Year 2014,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 46 - 70, 01.06.2014
Koen Pauwels
Ela Ari
Yusuf Oc
- Abell, D.F.,1978. Strategic Windows. Journal of Marketing, 42 (3), pp. 21-26.
- Akbıyık, A., S. Okutan and R.Altunişik ,2008. Mobil Pazarlama Platformlarında İzinli Pazarlama Uygulamalarına Yönelik Tüketici Tutum Ve Algıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. 13.Uluslararası Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, p. 1-9.
- Akyüz, A. M. and H. Ayyıldız,2008. Satiş Noktasi Tutundurma Araçlarinin Tüketicilerin Kolayda Mal Satin Alma Davranişlarina Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. V.7, N.24, p. 110-134.
- Anderson Analytics ,2010. Marketing Trend Report. available at : http://www.slideshare. net/kingkongzaa/marketing-trend-report-2010-anderson-analytics-meng
- Bass, F. M., 1969. A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables. Management Science, N.15, pp. 215-227.
- Bass, F. M. and T.L. Pilon, 1980. A Stochastic Brand Choice Framework for Econo- metric Modelling of Time Series Market Share Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (4) , pp. 486-497
- Blattberg, R. C. and Neslin , S. A., 1990. Sales Promotion Concepts, Methods, and Strate- gies. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- Bronnenberg, B.J., Mahajan, V. and Vanhonacker ,W., 2000. The Emergence of Market Structure in New Repeat-Purchase Categories: The Interplay of Market Share and Retailer Distribution. Journal of Marketing Research, 37, pp. 16–31.
- Christensen, C., 1997. The innovator’s dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
- CMO Council, 2004. Chief Marketing Officers Council’s Marketing Measures Perfor- mance Audit, White Paper.
- Copernicus Consulting, 2005. The Marketing Performance Bell Curve. Available at:
- D’Aveni, R., 1994. Hypercompetition.. Free Press: New York.
- Day, G.,1981.The product life cycle: Analysis and applications issues. Journal of Market- ing, 45 (Fall),pp. 60–67.
- Dekimpe, M. and Hanssens, D. M., 1999.Sustained Spending and Persistent Response: A New Look at Long-Term Marketing Profitability. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November), pp. 397-412.
- Dekimpe, M. G. and Hanssens, M., 1995.The Persistence of Marketing Effects on Sales. Marketing Science, 14(1),pp. 1-21.
- Dekimpe, M. G., 1992. Long-run Modeling in Marketing. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Los Angeles, UCLA.
- Dekimpe, M. G. and Lehmann, D. R., 2004. Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on global marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(4), pp. 321−322
- Dorfman R. and Steiner, P. O., 1954. Optimal Advertising and Optimal Quality. The American Economic Review, Vol. 44, No. 5 , pp. 826-836
- Ehrenberg, A. S. C.,1988. Repeat-Buying: Facts, Theory, and Applications.
- Erlat, H., 2005. A Time Series Approach to Regional Convergence in Turkey. in H.Erlat (ed), Bolgesel Gelisme Stratejileri ve Akdeniz Ekonomisi, Ankara: Turkish Eco- nomic Association.
- Erlat, H. and Ozkan, P., 2006. Absolute Convergence of the Regions and Provinces in Turkey. Presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the Middle East Eco- nomic Association, Boston, USA.
- Franses, P. H., 1991. Primary Demand for Beer in the Netherlands: An Application of ARMAX model specification. Journal of Marketing Research, 27 (May), pp.240- 245.
- Givon M. and Horsky , D., 1990. Untangling the Effects of Purchase Reinforcement and Advertising Carryover. Marketing Science, 9(2) , 171-187
- Peteraf, M. A., 1992. Commitment: The Dynamic of Strategy. The Executive 6.3, pp. 97- 98. Gülçubuk, A., 2007.Tüketicilere Yönelik Satiş Geliştirmenin Artan Önemi, Uygulanabilirliği Ve İzlenecek Stratejilerin İşletmeler Açisindan Değerlendirilmesi. Ege Akademik Bakış 7.1, pp. 57-77.
