Year 2022,
, 66 - 71, 28.12.2022
Mehmet Kartal
Hasan Alpak
- Aertsens, A., Alvarez, J.R., Poncet, C.M., Beaufrère, H., Rgetly, G.R. (2015). Comparison of the tibia plateau angle between small and large dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 28, 385–390.
- Agostinho, F.S., Rahal, S.C., Miqueleto, N.S.M.L., Verdugo, M.R., Inamassu, L.R., El-Warrak, A.O. (2011). Kinematic analysis of Labrador retrievers and Rottweilers trotting on a treadmill. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 24, 185–191.
- Altunatmaz, K., Eravcı-Yalın, E., İnal-Günay, B., Şadalak-Mckinstry, D.J., Sevim, Z.T. (2019). Treatment with custom partial condyle prosthesis of a comminuted femoral condyle fracture in a dog: a case report. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 43, 140-145. doi:10.3906/vet-1807-115
- Anderson, J.F., Hall-Martin, A., Russell, D.A., (1985). Long-bone circumference and weight in mammals, birds, and dinosaurs. Jornal of Zoology, 207, 53-61.
- Anyonge, W., (1993). Body mass in large extant and extinct carnivores. Journal of Zoology, 1993; 231: 339-350.
- Bahadır, A., Yıldız, H. (2010). Veteriner Anatomi. Hareket Sistemi ve İç Organlar. Ezgi Kitabevi. Bursa.
- Barrett, E., Barr, F., Owen, M., Bradley, K. (2009). A retrospective study of the MRI findings in 18 dogs with stifle injuries. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 50, 448–455.
- Boge, G.S., Moldal, E.R., Dimopoulou, M., Skjerve, E., Bregström, A. (2019). Breed susceptibility for common surgically treated orthopaedic diseases in 12 dog breeds. Acta Veterinari Scandinavica, 61, 19.
- Brehm, von H., Loeffler, K., Komeyli, H. (1985) Schädelformen beim Hund. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 14, 324-331.
- De Rooster, H., de Bruin, T., Van Bree, H. (2006). Morphologic and functional features of the canine cruciate ligaments. Veterinary Surgery, 35, 769–780.
- Drygas, K.A., McClure, S.R., Goring, R.L., Pozzi, A., Robertson, S.A., Wang, C. (2011). Effect of cold compression therapy on postoperative pain, swelling, range of motion, and lameness after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 238, 1284–1291.
- Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O., Wensing, C.J.G. (1987). The hindlimb of the carnivores. In: K.M. Dyce, W.O. Sack & C.J.G. Wensing (Eds.), Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, (pp.453–461), WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Evans, H.E. (1993). Arthrology. In: H.E. Evans (Eds.), Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog, (pp.219-257), Third ed., WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Gregory, C.R., Cullen, J.M., Pool, R., Vasseur, P.B. (1986). The canine sacroiliac joint: preliminary study of anatomy, histopathology, and biomechanics. Spine 11, 1044–1048.
- Gupte, C.M., Bull, A.M., Murray, R., Amis, A.A. (2007). Comparative anatomy of the meniscofemoral ligament in humans and some domestic mammals. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 36, 47–52.
- Harcourt, R.A. (1974). The Dog in Prehistoric and Early Historic Britain. Journal of Archaeological Science, 1, 151-175.
- Jandi, A.S., Schulman, A.J. (2007). Incidence of motion loss of the stifle joint in dogs with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgically treated with tibial plateau leveling osteotomy: Longitudinal clinical study of 412 cases. Veterinary Surgery, 36, 114–121.
- Johnstone, C.J. (2004). A Biometric Study of Equids in the Roman World, [Thesis submitted for PhD, University of York, Department of Archaeology], UK,
- Jouve, S., Courant, F., Marchand, D. (2001). Disparity of skull morphology in dogs: geometrical morphometry approach. Journal of Morphology, 248:246.
- Kara, M.E., Sevil-Kilimci, F., Dilek, Ö.G., Onar, V. (2018). Proximal and distal alignment of normal canine femurs: A morphometric analysis. Annals of Anatomy, 217:125-128.
