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The Role of the Deposits of IgG and Complement-3 in the Pathogenesis of Kidney Lesions In Canine Visceral Leishmaniosis

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 576 - 584, 01.06.2018


Background/Aim: Canine Visceral Leishmaniozis KVL is a protozoal infection with zoonotic character which processes with lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis, hepatitis, dermatitis and nephritis in domestic and wild carnivores. This study aimed to illuminate the possible immunopathologic mechanisms of renal damage in KVL. Materials and Methods: In this study, the kidneys of dogs cases diagnosed as KVL histopathologically / immunohistochemically were examined at Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pathology between 2002 and 2015. For this purpose, Leishmania amastigot antigen, IgG and Complement-3 C3 deposits were specified immunohistochemically in the kidney tissues of infected dogs by determining histopathological lesions in kidney tissue of the cases. Conclusion: Immunohistochemically, amastigote positive reactions were obtained in lymphocyte and kidney interstitium in macrophage cytoplasm. In addition to this, IgG positive reactions deposited in the kidney glomerulus basal membranes revealed C3 positive reactions deposited in the kidney glomerulus basal membranes and tubulus basal membranes. As a result, this study revealed that IgG and C3 immunohistochemical expressions are intense and severe compared to control group of animals in the form of immunocomplex deposits of infected dogs in kidney tissue, suggesting that KVL is mediated by immunocomplexes of the pathogenesis of renal lesions.