- Farris P. W. and Reibstein , D. J., 1995. Market Share and Distribution: A Generalization, a Speculation, and Some Implications. Marketing Science , 14 (3), G190-G202
- Hanssens, D. M.,2009. Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact: What We Have Learned from Academic Research. Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge MA.
- Hanssens, D. M., 1998.Order Forecasts, Retail Sales and the Marketing Mix for Con- sumer Durables. Journal of Forecasting, 17, 327–346.
- Hanssens, D.M., Ouyang, M., 2000. Modeling marketing hysteresis. Working Paper, University of California, Los Angeles,CA.
- Hanssens, D. M., L.J. Parsons and Schultz, R.L., 2001. Market Response Models, 2nd Edition. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Shlomo K. and Dobson ,G., 1988. Positioning and Pricing A Product Line. Marketing Science , 7 (2) , pp.107-125
- Lambin, J.J., 1976. Advertising, competition and market conduct in oligopoly over time: an econometric investigation in Western European countries. Amsterdam: North- Holland Publishing Company.
- Lamey, L., Deleersnyder, B., Dekimpe, M. G., and Steenkamp, J. B. E., 2007.How busi- ness cycles contribute to private-label success: evidence from the United States and Europe. Journal of Marketing, pp. 1-15.
- Leeflang, P.S.H., Wittink, D.R., 1992. Diagnosing competitive reactions using aggre- gated scanner data. International Journal of Research in Marketing 9, pp. 39–57.
- Lillien, G.L., Yoon, E., 1990. The timing of competitive market entry: An exploratory study of new industrial products, Management Science, 36 (5), pp. 568-585
- Lutkepohl, H., 1993. Testing for causation between two variables in higher dimensional VAR models. In H. Schneeweil and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Studies in Applied Econometrics, pp. 73-91. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag
- Nijs, V. R., Dekimpe ,M. G., Steenkamp, J.B.E.M., and Hanssens , D. M., 2001.The Cat- egory Demand Effects of Price Promotions. Marketing Science, 20 (1), pp. 1-22.
- Pauwels, K., 2004.How dynamic consumer response, competitor response, company sup- port and company inertia shape long-term marketing effectiveness. Marketing Science, 23 (4), pp. 596-610.
- Pauwels, K. and Hanssens , D.M., 2007. Performance Regimes and Marketing Policy Shifts,” Marketing Science, 26 (3), 293-311.
- Pauwels, K., Hanssens , D.M. and Siddarth ,S., 2002. The long-Term Effects of Price Pro- motions on Category Incidence, Brand Choice and Purhcase Quantity. Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (November), pp. 421-439.
- Pauwels, K., Silva-Risso, J. M., Srinivasan ,S. and Hanssens, D.M., 2004. New Products, Sales Promotions and Firm value, with Application to the Automobile Industry. Journal of Marketing, 68 (October), pp. 142-156.
- Pauwels, K. and Allen, W., 2008. Moving from Free to Fee: How Online Firms Market to Successfully Change the Business Model. Journal of Marketing, 45(3), pp. 14-31
- Pauwels, K., and Scott A. N., 2008. Building with bricks and mortar: The revenue impact of opening physical stores in a multichannel environment. Marketing Science In- stitute.
- Pauwels, K., Currim, I., Dekimpe, M. G., Hanssens, D. M., Mizik, N., Ghysels, E., and Naik, P., 2004. Modeling marketing dynamics by time series econometrics. Mar- keting Letters, 15(4), pp. 167-183.
