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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 27 - 50, 01.04.2019


İmplant destekli protezlerin yapımında kullanılan
farklı ölçü yöntemleri ve ölçü materyalleri,
implant açısı, sayısı gibi klinik faktörler ölçünün
doğruluğunu etkileyerek implantın başarısına
büyük ölçüde tesir etmektedir. İmplant destekli
protezlerin pasif uyumu, başarılı bir tedavi için
çok önemli bir faktördür, Uyumlu bir protez
yapılabilmesi için öncelikle doğru ve net bir ölçü
alınması gerekmektedir. implant komponentleri
ve protez arasında hatalı bir ölçü sonucunda
oluşabilecek uyumsuzluk; vida gevşemesi,
vida kırığı, plak akümülasyonunda artış, hatta
osteointegrasyon kaybı ve implant kırığı gibi
mekanik ve/veya biyolojik komplikasyonlara
neden olabilmektedir. İmplant destekli protezlerde
ölçüyü etkileyen faktörler; ölçü tekniği, ölçü
materyalleri, ölçü kopinglerinin splintlenmesi
veya splintlenmemesi, splintleme materyali,
implant sayısı ve açısı olarak bildirilmiştir.
İmplant destekli protezlerde kullanılan farklı ölçü
yöntemleri ve materyallerinin karşılaştırılması ve
ölçünün doğruluğunu etkileyen klinik faktörlerin
tartışılması halen güncelliğini korumaktadır.
Bu derlemenin amacı; implant üstü protezlerde
standart ölçü yöntem ve tekniklerinin, özellikle
dijital ölçünün daha popüler hale geldiği bu son
yılların güncel makaleleri içinde geleneksel manuel
ölçünün yerinin tesipiti yapılırken, son durumunun
da sistematik olarak gözden geçirilmesiyle;
aralarından halen geçerliliğini koruyan en uygun
yöntemi tarif edecek araştırmayı ve karşılaştırmayı
yaparak ortaya koymaktı,


  • 1. Layla Assila ve ark, İmpression Techniques For İmplant Dentistry (part1):closed tray technique. 2018. Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(12): 1249- 1252. 2. Alikhasi M., Siadat H., Monzavi A., Momen- Heravi F. Three-Dimensional accuracy of implant and abutment level impression techniques: Effect of marginal discrepancy. Journal of Oral Implantology, 2011; 6: 649- 657. 3.Prithviraj DR, Pujari ML, Garg P., Shruthi DP. Accuracy of the implant impression obtained from different impression materials and techniques: review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2011; 3(2): e106-111. 4.Balouch F., Jalalian E., Nikkheslat M., Ghavamian R., Toopchi Sh., Jallalian F., Jalalian S. Comparison of Dimensional Accuracy between Open-Tray and Closed- Tray Implant Impression Technique for 15° Angle Implants. J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Sept. 2013; 14(3): 96-102. 5.Chee W., Jivraj S. Impression techniques for implant dentistry. British Dental Journal 2006; 201: 429-432 6.Shankar YR., Sahoo S., Krishna MH., Kumar PS., Kumar TS., Narula S. Accuracy of implant impressions using various impression techniques and impression materials. J Dent Implant 2016; 6: 29-36. 7. Lee H., Joseph S. So, Hochstedler JL., Ercoli C. The accuracy of implant impressions: A systematic review. Prosthet Dent. 2008; 100: 285-291. 8.Baig M.R. Multi-unit implant impression accuracy: A review of the literature. Quintessence Int 2014; 45: 39-51. 9. Maria menini ve ark .«Accuracy of multi –unit implant impression: technique versus a digital procedure. J Prosthet. 2018 Apr; 22(3): 1253-1262. 10. Accuracyofmulti-unitimplantimpression: traditionaltechniques versus a digital procedure Clin Oral Invest, 2018, 22: 1253-1262. 11. Lee H., So JS., Hochstedler JL., Ercoli C. The accuracy of implant impressions: a systematic review. J Prosthet Dent, 2008, 100: 285-291. 