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Year 2016, Volume: 49 Issue: 3, 156 - 159, 01.12.2016


OBJECTIVE: Assisted reproductive techniques are a treatment that could develop primarily in environmental pressures, long, grueling and costly process that also could result in a disappointment. In this study, we aimed to investigate this issue before the treatment how it does effect on the psychology of men and women. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was performed on 27 couples admitted to our hospital to in vitro fertilization unit within the scope of IVF / ICSI program. Female and male subjects were separately applied to Beck Depression Inventory. Firstly, scale of the BD II version is applied to individuals over the age of 13 years old by questioning to irritability, guilt, fatigue, cognitive questions as well as physical symptoms, such as like being punished, weight loss, loss of interest in sex appeal. Secondly, the individuals were divided into mild, moderate and severe depression groups based on the scores taken from scale of the BD II version. Also, ages duration of infertility were recorded. The 17.0 version of SPSS Statistical package for the social sciences program was used in order to implement statistical analysis by using the inferential statistic of chi-square. RESULTS: The mean age of women subjects was 29.6±4.1 years while that in men was 32.1 ± 4.6 years. In addition, the mean duration of infertility was calculated as 5.62 ± 4.54 years. The rate of depression in men who applied to BD 2 was higher than the rate of detection of depression in women. [92.6% ', against 81.5% p = 0.049 ]. Depression had been detected in 18 of the 25 women mild / borderline depression 66.7% and 7 cases of moderate depression 25.9% respectively. On the other hand, the number of mild / borderline depression cases identified in men were 21; 77.8% while only 1 case was observed in moderate depression. Severe depression was not observed in any patient. CONCLUSION: Psychologically, women are more vulnerable to the process of assisted reproductive techniques than men.


  • 1)Aboulghar MA. The importance of fertility treatment in the developing world. BJOG. 2005; 112: 1174-1176.
  • 2)Gulseren L, Cetinay P, Tokatlioglu B et al. Depression and anxiety levels in infertile Turkish women. J Reprod Med. 2006; 51: 421-426.
  • 3)Wang X, Chen C, Wang L, et al. Conception, early pregnancy loss, and time to clinical pregnancy: a population based prospective study. Fertil Steril. 2003; 79: 577-84.
  • 4)Aşcı Ö, Beji N.K. İnfertilite Danışmanlığı. İ.Ü.F.N. Hem. Derg. 2012; 2: 154-159.
  • 5)Akyüz A. İnfertilite Tanı Ve Tedavi Sürecinde Eğitim Ve Danışmanlık. 5.Uluslararası Üreme Sağlığı Ve Aile Planlaması Kongresi. Ed: Prof. Dr. Haldun Güner. 2007.
  • 6)Kırca N, Pasinlioğlu T. İnfertilite Tedavisinde Karşılaşılan Psikososyal Sorunlar. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar-Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 2013; 2: 162-178.
  • 7)Steer, R. A., Rissmiller, D. J.& Beck, A.T., Use of the Beck Depression Inventory with depressed geriatric patients. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2000; 38, 311-318.
  • 8)Özcelik B, Karamustafalıoğlu O, Ozcelik A., İnfertilitenin psikolojik ve psikiyatrik yonu. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2007; 8: 140-148.
  • 9)Drosdzol A, Skrzypulec V., Depression and anxiety among Polish infertile couples - evaluative prevalence study. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2009; 30: 11-20.
  • 10)Ozcelik B, Karamustafalıoğlu O, Ozcelik A, İnfertilitenin psikolojik ve psikiyatrik yonu. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2007; 8: 140-148.
  • 11)Wischmann T, Stammer H, Scherg H et al. Psychosocial characteristic of infertile couples: a study by the “Heilderberg fertility consultation service Hum Reprod. 2001; 16: 1753-1761.
  • 12)Drosdzol A, Skrzypulec V. Quality of life and sexual functioning of Polish infertile couples. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2008; 13: 271-281.
  • 13)Nahar P, Richters A. Suffering of childless women in Bangladesh: the intersection of social identities of gender and class. Med Anthropol. 2011; 18: 327-338.
  • 14)Onat G, Kızılkaya Beji N. Effects of infertility on gender differences in marital relationship and quality of life: a case control study of Turkish couples. Eur J Obst Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012; 165: 243-248.
  • 15)Yilmaz N, Kahyaoglu İ, İnal HA, et. al. Negative life events have detrimental effects on in-vitro fertlization outcome.Hum Fertil (Camb). 2015; 18: 220-4.
  • 16)Noorbala AA, Ramezanzadeh F, Malekafzali H, et al. Efficacy of psychiatric intervention on the level of marital satisfaction in infertile couples in a Reproduction Health Research Centre. Iran J Psychiatry Clin Psychol. 2007; 13: 104.
  • 17)Pınar G,Zeyneloglu HB,Quality of life,anxiety and depression inTurkish women prior to receiving assisted reproductive techniques Int J Fertil Steril. 2012; 6: 1-12.
  • 18)Tarlatzis I, Tarlatzis BC, Diakogiannis I, et al. Psychosocial impacts of infertility on Greek couples. Hum Reprod. 1993; 8: 396-401.
  • 19)Chachamovich J, Chachamovich E, Fleck MP, Cordova FP, Knauth D, Passos E. Congruence of quality of life among infertile men and women: findings from a couplebased study. Hum Reprod. 2009; 24: 2151-2157.
  • 20)Wischmann T. Psychological aspects of fertility disorders. Urology A. 2005; 44: 185-189.


