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Waterborne Major Bacterial Zoonoses

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 634 - 637, 01.01.2019


Background/Aim: Reports of case investigations just as assessments of disease determinants in local and territorial populaces give us examples of diseases that are dependent upon an assortment of local, ecological, cultural, and biological impacts. Environmental conditions are fundamentally impacted thusly by the atmosphere and organic activities. These impacts can be exceptionally variable, bringing about altogether different examples of disease burden among populaces. To treatment and prevention strategies for outbreaks that occur with the environmental and public health effects of waterborne zoonotic agents, each bacterial agent should be examined individually first. Conclusion: The present review inspects specific zoonotic bacterial agents that transmit from faeces to a contaminated host and are facilitated by waterborne transmission.


  • Adler B, Faine S (2006). The Genus Leptospira. In: The Prokaryotes.
  • Vol 7, M Dworkin, Falkow S, Schleifer KH, Rosenberg E, Stakebrandt E (Eds.), Minneapolis, MN, USA, Springer, pp.294-317. Bhar� ARJE, Nally JN, Ricaldi MA, Ma� hias MM, Diaz MA, Love� PN
  • Leve� RH, Gilman MR, Willig ve E. Gotuzzo (2003). Leptospirosis
  • a zoono� c disease of global importance. The Lancet infec� ous
  • diseases, 3(12), 757-771. Bopp DJ, Sauders BD, Waring AL, Ackelsberg J, Dumas N, Braun- Howland E, Dziewulski D, Wallace BJ, Kelly M, Halse T, Musser KA, Smith PF, Morse
  • DL, Limberger RJ (2003). Detec� on, isola� on, and molecular
  • subtyping of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter jejuni
  • associated with a large waterborne outbreak. Journal of Clinical
  • Microbiology, 41(1), 174-180. Byrne C, Erol I, Call J, Buege D, Kaspar CW, Hiemke C, Fedorka
  • Cray P, Hermosillo J, Ball T, Wallace M, Handy M, Luchansky
  • JB (2003). Characteriza� on of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from
  • downer and healthy dairy ca� le in the upper Midwest region
  • of the United States. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 69, 4683-4688. Caprioli A, Morabito S, Brugere H, Oswalt E (2005).
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: Emerging Issues on
  • Virulence and Modes of Transmission. Veterinary Research, 36, 289-311. Chalmers RM, Aird H and Bolton FJ (2000). Waterborne
  • Escherichia coli O157. Symposium Series Society for Applied
  • Microbiology, 29, 124-132. Çarlı KT, Kahya S (2011). Kanatlı Hayvanların İnfeksiyöz
  • Hastalıkları. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi
  • Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Yayınları, Bursa, 15. Deshmukh RA, Joshi K, Bhand S, Roy U (2016). Recent
  • developments in detec� on and enumera� on of waterborne
  • bacteria: a retrospec� ve minireview. MicrobiologyOpen, 5, 6, 901-922. Farrokh C, Jordan K, Auvray F, Glass K, Oppegaard H, Raynaud
  • S, Thevenot D, Condron R, De Reu K, Govaris A, Heggum
  • K, Heyndrickx M, Hummerjohann J, Lindsay D, Miszczycha
  • S, Moussiegt S, Verstraete K, Cerf O (2013). Review of
  • Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and their
  • signiŞ cance in dairy produc� on. Interna� onal Journal of
  • Food Microbiology, 162, 190-212. Ferens WA and Hovde CJ (2011). Escherichia coli O157:H7
  • animal reservoir and sources of human infec� on. Foodborne
  • Pathogens and Disease, 8, 465-487. Friedrich AW, Köck R, Bielaszewska M, Zhang W, Kacch H
  • Mathys W (2005). Distrubu� on of the Urease Gene
  • Cluster Among and Ureas Ac� vi� es of Enterohemorrhogic
  • Escherichia coli O 157 Isolates fron Humans. Journal of
  • Clinical Microbiology, 43(2), 546-550. Griffi n PM, Mead PS, Sivapalasingam S (2002). Escherichia coli
  • O157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic E. coli. In: Infec� ons
  • of the Gastrointes� nal Tract, 2nd Edit., Blaser MJ, Smith PD
  • Ravdin JI, Greenberg BH and Guerrant RL (Eds.), Lippinco�
  • Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 627–637. Haake DA, Dundoo M, Cader R, Kubak BM, Hartskeerl RA
  • Sejvar JJ, Ashford D (2002). Leptospirosis, water sports, and
  • chemoprophylaxis. Clinical Infec� ous Diseases, 34, 40-43. İzgür M (2010). Kanatlı Salmonella Enfeksiyonlarının
  • Epidemiyolojisi. Türkiye Klinikleri, 1(2), 61-78. Lammerding AM (2006). Modeling and risk assessment
  • for Salmonella in meat and poultry. Journal of AOAC
  • Interna� onal, 89, 543-552. Ligh� oot D (2004). Waterborne Zoonoses, IWA Publishing
  • London, 228-241. Poppe C. Salmonella in the domes� c fowl. In: Salmonella in
  • Domes� c Animals, Wray C, Wray A (Eds.), CABI Publishing, Oxon, 2000. Sanders EJ, Rigau-Perez JG, Smits HL, Deseda CC, Vorndam VA
  • Aye T, Spiegel RA, Weyant RS, Bragg SL (1999). Increase of
  • Leptospirosis in dengue-nega� ve pa� ents a� er a hurricane
  • in Puerto Rico in 1996. American Journal of Tropical
  • Medicine Hygiene, 61, 399-404. Simbizi V, Saulez MN, Po� s A, Lo� er C, Gummow B (2016). A
  • study of Leptospirosis in South African horses and associated
  • risk factors. Preven� ve Veterinary Medicine, 134, 6-15. Srisawat N, Sitprija V (2019). Leptospirosis and the Kidney: An
  • Overview. Transla� onal Research in Biomedicine, 7, 1-9. Tarr PI, Gordon CA, Chandler WL (2005). Shiga-toxin producing
  • Escherichia coli and haemoly� c uraemic syndrome. Lancet
  • 1073-1086. Trevejo RT, Rigau-Perez JG, Ashford DA, McClure EM, Jarquin
  • Gonzalez C, Amador JJ, de los Reyes JO, Gonzalez A, Zaki SR
  • Shieh WJ, McLean RG, Nasci RS, Weyant RS, Bolin CA, Bragg
  • SL, Perkins BA, Spiegel RA (1998). Epidemic Leptospirosis
  • associated with pulmonary hemorrhage — Nicaragua.
  • Journal of Infec� ous Diseases, 178, 1457-1463. Wang G, Doyle MP (1998). Survival of enterohemorrhagic
  • Escherichia coli O157:H7 in water. Journal of Food
  • Protec� on, 61(6), 662-667.