- Pesaran H. M. and Shin ,Y.,1998. Generalized impulse response analysis in linear multi- variate models. Economics Letters, 58, pp. 17–29
- Ouyang M., Zhou, N. and Zhou , D., 2002. Long-Term Effects of TV Advertising on Sales of Consumer Durables and Non-Durables: The Case of China. Journal of Business Research, 55, pp. 337-342.
- Reibstein D. J and Farris M, P. W., 1995. Market Share and Distribution: A General- ization, a Speculation, and Some Implications. Marketing Science, 14(2), G190- G202.
- Ries, A. and Trout , J., 2000. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. McGraw-Hill.
- Simon, H., 1997. Hysteresis in Marketing–A new phenomenon?. Sloan Management Review, 38 (3), pp. 39-49.
- Slotegraaf, R., Pauwels , K., 2008. The impact of brand equity and innovation on the long-term effectiveness of promotions. Journal of Marketing Research 45(June), pp. 293-306.
- Srinivasan, S., Pauwels ,K., Vanhuele , M., 2010. Mindset Metrics in Market Response Models: An Integrative Approach. Journal of Marketing Research 47 (4), pp.672- 684.
- Srinivasan, S., Pauwels ,K., Silva-Risso , J. M. and Hanssens , D. M., 2009. Product In- novations, Advertising Spending and Stock Returns. Journal of Marketing, 73(1), pp.24-43.
- Srinivasan, S., Pauwels ,K., Hanssens , D. M. and Dekimpe , M. G., 2004. Do Promo- tions Benefit Manufacturers, Retailers or Both? Management Science, 50(5), pp. 617-629.
- Sütütemiz N., Çiftyıldız ,S. S. and Konuk , A. F.,2008. Ambalaj Özelliklerinin Algilanan Önemi Ve Gida Ve Temizlik Ürünleri Satin Alma Davranişlarina Etkisi: Istanbul Ili Örneği. 13.Uluslararası Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 257-268
- Tellis, G., 2009. Generalizations about Advertising Effectiveness in Markets. Journal of Advertising Research 49, pp. 240-245.
- Tiğli, M., Pirtini, S., 2003. Satiş Özendirmede Etkili Bir Araç Olarak Insert Ve Hiper /Süpermarket Müşterileri Üzerinde Bir Uygulama. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, V. 2, pp. 117-143
- Trusov, M., R. Bucklin and K. Pauwels, 2009. Estimating Online word-of-mouth Elastic- ity. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), September, pp. 90-102
- Tushman, M. L., Romanelli, E. ,1985. Organizational evolution: A metamorphosis model of convergence and reorientation. In L. L. Cummings & B. M. Staw (Eds.), Research in organizational behavior, vol. 7, pp. 171-222. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Van Heerde, H., E. Gijsbrechts and K. Pauwels, 2008. Winners and Losers in a Major Price War. Journal of Marketing Research, 45(5), pp. 499-581.
- Weitz B.A and S. D. Jap, 1995. Relationship marketing and distribution channel. Journal of the Academy of marketing Science, 23 (4), pp. 305-320.
- Wiesel T., K. Pauwels and J. Arts, 2011. Practice-Prize Paper: Marketing’s Profit Impact: Quantifying Online and Offline Funnel Progression. Marketing Science, 30(4), pp. 604-611.
- Wind, Y. and Thomas S. Robertson, 1983. Marketing Strategy: New Directions for Theory and Research. Journal of Marketing, 47 (2), pp. 12-25.
- World competitiveness Forum , 2009. The World Competitiveness Scoreboard. IMD.
- Yurtseven, Çağlar, 2012. International Tourism and Economic Development in Turkey: A Vector Approach, Afro Eurasian Studies, 1 (2), pp. 37-50.
Long-term marketing effectiveness in Turkey: Does it differ from that in the US and Western Europe?
