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Elderly suicide: Three cases report

Year 2017, Volume: 31 Issue: 3, 155 - 163, 01.12.2017


As in the whole world, the proportion of elderly population in Turkey is increasing rapidly, In parallel, the rate of suicides seen in the elderly is also steadily increasing. Losing their spouses and relatives, living alone, physical and psychiatric diseases, economic problems, loss of social status are the risk factors for suicide in elderly adults. In present, elderly suicides are emerging as a serious public health problem. In our country, hanging and firearms are the most frequently suicide methods in the elderly group.It is aimed to discuss the causes of suicide in the elderly and the precautions that can be taken against it by presenting the case of three elderly suicide in the study.As a result; we think that the social and psychological support given to the elderly will contribute to the decrease of suicide rate.


  • Zengin Y, Gunduz E, Icer M, Dursun R, Durgun MH, Gurbuz H, Demir S, Kuyumcu M. Socio-demographic and clinical factors related to mortality among the geriatric suicide attempters admitted to the emergency department. Dicle Med J 2015;42 3 ;279-83.
  • Shah A, Bhat R, Zarate-Escudero S, DeLeo D, Erlangsen A. Suicide rates in five-year age-bands after the age of 60 years: the international landscape. Aging Ment Health 2016;20 2 ;131-8.
  • Elderly Statistics, 2015, Turkish Statistical Institute. Available at: cited: 20 February 2017 .
  • Suicide Statistic, 2015, Turkish Statistical Institute. Available at: cited: 20 February 2017 .
  • Günaydın R. Assessment of Quality of Life in Older People. Turk J Geriatr 2010;13 4 ;278-84.
  • Cattell H. Suicide in the elderly. Adv Psychiatr Treat 2010;6 2000 :102-8.
  • Diggle-Fox BS. Assessing suicide risk in older adults. The Nurse Practitioner 2016;41 10 ;28-35.
  • Özer E, Gümüs B, Balandiz H, Seçkin G. Evaluation of geriatric suicides in Turkey. J Forensic Leg Med 2016;44:158-61.
  • Canetto SS. Suicide:Why Are Older Men So Vulnerable. Men and Masculinities 2015;22 1 :1-19.
  • Waern M, Rubenowitz E, Runeson B, Skoog I, Wilhelmson K, Allebeck P. Burden of illness and suicide in elderly people: Case-control study. BMJ 2002;324:1-4.
  • Juurlink DN, Herrmann N, Szalai JP, Kopp A, Redelmeier DA. Medical illness and the risk of suicide in the elderly. Arch Intern Med 2004;164 11 :1179-84.
  • Torresani S, Toffol E, Scocco P, Fanolla A. Suicide in elderly South Tyroleans in various residential settings at the time of death : a psychological autopsy study. Psychogeriatrics 2014;14:101–9.
  • Liu B, Qin P, Jia C. Behavior Characteristics and Risk Factors for Suicide Among the Elderly in Rural China. J Nerv Ment Dis 2017;0 0 :1–7.
  • Karbeyaz K, Emiral E. Elderly suicide in Eskisehir, Turkey. J Forensic Leg Med 2017;52:12–5.
  • Joo Y. Spatiotemporal study of elderly suicide in Korea by age cohort. Public Health 2017;142:144-51.
  • Ritchie S, Artero S, Beluche I, Ancelin ML, MannA, Dupuy AM, Malafosse A, Boulenger JP. Prevalence of DSM-IV psychiatric disorder in the French elderly population. Br J Psychiatry 2004;184:147-52.
  • Avci D, Selcuk KT, Dogan S. Suicide Risk in Turkey and Affecting Factors. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2017;31:55-61.
  • Demirkıran DS, Celikel A, Zeren C, Arslan MM. An Interesting Suicide Method: A Case Report. The Bull of Leg Med 2014;19 3 :190-2.
  • Li X, Xiao Z, Xiao S. Suicide among the elderly in mainland China. Psychogeriatrics 2009;9:62–6.
  • Erel O, Aydın-Demirag S, Katkıcı U. Homicide and suicide in the elderly: Data from Aydın. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2011;14 4 :306-10.
  • Efil H. Evaluation of complex suicide cases performed forensic autopsy in Istanbul from forensic medical perspective Unpublished Thesis . Council of Forensic Medicine, Istanbul, 2014 in Turkish .
  • Elnour AA, Harrison J. Lethality of suicide methods. Inj Prev 2008;14:39-45.
  • Fässberg MM, Cheung G, Canetto SS, Erlangsen A, Lapierre S, Lindner R, Draper B, Gallo JJ, Wong C, Wu J, Duberstein P, Wærn M. Systematic review of physical illness, functional disability, and suicidal behaviour among older adults. Aging & Mental Health 2016;20 2 :166-94.
