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Taking gamete from a third party in assisted reproduction treatment, approaches and legal issues

Year 2017, Volume: 31 Issue: 3, 143 - 154, 01.12.2017


There exist uncertainties as to whether obtaining embryos by interfusing the gametes of people receiving treatment in private health organizations functioning as assisted reproduction treatment centers by third party gametes is against law and whether any changes in law regarding this matter are required.It has been organized by article 282 of Turkish Civil Law, number 4721, that the paternity between mother and child is established by birth. With this regulation, birth is considered to be adequate for the establishment of paternity between mother and child, however no provision is made for the case where the paternity may not belong to the mother giving birth to a child developed from an embryo fertilized by an egg not belonging to the mother, by the application of assisted reproduction treatments and that this paternity may be abrogated if proved under certain conditions.On the other hand, in Article 231 of Turkish Criminal Law, number 5237, the offense of changing the paternity of a child has been organized and it is observed that the law maker defines changing or hiding the present paternity or fouling it against duty of care, as an offense. There does not exist a regulation in Turkish Criminal Law that considers interfusing the sperm and egg of a husband and wife with a third party’s sperm or egg in assisted reproduction treatment centers deliberately or against duty of care as an offense and penalizes this act. It is of great importance to urgently penalize the aforementioned act to avoid any confusion in lineage and paternity, Turkish Islamic culture and family structure and to ensure public order. Therefore, there is need for a regulation to consider obtaining an embryo with a third party sperm or egg other than the sperm and egg of husband and wife as an offense and penalize this act. In this article, the aforementioned act is evaluated with regard to Turkish Civil and Criminal Laws, it is discussed whether existing rules are adequate in preventing these types of acts and it is tried to specify how a new regulation should be organized.


  • Yıldırım, HG. In vitro fertilization and legal issues in medicine Unpublished Master’s thesis in Turkish , Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul 1996.
  • Solursh DS, Schorer JW, Solursh IP. “Baby Oh Baby” Ad- vances in assisted reproductive technology. Medicine and Law: World Association for Medical Law 1997; 16 4 :779-88.
  • Brezina PR, Zhao Y. The ethical, legal and social issues im- pacted by modern assisted reproductive technologies. Obstet- rics and Gynecology International 2012; ID 686253:1-7.
  • Warren MA. Embryo manipulation and Experimentation, Bailliere’s Clinical Obstetric and Gynecology 1991;5 3 :591-609.
  • Pattinson HA, Mortimer D, Mortimer ST. 1993 The New Reproductive Technologies. In: Copeland LJ eds. Textbook of Gynecology. Philadelphia: WB. Saunders Co. 1993: 319-46.
  • Adashi EY, Rock JA, Rosenwaks Z. Reproductive Endocrinol- ogy Surgery and Technology. Raven Press, 1995: p.235-7.
  • Edwards RG, Brody SA. Principles and Practice of Assisted Human Reproduction, Saunders. 1995: p.636.
  • Reich WT. Reproductive Technologies. In: Ancyclopedia of Bioethics Revised Edition 1995. Vol.4. Simon and Schuster Mac Millan, 1995: 2207-48.
  • Yıldırım T. Regulation on reproductive helping therapy prac- tices and reproductive helping treatment centers in Turkish . Güncel Sağlık Hukuku ve Etiği Sempozyumu, 2011. Istanbul, Turkiye, p.71.
  • Özdemir H. Legal responsibility of reproductive centers for in vitro fertilization in Turkish . Law, Economy, Political Sci- ences Monthly Internet Journal 2013;Feb 130 :16.
  • Tandoğan H. Debt Law, Special Debt Relations in Turkish . C.II, Ankara 1987: 410.
  • Ott WE. Voraussetzungen der Zivilrechtlichen Haftung des Arztes, Zürich, 1978: p.103-4.
  • Büyükay Y. Legal responsibility of physicians for embryo transfer in Turkish . II. Sağlık Hukuku Kurultayı, 7-8 Kasım , Ankara, Turkiye, s.143.
  • Kırkbeşoğlu N. Legal Issues in Bioethics and Paternity Sub- ject in Turkish . Istanbul 2006 p.66-8.
  • Ferguson-Smith ME. Ethical and legal implicatıons in IVF and prenatal diagnosis in The U.K. Prenatal Diagnosis ;11 8 :661-70.
  • Meirow D, Schenker JG. The current status of sperm dona- tion in assisted reproduction technology. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 1997;16 3 :133-8.
  • Yıldırım MF. Gene analysis and protection of personal rights in Turkish . EHFD 2007;XI 3-4 :383-402.
  • Serozan R. Child Law in Turkish . Istanbul 2005, p.162.
  • Zeytin Z. Responsibility law and new technology applica- tions in medicine in Turkish . Medical Law and Ethics Sympo- sium Book 2006. Istanbul, p.221-6.
  • Kırkbeşoğlu N. Legal Issues in Bioethics and paternity sub- ject in Turkish . Istanbul 2006 p.104-9.
  • Dülger MV. Illegal cross-border healthcare sector: Organ trafficking, surrogacy and sperm donation in Turkish . Sağlık Düşüncesi ve Tıp Kültürü Dergisi 2013; 26 :68-73.
  • Paksoy G. Rejection of paternity in Turkish . Türkiye Baro- lar Birliği Dergisi Ankara 2011; 97 :372.
  • Nomer H. Paternity Problems that May Occur Due to in Vi- tro Fertilization in Turkish . Dedicate in memory of Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Oğuzman Vol 1, Istanbul 2000. p.571.
  • Turkish Official Journal. Publication Date: 07/10/2009, No: 27369.
  • Nomer H. Paternity Problems that May Occur Due to in Vi- tro Fertilization in Turkish . Dedicate in memory of Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Oğuzman Vol 1, Istanbul 2000. p.573-4.
  • Tanju F. Influence of the fetus on the adoption agreement in Turkish . Türkiye Noterler Birliği Dergisi 1989; 63 :32-4.