Year 2016, Volume: 49 Issue: 3, 156 - 159, 01.12.2016


AMAÇ: Yardımcı üreme teknikleri; öncesinde çevresel baskıların söz konusu olduğu, uzun, yorucu ve masraflı işlemler gerektiren, hayal kırıklığıyla sonuçlanabilecek bir tedavi sürecidir. Çalışmamızda bu durumun tedavi öncesinde kadın ve erkek psikolojisi üzerine etkisinin incelemesini amaçladık.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Çalışmamızı hastanemiz in vitro fertilizasyon ünitesine başvuran ve IVF/ICSI programına alınan 27 çift ile gerçekleştirildi. Kadın ve erkek bireylere ayrı ayrı Beck depresyon ölçeği BDÖ uygulandı. Ölçek, BDÖ II versiyonu olup 13 yaşın üstündeki bireylere ümitsizlik, asabiyet, suçluluk, cezalandırılmış olma gibi bilişsel sorular yanında yorgunluk, kilo kaybı, sekse ilgi azalması gibi fiziksel semptomlar da sorgulanarak yapılmaktadır. Ölçekte alınan puanlara göre hafif, orta ve ileri derecede depresyon olmak üzere gruplara ayrıldı. Hastaların yaşları, infertilite süresi ve nedeni kaydedildi. İstatistiksel inceleme için SPSS ver. 17.0 programı kullanıldı. Kategorik veriye sahip gruplar arası karşılaştırma Ki-kare testi ile yapıldı.BULGULAR: Kadınların yaş ortalaması 29.6±4.1, erkeklerin yaş ortalaması ise 32.1±4.6 idi. İnfertilite süresi ortalaması 5.62±4.54 yıl olarak hesaplandı. BDÖ uygulanan 27 çift arasında kadınlarda depresyon saptanma oranın erkeklerden daha yüksek idi % 92.6 ‘ya karşı, %81.5 p=0.049 . Depresyon saptanan 25 kadının 18’inde hafif/ sınırda depresyon %66.7 , 7 olguda ise orta düzeyde depresyon % 25.9 mevcuttu. Depresyon saptanan 22 erkekten ise 21’inde hafif/sınırda depresyon saptanırken; %77.8 1 olguda ise orta düzeyde depresyon izlendi. Hiçbir olguda ciddi ve çok ciddi depresyon izlenmedi. SONUÇ: YÜT öncesinde kadınlarda depresyon oranı erkeklerden daha fazladır