- Knaus, I., Breit, S., Künzel, W. (2003). Appearance of the sacroiliac joint in ventrodorsal radiographs of the normal canine pelvis. Veterinary Radiology&Ultrasound, 44, 148–154.
- Komeyli, H. (1984). Nasennebenhählen bei dolicho-, meso und brachyzephalen Hunden unter besonderer Berficksichtigung der rassespezifischen Schäidelformen. [Inaug Diss Vet-Meal, University Giessen] Germany.
- MacDonald, T.L., Allen, D.A., Monteith, G.J. (2013). Clinical assessment following tibial tuberosity advancement in 28 stifles at 6 months and 1 year after surgery. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 54, 249–254.
- Nganvongpanit, K., Pitakarnnop, T., Buddhachat, K., Phatsara, M. (2017). Gender-related differences in pelvic morphometrics of the Retriever Dog breed. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 46, 51-57.
- Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. (2017). Sixth ed., Prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature (I.C.V.G.A.N.) and Published by the Editorial Commitee, Hannover (Germany), Gent (Belgium), Colombia (U.S.A), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
- Ocal, M.K., Sevil-Kilimci, F., Yildirim, I.G. (2012). Geometry of the femoral condyles in dogs. Veterinary Research Communications, 36:1-6.
- Onar, V. (1999). A morphometric study on the skull of the German shepherd dog (Alsatian). Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 28, 253-256.
- Onar, V. (2005). Estimating the body weight of dogs unearthed from the Van-Yoncatepe Necropolis in Eastern Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2005, 29: 495-498.
- Onar, V., Belli, O. (2005). Estimation of shoulder height from long bone measurements on Dogs unearthed from the Van-Yoncatepe early Iron Age necropolis in Eastern Anatolia. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, 156: 53-60.
- Onar, V., Özcan, S., Pazvant, G. (2001). Skull typology of adult male kangal dogs. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 30, 41-48.
- Regedon, S., Robina, A., Franco, A., Vivo, J.M., Lignereux, Y. (1991). Détermination Radiologique et Statistique des Types Morphologiques Crâniens chez le Chien: Dolichocéphalic, Mésocéphalie et Brachycéphalie. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 20, 129-138.
- Sabancı, S.S., Ocal, M.K. (2014). Lateral and medial tibial plateau angles in normal dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 27, 135–140.
- Sabancı, S.S., Ocal, M.K (2016). Comparison of goniometric measurements of the stifle joint in seven breeds of normal dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 29, 214-219.
- Singleton, W.B. (1963). Stifle joint surgery in the dog. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 4, 142–150
- Skinner, O.T., Kim, S.E., Lewis, D.D., Pozzi, A. (2013). In vivo femorotibial subluxation during weight-bearing and clinical outcome following tibial tuberosity advancement for cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency in dogs. The Veterinary Journal, 196, 86–91.
- Stockard, C.R. (1941). The Genetic and Endocrinic Basis for Diffences in Form and Behavior. American Anatomical Memoirs, no. 19. (pp. 1-775), Wistar Institute, Philadelphia.
- Thitiyanaporn, C., Chantarapanich, N., Sompaisarnsilp, S., Thengchaisri, N. (2020). Comparison of canine stifle kinematic analysis after two types of total knee arthroplasty: A cadaveric study. Veterinary World, 13, 956-962.
- von den Driesch, A. (1976). A guide to the measurement of the animal bones from archaeological sites. Peabody museum bulletin 1, Harvard University, Massachusetts.
- Wroe, S., Myers, T.J., Wells, R.T., Gillespie, A. (1999). Estimating the weight of the Pleistocene marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex (Thylacoleonidae: Marsupialia): implications for the ecomorphology of a marsupial super-predator and hypotheses of impoverishment of Australian marsupial carnivore faunas. Australian Journal Zoology, 47, 489-498.
Morphometric evaluation of the relationship between the distal femur and proximal tibia of the dogs
Year 2022,
, 66 - 71, 28.12.2022
Mehmet Kartal
Hasan Alpak
Erratum Note
Tablo3 metin içine eklenmiştir.
