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Congenital Serous Cysts of the Liver in Cows: 5 Cases

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 113 - 115, 01.06.2012


Congenital liver cysts are classified as intrahepatic, serous and multiple cysts in domestic animals. In this case presentation study, gross and histopathologic aspects of congenital liver cysts observed during the routine necropsy examination were described. A total of 5 cases of Holstein breed, 6 and 7 month-old aborted two fetuses and 1, 2, and 3 month-old three calves, were studied. Grossly, the liver had fluctuant structure in the calves. In the aborted fetuses, the cysts were present both in the parietal and visceral surfaces of liver, and partially embedded into the liver parenchyma. In calves, the liver cysts were only present on the diaphragmatic surface and attached to the capsule. Clear, fluctuant and light yellowish colored cyst content was 100-200 ml in the fetuses and 0.5-3 l in the calves. In histopathologic examination, the inner cyst walls were seen to consist of squamous cells, though cuboidal cells were occasionally noted. Based on the observations, the liver cysts seen in these cases were named as congenital serous cysts.


  • Culling CFA, Allison RT and Barr WT (1985). Cellular Pathology Technique. 4th Ed., Butterworth & Co.(Publ.) Ltd, London.
  • Jones TC, Hunt RD and King NW (1997). Veterinary Pathology (1997). 6th Edit., Williams & Wilkins A Waverly Company, USA, pp. 1090.
  • Kai K, Sato N, Watanabe A, Shiraiwa K, Ogawa S and Kobayashi Y (2001). Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in Crj: CD(SD). Journal of Toxicologic Pathology, 14, 51-55.
  • Krotec K, Meyer BS, Freeman W and Hamir AN (1996). Congenital cystic disease of the liver, pancreas, and kidney in a Nubian goat (Capra hircus). Veterinary Pathology, 33, 708-10.
  • Last RD, Hill JM, Roach M and Kaldenberg T (2006) Congenital dilatation of the large and segmental intrahepatic bile ducts (Caroli’s disease) in two Golden retriever littermates. Journal of South African Veterinary Association, 77, 210-4.
  • MacLachlan NJ and Cullen JM (1995). Liver, Biliary System, and Exocrine Pancreas. In: Thomson’s Special Pathology, 2nd Edit., WW Carlton and MD McGavin (Eds.), Mosby, USA, pp. 85.
  • McKenna SC and Carpenter JL (1980). Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in the Cairn Terrier. Veterinary Pathology, 17, 436-42.
  • Newman SJ, Leichner T, Crisman M and Ramos J (2000). Congenital cystic disease of the liver and kidney in a pygmy goat. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 12, 374-8.
  • Stalker MJ and Hayes MA (2007). Liver and Biliary system. In:Pathology of Domestic Animals, Vol 2, 5th Edit., MG Maxie, Elsevier Sounders, London, pp. 301-302.
  • Stebbins KE (1989). Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in an adult Persian cat. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 100, 327-30.
  • Van den Ingh TSGAM and Rothuizen J (1985). Congenital cystic disease of the liver in seven dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 95, 405-414.

Sığırlarda Konjenital Seröz Hepatik Kistler: 5 Olgu

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 113 - 115, 01.06.2012


Evcil hayvanlarda konjenital karaciğer kistleri intrahepatik, seröz ve multiple kistler şeklinde sınıflandırılır. Bu çalışmada, 6 ve 7 aylık Holştayn ırkı atık fetüsler ile 1, 2 ve 3 aylık Holştayn ırkı buzağılarda nekropside rastlantısal olarak karşılaşılan konjenital karaciğer kistleri tanımlandı. Makroskobik muayenede, fetus ve buzağılarda fluktuan ve kese şeklinde genişlemeler gösteren kistler; atık fetüslerde karaciğerin hem pariyetal hem de viseral yüzünde ve organın paranşimine doğru da bir gelişim göstermekteydi. Buzağılarda ise yalnızca diyaframatik yüzde kapsulaya yapışık olarak bulunmakta idi. Fetüslerde kistler, yaklaşık olarak 100-200 ml, buzağılarda ise 0.5-3 l miktarında, berrak, limon sarısı renginde, akışkan bir içerikle doluydu. Histopatolojik incelemede, kistlerin iç yüzlerinin tek katlı yassı epitel hücreleriyle örtülü olduğu görüldü. Bazı alanlarda ise bu hücreler kübik yapıda idi. Bu bulgulara göre tüm olgulardaki konjenital karaciğer kistlerinin seröz kist yapısında oldukları sonucuna varıldı.


  • Culling CFA, Allison RT and Barr WT (1985). Cellular Pathology Technique. 4th Ed., Butterworth & Co.(Publ.) Ltd, London.
  • Jones TC, Hunt RD and King NW (1997). Veterinary Pathology (1997). 6th Edit., Williams & Wilkins A Waverly Company, USA, pp. 1090.
  • Kai K, Sato N, Watanabe A, Shiraiwa K, Ogawa S and Kobayashi Y (2001). Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in Crj: CD(SD). Journal of Toxicologic Pathology, 14, 51-55.
  • Krotec K, Meyer BS, Freeman W and Hamir AN (1996). Congenital cystic disease of the liver, pancreas, and kidney in a Nubian goat (Capra hircus). Veterinary Pathology, 33, 708-10.
  • Last RD, Hill JM, Roach M and Kaldenberg T (2006) Congenital dilatation of the large and segmental intrahepatic bile ducts (Caroli’s disease) in two Golden retriever littermates. Journal of South African Veterinary Association, 77, 210-4.
  • MacLachlan NJ and Cullen JM (1995). Liver, Biliary System, and Exocrine Pancreas. In: Thomson’s Special Pathology, 2nd Edit., WW Carlton and MD McGavin (Eds.), Mosby, USA, pp. 85.
  • McKenna SC and Carpenter JL (1980). Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in the Cairn Terrier. Veterinary Pathology, 17, 436-42.
  • Newman SJ, Leichner T, Crisman M and Ramos J (2000). Congenital cystic disease of the liver and kidney in a pygmy goat. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 12, 374-8.
  • Stalker MJ and Hayes MA (2007). Liver and Biliary system. In:Pathology of Domestic Animals, Vol 2, 5th Edit., MG Maxie, Elsevier Sounders, London, pp. 301-302.
  • Stebbins KE (1989). Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in an adult Persian cat. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 100, 327-30.
  • Van den Ingh TSGAM and Rothuizen J (1985). Congenital cystic disease of the liver in seven dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 95, 405-414.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Recai Tunca This is me

Hamdi Avcı This is me

Hasan Özen This is me

Ahmet Aydoğan This is me

Erkmen Tuğrul Epikmen This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Tunca, R., Avcı, H., Özen, H., Aydoğan, A., et al. (2012). Sığırlarda Konjenital Seröz Hepatik Kistler: 5 Olgu. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 1(2), 113-115.