Üremeye yardımcı tedavide üçüncü kişiden üreme hücresi alınması, yaklaşımlar ve hukuksal sorunlar

Year 2017, Volume: 31 Issue: 3, 143 - 154, 01.12.2017


Üremeye yardımcı tedavi merkezi olarak faaliyet gösteren özel sağlık kuruluşlarında tedavi uygulanan kişilerin üreme hücrelerinin 3. kişilerin üreme hücreleriyle karıştırılması neticesinde embriyo elde edilmesinin mevzuata aykırılık oluşturup oluşturmadığı ve bu konuda mevzuat değişikliği gerekip gerekmediği konusunda, belirsizlikler yaşanmaktadır. 4721 sayılı Türk Medeni Kanunun 282. maddesinde ana ile çocuk arasındaki soy bağının doğumla kurulacağı düzenlenmiştir. Kanun koyucu bu düzenleme ile anne ile çocuk arasındaki soy bağının kurulması için doğumu yeterli görmüş ancak, tıptaki son gelişmeler karşısında ortaya çıkan üremeye yardımcı tedavi yöntemleri uygulanarak anneye ait olmayan yumurta ile döllenmiş embriyodan gelişen çocuğun soy bağının doğuran anneye ait olmayacağına veya bu soy bağının belli şartlar dahilinde ispat edilmesi halinde ortadan kaldırılmasını sağlayan bir hükme yer vermemiştir. Öte yandan 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 231.maddesinde ise çocuğun soy bağının değiştirilmesi suçunun düzenlendiği ve kanun koyucunun mevcut soy bağının değiştirilmesi ya da gizlenmesini veya özen yükümlülüğüne aykırı olarak karıştırılmasını suç olarak tanımladığı görülmektedir. Türk Ceza Kanununda kasten veya özen yükümlülüğüne aykırı olarak üremeye yardımcı tedavi merkezlerinde karı veya kocaya ait sperm veya yumurtalardan başka kişilere ait sperm ve yumurtalarla embriyo elde edilmesini suç sayan ve bunu cezai müeyyideye bağlayan bir düzenleme mevcut değildir. Söz konusu eylemin Türk İslam kültürü ve aile yapısı, nesep ve soy bağı karışıklığına mahal verilmemesi ile kamu düzeninin sağlanması açısından acil bir şekilde cezai yaptırıma bağlanması önem arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle, karı veya kocaya ait sperm ve yumurtalardan başka kişilere ait sperm ve yumurtalarla embriyo elde edilmesini suç sayan ve bunu cezai müeyyideye bağlayan bir düzenlemeye ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede söz konusu eylem Türk Medeni Kanunu ve Türk Ceza Kanunu açısından değerlendirilerek mevcut hükümlerin bu tür eylemleri önlemede yeterli olup olmadığı tartışılarak yeni bir düzenlemenin nasıl olması gerektiği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Yıldırım, HG. In vitro fertilization and legal issues in medicine Unpublished Master’s thesis in Turkish , Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul 1996.
  • Solursh DS, Schorer JW, Solursh IP. “Baby Oh Baby” Ad- vances in assisted reproductive technology. Medicine and Law: World Association for Medical Law 1997; 16 4 :779-88.
  • Brezina PR, Zhao Y. The ethical, legal and social issues im- pacted by modern assisted reproductive technologies. Obstet- rics and Gynecology International 2012; ID 686253:1-7.
  • Warren MA. Embryo manipulation and Experimentation, Bailliere’s Clinical Obstetric and Gynecology 1991;5 3 :591-609.
  • Pattinson HA, Mortimer D, Mortimer ST. 1993 The New Reproductive Technologies. In: Copeland LJ eds. Textbook of Gynecology. Philadelphia: WB. Saunders Co. 1993: 319-46.
