The Assessment Of Early Stage Corpus Luteum Ultrasonography In Pregnant Goats
Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 605 - 608, 01.01.2019
Eyyüp Hakan Uçar
Cevdet Peker
Tuğra Akkuş
Güneş Erdoğan
Backround /Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the corpus luteum images of the goats biometric and hemodynamically and to investigate the relationship between corpus luteum CL size and time-dependent changes with luteal arterial resistance during the early pregnancy stage. Material and Methods: For this purpose, 94 B-mode and 63 Pulsed Doppler CL images taken from 21 healthy pregnant goats aged 1-5 years were examined. The mean number of CL, maximum CL diameter mm and the resistance indices RI of the luteal vessels were determined in these images taken by transrectal ultrasonography on 7th, 14th and 21st days of pregnancy. Results: The mean numbers of corpus luteum that can be visualized on days 7th, 14th and 21st of pregnancy were 1.81±0.16; 1.38±0.11 and 1.15±0.08. The mean maximum diameter and luteal blood flow resistance values of luteal tissues were measured as 13.23±0.49 mm / 0.43±0.03; 16.04±0.76 mm / 0.33±0.02 and 16.98±0.41 mm / 0.34±0.02 respectively. It was observed that the mean corpus luteum diameters increased from the first week up to the 21st day P
- Acosta TJ, Miyamoto A (2004). Vascular control of ovarian func� on: ovula� on, corpus luteum forma� on and regression. Animal Reproduc� on Science, 82-83, 127-140.
- Arashiro EKN, Viana JHM, Fonseca JF, Camargo LSA, Fernandes CAC, Brandao FZ (2010). Luteal dynamics in goats: Morphological and endocrine features. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 39, 1937-1942.
- Arashiro EKN, Ungerfeld R, Clariget RP, PintoPHN, Balaro MFA, Bragança GM, Riberio LS, Fonseca JF, Brandao FZ (2018). Early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes by subjec� ve assessment of luteal vasculariton using color Doppler ultrasonography. Theriogenology, 106, 247- 252.
- Balaro MFA, Santos AS, Moura LFGM, Fonseca JF, Brandao FZ (2017). Luteal dynamic and func� onally assessment in dairy cows by luteal blood fl ow, luteal biometry, and hormonal assay. Theriogenology, 95, 118-126.
- Cosen� no IO, Balaro MFA, Leal FSC, Carvalho ABS, Souza PRC, Arashiro EKN, Brandao FZ (2019). Accuracy of assessment of luteal morphology and luteal blood fl ow for predic� on of early pregnancy in goats. Theriogenology, 121, 104-111.
- Dal GE, Enginler SÖ, Baykal K, Sabuncu A (2019). Early pregnancy diagnosis by semiquanta� ve evalua� on of luteal vascularity using power Doppler ultrasonography in sheep. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 88, 19-23.
- Fields MJ, Fields PA (1996). Morphological characteris� cs of the bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Theriogenology, 45, 1295-1325.
- Gaur M, Purohit GN (2019). Follicular dynamics and colour Doppler vascularity evalua� ons of follicles and corpus luteum in rela� on to plasma progesterone during the oestrous cycle of Sur� buff aloes. Reproduc� on in Domes� c Animals, 54, 585-594.
- Green MP, Hunter MG, Mann GE (2005). Rela� onships between maternal hormone secre� on and embryo development on day 5 of pregnancy in dairy cows. Animal Reproduc� on Science, 88, 179- 189.
- Guimaraes CRB, Oliveira ME, Rossi JR, Fernandes CAC, Viana JHM, Palhao MP (2015). Corpus luteum blood fl ow evalua� on on day 21 to improve the management of embryo recipient herds. Theriogenology, 84, 237-241.
- Hassan M, Arshad U, Bilal M, Sa� ar A, Avais M, Bollwein H, Ahmad N (2019). Luteal blood fl ow measured by Doppler ultrasonography during the Ş rst three weeks a� er ar� Ş cial insemina� on in pregnant and non-pregnant Bos indicus cows. Jounal of Reproduc� on and Development, 65, 1-8.
- Herzog K, Brockhan- Lüdemann M, Kaske M, Beindorff N, Paul V, Niemann H, Bollwein H (2010). Luteal blood fl ow is a more appropriate indicator for luteal func� on during the bovine estrous cycle than luteal size. Theriogenology, 73, 691-697.