In this study, 42 adult dogs, comprised of 25 males and 17 females, with 18 different morphological types from the heterogeneous population were used. A total of 4 osteometric measurements of the femur and tibia were taken. After calculating the mean and standard deviation values of 42 adult dogs (SPSS 21.0 program), the T-test was applied to observe the significance of the difference between the mean values of both sexes. Correlations were observed between osteometric measurements of the femur and tibia. As a result, regression formulations were created to make independent estimations of both the femur “greatest breadth of the distal end” and tibia “greatest breadth of the proximal end”. The formulations formed had a high specificity value (R2). Hence, while sexual dimorphism was not observed on the measurements, the data produced in this study will contribute to the knee joint operations as well as to the identification of the same individual in mass burial contexts in zooarchaeological studies.
- Aertsens, A., Alvarez, J.R., Poncet, C.M., Beaufrère, H., Rgetly, G.R. (2015). Comparison of the tibia plateau angle between small and large dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 28, 385–390.
- Agostinho, F.S., Rahal, S.C., Miqueleto, N.S.M.L., Verdugo, M.R., Inamassu, L.R., El-Warrak, A.O. (2011). Kinematic analysis of Labrador retrievers and Rottweilers trotting on a treadmill. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 24, 185–191.
- Altunatmaz, K., Eravcı-Yalın, E., İnal-Günay, B., Şadalak-Mckinstry, D.J., Sevim, Z.T. (2019). Treatment with custom partial condyle prosthesis of a comminuted femoral condyle fracture in a dog: a case report. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 43, 140-145. doi:10.3906/vet-1807-115
- Anderson, J.F., Hall-Martin, A., Russell, D.A., (1985). Long-bone circumference and weight in mammals, birds, and dinosaurs. Jornal of Zoology, 207, 53-61.
- Anyonge, W., (1993). Body mass in large extant and extinct carnivores. Journal of Zoology, 1993; 231: 339-350.
- Bahadır, A., Yıldız, H. (2010). Veteriner Anatomi. Hareket Sistemi ve İç Organlar. Ezgi Kitabevi. Bursa.
- Barrett, E., Barr, F., Owen, M., Bradley, K. (2009). A retrospective study of the MRI findings in 18 dogs with stifle injuries. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 50, 448–455.
- Boge, G.S., Moldal, E.R., Dimopoulou, M., Skjerve, E., Bregström, A. (2019). Breed susceptibility for common surgically treated orthopaedic diseases in 12 dog breeds. Acta Veterinari Scandinavica, 61, 19.
- Brehm, von H., Loeffler, K., Komeyli, H. (1985) Schädelformen beim Hund. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 14, 324-331.
- De Rooster, H., de Bruin, T., Van Bree, H. (2006). Morphologic and functional features of the canine cruciate ligaments. Veterinary Surgery, 35, 769–780.
- Drygas, K.A., McClure, S.R., Goring, R.L., Pozzi, A., Robertson, S.A., Wang, C. (2011). Effect of cold compression therapy on postoperative pain, swelling, range of motion, and lameness after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 238, 1284–1291.
- Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O., Wensing, C.J.G. (1987). The hindlimb of the carnivores. In: K.M. Dyce, W.O. Sack & C.J.G. Wensing (Eds.), Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, (pp.453–461), WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Evans, H.E. (1993). Arthrology. In: H.E. Evans (Eds.), Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog, (pp.219-257), Third ed., WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Gregory, C.R., Cullen, J.M., Pool, R., Vasseur, P.B. (1986). The canine sacroiliac joint: preliminary study of anatomy, histopathology, and biomechanics. Spine 11, 1044–1048.
- Gupte, C.M., Bull, A.M., Murray, R., Amis, A.A. (2007). Comparative anatomy of the meniscofemoral ligament in humans and some domestic mammals. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 36, 47–52.
- Harcourt, R.A. (1974). The Dog in Prehistoric and Early Historic Britain. Journal of Archaeological Science, 1, 151-175.
- Jandi, A.S., Schulman, A.J. (2007). Incidence of motion loss of the stifle joint in dogs with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgically treated with tibial plateau leveling osteotomy: Longitudinal clinical study of 412 cases. Veterinary Surgery, 36, 114–121.
- Johnstone, C.J. (2004). A Biometric Study of Equids in the Roman World, [Thesis submitted for PhD, University of York, Department of Archaeology], UK,
- Jouve, S., Courant, F., Marchand, D. (2001). Disparity of skull morphology in dogs: geometrical morphometry approach. Journal of Morphology, 248:246.