12. Baig MR. Accuracy of impressions of multiple implants in the edentulous arch: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 2004, 29: 869-880. 13. De La Cruz JE,, Funkenbusch PD,, Ercoli C,, Moss ME,, Graser GN,, Tallents RH. (2002) Verification jig for implant-supported prostheses: a comparison of standard impressions with verification jigs made of different materials. J Prosthet Dent, 88: 329-336. 14. Naconecy MM., Teixeira ER., Shinkai RS., Frasca LC., Cervieri A. Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer techniques for implantsupported prostheses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004, 19: 192- 198. 15. Burawi G., Houston F., Byrne D., Claffey N. A comparisonof the dimensional accuracy ofthesplinted andunsplintedimpression techniques for the Bone-Lockimplant system. J Prosthet Dent, 1997, 77: 68-75. 16. Keul C., Stawarczyk B., Erdelt KJ., Beuer F., Edelhoff D., Güth JF. Fit of 4-unit FDPs made of zirconia and CoCr-alloy after chairside and labside digitalization-a laboratory study. Dent Mater, 2014, 30: 400-407. 17. Keul C., Stawarczyk B., Erdelt KJ., Beuer F., Edelhoff D., Güth JF. Fit of 4-unit FDPs made of zirconia and CoCr-alloy after chairside and labside digitalization-a laboratory study. Dent Mater, 2014 30: 400-407. 18. Syrek A., Reich G., Ranftl D., Klein C., Cerny B., Brodesser J. Clinical evaluation of all-ceramic crowns fabricated from intraoral digital impressions based on the principle of active wavefront sampling. J Dent, 2010, 38: 553-559. 19. Joda T., Katsoulis J., Brägger U. Clinical fitting and adjustmenttimeforimplant-suppor tedcrownscomparingdigitalandconventional workflows. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015. 10.1111/cid.12377. 20. Hüseyin Aktöre ve ark. The evaluation of factors that affect the accuracy of implant impressions. J Cumuryet dental. 2014 available at. cumudj/21.20 Pandita A, Jain T, Yadav NS, Feroz SM,Pradeep, Diwedi A. Evaluation and comparison of dimensional accuracy of newly introduced elastomeric impression material using 3D laser scanners: an in vitro study. J Contemp Dent Pract, 2013; 14: 265-268. 21. Carr AB. Comparison of impression techniques for a two-implant 15-degree divergent model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1992;7: 468-475. 22. Jo SH, Kim KI, Seo JM, Song KY, Park JM, Ahn SG. Effect of impression coping and implant angulation on the accuracy of implant impressions: an in vitro study. J Adv Prosthodont 2010;2:128-133. 23. Reddy S, Prasad K, Vakil H, Jain A, Chowdhary R. Accuracy of impressions with different impression materials in angulated implants. Niger J Clin Pract 2013;16: 279-284. 24. Assuncao WG, Cardoso A, Gomes EA, Tabata LF, dos Santos PH. Accuracy of impression techniques for implants. Part 1--Influence of transfer copings surface abrasion. J Prosthodont 2008;17: 641-647. 25. Mostafa TMN, Elgendy MNM, Kashef NA, Halim MM. Evaluation of the precision of three implant transfer impression techniques using two elastomeric impression materials. Int J Prosthodont 2010; 23: 525-528. 26. Lee SJ, Macarthur RX 4th, Gallucci GO. An evaluation of student and clinician perception of digital and conventional implant impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2013; 110: 420- 423. 27. Reddy S, Prasad K, Vakil H, Jain A, Chowdhary R. Accuracy of impressions with different impression materials in angulated implants. Niger J Clin Pract 2013; 16 :279-284. 