This section can be presented in subheadings if desired (12 points).
2.1. Page Layout (BOLD ITALIC 12 POINTS)
The page layout of the article should be according to the rules specified below. Using the template of this document while preparing the article will ensure compliance with the journal writing format (12 points).
2.1.1. Basic page layout (Italic 12 Points)
The prepared article pages should be in A4 (210 x 297 mm) paper size. There should be a margin of 2 cm on the left and right sides, 2 cm at the top, and 2 cm at the bottom. The entire article should consist of a single column.
2.2. Entry of Author Information
The first letter of the authors' names and the entire surname should be written in capital letters, size 12, and in bold. The order of the authors should be given as a superscript, and this order should be adhered to in the ORCID numbers in the address line and in the bottom information. ORCID numbers should be added as a link with a green circular ID icon. Authors' address information should be written in a single line for each author in the order of authors, numerated with a superscript, using 10-point regular text. All necessary information should be written in the relevant table, and the borders of the table should be removed. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) superscript, and the email information for the author is not necessary to be written at the bottom of the page since it is provided in the authors' affiliation information. There is information at the bottom of the first page explaining the corresponding author marked with *.
2.2.1. Headings
The main title of the article should be given in Turkish and English in Turkish-written articles, and in English and Turkish in English-written articles. The article headings should be written in size 14 and centered. Only the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized (except for conjunctions), and all other letters should be in lowercase. Times New Roman font should be used in the headings. The second-level headings (2.1, 2.2, 3.1, etc.) should be bold and left-aligned, with a font size of 12, and the first letter of each word in the heading should be capitalized, and all other letters should be in lowercase. Third (2.1.1, 2.2.2, 3.1.2, etc.) and fourth-level (,,, etc.) subheadings should be written in 12-point italics and left-aligned. Subheadings should not exceed the fourth level. Abbreviations should be avoided in article titles and other headings.
2.2.2. Font Type
main text of the article should use plain and justified 12-point "Times New Roman" font. Bold or italic characters can be used for emphasis.
Mathematical decimals should be indicated with a "." point, and "," commas should not be used.
3. Results and Discussion
In this section, the results obtained from the study should be presented clearly and distinctly. To enhance clarity, figures and tables can be used. Rather than focusing on raw results, emphasize the importance of the results, interpret them with support from the literature, and consider presenting this section with subheadings if desired.
3.1. Equations
Equations should be presented in general font, size 12, and in MS Word equation format. Equations should be left-justified on the page, and equation numbers should be right-justified in parentheses.
If an equation does not fit on a single line, it can be presented on multiple lines. In necessary cases, equations can also be included in the main text. However, the equation written in the main text should be in a single line.
3.2. Figures
Figures should be centered on the page. Figure captions should be written centered below each figure, and figure numbers should be written in bold as "Figure 1." If referencing a figure in the main text, it should be properly cited. The resolution of figures should be of high quality, and the text within the figures should be legible.
3.3. Tables
Tables should be centered on the page. Table captions should be written centered above each table, and table numbers should be written in bold as "Table 1." If referencing a table in the main text, it should be properly cited. Tables should not be in image format, they should be drawn in MS Word, and the text within the tables should be in 11-point font. If a table is too large to fit on a page, the text within the table can be written in 10-point font.
4. Conclusions
In the conclusions, briefly provide important information obtained from the study and clearly state the impact of the fundamental results of the study (12 points). This section can be presented in bullet points.
You can access this article writing template from the Artvin Çoruh University Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences website (
This section is optional. After the peer review and acceptance for publication, information about the supporting institution, project, person, etc., if any, can be specified in this section.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Similarity Rate (iThenticate): 20%
Here, the similarity rate of the article should be declared.
Each reference must be included in the "References" section. References should be given in alphabetical order. References should be single-spaced and in 11-point font. The citation format of the references should comply with the American Psychological Association (APA 6.0) rules. However, the "&" symbol in APA style should be used. There should be only a "period" at the end of the author's name preceding this symbol, not a "comma." Journal names in references should be written explicitly and in italics. The names of all authors should be given.
In-text citations for authors or authors:
Single author:
Baysal (1982) stated...
(Baysal, 1982)
Two authors:
According to Wegener and Petty (1994)...
(Wegener and Petty, 1994)
Three to five authors:
Only the first author's name is given, followed by "et al.";
(Kernis et al., 1993)
Six or more authors:
Only the first author's name is given, followed by "et al.";
(Harris et al., 2001)
Reference examples are given below:
If the source is an article:
Author, A., Author, B.B., & Author, C. (year). Title of the published article. Title of the journal where the article is published, Volume and issue number 7(1), page number range 1-12.
Bilgin, A., & Ateş, E. (2021). Pb(II) Adsorption on Eastern Spruce Sawdust (Turkey) by Applying Taguchi Method and Adsorption Isotherms. Water Air Soil Pollut. (9) 232, 470-485.
If the source is a book:
Author, A. (year). Title of the book (capitalized first letters), Publisher, ISBN: number, Place of publication (City, Country).
Bergman, T. L., Lavine & A. S. (2011). Incropera, F. P., Dewitt, D. P., Introduction to Heat Transfer, Wiley, Sixth Edition. New Jersey, USA.
If the source is a thesis:
Author, A. (year). Title of the master's or doctoral thesis (capitalized first letters), Type of thesis, University, City, Country.
Bilgin, A. (2011). Endosulfanın biyolojik parçalanması için biyobariyer kullanımı ve mikroorganizma türlerinin belirlenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, TÜRKİYE.
If the source is a conference, congress, or symposium paper:
Author, A., Author, B.B., & Author, C. (year). Title of the paper, Name of the symposium, congress, meeting, or conference where the paper was published, Date held, City where held, Country.
Bilgin, A. (2022). Assessment of Lake Water Quality Using Trophic State Index and Multivariable Statistical Analysis: A Case Study of Karagöl, Şavşat, Turkey, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, June 05-08, 2022, Atlanta, USA.
If the source is a report from an organization:
Name of the publishing organization (if short name exists), (year). Title of the report. Place of publication, Country, If there is a publication number, Number of pages (25p.)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), (1978). Initial Results of a Porous Plug Nozzle For Super Sonic Jet Noise Supression. Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA, N79-13820, (21p.)
If the source is a website:
URL-sequence number, (year). Internet address of the website, date of access.
For example; URL-1, (2018)., August 22, 2018.
For articles presented in English, citations in the full text should be shown, and for sources with more than two authors, the arrangement should be formatted as follows: "et al." should be placed after the surname of the first author (Bilgin et al., 2016).
After the scientific original articles are registered through the journal website (, they should be submitted online.
**Title Page and Copyright Transfer Form**
In the submission steps, a separate Word Document must be sent as the "Editorial Letter" section. This document should include the names of the authors, the names of the institutions they work for, and the authors' ORCID numbers.
Additionally, it should specify the relevant field of science to which the submitted article adheres, following the publication policy of the Artvin Çoruh University Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
Authors should also provide contact information for at least three potential reviewers, including their names, surnames, and email addresses. The proposed reviewers should be from institutions other than those of the authors. This information should be uploaded to the title page.