- Herzog K, Voss C, Kastelic JP, Beindorff N, Paul V, Niemann H, Bollwein H (2011). Luteal blood fl ow increases during the Ş rst three weeks of pregnancy in lacta� ng dairy cows. Theriogenology, 75,549-554.
- Jarrell VL, Dziuk PJ (1991). Eff ect of number of corpora lutea and fetuses on concentra� ons of progesterone in blood of goats. Journal of Animal Science, 69, 770-773.
- Kanazawa T, Seki M, Ishiyama K, Kubo T, Kaneda Y, Sakagauchi M, Izaike Y, Takahashi T (2016): Pregnancy predic� on on the day of embryo transfer (Day 7) and Day 14 by measuring luteal blood fl ow in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 86,1436-1444.
- Kandiel MM, Watanabe G, Abdel-Ghaff ar AE, Sosa GA, Abou-El Roos ME, El-Azab AESI, Taya K (2010). Ovarian follicular dynamics and hormonal changes in goats during early pregnancy. Journal of Reproduc� on and Development, 56, 520-526.
- Kaya S, Kaçar C, Polat B, Çolak A, Kaya D, Gürcan IS, Bollwein H, Aslan S (2017). Associa� on of luteal blood fl ow with follicular size, serum estrogen and progesterone concentra� ons, and the inducibility of luteolysis by PGF2α in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 87, 167-172.
- Kupesic S, Kurjak A, Schmidt W (2003). Follikülogenezden erken gebeliğe kadar Doppler sonograŞ k incelemeler. In: Obstetri ve Jinekolojide Renkli Doppler SonograŞ
- Lasheen ME, Badr HM, Kandiel MMM, Abo El-Maaty AM, Samir H, Farouk M, Eldawy MH (2018). Predic� ng early pregnancy in Egyp� an buff alo cows via measuring uterine and luteal blood fl ows, and serum and saliva progesterone. Tropical Animal Health and Produc� on, 50, 137-142.
- Oliveira MEF, Riberio IF, Rodriguez MGK, Maciel GS, Fonseca JF, Brandao FZ, Bartlewski PM (2018). Assessing the usefulness of B-mode and colour Doppler sonography, and measurements of circula� ng progesterone concentra� ons for determining ovarian responses in superovulated ewes. Reproduc� on in Domes� c Animals, 53,742- 750.
- Orita J, Tanaka T, Kamomae H (2000). Ultrasonographic observa� on of follicular and luteal dynamics during the estrous cycle in Shiba goats. Journal of Reproduc� on and Development, 46, 31-37.
- Pugliesi G, Miagawa BT, Paiva YN, França MR, Silva LA, Binelli M (2014). Conceptus-induced changes in the gene expression of blood immune cells and the ultrasound-accessed luteal func� on in beef ca� le: how early can we detect pregnancy? Biology of Reproduc� on, 91, 1-12.
- Simoes J, Almeida JC, Baril G, Azevedo J, Fontes P, Mascarenhas R (2007). Assessment of luteal func� on by ultrasonographic appearance and measurement of corpora lutea in goats. Animal Reproduc� on in Science 97, 36-46.
- Simoes J, Potes J, Azevedo J, Almeida JC, Fontes P, Baril G, Mascarenhas R (2005). Morphometry of ovarian structures by transrectal ultrasonography in Serrena goats. Animal Reproduc� on in Science, 85, 263-273.
- Siqueira LGB, Areas VS, Ghe� AM, Fonseca JF, Palhao MP, Fernandes CAC, Viana JHM (2013). Color Doppler fl ow imaging for the early detec� on of nonpregnant ca� le at 20 days a� er � med ar� Ş cial insemina� on. Journal of Dairy Science, 96, 6461-6472.
- U� , MD, Johnson GL, Beal WE (2009). The evalua� on of corpus luteum blood fl ow using color-fl ow doppler ultrasound for early pregnancy diagnosis in bovine embryo recipients. Theriogenology, 71, 707- 715.
