Ateşli Silah Yarası Taklidi – Vaka Sunumu
Year 2024,
, 72 - 75, 29.04.2024
Karan Pramod
Harvınder Sıngh Chhabra
Rajiv Joshi
Ashwini Kumar
Ravdeep Singh
Giriş: Fabrikasyon yaralar (kurgusal, sahte veya icat edilmiş) yaralar, bir kişinin vücudunda kendi kendine oluşturulmuş veya başka bir kişi tarafından acı vererek oluşturulmuş olabilir. Buradaki temel amaç bir kişiye asılsız saldırı suçlamasında bulunmaktır. Vaka sunumu: Yetişkin bir erkek, karnının sağ tarafında yaralanma izi ile üçüncü basamak bir bakım merkezinin acil servisine geldi. Hastanın verdiği öyküye göre bu yaralanma, düşmanı tarafından kendisine ateş edildiği iddia edilen ateşli silahın mermisi sonucu oluşmuştu. İleri araştırmalar bunun uydurma bir yara olduğunu kanıtladı. Sonuç: Ateşli silah yarası taklidi için kullanılan yöntem alışılmadık ve nadirdir, bilgilerimize göre bu tür bir vaka daha önce literatürde bildirilmemiştir.
- Vij K. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 6th ed. US: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014. p. 186.
- Reddy KSN, Murty OP. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 34th ed. US: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2022. p. 207–8.
- Aggarwal A. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2nd ed. US: Avichal Publishing Company; 2017. p. 252–53.
- Rajapasha WRAS, Paranitharan P, Perera WNS. A clinical case of an ‘alleged assault’: are they fabricated injuries? Sri Lanka J Forensic Med Sci Law. 2010;1(1).
- Vidhate G S, Pathak H, Parchake M, Patil S, Tasgaonkar G, Sukhadeve R. Fabricated or assault wounds -a scientific approach. Int J Med Toxicol Forensic Med. 2016;6(3):167–70.
- Chhabra HS, Kumar A, Kaur N. Self-inflicted injuries: three case reports. Med Leg J. 2020;88(4):223–227. https://doi.
- Karger B, Duchesne A, Ortmann C, Brinkmann B. Unusual self inflicted injuries simulating a criminal offence. Int J Leg Med. 1997;110(5)S:267–72.
- Kumar K, Kaul M, Mittal DR, Tyagi S, Pawar CK, Kumar A, Kaur N. A study to determine various parameters of an alleged fabricated injury. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2017;16:55–65.
- Khichi ZH, Humayun M, Prithiani KKN, Akbar QM, Kaheri GQ. Changing pattern of fabricated injuries in Larkana region. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2009;21(3):76–8.
Fabricated Imprinted Firearm Wound – A case report
Year 2024,
, 72 - 75, 29.04.2024
Karan Pramod
Harvınder Sıngh Chhabra
Rajiv Joshi
Ashwini Kumar
Ravdeep Singh
Introduction: Fabricated wounds (fictitious, forged, or invented) wounds can be ‘self-inflicted’ when a person produces a wound himself on his body or self-suffered when a wound is produced by some other person on his body. The main motive here is to bring a false charge of assault on a person of enmity. Case report: An adult male came to the emergency department of a tertiary care center with an injury mark on the right flank of the abdomen. According to the history given by the patient, this injury was a result of the projectile of a firearm allegedly shot at him by his enemy. Further investigation proved that this was a fabricated wound.
Conclusion: In the case we have reported it was concluded that the injury mark on the body of the patient was a forged wound. The method used for fabrication is unusual and rare, as per our knowledge this type of case has not been reported earlier in the literature.
Ethical Statement
The consent of the patient taken for publication of a case rpeort in a journal
- Vij K. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 6th ed. US: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014. p. 186.
- Reddy KSN, Murty OP. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 34th ed. US: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2022. p. 207–8.
- Aggarwal A. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2nd ed. US: Avichal Publishing Company; 2017. p. 252–53.
- Rajapasha WRAS, Paranitharan P, Perera WNS. A clinical case of an ‘alleged assault’: are they fabricated injuries? Sri Lanka J Forensic Med Sci Law. 2010;1(1).
- Vidhate G S, Pathak H, Parchake M, Patil S, Tasgaonkar G, Sukhadeve R. Fabricated or assault wounds -a scientific approach. Int J Med Toxicol Forensic Med. 2016;6(3):167–70.
- Chhabra HS, Kumar A, Kaur N. Self-inflicted injuries: three case reports. Med Leg J. 2020;88(4):223–227. https://doi.
- Karger B, Duchesne A, Ortmann C, Brinkmann B. Unusual self inflicted injuries simulating a criminal offence. Int J Leg Med. 1997;110(5)S:267–72.
- Kumar K, Kaul M, Mittal DR, Tyagi S, Pawar CK, Kumar A, Kaur N. A study to determine various parameters of an alleged fabricated injury. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2017;16:55–65.
- Khichi ZH, Humayun M, Prithiani KKN, Akbar QM, Kaheri GQ. Changing pattern of fabricated injuries in Larkana region. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2009;21(3):76–8.