Year 2014,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 46 - 70, 01.06.2014
Koen Pauwels
Ela Ari
Yusuf Oc
Companies in Turkey aim to grow their market performance, but very few know how much additional sales or profits are generated by their marketing spending. This study is the first to quantify long-term marketing effectiveness in Turkey and compare it with that in the US and Western Europe. Our results reveal that companies in Turkey receive about 8 TL in revenues for every 1 TL spent on marketing. Compared to matched companies in mature markets, their marketing efficiency is only 69%. Across industries, industrial and automobile score highest in marketing efficiency, and textile and retail the lowest. We conclude with a research agenda on measuring and improving marketing efficiency in Turkey and other emerging markets
- Abell, D.F.,1978. Strategic Windows. Journal of Marketing, 42 (3), pp. 21-26.
- Akbıyık, A., S. Okutan and R.Altunişik ,2008. Mobil Pazarlama Platformlarında İzinli Pazarlama Uygulamalarına Yönelik Tüketici Tutum Ve Algıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. 13.Uluslararası Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, p. 1-9.
- Akyüz, A. M. and H. Ayyıldız,2008. Satiş Noktasi Tutundurma Araçlarinin Tüketicilerin Kolayda Mal Satin Alma Davranişlarina Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. V.7, N.24, p. 110-134.
- Anderson Analytics ,2010. Marketing Trend Report. available at : http://www.slideshare. net/kingkongzaa/marketing-trend-report-2010-anderson-analytics-meng
- Bass, F. M., 1969. A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables. Management Science, N.15, pp. 215-227.
- Bass, F. M. and T.L. Pilon, 1980. A Stochastic Brand Choice Framework for Econo- metric Modelling of Time Series Market Share Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (4) , pp. 486-497
- Blattberg, R. C. and Neslin , S. A., 1990. Sales Promotion Concepts, Methods, and Strate- gies. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- Bronnenberg, B.J., Mahajan, V. and Vanhonacker ,W., 2000. The Emergence of Market Structure in New Repeat-Purchase Categories: The Interplay of Market Share and Retailer Distribution. Journal of Marketing Research, 37, pp. 16–31.
- Christensen, C., 1997. The innovator’s dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
- CMO Council, 2004. Chief Marketing Officers Council’s Marketing Measures Perfor- mance Audit, White Paper.
- Copernicus Consulting, 2005. The Marketing Performance Bell Curve. Available at:
- D’Aveni, R., 1994. Hypercompetition.. Free Press: New York.
- Day, G.,1981.The product life cycle: Analysis and applications issues. Journal of Market- ing, 45 (Fall),pp. 60–67.
- Dekimpe, M. and Hanssens, D. M., 1999.Sustained Spending and Persistent Response: A New Look at Long-Term Marketing Profitability. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November), pp. 397-412.
- Dekimpe, M. G. and Hanssens, M., 1995.The Persistence of Marketing Effects on Sales. Marketing Science, 14(1),pp. 1-21.
- Dekimpe, M. G., 1992. Long-run Modeling in Marketing. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Los Angeles, UCLA.
- Dekimpe, M. G. and Lehmann, D. R., 2004. Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on global marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(4), pp. 321−322
- Dorfman R. and Steiner, P. O., 1954. Optimal Advertising and Optimal Quality. The American Economic Review, Vol. 44, No. 5 , pp. 826-836
- Ehrenberg, A. S. C.,1988. Repeat-Buying: Facts, Theory, and Applications.
- Erlat, H., 2005. A Time Series Approach to Regional Convergence in Turkey. in H.Erlat (ed), Bolgesel Gelisme Stratejileri ve Akdeniz Ekonomisi, Ankara: Turkish Eco- nomic Association.
- Erlat, H. and Ozkan, P., 2006. Absolute Convergence of the Regions and Provinces in Turkey. Presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the Middle East Eco- nomic Association, Boston, USA.
- Franses, P. H., 1991. Primary Demand for Beer in the Netherlands: An Application of ARMAX model specification. Journal of Marketing Research, 27 (May), pp.240- 245.