  • Ashford RW. The Leishmaniasis as emerging and reemerging zoonoses. International Journal for Parasitology 2000, 30 (12-13):1269-1281.
  • Barrouin-Melo SM, Larangeira DF, Fernando AA, Filho Trigo J, Julia FS, Franke CR, Aguiar PHP, Dos-Santos WLC, Carvalho LP. (2006). Can spleen aspirations be safely used for the parasitological diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniosis? A study on assymptomatic and polysymptomatic animals. The Veterinary Journal, 171: 331-339.
  • Benderitter TH, Casanova P, Nashkidachvili L, Quilici M. (1988). Glomerulonephritis in dogs with canine leishmaniasis. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 82,335-341.
  • Blavier A, Keroack S, Denerolle P, Goy-Thollot I, Chabanne L, Cadorè JL, Bourdoiseau G. Atypical forms of Canine Leishmaniosis. The Veterinary Journal 2001, 162:108-120.
  • Brito T, Hoshino-Shimizu S, Amato Neto V, Duarte IS, Pena DO. (1975). Glomerular involvement in human kala azar: a light, immunofluorescent and electron microscopic study based on kidney biopsies. American Journal of Tropical Medicine Hygiene, 24: 9-18.
  • Campino L, Cortes S, Pires R, Oskam L, Abranches P. (2000). Detection of Leishmania in immunocompromised patients using peripheral blood spots on filter paper and the polymerase chain reaction, Europian Journal Clininical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 19(5):396-8.
  • Chang KP, Reed SG, McGwire BS, Soong L. (2003). Leishmania model for microbial virulence: the relevance of parasite multiplication and pathogenicity, Acta Tropica. 85: 375-390.
  • Costa FAL, Guerra JL, Silva SMMS, Klein RP, Mendonça IL, Goto H. (2000). CD4+ T cells participate in the nephropathy of canine visceral leishmaniasis, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research ,33: 1455-1458.
  • Lima WG, Michalick MSM, Melo MN, Tafuri WL. (2004). Canine visceral leishmaniasis: a histopathological study of lymph nodes. Acta Tropica, 92,43-53.
  • Lopez R, Lucena R, Novale M. (1998). Circulating immune complexes and renal function in canine leishmaniasis. Zentralbl Veterinarmed (B), 43, 469-474.
  • Murray HW. (1997). Endogeneous interleukin -12 regulates acquired resistance in experimental visceral leishmaniasis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 175, 1477-1479.
  • Nieto CG, Navarrete I, Habela MA, Serrano F, Redondo E. (1992). Pathological changes in kidneys of dogs with natural Leishmania infection. Veterinary Parasitology, 45,1-2, 33-47.
  • Özbel Y, Oksam L, Ozensoy S, Turgay N, Aklan MZ. A survey of canine leishmaniasis in western turkey by parasite , DNA and antibody detection assays. Acta Tropica 2000 , 74 : 1-6.
  • Özderem N. Kala-Azar (Visseral Leishmaniozis) Tanı yöntemlerinin değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi , T.C DicleÜniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır, 1992,29.
  • Poli A, Abramo F, Mancianti F, Nigro M, Pieri S, Bionda A. (1991). Renal involvement in canine leishmaniasis. A light-microscopic, immunohistochemical and electron-microscopic study. Nephron, 57,4,444-52.
  • Pugliese A, Di Pietro S, Giudice E. (2006). Clinical and diagnostic patterns of leishmaniasis in the dog. Veterinary Research Communications, 30:39-43.
  • Pumarola M, Brevik L, Badiola Vargas J A, Domingo M, Ferrer L. (1991). Canine leishmaniasis associated with systemic vasculitis in two dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 105, 279-286.
  • Rallis T, Day MJ, Saridomichelakis MN, Adamama-Moraitou KK, Papazoglou L, Fytianou A, Koutinas AF. (2005). Chronic hepatitis associated with canine leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum): a clinicopathological study of 26 cases. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 132:145-152.
  • Reed SG , Scott P. (1993). T-cell and cytokine responses in leishmaniasis. Current Opinion in Immunology, 5,524-531.
  • Reis AB, Martins-Filho OA, Teixeira-Carvalho A, Carvalho MG, Mayrink W, Franca-Silva JC, Giunchetti RC, Genaro O, Correa-Oliveira R. (2006a). Parasite density and impaired biochemical/hematological status are associated with severe clinical aspects of canine visceral leishmaniasis. Research in Veterinary Science, 81, 68-75.
  • Reis AB, Teixeira-Carvalho A, Vale AM, Marques MJ, Giunchetti RC, Mayrink W, Guerra LL, Andrade RA, Correa-Oliveira R, Martins- Filho OA (2006b). Isotype patterns of immunoglobulins: Hallmarks for clinical status and tissue parasite density in brazilian dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 112, 102-116.
  • Rioux JA, Lanotte G, Serres E. (1990). Taxonomy of Leishmania Use of Isoenzymes. Suggestions for a new classification. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology , 65: 111-125.
  • Salman MS, Rubeiz NG, Kibbi AG. (1999). Cutaneous Leishmaniasis : Clinical features and diagnosis . Clinics in Dermatology, 17 (3): 291- 296.
  • Shaw JJ. Taxonomy of the genus Leishmania (1994). Present and future trends and their implications . Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 89: 471-478.
  • Solano-Gallego L, Fernandez-Bellon H, Morell P, Fondevila D, Alberola J, Ramis A, Ferrer L. (2004). Histological and Immunohistochemical Study of Clinically Normal Skin of Leishmania infantum-infected Dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 130:7-12.
  • Tafuri WL, De Oliveira MR, Melo MN, Tafuri WL. (2001). Canine visceral leishmaniasis: a remarkable histopathological picture of one case report from Brazil. Veterinary Parasitology, 3,203-212.
  • Tafuri WL, Santos RL, Arantes RME, Ricardo Goncalves Meloc MN, Michalick, MSM, Tafuri WL. (2004). An alternative immunohistochemical method for detecting Leishmania amastigotes in paraffin-embedded canine tissues. Journal of Immunolgy Methods, 292,17- 23.
  • Toplu, N, Aydoğan, A. (2011). An immunohistochemical study in cases with usual and unusual clinicopathological findings of canine visceral leishmaniosis. Parasitol Res 109,1051–1057.
  • Toplu N, Aydogan A, Oguzoglu TB. (2007). Visceral leishmaniosis and parapoxvirus infection in a mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Journal of Comparative Pathology, 136, 283-287.
  • Valliere SD, Mary C, Joneberg JE, Rotman S, Bullani Roberto Greub Gilbert Gillmore JD, Buffet PA, Tarr PE. (2009). AA-amyloidosis caused by visceral leishmaniasis in a human immunodeficiency virus-infected patient, American Journal of Tropical Medicine Hygiene, 209-212.
  • Van Alderwegen IE, Bruijn JA, Heer E. (1997). T cell subsets in immunologically mediated glomerulonephritis. Histology and Histopathology, 12, 241-2

Köpek Viseral Leishmaniozis’inde Böbrek Lezyonlarının Patogenezisinde IgG ve Komplement-3 Birikimlerinin Rolü

