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Polivinil Siloksan Ölçü Materyalleri

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 137 - 143, 01.10.2021


Protetik tedavilerde ölçü aşaması başarılı bir sonuç elde edebilmenin en önemli koşullarından biridir. İndirekt bir restorasyonun yapılması sırasında bir model elde edebilmek amacıyla, ilgili sert ve yumuşak dokunun yanı sıra çevre dokuların da negatifinin elde edilmesi gerekir. Bir ölçü maddesinin ‘ideal’ olarak görülebilmesi için bulundurması gereken özelikler arasında biyouyumlu olması, kaşıktan akmayacak yoğunlukta ancak ayrıntı verebilecek akışkanlıkta olması, hidrofilik olması, boyutsal stabilitesinin olması, elastiklik özelliğinin olması sayılabilir. Bu derlemede yukarıda sayılan özelliklerin pek çoğuna sahip olan elastomerler sınıfına ait polivinil siloksan ölçü maddesi anlatılmıştır.


  • Punj, A., Bompolaki, D., & Garaicoa, J. , Dental Impression Materials and Techniques, Dental Clinics of North America, 2017, 61(4), 779–796.
  • Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. , 5. Eddition, Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, Elsevier Inc. of New York, New York, USA, 2016.
  • Craig RG: Evaluation of an automatic mixing system for an addition silicone impression material, J Am Dent Assoc. 1985: 110:213.
  • Craig RG, Sun Z: Trends in elastomeric impression materials, Oper Dent 19:138, 1994
  • Shillingburg HT, Hobo S., Whitsett LD, Jacobi R, Brackett SE, Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics, 4th Edition , Quintessence Publishing Co, 2012.
  • Craig RG, Powers JM.. Restorative Dental Materals, 11th Edition, Mosby Co. Toronto, 2002
  • Johnson, GH, Craig, RG. (1986). Accuracy of addition silicones as a function of technique. J Prosthet Dent, 55(2):197-203.
  • O’Brien WJ. Dental Materials and Their Selection. Quintessence Publishing Co, Chicago. 2002.
  • Powers JM, Sakaguchi RL. Craig’s Restorative Dental Material’s. 12th edition, St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby Elsevier, 2006 :431-462.
  • Van Noord R. Dental Materials. Second edition, St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby 2002: 181-202.
  • Laufer BZ, Baharav H, Ganor Y, Cardash HS. The effect of marginal thickness on distortion of different impression materials. J Prosthet. Dent, 1996; 76(5): 466-471.
  • Petrie CS, Walker MP, O’Mahony AM, et al. Dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinyl polysiloxane impression materials tested under dry, moist, and wet conditions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90(4): 365–72.
  • Rubel B. (2007). Impression materials: A comparative review of impression materials most commonly used in restorative dentistry. Dent Clin N Am, 51:629- 642.
  • Fong PG, Walter JD. (1990). Effects of an immersion disinfection regime on rigid impression materials. Int J Prosthodont, 3(6):522–527.
  • Beier US., Grunert I., Kulmer S., Dumfahrt H., Quality of Impressions Using Hydrophilic Polyvinyl Siloxane in a Clinical Study of 249 Patients, Int J Prosthodont, 2007, 20(3): 270-274
  • Blatz MB., Sadan A., Burgess JO., Mercante D., Hoist S., Selected characteristics of a new polyvinyl siloxane impression material - a randomized clinical trial, Quint Int., 2005, 36(2): 97 - 104.
  • Boening KW., Walter MH., Schuette U., Clinical significance of surface activation of silicone impression materials, J Dent 1998, 26 447-452.
  • Mandikos MN., Polyvinyl siloxane impression materials: An update on clinical use, Australian Dent J, 1998, 43(6): 428-434.
  • Che WW., Donovn TE., Kahn RL., Indirect inhibition of polymerization of a polyvinyl siloxane impression material: a case report., Quint Int., 1991, 22(2): 133-135.
  • Christensen GJ., Have fixed - prosthodontic impressions become easier?, J Am Dent. Assoc., 2003, Aug; 134(8): 1121-3.