  • Chan HL, Liu CY, Chau YL, Chang CM. Prevalence and association of suicide ideation among Taiwanese elderly: A population-based cross-sectional study. Chang Gung Med J 2011;34:197-204.
  • Conwell Y, Van-Orden K, Caine ED. Suicide in older adults. The Psychiatric Clin North Am 2011;34 2 :451-68.
  • Wiktorsson S, Runeson B, Skoog I, Östtling S, Waern M. Attempted suicide in the elderly : Characteristics of suicide attempters 70 years and older and a general population comparison group. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010;18:57-67.
  • Akıncı E, Akıllı NB, Köylü R, Cander B. A retrospective evaluation of the patients over 65 years old who treated in toxicology intensive care unit because of unintentional or suicidal poisoning. Turk J Geriatr 2013;16:330-4.
  • Ciulla L, Nogueira EL, Filho IGS, Tres GL, Engroff P, Ciulla V, Neto AC. Suicide risk in the elderly : Data from Brazilian public health care program. J Affect Disord 2014;152-154:513-6.
  • Wand APF, Peisah C, Draper B, Jones C, Brodaty H. Rational suicide, euthanasia, and the very old: Two case reports. Case Reports in Psychiatry 2016:1-5.
  • Stanley IH, Hom MA, Rogers ML, Hagan CR, Joiner TE. Understanding suicide among older adults: a review of psychological and sociological theories of suicide. Aging&Mental Health 2016;20 2 :113-22.
  • Buron P, Jimenez-Trevino L, Saiz PA, García-Portilla MP, Corcoran P, Carli V, Fekete S, Hadlaczky G, Hegerl U, Michel K, Sarchiapone M, Temnik S, Värnick A, Verbanck P, Wasserman D, Schmidtke A, Bobes J. Reasons for Attemted Suicide in Europe: Prevelance, Associated Factors, and Risk of Repetition. Arch Suicide Research 2016;20:45-58.
  • Shin KM, Cho SM, Hong CH, Park KS, Shin YM, Lim KY, Koh SH. Suicide among the elderly and associated factors in South Korea. Aging&Mental Health 2013;17 1 :109-14.
  • Ellouzi S, Baati I, Ben Amar W, Trigui D, Abbes W, Maatoug S, Masmoudi J. Sociodemographic and clinical profile in elderly suicide victims : 34 autopsy case studies. Poster Presentation . 25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry, 1-4 April 2017, Florence, Italy. 41S:S887.
  • Duru G, Ozdemir L. Cause of elderly suicide and preventative applications. Hacettepe Univesity Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Journal 2009;1:34-41.
  • Ozel - Kızıl ET, Karpuz AY, Ekinci S, Sorgun M, Turan ED. Investigation of suicidal behavior in elderly depression patients admitted to a geropsychiatry clinic. Turk J Geriatr 2007;10 2 :57-60.
  • Hardwood D, Hawton K, Hope T, Jacoby R. Psychiatric disorders and personality factors associated with suicide in older people: a descriptive and case-control study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatr 2001;16 2 :155-65.
  • Draper B, Anstey K. Psychosocial stressors, physical illness and the spectrum of depression in elderly inpatients. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1996;30:567-72.
  • Erlangsen A, Canudas-Romo V, Conwell Y. Increased use of antidepressants and decreasing suicide rates: A populationbased study using Danish register data. J Epidemiol Community Health 2008;62:448-54.
  • Dzúrová D, Vevera J, Motlová L, Dragomirecká E. Analysis of parasuicide, psychiatric care and completed suicides, implications for intervention strategy. Int J Public Health 2008;53:139-49.
  • Smaoui N, Baati I, Dorsaf T, Mkaouar S, Abida I, Masmoudi J. Suicide risk assesment in the elderly Poster Presentation .25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry, 1-4 April 2017, Florence, Italy, 41S: S402.
  • Zhong B, Chiu HFK, Conwell Y. Rates and characteristics of elderly suicide in China , 2013 – 14. J Affect Disord 2016;206:273-9.
  • Prince J. Substance use disorder and suicide attempt among people who report compromised health. Substance Use & Misuse 2017 Aug 4:1-7.
  • Waern M. Alcohol dependence and misuse in elderly suicides. Alcohol Alcohol 2003 ;38 3 :249-54.
  • Blow FC, Brockmann LM, Barry KL. Role of alcohol in latelife suicide. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2004;28 5 :48-56.
  • Oyama H, Sakashita T, Ono Y, et all. Effect of communitybased intervention using depression screening on elderly suicide risk: A meta-analysis of the evidence from Japan. Community Ment Health J 2008 Oct; 44 5 :311-20.