- Givon M. and Horsky , D., 1990. Untangling the Effects of Purchase Reinforcement and Advertising Carryover. Marketing Science, 9(2) , 171-187
- Peteraf, M. A., 1992. Commitment: The Dynamic of Strategy. The Executive 6.3, pp. 97- 98. Gülçubuk, A., 2007.Tüketicilere Yönelik Satiş Geliştirmenin Artan Önemi, Uygulanabilirliği Ve İzlenecek Stratejilerin İşletmeler Açisindan Değerlendirilmesi. Ege Akademik Bakış 7.1, pp. 57-77.
- Farris P. W. and Reibstein , D. J., 1995. Market Share and Distribution: A Generalization, a Speculation, and Some Implications. Marketing Science , 14 (3), G190-G202
- Hanssens, D. M.,2009. Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact: What We Have Learned from Academic Research. Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge MA.
- Hanssens, D. M., 1998.Order Forecasts, Retail Sales and the Marketing Mix for Con- sumer Durables. Journal of Forecasting, 17, 327–346.
- Hanssens, D.M., Ouyang, M., 2000. Modeling marketing hysteresis. Working Paper, University of California, Los Angeles,CA.
- Hanssens, D. M., L.J. Parsons and Schultz, R.L., 2001. Market Response Models, 2nd Edition. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Shlomo K. and Dobson ,G., 1988. Positioning and Pricing A Product Line. Marketing Science , 7 (2) , pp.107-125
- Lambin, J.J., 1976. Advertising, competition and market conduct in oligopoly over time: an econometric investigation in Western European countries. Amsterdam: North- Holland Publishing Company.
- Lamey, L., Deleersnyder, B., Dekimpe, M. G., and Steenkamp, J. B. E., 2007.How busi- ness cycles contribute to private-label success: evidence from the United States and Europe. Journal of Marketing, pp. 1-15.
- Leeflang, P.S.H., Wittink, D.R., 1992. Diagnosing competitive reactions using aggre- gated scanner data. International Journal of Research in Marketing 9, pp. 39–57.
- Lillien, G.L., Yoon, E., 1990. The timing of competitive market entry: An exploratory study of new industrial products, Management Science, 36 (5), pp. 568-585
- Lutkepohl, H., 1993. Testing for causation between two variables in higher dimensional VAR models. In H. Schneeweil and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Studies in Applied Econometrics, pp. 73-91. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag
- Nijs, V. R., Dekimpe ,M. G., Steenkamp, J.B.E.M., and Hanssens , D. M., 2001.The Cat- egory Demand Effects of Price Promotions. Marketing Science, 20 (1), pp. 1-22.
- Pauwels, K., 2004.How dynamic consumer response, competitor response, company sup- port and company inertia shape long-term marketing effectiveness. Marketing Science, 23 (4), pp. 596-610.
- Pauwels, K. and Hanssens , D.M., 2007. Performance Regimes and Marketing Policy Shifts,” Marketing Science, 26 (3), 293-311.
- Pauwels, K., Hanssens , D.M. and Siddarth ,S., 2002. The long-Term Effects of Price Pro- motions on Category Incidence, Brand Choice and Purhcase Quantity. Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (November), pp. 421-439.
- Pauwels, K., Silva-Risso, J. M., Srinivasan ,S. and Hanssens, D.M., 2004. New Products, Sales Promotions and Firm value, with Application to the Automobile Industry. Journal of Marketing, 68 (October), pp. 142-156.
- Pauwels, K. and Allen, W., 2008. Moving from Free to Fee: How Online Firms Market to Successfully Change the Business Model. Journal of Marketing, 45(3), pp. 14-31
- Pauwels, K., and Scott A. N., 2008. Building with bricks and mortar: The revenue impact of opening physical stores in a multichannel environment. Marketing Science In- stitute.
