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Morphological Characterization of the White Baroque Donkey

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.01.2019


Backround/Aim: The white Baroque donkey Austrian-Hungarian white donkey , belongs to a large group of domestic donkeys, where it stands out because of its snow white coat. During the Austrian Empire, white donkeys, were “objects of prestige”. After the Baroque period, this breed of donkey was forgotten. The white Baroque donkey was “rediscovered” in the early 1980-ies, when a few specimens were brought to Herberstain from Hungary. Material and Method: The investigation of parameters of the exterior 36 for morphological characterization of the white Baroque donkey was done in Austria, on a population in Schloss Hof and the Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel National Park. Measurements were taken using the Lidtin’s stick, tape and mobile measuring instrument with nonius. Measured animals were 3 to 6 years old. Results and Conclusion: Height at withers of the male was 108.4 cm – 120.3 cm, with an average value of 115.5 cm. In the female, height at withers was 104.2 cm – 122.2 cm with an average of 112.2 cm. Body length of male animals was 112.0 cm – 127.0 cm, with an average of 119.2 cm, which is 3.2% more than the height at withers. In female animals, body length was 108.9 cm – 133.0 cm, with an average value of 120.7 cm, which is 7.5% more than the height at withers. In the male, head length was 52.0 – 60.0 cm, with an average value of 55.0 cm, which is 47.62% of the height at withers. In the female, the variation interval for head length was 49.0 cm – 58.0 cm, with an average value of 54.5 cm. Based on obtained results, Baroque donkeys have a rectangular body format, with a height at the rump above the height at the withers. According to its exterior characteristics the Baroque donkey conforms to the body type of the species described for other donkey breeds.


  • Altmann F.D. (1994): Europäische weiße esel- Haus� erkundlich unbedingt erhaltenswerte raritäten. Stočarstvo; Paper for the improvement of animal husbandry, 48(9-10), pp. 291-292.
  • Babic E. (1939): Beitrag zur Kenntnis des apulischen Esels in Dalma� en. Veterinarski arhiv, Zagreb, pp. 228-252
  • Baroncini R. (2014): L asino, il mulo e il bardo� o. Edagricole, Milano, pp. 198
  • Brem G. (1998): Exterieurbeurteilung landwirtscha� licher Nutz� ere. Verlag Ulmer, Stu� gart, pp 122-148
  • Esseret Z. (1959): Domes� c Ass of Island of Mljet. Veterinaria, Sarajevo, pp. 41-54
  • İermanovic V., Mitrovic S., Trailovic R., Trailovic D., Ivanov S. (2012): Phenotype variability and correla� on of body and preserva� on of body frame in Balkan Donkey. Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Symposium of Equine Breeding, Reproduc� on and Health Protec� on, Novi Sad, pp. 155-162
  • Svendsens E. (2011): Eselbuch. Ulmer Verlag, Stu� gart, pp 22.
  • Folch P., Jordana J. (1997): Characteriza� on, reference ranges and the infl uence of gender on morphological parameters of the endangered Catalonian Donkey Breed. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, pp.102-111
  • Graph Pad Prism 7 so� ware (2017): Graph Pad So� ware Inc. Windows, Version 7.04
  • Ivankovic A., Caput P., Mioč B., Pavić V. (2000): The phenotype Features of Donkeys in Croa� a. Agriculturae Conspectus Scien� Ş cus, Vol. 65, No.2, pp. 99-105
  • Rote Listen - Gefährdeter Tiere Österreichs (2010): Vol 14/4, pp. 98
  • Trailovic R., Ivanov S., Dimi� rijevic V. Trailovic D. (2011): Some morphological and Heath Characteris� cs of Domes� c Balkan Donkey on Stara planina. Proceedings Equine Nutri� on and Pathology, Novi Sad, pp.180-187
  • Stanisić Lj., Simeunović P., Dimitrijević V., Lakić N., Stanimirović Z. (2014): Body Measures in Endangered Domes� c Balkan Donkey Breed. Proceedings of the Interna� onal Symposium on Animal Science, Belgrad-Zemun, pp. 111-118
  • Urošević M.M. Nemecek M., Drobnjak D., Urošević B.M., Stojić P., Matarugić D., Pračić N. (2015): Angula� on and Rela� on of Morphometric Parameres on Back Leg of Donkyes. Proceedings of Research Papers. Vol. 21, No. 3-4, pp. 133-138.
  • Zoufal K. (2013): Weißer Barokesel. ARCHE Austria, Ausgabe 3, pp 8-10
  • Zoufal K. (2014): Der Österreichisch-Ungarische Weiße Barockesel. WildTiereZeit, Ausgabe 1, pp.4-8