Yaşlı intiharları: Üç olgu sunumu

Year 2017, Volume: 31 Issue: 3, 155 - 163, 01.12.2017


Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de yaşlı nüfusu artmaktadır. Buna paralel olarak yaşlılarda görülen intihar oranları da gittikçe artış göstermektedir. Eşleri ve yakınlarını kaybetmek, yalnız yaşamak, fiziksel ve psikiyatrik hastalıklar, ekonomik sorunlar, sosyal statü kaybı, yaşlı yetişkinlerde intihar risk faktörleri arasındadır. Günümüzde yaşlı intiharları ciddi bir halk sağlığı sorunu olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ülkemizde ası ve ateşli silah yaşlılarda en sık kullanılan intihar yöntemleridir.Çalışmada üç yaşlı intiharı olgusunun sunularak yaşlılarda intihara götüren nedenlerin ve buna yönelik olarak alınabilecek önlemlerin tartışılması amaçlanmaktadır.Sonuç olarak yaşlılara verilecek sosyal ve psikolojik desteğin, intihar oranının azalmasına katkı sağlayacağını düşünmekteyiz.


  • Zengin Y, Gunduz E, Icer M, Dursun R, Durgun MH, Gurbuz H, Demir S, Kuyumcu M. Socio-demographic and clinical factors related to mortality among the geriatric suicide attempters admitted to the emergency department. Dicle Med J 2015;42 3 ;279-83.
  • Shah A, Bhat R, Zarate-Escudero S, DeLeo D, Erlangsen A. Suicide rates in five-year age-bands after the age of 60 years: the international landscape. Aging Ment Health 2016;20 2 ;131-8.
  • Elderly Statistics, 2015, Turkish Statistical Institute. Available at: cited: 20 February 2017 .
  • Suicide Statistic, 2015, Turkish Statistical Institute. Available at: cited: 20 February 2017 .
  • Günaydın R. Assessment of Quality of Life in Older People. Turk J Geriatr 2010;13 4 ;278-84.
  • Cattell H. Suicide in the elderly. Adv Psychiatr Treat 2010;6 2000 :102-8.
  • Diggle-Fox BS. Assessing suicide risk in older adults. The Nurse Practitioner 2016;41 10 ;28-35.
  • Özer E, Gümüs B, Balandiz H, Seçkin G. Evaluation of geriatric suicides in Turkey. J Forensic Leg Med 2016;44:158-61.
  • Canetto SS. Suicide:Why Are Older Men So Vulnerable. Men and Masculinities 2015;22 1 :1-19.
  • Waern M, Rubenowitz E, Runeson B, Skoog I, Wilhelmson K, Allebeck P. Burden of illness and suicide in elderly people: Case-control study. BMJ 2002;324:1-4.
  • Juurlink DN, Herrmann N, Szalai JP, Kopp A, Redelmeier DA. Medical illness and the risk of suicide in the elderly. Arch Intern Med 2004;164 11 :1179-84.
  • Torresani S, Toffol E, Scocco P, Fanolla A. Suicide in elderly South Tyroleans in various residential settings at the time of death : a psychological autopsy study. Psychogeriatrics 2014;14:101–9.
  • Liu B, Qin P, Jia C. Behavior Characteristics and Risk Factors for Suicide Among the Elderly in Rural China. J Nerv Ment Dis 2017;0 0 :1–7.
  • Karbeyaz K, Emiral E. Elderly suicide in Eskisehir, Turkey. J Forensic Leg Med 2017;52:12–5.
  • Joo Y. Spatiotemporal study of elderly suicide in Korea by age cohort. Public Health 2017;142:144-51.