  • 1)Aboulghar MA. The importance of fertility treatment in the developing world. BJOG. 2005; 112: 1174-1176.
  • 2)Gulseren L, Cetinay P, Tokatlioglu B et al. Depression and anxiety levels in infertile Turkish women. J Reprod Med. 2006; 51: 421-426.
  • 3)Wang X, Chen C, Wang L, et al. Conception, early pregnancy loss, and time to clinical pregnancy: a population based prospective study. Fertil Steril. 2003; 79: 577-84.
  • 4)Aşcı Ö, Beji N.K. İnfertilite Danışmanlığı. İ.Ü.F.N. Hem. Derg. 2012; 2: 154-159.
  • 5)Akyüz A. İnfertilite Tanı Ve Tedavi Sürecinde Eğitim Ve Danışmanlık. 5.Uluslararası Üreme Sağlığı Ve Aile Planlaması Kongresi. Ed: Prof. Dr. Haldun Güner. 2007.
  • 6)Kırca N, Pasinlioğlu T. İnfertilite Tedavisinde Karşılaşılan Psikososyal Sorunlar. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar-Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 2013; 2: 162-178.
  • 7)Steer, R. A., Rissmiller, D. J.& Beck, A.T., Use of the Beck Depression Inventory with depressed geriatric patients. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2000; 38, 311-318.
  • 8)Özcelik B, Karamustafalıoğlu O, Ozcelik A., İnfertilitenin psikolojik ve psikiyatrik yonu. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2007; 8: 140-148.
  • 9)Drosdzol A, Skrzypulec V., Depression and anxiety among Polish infertile couples - evaluative prevalence study. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2009; 30: 11-20.
  • 10)Ozcelik B, Karamustafalıoğlu O, Ozcelik A, İnfertilitenin psikolojik ve psikiyatrik yonu. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2007; 8: 140-148.
  • 11)Wischmann T, Stammer H, Scherg H et al. Psychosocial characteristic of infertile couples: a study by the “Heilderberg fertility consultation service Hum Reprod. 2001; 16: 1753-1761.
  • 12)Drosdzol A, Skrzypulec V. Quality of life and sexual functioning of Polish infertile couples. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2008; 13: 271-281.
  • 13)Nahar P, Richters A. Suffering of childless women in Bangladesh: the intersection of social identities of gender and class. Med Anthropol. 2011; 18: 327-338.
  • 14)Onat G, Kızılkaya Beji N. Effects of infertility on gender differences in marital relationship and quality of life: a case control study of Turkish couples. Eur J Obst Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012; 165: 243-248.
  • 15)Yilmaz N, Kahyaoglu İ, İnal HA, et. al. Negative life events have detrimental effects on in-vitro fertlization outcome.Hum Fertil (Camb). 2015; 18: 220-4.
  • 16)Noorbala AA, Ramezanzadeh F, Malekafzali H, et al. Efficacy of psychiatric intervention on the level of marital satisfaction in infertile couples in a Reproduction Health Research Centre. Iran J Psychiatry Clin Psychol. 2007; 13: 104.
  • 17)Pınar G,Zeyneloglu HB,Quality of life,anxiety and depression inTurkish women prior to receiving assisted reproductive techniques Int J Fertil Steril. 2012; 6: 1-12.
  • 18)Tarlatzis I, Tarlatzis BC, Diakogiannis I, et al. Psychosocial impacts of infertility on Greek couples. Hum Reprod. 1993; 8: 396-401.
  • 19)Chachamovich J, Chachamovich E, Fleck MP, Cordova FP, Knauth D, Passos E. Congruence of quality of life among infertile men and women: findings from a couplebased study. Hum Reprod. 2009; 24: 2151-2157.
  • 20)Wischmann T. Psychological aspects of fertility disorders. Urology A. 2005; 44: 185-189.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Research Article

Yaprak Engin Üstün This is me

Nafiye Yılmaz This is me

Mustafa Kurt This is me

Nilüfer Akgün This is me

Cavidan Gülerman This is me

Salim Erkaya This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 49 Issue: 3


AMA Engin Üstün Y, Yılmaz N, Kurt M, Akgün N, Gülerman C, Erkaya S. YARDIMCI ÜREME TEKNİKLERİ UYGULANACAK İNFERTİL ÇİFTLERİN PSİKOLOJİK DURUMLARI. Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi. December 2016;49(3):156-159.