Writing Rules

International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences - IJAAES-

Publication Principles

International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences journal publishes articles about agriculture sciences in Turkish, English and Russian. In addition to articles containing original quality research results, a limited number of reviews and translations are also included. This journal is published quarterly at, February, May, August and November.

Articles which are sent to this journal needs to be not published before and the publishing rights must be not transferred. Any responsibility for the scientific ethics of the publication belongs to the authors. The right of publication belongs to International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences. There is no payment for copyright.

The articles are examined by the Editorial Board and sent to two reviewers. A decision of acceptance or rejection is taken by the Editorial Board considering the reviewer's recommendation and author's right of reply. In case of dispute, the decision of the members of the Journal Advisory Board will be used. If necessary, a third reviewer is consulted. Amendments and corrections proposed by the reviewer or Editorial Board are forwarded to the responsible author. Nothing else cannot be added or subtracted later to the article except these changes and corrections.

International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences Article Preparation Rules

Page layout and font: Article should be written in A4 paper, space for all sides were 2.5 cm, 11 punt and Times New Roman font by Windows processor. Article with Figures and Tables should not exceed 15 pages. The first line of paragraphs should start within 0.5 cm from inside, no spaces between paragraphs should be left. The article should be organized in a single column.

The text of the article is; title, author name and address, Turkish abstract, Turkish key words, English title, English abstract, English key words, text, acknowledgment (if necessary), and references.

Article title: Article title should be written in Turkish and English at 12 punt.

Author name(s): Name and surname of the author(s) should be written under the article title after one space. Title and address of the author(s) should be written after one space. Author names and addresses should be written in 10 punt. The email address of the corresponding author should be given below author addresses.

Abstract and Key words: Turkish abstract should be not exceed 200 words and written under the name and address, write key words. Then the English title of the article and the abstract should be given not to exceed 200 words, just below the key words should be written. It is advisable to use the Agris–Caris classification in the selection of keywords. Care must be taken that do not exceed 7 key words.








Text: Generally article should be consist of a) Introduction, b) Material and Method, c) Findings, d) Discussion, e) Result/s and f) References parts. Part c and d can be examined in one part named as "Findings and Discussion". Main titles in the article should be written bold and capital letter, second degree titles should be written bold, italic and small letter, third degree titles should be written as normal text but italic. Main titles are written two space from up and one space from down, second degree titles are written one space from up and down and third degree titles are written without spaces. Paragraphs are started 0.5 cm in side. Text of article:

Introduction: In this part, problem is defined and status of the problem before the study is expressed. Literatures are written only needed and concerned with subject of the article. Aim of the article is written at the end.

Material And Method: Used material and applied method should be explained short and concise format under separate titles.

Findings: Text, figures and tables should be complementing each other in the presentation of findings.

Figures and Tables: Figure, graphic, photo etc. should be named as "figure" and numeric values in chart should be named as "table" in the article. Author should give refer the figures and tables in the text. Captions should be written up side the figures and down side the tables. Captions should be written in Turkish and English. Additionally meaning of the expressions in figures and tables should be written in English. Figures and tables should be given combined and summarized as possible as. Instead of recurrences, mean of recurrences should be written in tables. Variance analysis table which was prepared to determine the differences between the mean values should not be given in the article. Applied test method and significance of the difference level of the mean values should be written under the table. Footnote in tables should be start from the last letter of the alphabet and differences of the mean values should be indicate with letter by starting from first letter of the alphabet. Small letter should be used in both. Because of the publication technique, figures should be prepared in Microsoft Office programs. For publication appropriate photos should be selected. Examples of figure and table are given at below.

Units: SI (Systeme International d’Units) units should be used in the article. Instead of comma, point should be used in decimal number distinctions. Instead of point, space should be used in thousands numbers.

Discussion: Results are investigated and compared with the prior research result and the differences are generalized in this part. Author should be set a contact between the result and the aim which are expressed in Introduction part. Unsolved part of the problem should be discussed under the light of the literature.

