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Resident’s Willingness to Travel Amidst Increased Post-Crisis Inbound Chinese Tourism: A Country-Of-Origin Effect Perspective

Year 2024, Latest Articles


There is a scant academic inquiry into the influence of crisis and post-crisis events on residents’ perceptions, their attitude towards international inbound tourists, and how their subsequent domestic travel behaviour is nuanced by the re-introduction of international tourists post-a-crisis. A conceptual model was developed to explore the influence of China’s post-zero-COVID-19 policy country image on host country resident behaviour. Based on an n=499 South African residents’ sample, the cross-sectional deductive study utilised partial least squares structural equation modelling to explore the proposed hypotheses. Contrary to the extant literature, China’s post-pandemic and policy country-of-origin effect positively influenced South African residents' willingness to engage in domestic tourism despite the potential influx of inbound Chinese tourists. However, there is intriguing heterogeneity in the nuances of the country-of-origin effect, stereotypes, risk perception and interventions on resident perception, and conation. The study confirms the underlying mechanisms in resident post-crisis domestic travel behaviour and contributes to the burgeoning body of knowledge.

Ethical Statement

The study was given ethical clearance by the North West University EMS-REC

Supporting Institution

TREES Research Unit


  • Abbasi, A. Z., Rather, R. A., Hooi Ting, D., Nisar, S., Hussain, K., Khwaja, M. G., & Shamim, A. (2024). Exploring tourism-generated social media communication, brand equity, satisfaction, and loyalty: A PLS-SEM-based multi-sequential approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 30(1), 93-109.
  • Adam, I. (2015). Backpackers' risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies in Ghana. Tourism Management, 49 (2015), 99-108.
  • Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub.
  • Ang, S., & Mansouri, F. (2023). Racialized (Im)mobilities: The pandemic and Sinophobia in Australia. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 44(2), 160-179.
  • Antwi, C. O., Ntim, S. Y., Asante, E. A., Brobbey, P., & Ren, J. (2022). Sustainable cross-border tourism management: COVID-19 avoidance motive on resident hospitality. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(8), 1831-1851.
  • Armutlu, M. E., Bakır, A. C., Sönmez, H., Zorer, E., & Alvarez, M. D. (2021). Factors affecting intended hospitable behaviour to tourists: hosting Chinese tourists in a post-Covid-19 world, Anatolia, 32(2), 218-231.
  • Buhmann, A. (2016). Measuring country image. Fribourg: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
  • Buhmann, A., & Ingenhoff, D. (2015). Advancing the country image construct from a public relations perspective: From model to measurement. Journal of Communication Management, 19(1), 62-80.
  • Chaulagain, S., Wiitala, J., & Fu, X. (2019). The impact of country image and destination image on US tourists’ travel intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 12, 1-11.
  • Cheer, J. M., Lapointe, D., Mostafanezhad, M., & Jamal, T. (2021). Global tourism in crisis: conceptual frameworks for research and practice. Journal of Tourism Futures, 7(3), 278 - 294.
  • Chen, H., Zhu, Z., Qi, F., Ye, Y., Liu, Z., Sun, M., & Jin, J. (2020). Country image in COVID-19 Pandemic: A case study of China. IEEE Trans Big Data, 7(1), 81-92.
  • Chung, J. Y., Lee, C.-K., & Park, Y.-N. (2021). Trust in social non-pharmaceutical interventions and travel intention during a pandemic. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(4), 437-448.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., Halkias, G., & Palcu, J. (2017). Explicit versus implicit country stereotypes as predictors of product preferences: Insights from the stereotype content model. Journal of International Businsess Studies, 48, 1023–1036.