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 576 - 584, 01.06.2018


Özbilgi/Amaç: Kanin Viseral Leishmaniozis KVL zoonoz karakterde protozoal bir enfeksiyon olup, evcil ve yabani karnivorlarda lenfadenitis, osteomyelitis, hepatitis, dermatitis ve nefritis ile seyretmektedir. Materyal ve Metot:Bu çalışma ile KVL’de böbrek hasarının olası immunpatolojik mekanizmlarının aydınlatılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda 2002-2015 yılları arasında rutin incelemeye girmiş ve histopatolojik/immunohistokimyasal olarak KVL tanısı konulmuş köpek olgularının böbrekleri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, olguların böbrek dokusundaki histopatolojik lezyonlar tanımlanarak enfekte köpeklerin böbrek dokularında Leishmania amastigot antijeni, IgG ve komplement-3 C3 birikimleri immunohistokimyasal olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Böbrek glomerulus bazal membranlarında ve tubulus bazal mebranlarında IgG ve C3 birikimlerini gösteren immun pozitif reaksiyonlar saptandı. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma ile KVL’li böbreklerde IgG ve C3 birikimleri çok sayıda olguda görülmekle birlikte, bazı olgularda zayıf olarak kaydedilmiştir. Bu veriler böbrek lezyonların patogenezsisinde IgG ve C3 birikimleri yanında farklı immunpatolojik mekanizmaların da rol oynayabileceği düşündürmüştür.