Gebe keçilerde erken dönem korpus luteum ultrasonografisinin değerlendirilmesi
Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 605 - 608, 01.01.2019
Eyyüp Hakan Uçar
Cevdet Peker
Tuğra Akkuş
Güneş Erdoğan
Özbilgi/Amaç: Sunulan araştırmada, keçilerde erken gebelik döneminde korpus luteum görüntülerinin biometrik ve hemodinamik açıdan değerlendirilmesi ve korpus luteumun büyüklüğü ve zamana bağlı değişimin luteal arteriel direnci ile olan ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Materyal ve Metot: Bu amaçla, 1-5 yaşlarında 21 sağlıklı gebe keçiden elde edilen toplam 94 adet B-mod ve 63 adet Pulsed Doppler korpus luteum ultrasonografi görüntüsü incelendi. Gebeliğin 7, 14 ve 21. günlerinde transrektal ultrasonografi ile görüntülenebilen ortalama korpus luteum sayısı, maksimum korpus luteum çapı mm ve korpus luteumda perfüzyonu sağlayan damarlara ait rezistans RI değerleri belirlendi. Bulgular: Gebeliğin 7, 14, ve 21. günlerinde ortalama korpus luteum sayıları sırasıyla 1.81±0.16; 1.38±0.11 ve 1.15±0.08 olarak kaydedildi. Luteal dokulara ait ortalama maksimum çap ve luteal kan akım direnç değerleri ise sırasıyla 13.23±0.49 mm / 0.43±0.03; 16.04±0.76 mm / 0.33±0.02; 16.98±0.41 mm / 0.34±0.02 olarak ölçüldü. Ortalama korpus luteum büyüklüklerinin ilk haftadan başlayarak 21. güne kadar arttığı P
- Acosta TJ, Miyamoto A (2004). Vascular control of ovarian func� on: ovula� on, corpus luteum forma� on and regression. Animal Reproduc� on Science, 82-83, 127-140.
- Arashiro EKN, Viana JHM, Fonseca JF, Camargo LSA, Fernandes CAC, Brandao FZ (2010). Luteal dynamics in goats: Morphological and endocrine features. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 39, 1937-1942.
- Arashiro EKN, Ungerfeld R, Clariget RP, PintoPHN, Balaro MFA, Bragança GM, Riberio LS, Fonseca JF, Brandao FZ (2018). Early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes by subjec� ve assessment of luteal vasculariton using color Doppler ultrasonography. Theriogenology, 106, 247- 252.
- Balaro MFA, Santos AS, Moura LFGM, Fonseca JF, Brandao FZ (2017). Luteal dynamic and func� onally assessment in dairy cows by luteal blood fl ow, luteal biometry, and hormonal assay. Theriogenology, 95, 118-126.
- Cosen� no IO, Balaro MFA, Leal FSC, Carvalho ABS, Souza PRC, Arashiro EKN, Brandao FZ (2019). Accuracy of assessment of luteal morphology and luteal blood fl ow for predic� on of early pregnancy in goats. Theriogenology, 121, 104-111.
- Dal GE, Enginler SÖ, Baykal K, Sabuncu A (2019). Early pregnancy diagnosis by semiquanta� ve evalua� on of luteal vascularity using power Doppler ultrasonography in sheep. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 88, 19-23.
- Fields MJ, Fields PA (1996). Morphological characteris� cs of the bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Theriogenology, 45, 1295-1325.
- Gaur M, Purohit GN (2019). Follicular dynamics and colour Doppler vascularity evalua� ons of follicles and corpus luteum in rela� on to plasma progesterone during the oestrous cycle of Sur� buff aloes. Reproduc� on in Domes� c Animals, 54, 585-594.
- Green MP, Hunter MG, Mann GE (2005). Rela� onships between maternal hormone secre� on and embryo development on day 5 of pregnancy in dairy cows. Animal Reproduc� on Science, 88, 179- 189.
- Guimaraes CRB, Oliveira ME, Rossi JR, Fernandes CAC, Viana JHM, Palhao MP (2015). Corpus luteum blood fl ow evalua� on on day 21 to improve the management of embryo recipient herds. Theriogenology, 84, 237-241.
- Hassan M, Arshad U, Bilal M, Sa� ar A, Avais M, Bollwein H, Ahmad N (2019). Luteal blood fl ow measured by Doppler ultrasonography during the Ş rst three weeks a� er ar� Ş cial insemina� on in pregnant and non-pregnant Bos indicus cows. Jounal of Reproduc� on and Development, 65, 1-8.