  • Dubinsky, Y. (2023). Country image, cultural diplomacy, and sports during the COVID19 pandemic: Brand America and Super Bowl LV. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 19(3), 249-265.
  • Elliot, S., Papadopoulos, N., & Kim, S. S. (2011). An integrative model of place image: Exploring relationships between destination, product, and country images. Journal of Travel Research, 50(5), 520-534.
  • Fiske, S. T., Cuddy, A. J. C., Glick, P., & Xu, J. (2002). A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(6), 878–902.
  • Floribert, P. C. E. (2022). Re-Branding China’s Battered Image in Nigeria amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis of Chinese Diplomatic Communications. Journal of BRICS Studies, 1(1), 26–40.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39–50. DOI:
  • Francis, C. (2010). Ubuntu and skills development in the Overberg region of the Western Cape. Skills at Work: Theory and Practice Journal, 3(1), 27-43.
  • Fuchs, G. & Reichel, A. (2011). An exploratory inquiry into destination risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies of first time vs. repeat visitors to a highly volatile destination. Tourism Management, 32(2), 266–276.
  • Fuchs, G., & Reichel, A. (2006). Tourist destination risk perception: The case of Israel. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 14(2), 83-108.
  • Gajić, T., Blešić, I., Petrović, M. D., Radovanović, M. M., Đoković, F., Demirović, B. D., et al. (2023). Stereotypes and prejudices as (non) attractors for willingness to revisit tourist-spatial hotspots in Serbia. Sustainability, 15(6),5130.
  • German, J. D., Redi, A. A. N. P., Prasetyo, Y. T., Persada, S. F., Ong, A. K. S., Young, M. N., & Nadlifatin, R. (2022). Choosing a package carrier during COVID-19 pandemic: An integration of pro-environmental planned behavior (PEPB) theory and service quality (SERVQUAL). Journal of Cleaner Production, 346, 131123.
  • Griffin, M. M., & Steinbrecher, T. D. (2013). Large-Scale Datasets in Special Education Research. In Urbano, R. C. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities. Academic Press, 45, 155-183.
  • Hair, J. F., Astrachan, C. B., Moisescu, O. I., Radomir, L., Sarstedt, M., Vaithilingam, S., Ringle, C.M. (2021). Executing and interpreting applications of PLS-SEM: updates for family business researchers. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 12(3), 100392.
  • Hair, J. F., Howard, M. C., & Nitzl, C. (2020). Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM using confirmatory composite analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109, 101-110.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Rigorous applications, better results, and higher acceptance. Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 1-12.
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson, R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7th Edition, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River.
  • Hall, C. M. (2010). Crisis events in tourism: Subjects of crisis in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 13(5), 401–417. https://
  • Hall, C. M., Scott, D., & Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism: Be careful what you wish for. Tourism Geographies, 22(3), 577-598.
  • Hamid, S. S., & Bano, N. (2022). Behavioral intention of traveling in the period of COVID-19: an application of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and perceived risk. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 8(2), 357-378.
  • Han, C. M. (1989). Country Image: Halo or Summary Construct? Journal of Marketing Research, 26(2), 222–229.
  • Hao, Y., Bai, H., & Sun, S. (2021). How does COVID-19 affect tourism in terms of people’s willingness to travel? Empirical evidence from China. Tourism Review, 76(4), 892-909.