  • Adashi EY, Rock JA, Rosenwaks Z. Reproductive Endocrinol- ogy Surgery and Technology. Raven Press, 1995: p.235-7.
  • Edwards RG, Brody SA. Principles and Practice of Assisted Human Reproduction, Saunders. 1995: p.636.
  • Reich WT. Reproductive Technologies. In: Ancyclopedia of Bioethics Revised Edition 1995. Vol.4. Simon and Schuster Mac Millan, 1995: 2207-48.
  • Yıldırım T. Regulation on reproductive helping therapy prac- tices and reproductive helping treatment centers in Turkish . Güncel Sağlık Hukuku ve Etiği Sempozyumu, 2011. Istanbul, Turkiye, p.71.
  • Özdemir H. Legal responsibility of reproductive centers for in vitro fertilization in Turkish . Law, Economy, Political Sci- ences Monthly Internet Journal 2013;Feb 130 :16.
  • Tandoğan H. Debt Law, Special Debt Relations in Turkish . C.II, Ankara 1987: 410.
  • Ott WE. Voraussetzungen der Zivilrechtlichen Haftung des Arztes, Zürich, 1978: p.103-4.
  • Büyükay Y. Legal responsibility of physicians for embryo transfer in Turkish . II. Sağlık Hukuku Kurultayı, 7-8 Kasım , Ankara, Turkiye, s.143.
  • Kırkbeşoğlu N. Legal Issues in Bioethics and Paternity Sub- ject in Turkish . Istanbul 2006 p.66-8.
  • Ferguson-Smith ME. Ethical and legal implicatıons in IVF and prenatal diagnosis in The U.K. Prenatal Diagnosis ;11 8 :661-70.
  • Meirow D, Schenker JG. The current status of sperm dona- tion in assisted reproduction technology. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 1997;16 3 :133-8.
  • Yıldırım MF. Gene analysis and protection of personal rights in Turkish . EHFD 2007;XI 3-4 :383-402.
  • Serozan R. Child Law in Turkish . Istanbul 2005, p.162.
  • Zeytin Z. Responsibility law and new technology applica- tions in medicine in Turkish . Medical Law and Ethics Sympo- sium Book 2006. Istanbul, p.221-6.
  • Kırkbeşoğlu N. Legal Issues in Bioethics and paternity sub- ject in Turkish . Istanbul 2006 p.104-9.
  • Dülger MV. Illegal cross-border healthcare sector: Organ trafficking, surrogacy and sperm donation in Turkish . Sağlık Düşüncesi ve Tıp Kültürü Dergisi 2013; 26 :68-73.
  • Paksoy G. Rejection of paternity in Turkish . Türkiye Baro- lar Birliği Dergisi Ankara 2011; 97 :372.
  • Nomer H. Paternity Problems that May Occur Due to in Vi- tro Fertilization in Turkish . Dedicate in memory of Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Oğuzman Vol 1, Istanbul 2000. p.571.
  • Turkish Official Journal. Publication Date: 07/10/2009, No: 27369.
  • Nomer H. Paternity Problems that May Occur Due to in Vi- tro Fertilization in Turkish . Dedicate in memory of Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Oğuzman Vol 1, Istanbul 2000. p.573-4.
  • Tanju F. Influence of the fetus on the adoption agreement in Turkish . Türkiye Noterler Birliği Dergisi 1989; 63 :32-4.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Hülya Deniz Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 31 Issue: 3


Vancouver Yıldırım HD. Üremeye yardımcı tedavide üçüncü kişiden üreme hücresi alınması, yaklaşımlar ve hukuksal sorunlar. J For Med. 2017;31(3):143-54.
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