Research Article
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Does being a Health Worker Have an Effect on Breast Cancer Awareness?

Year 2020, Volume: 53 Issue: 3, 171 - 176, 31.12.2020


The purpose of this study to measure the breast cancer knowledge levels of
women health workers and to investigate the factors that determine the beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviors against screening methods.

conducted on 850 volunteer participant women over 21 years old, health
educated, uneducated, and other members of the community. Ethical committee
approval and informed consent form were obtained. Sociodemographic data form,
Champion Health Belief Model for Breast Cancer, The Comprehensive Breast Cancer
Knowledge Test were used to compare the groups. Statistical analyses were
performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0

was no difference in the frequency of breast self-examination and clinical
breast examination between the groups (p>0.05). There were statistically
significant differences in age, knowledge level, and education level between
the groups (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference
between the education level of the health workers and community members
(p=0.029). The median scores for each subscale of the Champion Health Belief
Model for Breast Cancer were not statistically different between the groups.
Self-efficacy was found the only predictive factor on the breast
self-examination practice (p=0.00, OR:1.188). The most predictive factor was
education level on the breast cancer knowledge level (p=0.00, r=0.315). Only
36.5% of the participants had a high knowledge level.

breast cancer knowledge level, the behavior of
and clinical breast examination are not more different in health workers than the other
members of the society.