  • Hemmonsbey, J., & Tichaawa, T. M. (2020). Brand messages that influence the sport tourism experience: the case of South Africa. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 24(3), 177-194.
  • Hüsser, A. P., Ohnmacht, T., & Thao, V. T. (2023). Tourists’ preventive travel behaviour during COVID-19: the mediating role of attitudes towards applying non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) while travelling. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(1), 127-141.
  • Iaquinto, B. L. (2020). Tourist as vector: Viral mobilities of COVID-19. Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(2), 174-177.
  • InfoQuest Africa (n.d). Research panels. [Online]:
  • Joo, D., Xu, W., Lee, J., Lee, C., & Woosnam, K.M. (2021). Residents’ perceived risk, emotional solidarity, and support for tourism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 19, 100553.
  • Kamata, H. (2022). Tourist destination residents’ attitudes towards tourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(1), 134-149.
  • Kock, F., Nørfelt, A., Josiassen, A., Assaf, A. G., & Tsionas, M. G. (2020). Understanding the COVID-19 tourist psyche: The evolutionary tourism paradigm. Annals of Tourism Research, 85, 103053.
  • Krejcie, R.V. & Morgan, D.W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
  • Lantz, B., & Wenger, M. R. (2023). Anti-asian xenophobia, hate crime victimization, and fear of victimization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(1-2), 1088-1116.
  • Li, F., & Wang, B. (2020). Social contact theory and attitude change through tourism: Researching Chinese visitors to North Korea. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36, 100743.
  • Li, Z., Zhang, S., Liu, X., Kozak, M., & Wen, J. (2020). Seeing the invisible hand: Underlying effects of COVID-19 on tourists’ behavioral patterns. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 18, 100502,
  • Liu, B., Schroeder, A., Pennington-Gray, L., & Farajat, S. A. D. (2016). Source market perceptions: How risky is Jordan to travel to? Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 5, 294–304.
  • Mallapaty, S. (2022). China is relaxing its zero-COVID policy — here’s what scientists think. Nature, 612, 383-384.
  • Martin, I. M., & Eroglu, S. (1993). Measuring a multi-dimensional construct: Country image. Journal of Business Research, 28(3), 191–210.
  • Matiza, T. (2023). The ‘xenophobic’ resident: modelling the interplay between phobic cognition, perceived safety and hospitality post the Chinese ‘zero-COVID-19’ policy. Current Issues in Tourism 27(11), 1769-1780.
  • Miao, L., Im, J., So, K. K. F., & Cao, Y. (2022). Post-pandemic and post-traumatic tourism behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 95, 103410.
  • Micevski, M., Diamantopoulos, A., & Erdbrügger, J. (2021). From country stereotypes to country emotions to intentions to visit a country: implications for a country as a destination brand. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(1), 118-131.
  • Moghavvemi, S., Hassani, A., Woosnam, K. M., Abdrakhmanova, S., Jiang, C. (2023). Tourism recovery: exploring the impact of residents' animosity on attitudes, intentions, and behaviours to support tourism development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights,
  • Nayak, M. S. D. P. & Narayan, K. A. (2019). Strengths and Weakness of Online Surveys. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 24(5), 31-38.
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  • Nguyen, P. C., & Su D. T. (2020). Domestic tourism spending and economic vulnerability. Annals of Tourism Research, 85, 103063.
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  • Nyikana, S., & Bama, H. K. N. (2023). Domestic tourism as a recovery strategy in the face of COVID-19: Insights from South Africa. Acta Commercii, 23(1), 1-10.
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Year 2024, Latest Articles