28.Vigolo P, Majzoub Z, Cordioli G. Evaluation of the accuracy of three techniques used for multiple implant abutment impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 186-192. 29. Naconecy MM, Teixeira ER, Shinkai RS, Frasca LC, Cervieri A. Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer techniques for implantsupported prostheses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2004; 19: 192- 198. 30. Lorenzoni M, Pertl C, Penkner K, Polansky R, Sedaj B, Wegscheider WA. Comparison of the transfer precision of three different impression materials incombination with transfer caps for the Frialit-2 system. J Oral Rehabil 2000; 27: 629-638. 31. Assuncao WG, Cardoso A, Gomes EA, Tabata LF, dos Santos PH. Accuracy of impression techniques for implants. Part 1--Influence of transfer copings. 32.Conrad HJ, Pesun IJ, Delong R, Hodges JS. Accuracy of two impression techniques with angulated implants. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 97: 349-356. 33.Gayathridevi S.K, Harshita G.,Vaishali K., Suma. Impression Techniques in Implants. Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 12 Issue 02 Aug 2016. 34.Alexander Schmidt ve ark. accuracy of various impression materialis and for two implant systems. 2018 Apr; 62(2): 245-251. 35.W. Engelke, O.A. Decco, A.C. Cura, I. Maldonado, F.G. CrippaInfluence of implant diameter in the displacement of dental implants in trabecular bovine bone under a static lateral load: experimental results and computational modelingImplant Dent, 23(2014): 635-640. 36. Ece, Şengül ve ark. impression techniques used in implant-supported prosthesis: a review. 2015; 13 (2): 37-43. 37. Humphries RM, Yaman P, Bloem TJ. The accuracy of implant master casts constructed from transfer impressions. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1990; 5: 331. 38. De La Cruz JE, Funkenbusch PD, Ercoli C, Moss ME, Graser GN, Tallents RH. Verification jigs made of different materials. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 329-336. 39. Phillips KM, Nicholls JI, Ma T, Rubenstein J. The accuracy of three implant impression techniques: A three-dimensional analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1994; 9: 533-540. 40. Assuncao WG, Filho HG, Zaniquelli O. Evaluation of transfer impressions for osseointegrated implants at various angulations. İmplant Dentistry 2004; 13: 358-364. 41. Selecman AM, Wicks RA. Making an implant-level impression using solid plastik, pres-fit, closed-tray impression copings: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2009; 101: 158-159. 42.Phillips KM, Nicholls JI, Ma T, Rubenstein J. The accuracy of three implant impression techniques: A three-dimensional analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1994, s: 53340. 44. Craig RG, Powers JM. Restorative Dental Materials. 11th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002 45. Jo SH, Kim KI, Seo JM, Song KY, Park JM, Ahn SG. Effect of impression coping and implant angulation on the accuracy of implant impressions: An in vitro study. J Adv Prosthodont 2010; 2: 128-133. 46. Lee H, So JS, Hochstedler JL, Ercoli C. The accuracy of implant impressions: A systematic review. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 100: 285-291. 47. Wee AG. Comparison of impression materials for direct multi-implant impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 323-331. 48. Al Quran FA, Rashdan BA, Zomar AA, Weiner S. Passive fit and accuracy of three dental implant impression techniques. Quintessence Int 2012; 43: 119-125. 