- Pauwels, K., Currim, I., Dekimpe, M. G., Hanssens, D. M., Mizik, N., Ghysels, E., and Naik, P., 2004. Modeling marketing dynamics by time series econometrics. Mar- keting Letters, 15(4), pp. 167-183.
- Pesaran H. M. and Shin ,Y.,1998. Generalized impulse response analysis in linear multi- variate models. Economics Letters, 58, pp. 17–29
- Ouyang M., Zhou, N. and Zhou , D., 2002. Long-Term Effects of TV Advertising on Sales of Consumer Durables and Non-Durables: The Case of China. Journal of Business Research, 55, pp. 337-342.
- Reibstein D. J and Farris M, P. W., 1995. Market Share and Distribution: A General- ization, a Speculation, and Some Implications. Marketing Science, 14(2), G190- G202.
- Ries, A. and Trout , J., 2000. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. McGraw-Hill.
- Simon, H., 1997. Hysteresis in Marketing–A new phenomenon?. Sloan Management Review, 38 (3), pp. 39-49.
- Slotegraaf, R., Pauwels , K., 2008. The impact of brand equity and innovation on the long-term effectiveness of promotions. Journal of Marketing Research 45(June), pp. 293-306.
- Srinivasan, S., Pauwels ,K., Vanhuele , M., 2010. Mindset Metrics in Market Response Models: An Integrative Approach. Journal of Marketing Research 47 (4), pp.672- 684.
- Srinivasan, S., Pauwels ,K., Silva-Risso , J. M. and Hanssens , D. M., 2009. Product In- novations, Advertising Spending and Stock Returns. Journal of Marketing, 73(1), pp.24-43.
- Srinivasan, S., Pauwels ,K., Hanssens , D. M. and Dekimpe , M. G., 2004. Do Promo- tions Benefit Manufacturers, Retailers or Both? Management Science, 50(5), pp. 617-629.
- Sütütemiz N., Çiftyıldız ,S. S. and Konuk , A. F.,2008. Ambalaj Özelliklerinin Algilanan Önemi Ve Gida Ve Temizlik Ürünleri Satin Alma Davranişlarina Etkisi: Istanbul Ili Örneği. 13.Uluslararası Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 257-268
- Tellis, G., 2009. Generalizations about Advertising Effectiveness in Markets. Journal of Advertising Research 49, pp. 240-245.
- Tiğli, M., Pirtini, S., 2003. Satiş Özendirmede Etkili Bir Araç Olarak Insert Ve Hiper /Süpermarket Müşterileri Üzerinde Bir Uygulama. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, V. 2, pp. 117-143
- Trusov, M., R. Bucklin and K. Pauwels, 2009. Estimating Online word-of-mouth Elastic- ity. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), September, pp. 90-102
- Tushman, M. L., Romanelli, E. ,1985. Organizational evolution: A metamorphosis model of convergence and reorientation. In L. L. Cummings & B. M. Staw (Eds.), Research in organizational behavior, vol. 7, pp. 171-222. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Van Heerde, H., E. Gijsbrechts and K. Pauwels, 2008. Winners and Losers in a Major Price War. Journal of Marketing Research, 45(5), pp. 499-581.
- Weitz B.A and S. D. Jap, 1995. Relationship marketing and distribution channel. Journal of the Academy of marketing Science, 23 (4), pp. 305-320.
- Wiesel T., K. Pauwels and J. Arts, 2011. Practice-Prize Paper: Marketing’s Profit Impact: Quantifying Online and Offline Funnel Progression. Marketing Science, 30(4), pp. 604-611.
- Wind, Y. and Thomas S. Robertson, 1983. Marketing Strategy: New Directions for Theory and Research. Journal of Marketing, 47 (2), pp. 12-25.
- World competitiveness Forum , 2009. The World Competitiveness Scoreboard. IMD.
- Yurtseven, Çağlar, 2012. International Tourism and Economic Development in Turkey: A Vector Approach, Afro Eurasian Studies, 1 (2), pp. 37-50.