  • Abbasi, A. Z., Rather, R. A., Hooi Ting, D., Nisar, S., Hussain, K., Khwaja, M. G., & Shamim, A. (2024). Exploring tourism-generated social media communication, brand equity, satisfaction, and loyalty: A PLS-SEM-based multi-sequential approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 30(1), 93-109.
  • Adam, I. (2015). Backpackers' risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies in Ghana. Tourism Management, 49 (2015), 99-108.
  • Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub.
  • Ang, S., & Mansouri, F. (2023). Racialized (Im)mobilities: The pandemic and Sinophobia in Australia. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 44(2), 160-179.
  • Antwi, C. O., Ntim, S. Y., Asante, E. A., Brobbey, P., & Ren, J. (2022). Sustainable cross-border tourism management: COVID-19 avoidance motive on resident hospitality. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(8), 1831-1851.
  • Armutlu, M. E., Bakır, A. C., Sönmez, H., Zorer, E., & Alvarez, M. D. (2021). Factors affecting intended hospitable behaviour to tourists: hosting Chinese tourists in a post-Covid-19 world, Anatolia, 32(2), 218-231.
  • Buhmann, A. (2016). Measuring country image. Fribourg: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
  • Buhmann, A., & Ingenhoff, D. (2015). Advancing the country image construct from a public relations perspective: From model to measurement. Journal of Communication Management, 19(1), 62-80.
  • Chaulagain, S., Wiitala, J., & Fu, X. (2019). The impact of country image and destination image on US tourists’ travel intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 12, 1-11.
  • Cheer, J. M., Lapointe, D., Mostafanezhad, M., & Jamal, T. (2021). Global tourism in crisis: conceptual frameworks for research and practice. Journal of Tourism Futures, 7(3), 278 - 294.
  • Chen, H., Zhu, Z., Qi, F., Ye, Y., Liu, Z., Sun, M., & Jin, J. (2020). Country image in COVID-19 Pandemic: A case study of China. IEEE Trans Big Data, 7(1), 81-92.
  • Chung, J. Y., Lee, C.-K., & Park, Y.-N. (2021). Trust in social non-pharmaceutical interventions and travel intention during a pandemic. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(4), 437-448.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., Halkias, G., & Palcu, J. (2017). Explicit versus implicit country stereotypes as predictors of product preferences: Insights from the stereotype content model. Journal of International Businsess Studies, 48, 1023–1036.
  • Dubinsky, Y. (2023). Country image, cultural diplomacy, and sports during the COVID19 pandemic: Brand America and Super Bowl LV. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 19(3), 249-265.
  • Elliot, S., Papadopoulos, N., & Kim, S. S. (2011). An integrative model of place image: Exploring relationships between destination, product, and country images. Journal of Travel Research, 50(5), 520-534.
  • Fiske, S. T., Cuddy, A. J. C., Glick, P., & Xu, J. (2002). A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(6), 878–902.
  • Floribert, P. C. E. (2022). Re-Branding China’s Battered Image in Nigeria amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis of Chinese Diplomatic Communications. Journal of BRICS Studies, 1(1), 26–40.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39–50. DOI:
  • Francis, C. (2010). Ubuntu and skills development in the Overberg region of the Western Cape. Skills at Work: Theory and Practice Journal, 3(1), 27-43.
  • Fuchs, G. & Reichel, A. (2011). An exploratory inquiry into destination risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies of first time vs. repeat visitors to a highly volatile destination. Tourism Management, 32(2), 266–276.
  • Fuchs, G., & Reichel, A. (2006). Tourist destination risk perception: The case of Israel. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 14(2), 83-108.
  • Gajić, T., Blešić, I., Petrović, M. D., Radovanović, M. M., Đoković, F., Demirović, B. D., et al. (2023). Stereotypes and prejudices as (non) attractors for willingness to revisit tourist-spatial hotspots in Serbia. Sustainability, 15(6),5130.
  • German, J. D., Redi, A. A. N. P., Prasetyo, Y. T., Persada, S. F., Ong, A. K. S., Young, M. N., & Nadlifatin, R. (2022). Choosing a package carrier during COVID-19 pandemic: An integration of pro-environmental planned behavior (PEPB) theory and service quality (SERVQUAL). Journal of Cleaner Production, 346, 131123.
  • Griffin, M. M., & Steinbrecher, T. D. (2013). Large-Scale Datasets in Special Education Research. In Urbano, R. C. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities. Academic Press, 45, 155-183.
  • Hair, J. F., Astrachan, C. B., Moisescu, O. I., Radomir, L., Sarstedt, M., Vaithilingam, S., Ringle, C.M. (2021). Executing and interpreting applications of PLS-SEM: updates for family business researchers. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 12(3), 100392.
  • Hair, J. F., Howard, M. C., & Nitzl, C. (2020). Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM using confirmatory composite analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109, 101-110.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Rigorous applications, better results, and higher acceptance. Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 1-12.
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson, R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7th Edition, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River.