49. Kim S, Nicholls JI, Han CH, Lee KW. Displacement of implant components from impressions to definitive casts. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2006; 21: 747-755. 50. Akalin ZF, Ozkan YK, Ekerim A. Effects of implant angulation, impression material, and variation in arch curvature width on implant transfer model accuracy. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2013; 28: 149-157. 52. D’Arcangelo C, Zarow M, De Angelis F, VadiniM, Paolantonio M, Giannoni M, D’Amario M.Five-year retrospective clinical study of indirectcomposite restorations luted with a light-curedcomposite in posterior teeth. Clin Oral Investig.18(2):615-24 (2014). 53. D’arcangelo C, De Angelis F, Vadini M,D’Amario M. Clinical evaluation on porcelainlaminate veneers bonded with lightcuredcomposite: results up to 7 years. Clinical oral investigations. 16(4):1071-9 (2012). 54.Herfort TW, Gerberich WW, Macosko CW, Goodkind RJ. Tear strength of elastomeric mpression materials J Prosthet Dent. 39(1):59- 62: (1978). 55. Al-Kaisy N. A Survey of Prosthodontics Techniques Applied by Dental Practitioners in Sulaimani City. J Bagh Coll Dentistry; 28(3):22-29) (2016). 56. Reddy GV, Reddy NS, Itttigi J, Jagadeesh KN. A comparative study to determine the wettabilityand castability of different elastomeric impressionmaterials. J Contemp Dent Pract. 13(3):356-63(2012 ). 57. Filho HG, Mazaro JVQ, Vedovatto E, Assunçao WG, dos Santos PH. Accuracy of impression techniques for implants. Part 2 - comparison of splinting techniques. J Prosthodont 2009;18:172-176. 58. Buzayan M, Baig MR, Yunus N. Evaluation of accuracy of completearch multiple-unit abutment-level dental implant impressions using different impression and splinting materials. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2013;28:1512-1520. 59.Sorrentino R, Gherlone EF, Calesini G, Zarone F. Effect of implant angulation, connection length, and impression material on the dimensional accuracy of implant impressions: an in vitrocomparative study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2010;12:63-76 60.Petrie, CS, Walker, MP, O’Mahony, AM, andSpencer, P. Dimensional accuracy and surfacedetail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinylpolysiloxane impression materials tested underdry, moist, and wet conditions. J ProsthetDent.; 90: 365–372 (2003). 61. Kess RS, Combe EC, Sparks BS. Effect ofsurface treatments on the wettability of vinyl polysiloxane impression materials. J ProsthetDent. 84(1):98-102 (2000). 62. Nassar U1, Oko A, Adeeb S, El-Rich M, Flores-Mir C. An in vitro study on the dimensionalstability of a vinyl polyether silicone impressionmaterial over a prolonged storage period. JProsthet Dent. 109(3):172-8. 63. Pandita A1, Jain T, Yadav NS, Feroz SM, Pradeep, Diwedi A. Evaluation and comparison of dimensional accuracy of newly introducedelastomeric impression material using 3D laser scanners: an in vitro study. J Contemp DentMohammed et al. Biomed. & Pharmacol. J, Vol. 11(3), 1359-1368 (2018) 1367Pract. 14(2):265-8 (2013). 64. Herbst D, Nel JC, Driessen CH, Becker PJ. Evaluation of impression accuracy for osseointegrated implant-supported superstructures. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:555- 61. 65. Naconecy MM, Teixeira ER, Shinkai RS, Frasca LC, Cervieri A. Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer techniques for implantsupported prostheses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac. Implants 2004;19:192-8.
Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 27 - 50, 01.04.2019



  • 1. Layla Assila ve ark, İmpression Techniques For İmplant Dentistry (part1):closed tray technique. 2018. Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(12): 1249- 1252. 2. Alikhasi M., Siadat H., Monzavi A., Momen- Heravi F. Three-Dimensional accuracy of implant and abutment level impression techniques: Effect of marginal discrepancy. Journal of Oral Implantology, 2011; 6: 649- 657. 3.Prithviraj DR, Pujari ML, Garg P., Shruthi DP. Accuracy of the implant impression obtained from different impression materials and techniques: review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2011; 3(2): e106-111. 4.Balouch F., Jalalian E., Nikkheslat M., Ghavamian R., Toopchi Sh., Jallalian F., Jalalian S. Comparison of Dimensional Accuracy between Open-Tray and Closed- Tray Implant Impression Technique for 15° Angle Implants. J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Sept. 2013; 14(3): 96-102. 5.Chee W., Jivraj S. Impression techniques for implant dentistry. British Dental Journal 2006; 201: 429-432 6.Shankar YR., Sahoo S., Krishna MH., Kumar PS., Kumar TS., Narula S. Accuracy of implant impressions using various impression techniques and impression materials. J Dent Implant 2016; 6: 29-36. 7. Lee H., Joseph S. So, Hochstedler JL., Ercoli C. The accuracy of implant impressions: A systematic review. Prosthet Dent. 2008; 100: 285-291. 8.Baig M.R. Multi-unit implant impression accuracy: A review of the literature. Quintessence Int 2014; 45: 39-51. 9. Maria menini ve ark .«Accuracy of multi –unit implant impression: technique versus a digital procedure. J Prosthet. 2018 Apr; 22(3): 1253-1262. 10. Accuracyofmulti-unitimplantimpression: traditionaltechniques versus a digital procedure Clin Oral Invest, 2018, 22: 1253-1262. 11. Lee H., So JS., Hochstedler JL., Ercoli C. The accuracy of implant impressions: a systematic review. J Prosthet Dent, 2008, 100: 285-291. 12. Baig MR. Accuracy of impressions of multiple implants in the edentulous arch: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 2004, 29: 869-880. 13. De La Cruz JE,, Funkenbusch PD,, Ercoli C,, Moss ME,, Graser GN,, Tallents RH. (2002) Verification jig for implant-supported prostheses: a comparison of standard impressions with verification jigs made of different materials. J Prosthet Dent, 88: 329-336. 14. Naconecy MM., Teixeira ER., Shinkai RS., Frasca LC., Cervieri A. Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer techniques for implantsupported prostheses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004, 19: 192- 198. 15. Burawi G., Houston F., Byrne D., Claffey N. A comparisonof the dimensional accuracy ofthesplinted andunsplintedimpression techniques for the Bone-Lockimplant system. J Prosthet Dent, 1997, 77: 68-75. 16. Keul C., Stawarczyk B., Erdelt KJ., Beuer F., Edelhoff D., Güth JF. Fit of 4-unit FDPs made of zirconia and CoCr-alloy after chairside and labside digitalization-a laboratory study. Dent Mater, 2014, 30: 400-407. 17. Keul C., Stawarczyk B., Erdelt KJ., Beuer F., Edelhoff D., Güth JF. Fit of 4-unit FDPs made of zirconia and CoCr-alloy after chairside and labside digitalization-a laboratory study. Dent Mater, 2014 30: 400-407. 18. Syrek A., Reich G., Ranftl D., Klein C., Cerny B., Brodesser J. Clinical evaluation of all-ceramic crowns fabricated from intraoral digital impressions based on the principle of active wavefront sampling. J Dent, 2010, 38: 553-559. 19. Joda T., Katsoulis J., Brägger U. Clinical fitting and adjustmenttimeforimplant-suppor tedcrownscomparingdigitalandconventional workflows. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015. 10.1111/cid.12377. 20. Hüseyin Aktöre ve ark. The evaluation of factors that affect the accuracy of implant impressions. J Cumuryet dental. 2014 available at. cumudj/21.20 Pandita A, Jain T, Yadav NS, Feroz SM,Pradeep, Diwedi A. Evaluation and comparison of dimensional accuracy of newly introduced elastomeric impression material using 3D laser scanners: an in vitro study. J Contemp Dent Pract, 2013; 14: 265-268. 21. Carr AB. Comparison of impression techniques for a two-implant 15-degree divergent model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1992;7: 468-475. 