- Herzog K, Brockhan- Lüdemann M, Kaske M, Beindorff N, Paul V, Niemann H, Bollwein H (2010). Luteal blood fl ow is a more appropriate indicator for luteal func� on during the bovine estrous cycle than luteal size. Theriogenology, 73, 691-697.
- Herzog K, Voss C, Kastelic JP, Beindorff N, Paul V, Niemann H, Bollwein H (2011). Luteal blood fl ow increases during the Ş rst three weeks of pregnancy in lacta� ng dairy cows. Theriogenology, 75,549-554.
- Jarrell VL, Dziuk PJ (1991). Eff ect of number of corpora lutea and fetuses on concentra� ons of progesterone in blood of goats. Journal of Animal Science, 69, 770-773.
- Kanazawa T, Seki M, Ishiyama K, Kubo T, Kaneda Y, Sakagauchi M, Izaike Y, Takahashi T (2016): Pregnancy predic� on on the day of embryo transfer (Day 7) and Day 14 by measuring luteal blood fl ow in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 86,1436-1444.
- Kandiel MM, Watanabe G, Abdel-Ghaff ar AE, Sosa GA, Abou-El Roos ME, El-Azab AESI, Taya K (2010). Ovarian follicular dynamics and hormonal changes in goats during early pregnancy. Journal of Reproduc� on and Development, 56, 520-526.
- Kaya S, Kaçar C, Polat B, Çolak A, Kaya D, Gürcan IS, Bollwein H, Aslan S (2017). Associa� on of luteal blood fl ow with follicular size, serum estrogen and progesterone concentra� ons, and the inducibility of luteolysis by PGF2α in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 87, 167-172.
- Kupesic S, Kurjak A, Schmidt W (2003). Follikülogenezden erken gebeliğe kadar Doppler sonograŞ k incelemeler. In: Obstetri ve Jinekolojide Renkli Doppler SonograŞ
- Lasheen ME, Badr HM, Kandiel MMM, Abo El-Maaty AM, Samir H, Farouk M, Eldawy MH (2018). Predic� ng early pregnancy in Egyp� an buff alo cows via measuring uterine and luteal blood fl ows, and serum and saliva progesterone. Tropical Animal Health and Produc� on, 50, 137-142.
- Oliveira MEF, Riberio IF, Rodriguez MGK, Maciel GS, Fonseca JF, Brandao FZ, Bartlewski PM (2018). Assessing the usefulness of B-mode and colour Doppler sonography, and measurements of circula� ng progesterone concentra� ons for determining ovarian responses in superovulated ewes. Reproduc� on in Domes� c Animals, 53,742- 750.
- Orita J, Tanaka T, Kamomae H (2000). Ultrasonographic observa� on of follicular and luteal dynamics during the estrous cycle in Shiba goats. Journal of Reproduc� on and Development, 46, 31-37.
- Pugliesi G, Miagawa BT, Paiva YN, França MR, Silva LA, Binelli M (2014). Conceptus-induced changes in the gene expression of blood immune cells and the ultrasound-accessed luteal func� on in beef ca� le: how early can we detect pregnancy? Biology of Reproduc� on, 91, 1-12.
- Simoes J, Almeida JC, Baril G, Azevedo J, Fontes P, Mascarenhas R (2007). Assessment of luteal func� on by ultrasonographic appearance and measurement of corpora lutea in goats. Animal Reproduc� on in Science 97, 36-46.
- Simoes J, Potes J, Azevedo J, Almeida JC, Fontes P, Baril G, Mascarenhas R (2005). Morphometry of ovarian structures by transrectal ultrasonography in Serrena goats. Animal Reproduc� on in Science, 85, 263-273.
- Siqueira LGB, Areas VS, Ghe� AM, Fonseca JF, Palhao MP, Fernandes CAC, Viana JHM (2013). Color Doppler fl ow imaging for the early detec� on of nonpregnant ca� le at 20 days a� er � med ar� Ş cial insemina� on. Journal of Dairy Science, 96, 6461-6472.
- U� , MD, Johnson GL, Beal WE (2009). The evalua� on of corpus luteum blood fl ow using color-fl ow doppler ultrasound for early pregnancy diagnosis in bovine embryo recipients. Theriogenology, 71, 707- 715.