  • Hajian T, Karimollah SA. Health belief model and practice of breast selfexamination and breast cancer screening in Iranian women. Breast Cancer. 2014; 21: 429–34.
  • Yaban Z and Ergin A. Breast cancer and integrative medicine approaches. Turkiye Klinikleri J Obstet Womens Health Dis Nurs-Special Topics. 2017; 3: 134–40.
  • Boyle P, Levin B. World Cancer Report 2008. Translated by: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanserle Savaş Dairesi Başkanlığı. DSÖ-Uluslar arası Kanser Araştırmaları Kurumu; 2008. Erişim tarihi: 02.06.2014 (Accessed June 02, 2014)
  • Thompson PA, Lopez AM, Stopeck A. Breast Cancer Prevention: Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention, Ed: Alberts DS, Hess LM. Springer, 2005; 255-76.
  • Özmen V. Breast Cancer Screening: current controversies. J Breast Health. 2011; 7: 1-4.
  • Breast Cancer: Can Breast Cancer Be Found Early? American Cancer Society. Erişim tarihi: 02.06.2014 (Accessed June 02, 2014)
  • Rosenstock IM. Why people use health services. Milbank Q. 1965; 44: 94–127.
  • Champion VL. Instrument development for health belief model constructs. Adv Nurs Sci. 1984; 6: 73–85.
  • Austin LT, Ahmad F, McNally MJ, Stewart DE. Breast and cervical cancer screening in Hispanic women: a literature review using the health belief model. Womens Health Issues. 2002; 12: 122–28.
  • Champion VL. Instrument refinement for breast cancer screening behaviors. Nurs Res. 1993; 42: 139–43.
  • Champion VL, Scott CR. Reliability and validity of breast cancer screening belief scales in African American women. Nurs Res. 1997; 46: 331–37.
  • Mikhail BI, Petro-Nustas WI. Transcultural adaptation of Champion’s health belief model scale. J Nurs Schol. 2001; 33: 159–65.
  • Gözüm S, Aydın I. Validation evidence for Turkish adaptation of Champion’s Health Belief Model Scales. Cancer Nurs. 2004; 24(6):491Y498.
  • Secginli S, Nahcivan N. Reliability and validity of the breast cancer screening belief scale among Turkish women. Cancer Nurs. 2004; 27(4): 287Y294
  • Stager JL. The Comprehensive Breast Cancer Knowledge Test: Validity and Reliability. J Adv Nurs. 1993 Jul;18(7): 1133-40.
  • Başak ŞC. Üniversite öğrencilerinde meme kanseri bilgi seviyesi: geniş kapsamlı meme kanseri bilgi testi’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Okan Universitesi Psikoloji Bölümü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Istanbul. Türkiye. 2015.
  • Karayurt O, Ozmen D, Cetinkaya AC. Awareness of breast cancer risk factors and practice of breast self-examination among high school students in Turkey. BMC Public Health. 2008; 8: 359-66
  • Ceber E, Turk M, Ciceklioglu M. The effects of an educational program on knowledge of breast cancer, early detection practices and health beliefs of nurses and midwives. J Clin Nurs. 2010; 19: 2363-71.
  • Yılmaz M, Durmus T. Health Beliefs and Breast Cancer Screening Behavior among a Group of Female Health Professionals in Turkey. J Breast Health 2016; 12: 18-24.
  • Uncu F, Bilgin N. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of midwives and nurses working in primary health services on breast cancer early diagnosis practices. J Breast Health 2011; 7: 167-75.
  • Akpınar YY, Baykan Z, Naçar M, Gün İ, Çetinkaya F. Knowledge, at¬titude about breast cancer and practice of breast cancer screening among female health care professionals: A study from Turkey. Asian Pacific J Can¬cer Prev 2011; 12: 3063-68.
  • Ibrahim NA, Odusanya OO. Knowledge of risk factors, beliefs and prac¬tices of female healthcare professionals towards breast cancer in a ter¬tiary institution in Lagos, Nigeria. BMC Cancer 2009; 9: 76.
  • Dundar PE, Ozmen D, Ozturk B, Haspolat G, Akyıldız F, Çoban S. The knowledge and attitudes of breast self-examination and mammography in a group of women in a rural area in western Turkey. BMC Cancer 2006; 6: 1-9.
  • Champion VL. Revised susceptibility, benefits, and barriers scale for mammography screening. Research in Nursing & Health 1999; 22: 341-48.
  • Sadikoglu G, Ozcakir A, Dogan F, Gokgoz S, Bilge N. Mammography utilization among Turkish women. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2010; 11: 377-81.
  • Kirag N, Kızılkaya M. Application of the Champion Health Belief Model to determine beliefs and behaviors of Turkish women academicians regarding breast cancer screening: A cross sectional descriptive study. BMC Womens Health. 2019 Nov 6; 19(1):132.
  • Avci IA, Kumcagiz H, Altinel B, Caloglu A. Turkish female academician self-esteem and health beliefs for breast cancer screening. APJCP. 2014; 15: 155–60.
  • Gençtürk N, Demirezen E, Ay F. Health beliefs of midwifery students at Istanbul University about breast cancer and breast self-examination acknowledgements. J Cancer Educ. 2017; 32:784–89.
  • Yilmaz M, Guler G, Bekar M, Guler N. Risk of breast cancer, health beliefs and screening behaviour among Turkish academic women and housewives. APJCP. 2011; 12: 817–22.
  • Demirkiran F, Ozgun H, Eskin M, et al. Cognition of breast cancer among gestational age Turkish women: a cross-sectional study. APJCP. 2011; 12: 277–82.
  • Açıkgöz A, Çehreli R, Ellidokuz H. Determination of Knowledge and Behavior of Women Working at a Hospital on Breast Cancer Early Detection Methods, and Investigation of Efficiency of Planned Education. J Breast Health 2015; 11: 31-38
  • Canbulat N, Uzun Ö. Health beliefs and breast cancer screening behav¬iors among female health workers in Turkey. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2008; 12: 148-56.
  • Shiryazdi SM, Kholasehzadeh G, Neamatzadeh H, Kargar S. Health beliefs and breast cancer screening behaviors among Iranian female health workers. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2014; 15: 9817-22.
  • Smith RA, Andrews KS, Brooks D, et al. Cancer Screening in the United States, 2018: A Review of Current American Cancer Society Guidelines and Current Issues in Cancer Screening. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018 Jul; 68(4): 297-316.

Sağlık Çalışanı Olmanın Meme Kanseri Farkındalığı Üzerinde Etkisi Var mı?

Year 2020, Volume: 53 Issue: 3, 171 - 176, 31.12.2020


AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı, kadın sağlık
çalışanlarının meme kanseri bilgi düzeylerini ölçmek ve tarama yöntemlerine
yönelik inanç, tutum ve davranışları belirleyen faktörleri araştırmaktır.

GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Bu çalışma sağlık eğitimi almış, sağlık
eğitimi almamış ve toplumdaki diğer kadınlardan oluşan 21 yaş üstü, 850 gönüllü
üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Etik kurul onayı ve aydınlatılmış onam formu
alınmıştır. Grupları karşılaştırmak için Sosyodemografik veri formu, Meme
Kanseri İçin Şampiyon Sağlık İnanç Modeli ve Kapsamlı Meme Kanseri Bilgi Testi
kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Sürüm
21.0 kullanılarak yapıldı.

BULGULAR: Kendi kendine meme muayenesi ve
klinik meme muayenesi sıklığı açısından gruplar arasında fark yoktu (p>
0.05). Yaş, bilgi düzeyi ve eğitim düzeyinde gruplar arasında istatistiksel
olarak anlamlı bir fark vardı (p <0.05). Sağlık çalışanlarının ve toplum
üyelerinin eğitim düzeyleri arasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir fark vardı
(p=0.029). Gruplar arasında Meme Kanseri İçin Şampiyon Sağlık İnanç Modelinin alt
ölçeklerinin ortanca skorları arasında istatistiksel olarak farklı yoktu. Kendi
kendine meme muayenesi pratiğinde tek belirleyici faktör Öz-yeterlik bulundu
(p=0.00, OR: 1.188). Meme kanseri bilgi düzeyinde en belirleyici faktör ise eğitim
düzeyiydi (p=0.00, r=0.315). Katılımcıların sadece % 36.5'inin bilgi düzeyi

SONUÇ: Meme kanseri bilgi düzeyi, kendi
kendine meme muayenesi ve klinik meme muayenesi davranış şekli sağlık
çalışanlarında toplumdan daha farklı değildir. 