  • De Camargo LM., Chee WW., Donovan TE., Inhibition of polymerization of polyvinyl siloxanes, By medicaments used on gingival retraction cords, J Prosthet Dent, 1993, 70(2):114-117.
  • Kimoto K., Tanaka K., Toyoda M., Ochiai KT., Indirect latex glove contamination and its inhibitory effect on vinyl polysiloxane polymerization, J Prosthet Dent, 2005: 93 433-438
  • Millar B., How to make a good impression (crown and bridge), Br Dent J., 2001, 13:191(7):402-405.
  • Wadhwani CPK., Johnson GH., Lepe X., Raigroddski Accuracy of newly formulated fast-setting elastomeric impression materials, J Prosthet Dent, 2005, 93: 530-539
  • Wassell RW., Ibbeston RJ., The accuracy of polyvinyl siloxane impressions made with standard and reinforced stock trays, J Prosthet Dent, 1991, 65(6): 748-757
  • McCabe JF, Storer R: Elastomeric impression materials. The measurement of some properties relevant to clinical practice, Br Dent J 149:73, 1980.
  • Williams JR, Craig RG: Physical properties of addition silicones as a function of composition, J Oral Rehabil 15:639, 1988.
  • Donovan TE, Chee WW. A review of contemporary impression materials and techniques. Dent Clin North Am 2004;48(2):vi–vii, 445-470.
  • Hamalian TA, Nasr E, Chidiac JJ. Impression materials in fixed prosthodontics: influence of choice on clinical procedure. J Prosthodont 2011;20(2):153–60.
  • Petrie CS, Walker MP, O’Mahony AM, et al. Dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinyl polysiloxane impression materials tested under dry, moist, and wet conditions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90(4): 365–72.
  • Papaspyridakos P, Hirayama H, Chen CJ, et al. Full-arch implant fixed prostheses: a comparative study on the effect of connection type and impression technique on accuracy of fit. Clin Oral Implants Res 2016;27(9):1099–105.
  • Papaspyridakos P, Chen C-J, Gallucci GO, et al. Accuracy of implant impressions for partially and completely edentulous patients: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29(4):836–45.
  • Lee H, So JS, Hochstedler J, et al. The accuracy of implant impressions: a systematic review. J Prosthet Dent 2008;100(4):285–91.
  • Wadhwani CPK, Johnson GH, Lepe X. Accuracy of newly formulated fast setting elastomeric impression materials. J Prosthet Dent. 2005; 93: 530-539.
  • Walker MP, Petrie CS, Haj-Ali R. Moisture effect on polyester and polyvinylsiloxane accuracy and detail reproduction. J Prosthodont. 2005; 14: 158-163.
  • Jagger DC., Volwes RW., McNally L., Davis F., O’Sullivan DJ., The effect of a range disinfectants on the dimensional accuracy and stability of some impression materials, Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent., 2007, 15(1): 23-28.
  • Johnson GH., Chellis KD., Gordon GE., Lepe X., Dimensional stability and detail reproduction of irreversible hydrocolloid and elastomeric impressions disinfected by immersion, J Prosthet Dent, 1998, 79: 446-453.
  • Enkling N, Bayer S, Jo ̈hren P, et al. Vinylsiloxanether: a new impression material. clinical study of implant impressions with vinylsiloxanether versus polyether ma- terials. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2012;14(1):144–51.
  • Walker MP, Alderman N, Petrie CS, et al. Correlation of impression removal force with elastomeric impression material rigidity and hardness. J Prosthodont 2013; 22(5):362–6.
  • Schulein TM. Significant events in the history of operative dentistry. J Hist Dent 2005;53(2):63–72.
  • Stober T, Johnson GH, Schmitter M. Accuracy of the newly formulated vinyl silox- anether elastomeric impression material. J Prosthet Dent 2010;103(4):228–39.
  • Petrie CS, Walker MP, O’Mahony AM, et al. Dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinyl polysiloxane impression materials tested under dry, moist, and wet conditions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90(4): 365–72 .
Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 137 - 143, 01.10.2021