  • Hall, C. M. (2010). Crisis events in tourism: Subjects of crisis in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 13(5), 401–417. https://
  • Hall, C. M., Scott, D., & Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism: Be careful what you wish for. Tourism Geographies, 22(3), 577-598.
  • Hamid, S. S., & Bano, N. (2022). Behavioral intention of traveling in the period of COVID-19: an application of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and perceived risk. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 8(2), 357-378.
  • Han, C. M. (1989). Country Image: Halo or Summary Construct? Journal of Marketing Research, 26(2), 222–229.
  • Hao, Y., Bai, H., & Sun, S. (2021). How does COVID-19 affect tourism in terms of people’s willingness to travel? Empirical evidence from China. Tourism Review, 76(4), 892-909.
  • Hemmonsbey, J., & Tichaawa, T. M. (2020). Brand messages that influence the sport tourism experience: the case of South Africa. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 24(3), 177-194.
  • Hüsser, A. P., Ohnmacht, T., & Thao, V. T. (2023). Tourists’ preventive travel behaviour during COVID-19: the mediating role of attitudes towards applying non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) while travelling. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(1), 127-141.
  • Iaquinto, B. L. (2020). Tourist as vector: Viral mobilities of COVID-19. Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(2), 174-177.
  • InfoQuest Africa (n.d). Research panels. [Online]:
  • Joo, D., Xu, W., Lee, J., Lee, C., & Woosnam, K.M. (2021). Residents’ perceived risk, emotional solidarity, and support for tourism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 19, 100553.
  • Kamata, H. (2022). Tourist destination residents’ attitudes towards tourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(1), 134-149.
  • Kock, F., Nørfelt, A., Josiassen, A., Assaf, A. G., & Tsionas, M. G. (2020). Understanding the COVID-19 tourist psyche: The evolutionary tourism paradigm. Annals of Tourism Research, 85, 103053.
  • Krejcie, R.V. & Morgan, D.W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
  • Lantz, B., & Wenger, M. R. (2023). Anti-asian xenophobia, hate crime victimization, and fear of victimization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(1-2), 1088-1116.
  • Li, F., & Wang, B. (2020). Social contact theory and attitude change through tourism: Researching Chinese visitors to North Korea. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36, 100743.
  • Li, Z., Zhang, S., Liu, X., Kozak, M., & Wen, J. (2020). Seeing the invisible hand: Underlying effects of COVID-19 on tourists’ behavioral patterns. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 18, 100502,
  • Liu, B., Schroeder, A., Pennington-Gray, L., & Farajat, S. A. D. (2016). Source market perceptions: How risky is Jordan to travel to? Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 5, 294–304.
  • Mallapaty, S. (2022). China is relaxing its zero-COVID policy — here’s what scientists think. Nature, 612, 383-384.
  • Martin, I. M., & Eroglu, S. (1993). Measuring a multi-dimensional construct: Country image. Journal of Business Research, 28(3), 191–210.
  • Matiza, T. (2023). The ‘xenophobic’ resident: modelling the interplay between phobic cognition, perceived safety and hospitality post the Chinese ‘zero-COVID-19’ policy. Current Issues in Tourism 27(11), 1769-1780.
  • Miao, L., Im, J., So, K. K. F., & Cao, Y. (2022). Post-pandemic and post-traumatic tourism behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 95, 103410.
  • Micevski, M., Diamantopoulos, A., & Erdbrügger, J. (2021). From country stereotypes to country emotions to intentions to visit a country: implications for a country as a destination brand. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(1), 118-131.
  • Moghavvemi, S., Hassani, A., Woosnam, K. M., Abdrakhmanova, S., Jiang, C. (2023). Tourism recovery: exploring the impact of residents' animosity on attitudes, intentions, and behaviours to support tourism development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights,
  • Nayak, M. S. D. P. & Narayan, K. A. (2019). Strengths and Weakness of Online Surveys. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 24(5), 31-38.
  • Nghiem-Phu, B. & Pham, H. L. (2022). Residents’ attitudes toward reopening inbound tourism amid COVID-19: a study in Vietnam. SAGE Open, 12(2).
  • Nguyen, P. C., & Su D. T. (2020). Domestic tourism spending and economic vulnerability. Annals of Tourism Research, 85, 103063.
  • Nie, Z., Xu, L., Zhang, H., Cao, Y., Zhang, C., Pan, J., & Zhang, J. (2022). Crowding and vaccination: Tourist's two-sided perception on crowding and the moderating effect of vaccination status during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 24, 100705,
  • Nyikana, S., & Bama, H. K. N. (2023). Domestic tourism as a recovery strategy in the face of COVID-19: Insights from South Africa. Acta Commercii, 23(1), 1-10.
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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Tafadzwa Matiza

Early Pub Date July 16, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date December 3, 2023
Acceptance Date May 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Latest Articles


APA Matiza, T. (2024). Resident’s Willingness to Travel Amidst Increased Post-Crisis Inbound Chinese Tourism: A Country-Of-Origin Effect Perspective. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR).

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