  • Ritchie S, Artero S, Beluche I, Ancelin ML, MannA, Dupuy AM, Malafosse A, Boulenger JP. Prevalence of DSM-IV psychiatric disorder in the French elderly population. Br J Psychiatry 2004;184:147-52.
  • Avci D, Selcuk KT, Dogan S. Suicide Risk in Turkey and Affecting Factors. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2017;31:55-61.
  • Demirkıran DS, Celikel A, Zeren C, Arslan MM. An Interesting Suicide Method: A Case Report. The Bull of Leg Med 2014;19 3 :190-2.
  • Li X, Xiao Z, Xiao S. Suicide among the elderly in mainland China. Psychogeriatrics 2009;9:62–6.
  • Erel O, Aydın-Demirag S, Katkıcı U. Homicide and suicide in the elderly: Data from Aydın. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2011;14 4 :306-10.
  • Efil H. Evaluation of complex suicide cases performed forensic autopsy in Istanbul from forensic medical perspective Unpublished Thesis . Council of Forensic Medicine, Istanbul, 2014 in Turkish .
  • Elnour AA, Harrison J. Lethality of suicide methods. Inj Prev 2008;14:39-45.
  • Fässberg MM, Cheung G, Canetto SS, Erlangsen A, Lapierre S, Lindner R, Draper B, Gallo JJ, Wong C, Wu J, Duberstein P, Wærn M. Systematic review of physical illness, functional disability, and suicidal behaviour among older adults. Aging & Mental Health 2016;20 2 :166-94.
  • Chan HL, Liu CY, Chau YL, Chang CM. Prevalence and association of suicide ideation among Taiwanese elderly: A population-based cross-sectional study. Chang Gung Med J 2011;34:197-204.
  • Conwell Y, Van-Orden K, Caine ED. Suicide in older adults. The Psychiatric Clin North Am 2011;34 2 :451-68.
  • Wiktorsson S, Runeson B, Skoog I, Östtling S, Waern M. Attempted suicide in the elderly : Characteristics of suicide attempters 70 years and older and a general population comparison group. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010;18:57-67.
  • Akıncı E, Akıllı NB, Köylü R, Cander B. A retrospective evaluation of the patients over 65 years old who treated in toxicology intensive care unit because of unintentional or suicidal poisoning. Turk J Geriatr 2013;16:330-4.
  • Ciulla L, Nogueira EL, Filho IGS, Tres GL, Engroff P, Ciulla V, Neto AC. Suicide risk in the elderly : Data from Brazilian public health care program. J Affect Disord 2014;152-154:513-6.
  • Wand APF, Peisah C, Draper B, Jones C, Brodaty H. Rational suicide, euthanasia, and the very old: Two case reports. Case Reports in Psychiatry 2016:1-5.
  • Stanley IH, Hom MA, Rogers ML, Hagan CR, Joiner TE. Understanding suicide among older adults: a review of psychological and sociological theories of suicide. Aging&Mental Health 2016;20 2 :113-22.
  • Buron P, Jimenez-Trevino L, Saiz PA, García-Portilla MP, Corcoran P, Carli V, Fekete S, Hadlaczky G, Hegerl U, Michel K, Sarchiapone M, Temnik S, Värnick A, Verbanck P, Wasserman D, Schmidtke A, Bobes J. Reasons for Attemted Suicide in Europe: Prevelance, Associated Factors, and Risk of Repetition. Arch Suicide Research 2016;20:45-58.
  • Shin KM, Cho SM, Hong CH, Park KS, Shin YM, Lim KY, Koh SH. Suicide among the elderly and associated factors in South Korea. Aging&Mental Health 2013;17 1 :109-14.