  • Punj, A., Bompolaki, D., & Garaicoa, J. , Dental Impression Materials and Techniques, Dental Clinics of North America, 2017, 61(4), 779–796.
  • Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. , 5. Eddition, Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, Elsevier Inc. of New York, New York, USA, 2016.
  • Craig RG: Evaluation of an automatic mixing system for an addition silicone impression material, J Am Dent Assoc. 1985: 110:213.
  • Craig RG, Sun Z: Trends in elastomeric impression materials, Oper Dent 19:138, 1994
  • Shillingburg HT, Hobo S., Whitsett LD, Jacobi R, Brackett SE, Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics, 4th Edition , Quintessence Publishing Co, 2012.
  • Craig RG, Powers JM.. Restorative Dental Materals, 11th Edition, Mosby Co. Toronto, 2002
  • Johnson, GH, Craig, RG. (1986). Accuracy of addition silicones as a function of technique. J Prosthet Dent, 55(2):197-203.
  • O’Brien WJ. Dental Materials and Their Selection. Quintessence Publishing Co, Chicago. 2002.
  • Powers JM, Sakaguchi RL. Craig’s Restorative Dental Material’s. 12th edition, St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby Elsevier, 2006 :431-462.
  • Van Noord R. Dental Materials. Second edition, St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby 2002: 181-202.
  • Laufer BZ, Baharav H, Ganor Y, Cardash HS. The effect of marginal thickness on distortion of different impression materials. J Prosthet. Dent, 1996; 76(5): 466-471.
  • Petrie CS, Walker MP, O’Mahony AM, et al. Dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinyl polysiloxane impression materials tested under dry, moist, and wet conditions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90(4): 365–72.
  • Rubel B. (2007). Impression materials: A comparative review of impression materials most commonly used in restorative dentistry. Dent Clin N Am, 51:629- 642.
  • Fong PG, Walter JD. (1990). Effects of an immersion disinfection regime on rigid impression materials. Int J Prosthodont, 3(6):522–527.
  • Beier US., Grunert I., Kulmer S., Dumfahrt H., Quality of Impressions Using Hydrophilic Polyvinyl Siloxane in a Clinical Study of 249 Patients, Int J Prosthodont, 2007, 20(3): 270-274
  • Blatz MB., Sadan A., Burgess JO., Mercante D., Hoist S., Selected characteristics of a new polyvinyl siloxane impression material - a randomized clinical trial, Quint Int., 2005, 36(2): 97 - 104.
  • Boening KW., Walter MH., Schuette U., Clinical significance of surface activation of silicone impression materials, J Dent 1998, 26 447-452.
  • Mandikos MN., Polyvinyl siloxane impression materials: An update on clinical use, Australian Dent J, 1998, 43(6): 428-434.
  • Che WW., Donovn TE., Kahn RL., Indirect inhibition of polymerization of a polyvinyl siloxane impression material: a case report., Quint Int., 1991, 22(2): 133-135.
  • Christensen GJ., Have fixed - prosthodontic impressions become easier?, J Am Dent. Assoc., 2003, Aug; 134(8): 1121-3.
  • De Camargo LM., Chee WW., Donovan TE., Inhibition of polymerization of polyvinyl siloxanes, By medicaments used on gingival retraction cords, J Prosthet Dent, 1993, 70(2):114-117.
  • Kimoto K., Tanaka K., Toyoda M., Ochiai KT., Indirect latex glove contamination and its inhibitory effect on vinyl polysiloxane polymerization, J Prosthet Dent, 2005: 93 433-438
  • Millar B., How to make a good impression (crown and bridge), Br Dent J., 2001, 13:191(7):402-405.
  • Wadhwani CPK., Johnson GH., Lepe X., Raigroddski Accuracy of newly formulated fast-setting elastomeric impression materials, J Prosthet Dent, 2005, 93: 530-539