Su Kaynaklı Başlıca Bakteriyel Zoonozlar

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 634 - 637, 01.01.2019


Özbilgi/Amaç: Vaka raporu incelemelerinin yanı sıra, yerel ve bölgesel popülasyonlardaki hastalık determinantları, bize çeşitli çevresel, toplumsal ve biyolojik etkilere maruz kalan hastalık modellerini sunmaktadır. Çevresel koşullar, iklim ve organik faaliyetlerinden sırasıyla etkilenmektedir. Bu etkilerin tümü oldukça değişkenlik gösterebilmekte, bu durum da popülasyonlar arasında çok farklı hastalık kaynaklarını ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Su kaynaklı zoonotik ajanların çevre ve halk sağlığı etkileri ile birlikte ortaya çıkan salgınların tedavi ve koruma stratejilerinin geliştirilebilmesi için her bakteriyel ajan öncelikle bireysel olarak incelenmelidir. Sonuç: Bu derlemede, dışkı ile kontaminasyon yoluyla konakçıya geçen ve suyla taşınan spesifik zoonotik bakteriyel ajanları incelenmiştir.


  • Adler B, Faine S (2006). The Genus Leptospira. In: The Prokaryotes.
  • Vol 7, M Dworkin, Falkow S, Schleifer KH, Rosenberg E, Stakebrandt E (Eds.), Minneapolis, MN, USA, Springer, pp.294-317. Bhar� ARJE, Nally JN, Ricaldi MA, Ma� hias MM, Diaz MA, Love� PN
  • Leve� RH, Gilman MR, Willig ve E. Gotuzzo (2003). Leptospirosis
  • a zoono� c disease of global importance. The Lancet infec� ous
  • diseases, 3(12), 757-771. Bopp DJ, Sauders BD, Waring AL, Ackelsberg J, Dumas N, Braun- Howland E, Dziewulski D, Wallace BJ, Kelly M, Halse T, Musser KA, Smith PF, Morse
  • DL, Limberger RJ (2003). Detec� on, isola� on, and molecular
  • subtyping of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter jejuni
  • associated with a large waterborne outbreak. Journal of Clinical
  • Microbiology, 41(1), 174-180. Byrne C, Erol I, Call J, Buege D, Kaspar CW, Hiemke C, Fedorka
  • Cray P, Hermosillo J, Ball T, Wallace M, Handy M, Luchansky
  • JB (2003). Characteriza� on of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from
  • downer and healthy dairy ca� le in the upper Midwest region
  • of the United States. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 69, 4683-4688. Caprioli A, Morabito S, Brugere H, Oswalt E (2005).
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: Emerging Issues on
  • Virulence and Modes of Transmission. Veterinary Research, 36, 289-311. Chalmers RM, Aird H and Bolton FJ (2000). Waterborne
  • Escherichia coli O157. Symposium Series Society for Applied
  • Microbiology, 29, 124-132. Çarlı KT, Kahya S (2011). Kanatlı Hayvanların İnfeksiyöz
  • Hastalıkları. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi
  • Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Yayınları, Bursa, 15. Deshmukh RA, Joshi K, Bhand S, Roy U (2016). Recent
  • developments in detec� on and enumera� on of waterborne
  • bacteria: a retrospec� ve minireview. MicrobiologyOpen, 5, 6, 901-922. Farrokh C, Jordan K, Auvray F, Glass K, Oppegaard H, Raynaud
  • S, Thevenot D, Condron R, De Reu K, Govaris A, Heggum
  • K, Heyndrickx M, Hummerjohann J, Lindsay D, Miszczycha
  • S, Moussiegt S, Verstraete K, Cerf O (2013). Review of
  • Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and their
