UBER’in Sürücüsüz Aracının Neden Olduğu Ölümlü Kazanın Türk Ceza Kanunu Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2021,
Issue: 66, 315 - 332, 18.05.2021
Hüseyin Ateş
Mustafa Tırtır
Teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte yeni kavramlar ve yeni sorunlar meydana gelmekte, bu sorunlara ise çözüm arayışı içine girilmektedir. Son yıllardır adını sıklıkla duyduğumuz otonom araç kavramı ve bu araçların karışmış olduğu ölümlü/yaralanmalı trafik kazalarında kimin/kimlerin cezai olarak sorumlu tutulacağı tartışma konusudur. Uber firmasına ait otonom aracın dâhil olduğu ve bir yayanın ölümüyle sonuçlanan trafik kazası türünün ilk örneği olması sebebiyle incelenmiştir. Söz konusu ölümlü trafik kazasının Türkiye’de meydana geldiği düşünüldüğünde kimin/kimlerin ceza hukuku açısından sorumlu tutulması gerektiği çalışmamız kapsamında incelenecektir. Bu kapsamda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde sürdürülen soruşturma aşamalarına da ayrıca değinilecektir.
- Alexandra DeArman, “The Wild, Wild West: A Case Study of Self Driving Vehicle Testing in Arizona”, 61 Arizona Law Review. 983 (2019), 984-1012, (https://arizonalawreview.org/the-wild-wild-west-a-case-study-of-self-driving-vehicle-testing-in-arizona/ , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Artuk, Mehmet Emin /Gökcen, Ahmet/Alşahin, Mehmet Emin/Çakır,Kerim , Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler, Adalet Yayınevi, Ankara, 2020,14. Baskı,
- Aupperlee, Aaron, “Pittsburgh's Edge Case Research can simulate self-driving car 'nightmare scenario'”, 04.04.2018, (https://archive.triblive.com/business/technology/pittsburghs-edge-case-research-can-simulate-self-driving-car-nightmare-scenario/ , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Baker & McKenzie, Global Driverless Vehicle Survey 2018,
(https://www.bakermckenzie.com/-/media/files/insight/publications/2018/03/global-driverless-vehicle-survey-2018/mm_global_driverlessvehiclesurvey2018_mar2018.pdf, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Coppola, Chris/ Frank, BrieAnna J., “Report: Uber Driver Was Watching ‘The Voice’ Moments Before Fatal Tempe Crash”, AZCENTRAL (17.03.2021), (https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe-breaking/2018/06/21/uber-self-driving-car-crash-tempe-police-elaine-herzberg/724344002/ , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- De Bruyne, Jan / Vanleenhove, Cedric, “The Rise of Self-Driving Cars: Is the Private International Law Framework for non-contractual obligations posing a bump in the road?”, IALS Student Law Review. 5. (https://journals.sas.ac.uk/lawreview/article/view/2819, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Executive Order 2018-04, Advancing Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Operating:Prioritizing Public Safety, State of Arizona, (https://apps.azdot.gov/files/sitefinity-files/Executive-Order-2018-04.pdf , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Hilgendorf, Eric “Autonomous systems, artificial intelligence and robots: An orientation from a criminal law perspective?”, Journal of Law & Economic Regulation, Vol.12, No:2, (2019), 9-25
- Hilgendorf, Eric, “Automated Driving and the Law”, in Robotics, Autonomics, and the Law eds. Hilgendorf, Eric/Seidel, Uwe, Baden-Baden, Germany, Nomos, 2017, p.171-195
- Ilková, Viktória/ Ilka, Adrian, “Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles – an overview (pre-print)”. 21st International Conference on Process Control (PC) June 6–9, 2017, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia,428-433
(https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317580822_Legal_aspects_of_autonomous_vehicles_-_an_overview_pre-print , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- KPMG, 2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index,
(https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/xx/pdf/2019/02/2019-autonomous-vehicles-readiness-index.pdf, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021 )
- Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, “Grand Jury Indictment Returned on Rafael (aka Rafaela) Vasquez”
(https://www.maricopacountyattorney.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=751 , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Shetty, Sameepa, “Uber’s self-driving cars are a key to its path to profitability”
(https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/28/ubers-self-driving-cars-are-a-key-to-its-path-to-profitability. html , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Society for Automotive Engineers, SAE J3016 Levels of Driving Automation
(https://www.sae.org/news/2019/01/sae-updates-j3016-automated-driving-graphic, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Somerville, Heather/ Shepardson, David, “Uber car's 'safety' driver streamed TV show before fatal crash: police”
(https://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-selfdriving-crash/uber-cars-safety-driver-streamed-tv-show-before-fatal-crash-police-idUSKBN1JI0LB , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Sputnik, “Sürücü koltuğunda kimsenin olmadığı ilk ölümcül kaza: Sürücüsüz Tesla aracının yaptığı kazada 2 can kaybı”, https://sptnkne.ws/FY3b, Online, Accesed on 27.04.2021
- State of California Department of Motor Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles
(https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vr/autonomous/bkgd, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- State of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles
(https://dmvnv.com/autonomous.htm, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021),
- The USA National Transportation Safety Board, Preliminary Report: Highway, HWY18MH010 (2018) (https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Pages/HWY18MH010-prelim.aspx , Online, Access Date: 04.03.2021)
- The USA National Transportation Safety Board, “Accident Report NTSB/HAR-19/03 PB2019-101402 -Collision Between Vehicle Controlled by Developmental Automated Driving System and Pedestrian Tempe, Arizona March 18, 2018”, Washington, DC. , 19 November 2019
(https://ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/HAR1903.pdf , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Thrun, Sebastian, Toward Robotic Cars, Communications of the ACM, April 2010
(https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1721654.1721679 , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Vlasic, Bill/Boudette,Neal E., “Self-Driving Tesla Was Involved in Fatal Crash, U.S. Says”
(https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/01/business/self-driving-tesla-fatal-crash-investigation.html, Online, Access Date: 21.02.2021)
- Winkler, Kira Christin, “Autonomous Vehicles Regulation in Germany and the US and Its Impact on the German Car Industry”, Master Thesis, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University, Tilburg, June 2019
(http://arno.uvt.nl/show.cgi?fid=149595 , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
An Evaluation of the Uber’s Autonomous Car Crash in the Scope of Turkish Criminal Law
Year 2021,
Issue: 66, 315 - 332, 18.05.2021
Hüseyin Ateş
Mustafa Tırtır
New concepts and new problems occur as technology develops and for this reason, new solutions are being sought. The concept of autonomous cars, which we have often heard about in recent years, and who will be held criminally responsible for fatal / injured traffic accidents caused by these vehicles are the questions of debate. The incident has been examined as it is the first example of the type of traffic accident that resulted in pedestrian’s death by an autonomous car. Considering that the fatal traffic accident occurred in Turkey, who would need to be held responsible regarding criminal law will be examined within the scope of the study. In this context, the investigation stages carried out in the United States will also be mentioned in the study.