  • Ashford RW. The Leishmaniasis as emerging and reemerging zoonoses. International Journal for Parasitology 2000, 30 (12-13):1269-1281.
  • Barrouin-Melo SM, Larangeira DF, Fernando AA, Filho Trigo J, Julia FS, Franke CR, Aguiar PHP, Dos-Santos WLC, Carvalho LP. (2006). Can spleen aspirations be safely used for the parasitological diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniosis? A study on assymptomatic and polysymptomatic animals. The Veterinary Journal, 171: 331-339.
  • Benderitter TH, Casanova P, Nashkidachvili L, Quilici M. (1988). Glomerulonephritis in dogs with canine leishmaniasis. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 82,335-341.
  • Blavier A, Keroack S, Denerolle P, Goy-Thollot I, Chabanne L, Cadorè JL, Bourdoiseau G. Atypical forms of Canine Leishmaniosis. The Veterinary Journal 2001, 162:108-120.
  • Brito T, Hoshino-Shimizu S, Amato Neto V, Duarte IS, Pena DO. (1975). Glomerular involvement in human kala azar: a light, immunofluorescent and electron microscopic study based on kidney biopsies. American Journal of Tropical Medicine Hygiene, 24: 9-18.
  • Campino L, Cortes S, Pires R, Oskam L, Abranches P. (2000). Detection of Leishmania in immunocompromised patients using peripheral blood spots on filter paper and the polymerase chain reaction, Europian Journal Clininical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 19(5):396-8.
  • Chang KP, Reed SG, McGwire BS, Soong L. (2003). Leishmania model for microbial virulence: the relevance of parasite multiplication and pathogenicity, Acta Tropica. 85: 375-390.
  • Costa FAL, Guerra JL, Silva SMMS, Klein RP, Mendonça IL, Goto H. (2000). CD4+ T cells participate in the nephropathy of canine visceral leishmaniasis, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research ,33: 1455-1458.
  • Lima WG, Michalick MSM, Melo MN, Tafuri WL. (2004). Canine visceral leishmaniasis: a histopathological study of lymph nodes. Acta Tropica, 92,43-53.
  • Lopez R, Lucena R, Novale M. (1998). Circulating immune complexes and renal function in canine leishmaniasis. Zentralbl Veterinarmed (B), 43, 469-474.
  • Murray HW. (1997). Endogeneous interleukin -12 regulates acquired resistance in experimental visceral leishmaniasis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 175, 1477-1479.
  • Nieto CG, Navarrete I, Habela MA, Serrano F, Redondo E. (1992). Pathological changes in kidneys of dogs with natural Leishmania infection. Veterinary Parasitology, 45,1-2, 33-47.
  • Özbel Y, Oksam L, Ozensoy S, Turgay N, Aklan MZ. A survey of canine leishmaniasis in western turkey by parasite , DNA and antibody detection assays. Acta Tropica 2000 , 74 : 1-6.
  • Özderem N. Kala-Azar (Visseral Leishmaniozis) Tanı yöntemlerinin değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi , T.C DicleÜniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır, 1992,29.
  • Poli A, Abramo F, Mancianti F, Nigro M, Pieri S, Bionda A. (1991). Renal involvement in canine leishmaniasis. A light-microscopic, immunohistochemical and electron-microscopic study. Nephron, 57,4,444-52.
  • Pugliese A, Di Pietro S, Giudice E. (2006). Clinical and diagnostic patterns of leishmaniasis in the dog. Veterinary Research Communications, 30:39-43.
  • Pumarola M, Brevik L, Badiola Vargas J A, Domingo M, Ferrer L. (1991). Canine leishmaniasis associated with systemic vasculitis in two dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 105, 279-286.
  • Rallis T, Day MJ, Saridomichelakis MN, Adamama-Moraitou KK, Papazoglou L, Fytianou A, Koutinas AF. (2005). Chronic hepatitis associated with canine leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum): a clinicopathological study of 26 cases. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 132:145-152.
  • Reed SG , Scott P. (1993). T-cell and cytokine responses in leishmaniasis. Current Opinion in Immunology, 5,524-531.
  • Reis AB, Martins-Filho OA, Teixeira-Carvalho A, Carvalho MG, Mayrink W, Franca-Silva JC, Giunchetti RC, Genaro O, Correa-Oliveira R. (2006a). Parasite density and impaired biochemical/hematological status are associated with severe clinical aspects of canine visceral leishmaniasis. Research in Veterinary Science, 81, 68-75.
  • Reis AB, Teixeira-Carvalho A, Vale AM, Marques MJ, Giunchetti RC, Mayrink W, Guerra LL, Andrade RA, Correa-Oliveira R, Martins- Filho OA (2006b). Isotype patterns of immunoglobulins: Hallmarks for clinical status and tissue parasite density in brazilian dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 112, 102-116.
  • Rioux JA, Lanotte G, Serres E. (1990). Taxonomy of Leishmania Use of Isoenzymes. Suggestions for a new classification. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology , 65: 111-125.
  • Salman MS, Rubeiz NG, Kibbi AG. (1999). Cutaneous Leishmaniasis : Clinical features and diagnosis . Clinics in Dermatology, 17 (3): 291- 296.
  • Shaw JJ. Taxonomy of the genus Leishmania (1994). Present and future trends and their implications . Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 89: 471-478.
  • Solano-Gallego L, Fernandez-Bellon H, Morell P, Fondevila D, Alberola J, Ramis A, Ferrer L. (2004). Histological and Immunohistochemical Study of Clinically Normal Skin of Leishmania infantum-infected Dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 130:7-12.
  • Tafuri WL, De Oliveira MR, Melo MN, Tafuri WL. (2001). Canine visceral leishmaniasis: a remarkable histopathological picture of one case report from Brazil. Veterinary Parasitology, 3,203-212.
  • Tafuri WL, Santos RL, Arantes RME, Ricardo Goncalves Meloc MN, Michalick, MSM, Tafuri WL. (2004). An alternative immunohistochemical method for detecting Leishmania amastigotes in paraffin-embedded canine tissues. Journal of Immunolgy Methods, 292,17- 23.
  • Toplu, N, Aydoğan, A. (2011). An immunohistochemical study in cases with usual and unusual clinicopathological findings of canine visceral leishmaniosis. Parasitol Res 109,1051–1057.
  • Toplu N, Aydogan A, Oguzoglu TB. (2007). Visceral leishmaniosis and parapoxvirus infection in a mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Journal of Comparative Pathology, 136, 283-287.
  • Valliere SD, Mary C, Joneberg JE, Rotman S, Bullani Roberto Greub Gilbert Gillmore JD, Buffet PA, Tarr PE. (2009). AA-amyloidosis caused by visceral leishmaniasis in a human immunodeficiency virus-infected patient, American Journal of Tropical Medicine Hygiene, 209-212.
  • Van Alderwegen IE, Bruijn JA, Heer E. (1997). T cell subsets in immunologically mediated glomerulonephritis. Histology and Histopathology, 12, 241-2
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fazilet Canset Özden This is me

Nihat Toplu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Özden, F. C., & Toplu, N. (2018). Köpek Viseral Leishmaniozis’inde Böbrek Lezyonlarının Patogenezisinde IgG ve Komplement-3 Birikimlerinin Rolü. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 7(2), 576-584.