  • Hajian T, Karimollah SA. Health belief model and practice of breast selfexamination and breast cancer screening in Iranian women. Breast Cancer. 2014; 21: 429–34.
  • Yaban Z and Ergin A. Breast cancer and integrative medicine approaches. Turkiye Klinikleri J Obstet Womens Health Dis Nurs-Special Topics. 2017; 3: 134–40.
  • Boyle P, Levin B. World Cancer Report 2008. Translated by: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanserle Savaş Dairesi Başkanlığı. DSÖ-Uluslar arası Kanser Araştırmaları Kurumu; 2008. Erişim tarihi: 02.06.2014 (Accessed June 02, 2014)
  • Thompson PA, Lopez AM, Stopeck A. Breast Cancer Prevention: Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention, Ed: Alberts DS, Hess LM. Springer, 2005; 255-76.
  • Özmen V. Breast Cancer Screening: current controversies. J Breast Health. 2011; 7: 1-4.
  • Breast Cancer: Can Breast Cancer Be Found Early? American Cancer Society. Erişim tarihi: 02.06.2014 (Accessed June 02, 2014)
  • Rosenstock IM. Why people use health services. Milbank Q. 1965; 44: 94–127.
  • Champion VL. Instrument development for health belief model constructs. Adv Nurs Sci. 1984; 6: 73–85.
  • Austin LT, Ahmad F, McNally MJ, Stewart DE. Breast and cervical cancer screening in Hispanic women: a literature review using the health belief model. Womens Health Issues. 2002; 12: 122–28.
  • Champion VL. Instrument refinement for breast cancer screening behaviors. Nurs Res. 1993; 42: 139–43.
  • Champion VL, Scott CR. Reliability and validity of breast cancer screening belief scales in African American women. Nurs Res. 1997; 46: 331–37.
  • Mikhail BI, Petro-Nustas WI. Transcultural adaptation of Champion’s health belief model scale. J Nurs Schol. 2001; 33: 159–65.
  • Gözüm S, Aydın I. Validation evidence for Turkish adaptation of Champion’s Health Belief Model Scales. Cancer Nurs. 2004; 24(6):491Y498.
  • Secginli S, Nahcivan N. Reliability and validity of the breast cancer screening belief scale among Turkish women. Cancer Nurs. 2004; 27(4): 287Y294
  • Stager JL. The Comprehensive Breast Cancer Knowledge Test: Validity and Reliability. J Adv Nurs. 1993 Jul;18(7): 1133-40.
  • Başak ŞC. Üniversite öğrencilerinde meme kanseri bilgi seviyesi: geniş kapsamlı meme kanseri bilgi testi’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Okan Universitesi Psikoloji Bölümü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Istanbul. Türkiye. 2015.
  • Karayurt O, Ozmen D, Cetinkaya AC. Awareness of breast cancer risk factors and practice of breast self-examination among high school students in Turkey. BMC Public Health. 2008; 8: 359-66
  • Ceber E, Turk M, Ciceklioglu M. The effects of an educational program on knowledge of breast cancer, early detection practices and health beliefs of nurses and midwives. J Clin Nurs. 2010; 19: 2363-71.
  • Yılmaz M, Durmus T. Health Beliefs and Breast Cancer Screening Behavior among a Group of Female Health Professionals in Turkey. J Breast Health 2016; 12: 18-24.
  • Uncu F, Bilgin N. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of midwives and nurses working in primary health services on breast cancer early diagnosis practices. J Breast Health 2011; 7: 167-75.
  • Akpınar YY, Baykan Z, Naçar M, Gün İ, Çetinkaya F. Knowledge, at¬titude about breast cancer and practice of breast cancer screening among female health care professionals: A study from Turkey. Asian Pacific J Can¬cer Prev 2011; 12: 3063-68.
  • Ibrahim NA, Odusanya OO. Knowledge of risk factors, beliefs and prac¬tices of female healthcare professionals towards breast cancer in a ter¬tiary institution in Lagos, Nigeria. BMC Cancer 2009; 9: 76.
  • Dundar PE, Ozmen D, Ozturk B, Haspolat G, Akyıldız F, Çoban S. The knowledge and attitudes of breast self-examination and mammography in a group of women in a rural area in western Turkey. BMC Cancer 2006; 6: 1-9.
  • Champion VL. Revised susceptibility, benefits, and barriers scale for mammography screening. Research in Nursing & Health 1999; 22: 341-48.
  • Sadikoglu G, Ozcakir A, Dogan F, Gokgoz S, Bilge N. Mammography utilization among Turkish women. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2010; 11: 377-81.
  • Kirag N, Kızılkaya M. Application of the Champion Health Belief Model to determine beliefs and behaviors of Turkish women academicians regarding breast cancer screening: A cross sectional descriptive study. BMC Womens Health. 2019 Nov 6; 19(1):132.
  • Avci IA, Kumcagiz H, Altinel B, Caloglu A. Turkish female academician self-esteem and health beliefs for breast cancer screening. APJCP. 2014; 15: 155–60.
  • Gençtürk N, Demirezen E, Ay F. Health beliefs of midwifery students at Istanbul University about breast cancer and breast self-examination acknowledgements. J Cancer Educ. 2017; 32:784–89.
  • Yilmaz M, Guler G, Bekar M, Guler N. Risk of breast cancer, health beliefs and screening behaviour among Turkish academic women and housewives. APJCP. 2011; 12: 817–22.
  • Demirkiran F, Ozgun H, Eskin M, et al. Cognition of breast cancer among gestational age Turkish women: a cross-sectional study. APJCP. 2011; 12: 277–82.
  • Açıkgöz A, Çehreli R, Ellidokuz H. Determination of Knowledge and Behavior of Women Working at a Hospital on Breast Cancer Early Detection Methods, and Investigation of Efficiency of Planned Education. J Breast Health 2015; 11: 31-38
  • Canbulat N, Uzun Ö. Health beliefs and breast cancer screening behav¬iors among female health workers in Turkey. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2008; 12: 148-56.
  • Shiryazdi SM, Kholasehzadeh G, Neamatzadeh H, Kargar S. Health beliefs and breast cancer screening behaviors among Iranian female health workers. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2014; 15: 9817-22.
  • Smith RA, Andrews KS, Brooks D, et al. Cancer Screening in the United States, 2018: A Review of Current American Cancer Society Guidelines and Current Issues in Cancer Screening. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018 Jul; 68(4): 297-316.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original research article

Gül Bora Makal

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date July 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 53 Issue: 3


AMA Bora Makal G. Does being a Health Worker Have an Effect on Breast Cancer Awareness?. Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi. December 2020;53(3):171-176. doi:10.20492/aeahtd.767176