Result(s): Obtained findings should be evaluated according to contribution to science/applications and expressed as proposals.

References: Utilized references should be written in order of author last names and enumerated. Author names should be written with small letter in text and references. References should be given after the sentence or before the sentence after the author name with press year within parenthesis. (Example: Irrigation on the efficiency of walnut has a positive effect (Sen, 1986). There are not any differences among the regions according to fruit weights (Teşintaş, 2011; Özrenk, 2014). Aşkın ve Kazankaya (2001)  showed that in their study... etc). Only utilized references are given in this part. Review articles are prepared according to this guide but without material and method and findings parts.

Example of reference writings are as follows:


Brown, A.C., 1975. Apples. In: J. Janick, J.N. Moore (Eds.): Advances in fruit breeding. Prudue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, ABD. pp: 3–37.

Özbek, N., 1969. Experimental technique (I. Greenhouse experiment, technique and methods). A.U. Agricultural Faculty Publications 406. Ankara University Printing House, Ankara. 346 p.



Kaşka, N., Yılmaz, M., 1974. Techniques for growing garden plants (Translation: "Plant propagation" by H.T. Hartman and D.E. Kester). Cukurova University Faculty of Agriculture, Publications 79. 610 p.


Karadeniz, T., Şen, S.M.,1990. Tirebolu ve çevresinde yetiştirilen mahalli armut çeşitlerinin pomolojik ve morfolojik özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Y.Y.Ü.Z.F. Dergisi 1(1):152-165.


Aslantaş, R., Güleryüz, M., 1995. Erzincan’ın Kemaliye İlçesinde Doğal Olarak Yetişen Bademlerin (Amygdalus communis L.) Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islahı Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Türkiye II. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt I:375-379, Adana.


Bak, T., 2016. Bazı Fındık Çeşitlerinde Verim İle Fizyolojik ve Morfolojik İlişkiler (PhD Thesis). Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Bolu, 113s.


Anonymous, 1951. Soil Survey Manual Hand Book. 18. U.S. Gover Prin. Office. Washington, D.C. pp: 340–343.

Anonymous, 2000. Agricultural Structure (Production, Price, Value). Statistics Institute of Turkish Republic Prime Ministry, Publication No: 2614, June 2002, Ankara. 598 p.

Electronic References:

Stiglitz, J.E., 1999. Whither Reform? Ten Years of the Transition. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington, DC, 28–30 April, (www.worldbank.org/research/abcde/stiglitz. html), (Access: May 2018).


International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences


ISSN …..  (Online)

Web page of journal http://azimder.gov.tr/dergi

e–mail: dergi@azimder.org.tr

Address: Demetlale Mah. Vatan Cd. No:23/4 Yenimahalle – ANKARA


Manuscript Submission and Copyright Release Form

Article title




Corresponding authors











Author/s approve the followings

1. This article or part of the article was not published or sent for publication before

2. All the authors read and approved the article and they are notified about sending the article to this journal.

3. This article was genuine and it was written by author/s

4. Responsibilities which were born from article contents belong to author

5. Author/s disclaim the copyright of the article.

Copyright of this article is belong to International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences

 Editorial Board is authorized to publish the article.


Except the copyright which is mentioned above, proprietary rights of the author/s are followed;

• Except the copyright all the rights such as patent are belong to author/s

• Author/s can be use all part of the article in their books, lectures and oral presentations

• All part of the article can be copied by author for their own activities except sales objective.

Except the copyright which mentioned above copying, posting and multiplication by other methods can be done with only permission of authorized person and Editorial Board of International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering Sciences . Article or part of the article can be used with cross–referring.

This form should be signed by all authors. If authors work in different installations, signs may be present in different forms. Signs should be wet. Article should be sent to the journal address with this form.


Names of author/s













Number of raw can be increased/ decreased according to number of author.

If article is not approved for publication by Editorial Board, this form is invalid.

Last Update Time: 6/13/24, 1:52:35 PM