Kır Barok Eşeklerinin Morfolojik Karakterizasyonu

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.01.2019


Giriş/Amaç: Kır Barok eşek ırkı Avusturya-Macar kır eşeği , kar beyazı renkteki kır donuyla öne çıkan evcil eşek ırklarının büyük bir grubuna aittir. Avusturya İmparatorluğu döneminde kır eşekler saygınlık göstergesi idi. Barok dönemden sonra, bu eşek ırkı unutuldu. Kır Barok eşeklerinden birkaç tanesi 1980’lerin başında Macaristan’dan Herberstain’e getirildiğinde yeniden keşfedildi. Materyal ve Metot: Kır Barok eşeğin morfolojik karakterizasyonu için dış yapısal parametrelerin 36 adet saptanması için Avusturya’da bulunan Schloss Hof ve Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel Ulusal Parkı’ndaki bir populasyondan faydalanıldı. Ölçümler Lidtin bastonu, şerit metre ve kumpaslı mobil ölçüm cihazı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Ölçülen hayvanlar 3 ila 6 yaşlarındaydı. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Erkek eşeklerde cidago yüksekliği ortalaması 115,5 cm 108,4–120,3 cm ; dişi eşeklerde ise ortalama 112,2 cm 104,2–122,2 cm , olarak ölçüldü. Erkek eşeklerin beden uzunluğu ortalaması 119,2 cm 112,0–127,0 cm olarak belirlendi. Bu uzunluk cidago yüksekliğinden % 3,2 daha fazladır. Dişi hayvanlarda beden uzunluğu ortalaması 120,7 cm 108,9–133,0 cm olarak belirlendi. Dişi eşeklerde bu uzunluk ise cidago yüksekliğinden %7,5 daha fazladır. Erkek eşeklerde kafa uzunluğu ortalaması 55,0 cm 52,0–60,0 cm olarak saptandı, bu uzunluk da cidago yüksekliğinin %47,62’siydi. Dişi eşeklerde kafa uzunluğunun varyasyon aralığı 49,0 cm–58,0 cm olup, ortalama değeri 54,5 cm idi. Elde edilen sonuçlara dayanarak, Barok eşeklerinin sağrı cidagodan daha yüksek dikdörtgen bir beden formatına sahip olduğu ve beden özelliklerine göre diğer eşek ırkları için tanımlanan beden yapılarına uygun bir formda olduğu söylenebilir.


  • Altmann F.D. (1994): Europäische weiße esel- Haus� erkundlich unbedingt erhaltenswerte raritäten. Stočarstvo; Paper for the improvement of animal husbandry, 48(9-10), pp. 291-292.
  • Babic E. (1939): Beitrag zur Kenntnis des apulischen Esels in Dalma� en. Veterinarski arhiv, Zagreb, pp. 228-252
  • Baroncini R. (2014): L asino, il mulo e il bardo� o. Edagricole, Milano, pp. 198
  • Brem G. (1998): Exterieurbeurteilung landwirtscha� licher Nutz� ere. Verlag Ulmer, Stu� gart, pp 122-148
  • Esseret Z. (1959): Domes� c Ass of Island of Mljet. Veterinaria, Sarajevo, pp. 41-54
  • İermanovic V., Mitrovic S., Trailovic R., Trailovic D., Ivanov S. (2012): Phenotype variability and correla� on of body and preserva� on of body frame in Balkan Donkey. Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Symposium of Equine Breeding, Reproduc� on and Health Protec� on, Novi Sad, pp. 155-162
  • Svendsens E. (2011): Eselbuch. Ulmer Verlag, Stu� gart, pp 22.
  • Folch P., Jordana J. (1997): Characteriza� on, reference ranges and the infl uence of gender on morphological parameters of the endangered Catalonian Donkey Breed. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, pp.102-111
  • Graph Pad Prism 7 so� ware (2017): Graph Pad So� ware Inc. Windows, Version 7.04
  • Ivankovic A., Caput P., Mioč B., Pavić V. (2000): The phenotype Features of Donkeys in Croa� a. Agriculturae Conspectus Scien� Ş cus, Vol. 65, No.2, pp. 99-105
  • Rote Listen - Gefährdeter Tiere Österreichs (2010): Vol 14/4, pp. 98
  • Trailovic R., Ivanov S., Dimi� rijevic V. Trailovic D. (2011): Some morphological and Heath Characteris� cs of Domes� c Balkan Donkey on Stara planina. Proceedings Equine Nutri� on and Pathology, Novi Sad, pp.180-187
  • Stanisić Lj., Simeunović P., Dimitrijević V., Lakić N., Stanimirović Z. (2014): Body Measures in Endangered Domes� c Balkan Donkey Breed. Proceedings of the Interna� onal Symposium on Animal Science, Belgrad-Zemun, pp. 111-118
  • Urošević M.M. Nemecek M., Drobnjak D., Urošević B.M., Stojić P., Matarugić D., Pračić N. (2015): Angula� on and Rela� on of Morphometric Parameres on Back Leg of Donkyes. Proceedings of Research Papers. Vol. 21, No. 3-4, pp. 133-138.
  • Zoufal K. (2013): Weißer Barokesel. ARCHE Austria, Ausgabe 3, pp 8-10
  • Zoufal K. (2014): Der Österreichisch-Ungarische Weiße Barockesel. WildTiereZeit, Ausgabe 1, pp.4-8
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Milivoje Urosevic1 This is me

Margot Nemecek1 This is me

Darko Drobnjak1 This is me

Alois Gangl2 This is me

Panče Dameski3 This is me

Petar Stojić1 This is me

Goran Stanisic4 This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Urosevic1, M., Nemecek1, M., Drobnjak1, D., Gangl2, A., et al. (2019). Morphological Characterization of the White Baroque Donkey. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 8(1).