- Alexandra DeArman, “The Wild, Wild West: A Case Study of Self Driving Vehicle Testing in Arizona”, 61 Arizona Law Review. 983 (2019), 984-1012, (https://arizonalawreview.org/the-wild-wild-west-a-case-study-of-self-driving-vehicle-testing-in-arizona/ , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Artuk, Mehmet Emin /Gökcen, Ahmet/Alşahin, Mehmet Emin/Çakır,Kerim , Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler, Adalet Yayınevi, Ankara, 2020,14. Baskı,
- Aupperlee, Aaron, “Pittsburgh's Edge Case Research can simulate self-driving car 'nightmare scenario'”, 04.04.2018, (https://archive.triblive.com/business/technology/pittsburghs-edge-case-research-can-simulate-self-driving-car-nightmare-scenario/ , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Baker & McKenzie, Global Driverless Vehicle Survey 2018,
(https://www.bakermckenzie.com/-/media/files/insight/publications/2018/03/global-driverless-vehicle-survey-2018/mm_global_driverlessvehiclesurvey2018_mar2018.pdf, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Coppola, Chris/ Frank, BrieAnna J., “Report: Uber Driver Was Watching ‘The Voice’ Moments Before Fatal Tempe Crash”, AZCENTRAL (17.03.2021), (https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe-breaking/2018/06/21/uber-self-driving-car-crash-tempe-police-elaine-herzberg/724344002/ , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- De Bruyne, Jan / Vanleenhove, Cedric, “The Rise of Self-Driving Cars: Is the Private International Law Framework for non-contractual obligations posing a bump in the road?”, IALS Student Law Review. 5. (https://journals.sas.ac.uk/lawreview/article/view/2819, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Executive Order 2018-04, Advancing Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Operating:Prioritizing Public Safety, State of Arizona, (https://apps.azdot.gov/files/sitefinity-files/Executive-Order-2018-04.pdf , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Hilgendorf, Eric “Autonomous systems, artificial intelligence and robots: An orientation from a criminal law perspective?”, Journal of Law & Economic Regulation, Vol.12, No:2, (2019), 9-25
- Hilgendorf, Eric, “Automated Driving and the Law”, in Robotics, Autonomics, and the Law eds. Hilgendorf, Eric/Seidel, Uwe, Baden-Baden, Germany, Nomos, 2017, p.171-195
- Ilková, Viktória/ Ilka, Adrian, “Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles – an overview (pre-print)”. 21st International Conference on Process Control (PC) June 6–9, 2017, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia,428-433
(https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317580822_Legal_aspects_of_autonomous_vehicles_-_an_overview_pre-print , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- KPMG, 2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index,
(https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/xx/pdf/2019/02/2019-autonomous-vehicles-readiness-index.pdf, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021 )
- Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, “Grand Jury Indictment Returned on Rafael (aka Rafaela) Vasquez”
(https://www.maricopacountyattorney.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=751 , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Shetty, Sameepa, “Uber’s self-driving cars are a key to its path to profitability”
(https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/28/ubers-self-driving-cars-are-a-key-to-its-path-to-profitability. html , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Society for Automotive Engineers, SAE J3016 Levels of Driving Automation
(https://www.sae.org/news/2019/01/sae-updates-j3016-automated-driving-graphic, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Somerville, Heather/ Shepardson, David, “Uber car's 'safety' driver streamed TV show before fatal crash: police”
(https://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-selfdriving-crash/uber-cars-safety-driver-streamed-tv-show-before-fatal-crash-police-idUSKBN1JI0LB , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Sputnik, “Sürücü koltuğunda kimsenin olmadığı ilk ölümcül kaza: Sürücüsüz Tesla aracının yaptığı kazada 2 can kaybı”, https://sptnkne.ws/FY3b, Online, Accesed on 27.04.2021
- State of California Department of Motor Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles
(https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vr/autonomous/bkgd, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- State of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles
(https://dmvnv.com/autonomous.htm, Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021),
- The USA National Transportation Safety Board, Preliminary Report: Highway, HWY18MH010 (2018) (https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Pages/HWY18MH010-prelim.aspx , Online, Access Date: 04.03.2021)
- The USA National Transportation Safety Board, “Accident Report NTSB/HAR-19/03 PB2019-101402 -Collision Between Vehicle Controlled by Developmental Automated Driving System and Pedestrian Tempe, Arizona March 18, 2018”, Washington, DC. , 19 November 2019
(https://ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/HAR1903.pdf , Online, Access Date: 05.03.2021)
- Thrun, Sebastian, Toward Robotic Cars, Communications of the ACM, April 2010
(https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1721654.1721679 , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)
- Vlasic, Bill/Boudette,Neal E., “Self-Driving Tesla Was Involved in Fatal Crash, U.S. Says”
(https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/01/business/self-driving-tesla-fatal-crash-investigation.html, Online, Access Date: 21.02.2021)
- Winkler, Kira Christin, “Autonomous Vehicles Regulation in Germany and the US and Its Impact on the German Car Industry”, Master Thesis, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University, Tilburg, June 2019
(http://arno.uvt.nl/show.cgi?fid=149595 , Online, Access Date: 20.02.2021)