- Kara, M.E., Sevil-Kilimci, F., Dilek, Ö.G., Onar, V. (2018). Proximal and distal alignment of normal canine femurs: A morphometric analysis. Annals of Anatomy, 217:125-128.
- Knaus, I., Breit, S., Künzel, W. (2003). Appearance of the sacroiliac joint in ventrodorsal radiographs of the normal canine pelvis. Veterinary Radiology&Ultrasound, 44, 148–154.
- Komeyli, H. (1984). Nasennebenhählen bei dolicho-, meso und brachyzephalen Hunden unter besonderer Berficksichtigung der rassespezifischen Schäidelformen. [Inaug Diss Vet-Meal, University Giessen] Germany.
- MacDonald, T.L., Allen, D.A., Monteith, G.J. (2013). Clinical assessment following tibial tuberosity advancement in 28 stifles at 6 months and 1 year after surgery. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 54, 249–254.
- Nganvongpanit, K., Pitakarnnop, T., Buddhachat, K., Phatsara, M. (2017). Gender-related differences in pelvic morphometrics of the Retriever Dog breed. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 46, 51-57.
- Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. (2017). Sixth ed., Prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature (I.C.V.G.A.N.) and Published by the Editorial Commitee, Hannover (Germany), Gent (Belgium), Colombia (U.S.A), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
- Ocal, M.K., Sevil-Kilimci, F., Yildirim, I.G. (2012). Geometry of the femoral condyles in dogs. Veterinary Research Communications, 36:1-6.
- Onar, V. (1999). A morphometric study on the skull of the German shepherd dog (Alsatian). Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 28, 253-256.
- Onar, V. (2005). Estimating the body weight of dogs unearthed from the Van-Yoncatepe Necropolis in Eastern Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2005, 29: 495-498.
- Onar, V., Belli, O. (2005). Estimation of shoulder height from long bone measurements on Dogs unearthed from the Van-Yoncatepe early Iron Age necropolis in Eastern Anatolia. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, 156: 53-60.
- Onar, V., Özcan, S., Pazvant, G. (2001). Skull typology of adult male kangal dogs. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 30, 41-48.
- Regedon, S., Robina, A., Franco, A., Vivo, J.M., Lignereux, Y. (1991). Détermination Radiologique et Statistique des Types Morphologiques Crâniens chez le Chien: Dolichocéphalic, Mésocéphalie et Brachycéphalie. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 20, 129-138.
- Sabancı, S.S., Ocal, M.K. (2014). Lateral and medial tibial plateau angles in normal dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 27, 135–140.
- Sabancı, S.S., Ocal, M.K (2016). Comparison of goniometric measurements of the stifle joint in seven breeds of normal dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 29, 214-219.
- Singleton, W.B. (1963). Stifle joint surgery in the dog. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 4, 142–150
- Skinner, O.T., Kim, S.E., Lewis, D.D., Pozzi, A. (2013). In vivo femorotibial subluxation during weight-bearing and clinical outcome following tibial tuberosity advancement for cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency in dogs. The Veterinary Journal, 196, 86–91.
- Stockard, C.R. (1941). The Genetic and Endocrinic Basis for Diffences in Form and Behavior. American Anatomical Memoirs, no. 19. (pp. 1-775), Wistar Institute, Philadelphia.
- Thitiyanaporn, C., Chantarapanich, N., Sompaisarnsilp, S., Thengchaisri, N. (2020). Comparison of canine stifle kinematic analysis after two types of total knee arthroplasty: A cadaveric study. Veterinary World, 13, 956-962.
- von den Driesch, A. (1976). A guide to the measurement of the animal bones from archaeological sites. Peabody museum bulletin 1, Harvard University, Massachusetts.
- Wroe, S., Myers, T.J., Wells, R.T., Gillespie, A. (1999). Estimating the weight of the Pleistocene marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex (Thylacoleonidae: Marsupialia): implications for the ecomorphology of a marsupial super-predator and hypotheses of impoverishment of Australian marsupial carnivore faunas. Australian Journal Zoology, 47, 489-498.