  • Wassell RW., Ibbeston RJ., The accuracy of polyvinyl siloxane impressions made with standard and reinforced stock trays, J Prosthet Dent, 1991, 65(6): 748-757
  • McCabe JF, Storer R: Elastomeric impression materials. The measurement of some properties relevant to clinical practice, Br Dent J 149:73, 1980.
  • Williams JR, Craig RG: Physical properties of addition silicones as a function of composition, J Oral Rehabil 15:639, 1988.
  • Donovan TE, Chee WW. A review of contemporary impression materials and techniques. Dent Clin North Am 2004;48(2):vi–vii, 445-470.
  • Hamalian TA, Nasr E, Chidiac JJ. Impression materials in fixed prosthodontics: influence of choice on clinical procedure. J Prosthodont 2011;20(2):153–60.
  • Petrie CS, Walker MP, O’Mahony AM, et al. Dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinyl polysiloxane impression materials tested under dry, moist, and wet conditions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90(4): 365–72.
  • Papaspyridakos P, Hirayama H, Chen CJ, et al. Full-arch implant fixed prostheses: a comparative study on the effect of connection type and impression technique on accuracy of fit. Clin Oral Implants Res 2016;27(9):1099–105.
  • Papaspyridakos P, Chen C-J, Gallucci GO, et al. Accuracy of implant impressions for partially and completely edentulous patients: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29(4):836–45.
  • Lee H, So JS, Hochstedler J, et al. The accuracy of implant impressions: a systematic review. J Prosthet Dent 2008;100(4):285–91.
  • Wadhwani CPK, Johnson GH, Lepe X. Accuracy of newly formulated fast setting elastomeric impression materials. J Prosthet Dent. 2005; 93: 530-539.
  • Walker MP, Petrie CS, Haj-Ali R. Moisture effect on polyester and polyvinylsiloxane accuracy and detail reproduction. J Prosthodont. 2005; 14: 158-163.
  • Jagger DC., Volwes RW., McNally L., Davis F., O’Sullivan DJ., The effect of a range disinfectants on the dimensional accuracy and stability of some impression materials, Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent., 2007, 15(1): 23-28.
  • Johnson GH., Chellis KD., Gordon GE., Lepe X., Dimensional stability and detail reproduction of irreversible hydrocolloid and elastomeric impressions disinfected by immersion, J Prosthet Dent, 1998, 79: 446-453.
  • Enkling N, Bayer S, Jo ̈hren P, et al. Vinylsiloxanether: a new impression material. clinical study of implant impressions with vinylsiloxanether versus polyether ma- terials. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2012;14(1):144–51.
  • Walker MP, Alderman N, Petrie CS, et al. Correlation of impression removal force with elastomeric impression material rigidity and hardness. J Prosthodont 2013; 22(5):362–6.
  • Schulein TM. Significant events in the history of operative dentistry. J Hist Dent 2005;53(2):63–72.
  • Stober T, Johnson GH, Schmitter M. Accuracy of the newly formulated vinyl silox- anether elastomeric impression material. J Prosthet Dent 2010;103(4):228–39.
  • Petrie CS, Walker MP, O’Mahony AM, et al. Dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of two hydrophilic vinyl polysiloxane impression materials tested under dry, moist, and wet conditions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90(4): 365–72 .
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section REVIEWS

Melis Nişanuhi Palancıoğlu

Deniz Sen

Publication Date October 1, 2021
Submission Date May 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


Vancouver Palancıoğlu MN, Sen D. Polivinil Siloksan Ölçü Materyalleri. Aydin Dental Journal. 2021;7(2):137-43.

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