22. Jo SH, Kim KI, Seo JM, Song KY, Park JM, Ahn SG. Effect of impression coping and implant angulation on the accuracy of implant impressions: an in vitro study. J Adv Prosthodont 2010;2:128-133. 23. Reddy S, Prasad K, Vakil H, Jain A, Chowdhary R. Accuracy of impressions with different impression materials in angulated implants. Niger J Clin Pract 2013;16: 279-284. 24. Assuncao WG, Cardoso A, Gomes EA, Tabata LF, dos Santos PH. Accuracy of impression techniques for implants. Part 1--Influence of transfer copings surface abrasion. J Prosthodont 2008;17: 641-647. 25. Mostafa TMN, Elgendy MNM, Kashef NA, Halim MM. Evaluation of the precision of three implant transfer impression techniques using two elastomeric impression materials. Int J Prosthodont 2010; 23: 525-528. 26. Lee SJ, Macarthur RX 4th, Gallucci GO. An evaluation of student and clinician perception of digital and conventional implant impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2013; 110: 420- 423. 27. Reddy S, Prasad K, Vakil H, Jain A, Chowdhary R. Accuracy of impressions with different impression materials in angulated implants. Niger J Clin Pract 2013; 16 :279-284. 28.Vigolo P, Majzoub Z, Cordioli G. Evaluation of the accuracy of three techniques used for multiple implant abutment impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 186-192. 29. Naconecy MM, Teixeira ER, Shinkai RS, Frasca LC, Cervieri A. Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer techniques for implantsupported prostheses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2004; 19: 192- 198. 30. Lorenzoni M, Pertl C, Penkner K, Polansky R, Sedaj B, Wegscheider WA. Comparison of the transfer precision of three different impression materials incombination with transfer caps for the Frialit-2 system. J Oral Rehabil 2000; 27: 629-638. 31. Assuncao WG, Cardoso A, Gomes EA, Tabata LF, dos Santos PH. Accuracy of impression techniques for implants. Part 1--Influence of transfer copings. 32.Conrad HJ, Pesun IJ, Delong R, Hodges JS. Accuracy of two impression techniques with angulated implants. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 97: 349-356. 33.Gayathridevi S.K, Harshita G.,Vaishali K., Suma. Impression Techniques in Implants. Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 12 Issue 02 Aug 2016. 34.Alexander Schmidt ve ark. accuracy of various impression materialis and for two implant systems. 2018 Apr; 62(2): 245-251. 35.W. Engelke, O.A. Decco, A.C. Cura, I. Maldonado, F.G. CrippaInfluence of implant diameter in the displacement of dental implants in trabecular bovine bone under a static lateral load: experimental results and computational modelingImplant Dent, 23(2014): 635-640. 36. Ece, Şengül ve ark. impression techniques used in implant-supported prosthesis: a review. 2015; 13 (2): 37-43. 37. Humphries RM, Yaman P, Bloem TJ. The accuracy of implant master casts constructed from transfer impressions. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1990; 5: 331. 38. De La Cruz JE, Funkenbusch PD, Ercoli C, Moss ME, Graser GN, Tallents RH. Verification jigs made of different materials. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 329-336. 39. Phillips KM, Nicholls JI, Ma T, Rubenstein J. The accuracy of three implant impression techniques: A three-dimensional analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1994; 9: 533-540. 40. Assuncao WG, Filho HG, Zaniquelli O. Evaluation of transfer impressions for osseointegrated implants at various angulations. İmplant Dentistry 2004; 13: 358-364. 41. Selecman AM, Wicks RA. Making an implant-level impression using solid plastik, pres-fit, closed-tray impression copings: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2009; 101: 158-159. 42.Phillips KM, Nicholls JI, Ma T, Rubenstein J. The accuracy of three implant impression techniques: A three-dimensional analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1994, s: 53340. 44. Craig RG, Powers JM. Restorative Dental Materials. 11th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002 45. Jo SH, Kim KI, Seo JM, Song KY, Park JM, Ahn SG. Effect of impression coping and implant angulation on the accuracy of implant impressions: An in vitro study. J Adv Prosthodont 2010; 2: 128-133. 