  • Ellouzi S, Baati I, Ben Amar W, Trigui D, Abbes W, Maatoug S, Masmoudi J. Sociodemographic and clinical profile in elderly suicide victims : 34 autopsy case studies. Poster Presentation . 25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry, 1-4 April 2017, Florence, Italy. 41S:S887.
  • Duru G, Ozdemir L. Cause of elderly suicide and preventative applications. Hacettepe Univesity Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Journal 2009;1:34-41.
  • Ozel - Kızıl ET, Karpuz AY, Ekinci S, Sorgun M, Turan ED. Investigation of suicidal behavior in elderly depression patients admitted to a geropsychiatry clinic. Turk J Geriatr 2007;10 2 :57-60.
  • Hardwood D, Hawton K, Hope T, Jacoby R. Psychiatric disorders and personality factors associated with suicide in older people: a descriptive and case-control study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatr 2001;16 2 :155-65.
  • Draper B, Anstey K. Psychosocial stressors, physical illness and the spectrum of depression in elderly inpatients. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1996;30:567-72.
  • Erlangsen A, Canudas-Romo V, Conwell Y. Increased use of antidepressants and decreasing suicide rates: A populationbased study using Danish register data. J Epidemiol Community Health 2008;62:448-54.
  • Dzúrová D, Vevera J, Motlová L, Dragomirecká E. Analysis of parasuicide, psychiatric care and completed suicides, implications for intervention strategy. Int J Public Health 2008;53:139-49.
  • Smaoui N, Baati I, Dorsaf T, Mkaouar S, Abida I, Masmoudi J. Suicide risk assesment in the elderly Poster Presentation .25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry, 1-4 April 2017, Florence, Italy, 41S: S402.
  • Zhong B, Chiu HFK, Conwell Y. Rates and characteristics of elderly suicide in China , 2013 – 14. J Affect Disord 2016;206:273-9.
  • Prince J. Substance use disorder and suicide attempt among people who report compromised health. Substance Use & Misuse 2017 Aug 4:1-7.
  • Waern M. Alcohol dependence and misuse in elderly suicides. Alcohol Alcohol 2003 ;38 3 :249-54.
  • Blow FC, Brockmann LM, Barry KL. Role of alcohol in latelife suicide. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2004;28 5 :48-56.
  • Oyama H, Sakashita T, Ono Y, et all. Effect of communitybased intervention using depression screening on elderly suicide risk: A meta-analysis of the evidence from Japan. Community Ment Health J 2008 Oct; 44 5 :311-20.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Erdem Hösükler This is me

Zerrin Zehra Erkol This is me

Veyis Gündoğdu This is me

Semih Petekkaya This is me

Hakan Samurcu This is me

Bilgin Hösükler This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 31 Issue: 3


Vancouver Hösükler E, Erkol ZZ, Gündoğdu V, Petekkaya S, Samurcu H, Hösükler B. Yaşlı intiharları: Üç olgu sunumu. J For Med. 2017;31(3):155-63.
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