  • signiŞ cance in dairy produc� on. Interna� onal Journal of
  • Food Microbiology, 162, 190-212. Ferens WA and Hovde CJ (2011). Escherichia coli O157:H7
  • animal reservoir and sources of human infec� on. Foodborne
  • Pathogens and Disease, 8, 465-487. Friedrich AW, Köck R, Bielaszewska M, Zhang W, Kacch H
  • Mathys W (2005). Distrubu� on of the Urease Gene
  • Cluster Among and Ureas Ac� vi� es of Enterohemorrhogic
  • Escherichia coli O 157 Isolates fron Humans. Journal of
  • Clinical Microbiology, 43(2), 546-550. Griffi n PM, Mead PS, Sivapalasingam S (2002). Escherichia coli
  • O157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic E. coli. In: Infec� ons
  • of the Gastrointes� nal Tract, 2nd Edit., Blaser MJ, Smith PD
  • Ravdin JI, Greenberg BH and Guerrant RL (Eds.), Lippinco�
  • Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 627–637. Haake DA, Dundoo M, Cader R, Kubak BM, Hartskeerl RA
  • Sejvar JJ, Ashford D (2002). Leptospirosis, water sports, and
  • chemoprophylaxis. Clinical Infec� ous Diseases, 34, 40-43. İzgür M (2010). Kanatlı Salmonella Enfeksiyonlarının
  • Epidemiyolojisi. Türkiye Klinikleri, 1(2), 61-78. Lammerding AM (2006). Modeling and risk assessment
  • for Salmonella in meat and poultry. Journal of AOAC
  • Interna� onal, 89, 543-552. Ligh� oot D (2004). Waterborne Zoonoses, IWA Publishing
  • London, 228-241. Poppe C. Salmonella in the domes� c fowl. In: Salmonella in
  • Domes� c Animals, Wray C, Wray A (Eds.), CABI Publishing, Oxon, 2000. Sanders EJ, Rigau-Perez JG, Smits HL, Deseda CC, Vorndam VA
  • Aye T, Spiegel RA, Weyant RS, Bragg SL (1999). Increase of
  • Leptospirosis in dengue-nega� ve pa� ents a� er a hurricane
  • in Puerto Rico in 1996. American Journal of Tropical
  • Medicine Hygiene, 61, 399-404. Simbizi V, Saulez MN, Po� s A, Lo� er C, Gummow B (2016). A
  • study of Leptospirosis in South African horses and associated
  • risk factors. Preven� ve Veterinary Medicine, 134, 6-15. Srisawat N, Sitprija V (2019). Leptospirosis and the Kidney: An
  • Overview. Transla� onal Research in Biomedicine, 7, 1-9. Tarr PI, Gordon CA, Chandler WL (2005). Shiga-toxin producing
  • Escherichia coli and haemoly� c uraemic syndrome. Lancet
  • 1073-1086. Trevejo RT, Rigau-Perez JG, Ashford DA, McClure EM, Jarquin
  • Gonzalez C, Amador JJ, de los Reyes JO, Gonzalez A, Zaki SR
  • Shieh WJ, McLean RG, Nasci RS, Weyant RS, Bolin CA, Bragg
  • SL, Perkins BA, Spiegel RA (1998). Epidemic Leptospirosis
  • associated with pulmonary hemorrhage — Nicaragua.
  • Journal of Infec� ous Diseases, 178, 1457-1463. Wang G, Doyle MP (1998). Survival of enterohemorrhagic
  • Escherichia coli O157:H7 in water. Journal of Food
  • Protec� on, 61(6), 662-667.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Uğur Parın This is me

Şükrü Kırkan This is me

Göksel Erbaş This is me

H. Tuğba Yüksel Dolgun This is me

Abuzer Işık This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Parın, U., Kırkan, Ş., Erbaş, G., Dolgun, H. T. Y., et al. (2019). Waterborne Major Bacterial Zoonoses. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 8(1), 634-637.