46. Lee H, So JS, Hochstedler JL, Ercoli C. The accuracy of implant impressions: A systematic review. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 100: 285-291. 47. Wee AG. Comparison of impression materials for direct multi-implant impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 323-331. 48. Al Quran FA, Rashdan BA, Zomar AA, Weiner S. Passive fit and accuracy of three dental implant impression techniques. Quintessence Int 2012; 43: 119-125. 49. Kim S, Nicholls JI, Han CH, Lee KW. Displacement of implant components from impressions to definitive casts. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2006; 21: 747-755. 50. Akalin ZF, Ozkan YK, Ekerim A. Effects of implant angulation, impression material, and variation in arch curvature width on implant transfer model accuracy. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2013; 28: 149-157. 52. D’Arcangelo C, Zarow M, De Angelis F, VadiniM, Paolantonio M, Giannoni M, D’Amario M.Five-year retrospective clinical study of indirectcomposite restorations luted with a light-curedcomposite in posterior teeth. Clin Oral Investig.18(2):615-24 (2014). 53. D’arcangelo C, De Angelis F, Vadini M,D’Amario M. Clinical evaluation on porcelainlaminate veneers bonded with lightcuredcomposite: results up to 7 years. Clinical oral investigations. 16(4):1071-9 (2012). 54.Herfort TW, Gerberich WW, Macosko CW, Goodkind RJ. Tear strength of elastomeric mpression materials J Prosthet Dent. 39(1):59- 62: (1978). 55. Al-Kaisy N. A Survey of Prosthodontics Techniques Applied by Dental Practitioners in Sulaimani City. J Bagh Coll Dentistry; 28(3):22-29) (2016). 56. Reddy GV, Reddy NS, Itttigi J, Jagadeesh KN. A comparative study to determine the wettabilityand castability of different elastomeric impressionmaterials. J Contemp Dent Pract. 13(3):356-63(2012 ). 57. Filho HG, Mazaro JVQ, Vedovatto E, Assunçao WG, dos Santos PH. Accuracy of impression techniques for implants. Part 2 - comparison of splinting techniques. J Prosthodont 2009;18:172-176. 58. Buzayan M, Baig MR, Yunus N. Evaluation of accuracy of completearch multiple-unit abutment-level dental implant impressions using different impression and splinting materials. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2013;28:1512-1520. 59.Sorrentino R, Gherlone EF, Calesini G, Zarone F. Effect of implant angulation, connection length, and impression material on the dimensional accuracy of implant impressions: an in vitrocomparative study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2010;12:63-76 60.Petrie, CS, Walker, MP, O’Mahony, AM, andSpencer, P. Dimensional accuracy and surfacedetail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinylpolysiloxane impression materials tested underdry, moist, and wet conditions. J ProsthetDent.; 90: 365–372 (2003). 61. Kess RS, Combe EC, Sparks BS. Effect ofsurface treatments on the wettability of vinyl polysiloxane impression materials. J ProsthetDent. 84(1):98-102 (2000). 62. Nassar U1, Oko A, Adeeb S, El-Rich M, Flores-Mir C. An in vitro study on the dimensionalstability of a vinyl polyether silicone impressionmaterial over a prolonged storage period. JProsthet Dent. 109(3):172-8. 63. Pandita A1, Jain T, Yadav NS, Feroz SM, Pradeep, Diwedi A. Evaluation and comparison of dimensional accuracy of newly introducedelastomeric impression material using 3D laser scanners: an in vitro study. J Contemp DentMohammed et al. Biomed. & Pharmacol. J, Vol. 11(3), 1359-1368 (2018) 1367Pract. 14(2):265-8 (2013). 64. Herbst D, Nel JC, Driessen CH, Becker PJ. Evaluation of impression accuracy for osseointegrated implant-supported superstructures. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:555- 61. 65. Naconecy MM, Teixeira ER, Shinkai RS, Frasca LC, Cervieri A. Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer techniques for implantsupported prostheses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral Maxillofac. Implants 2004;19:192-8.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Ailimu Mirebani This is me

Lamia Najafova This is me

Tuğrul Sarı This is me

Hüseyin Kurtulmuş This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date October 5, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 1



All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution Licence. (CC-BY-NC 4.0)