Research Article
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Predictors and Outcomes of Successful Localization in the Aviation Industry: The Case of Oman

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 418 - 443, 01.12.2021


Localization has encountered substantial focus in academia as well as practice; however, scarce studies have empirically examined this theme within tourism-related sectors in Oman, including the aviation sector. That is why the purpose of this paper is to develop and test an integrated model of the key predictors and outcomes of successful localization within the aviation industry. It also evaluates the mediating role of knowledge sharing ability between human resources development (HRD) practices and localization as well as the moderating effect of organizational commitment on the link between localization and firm performance. This paper is based on primary data collected from 194 employees operating in the national aviation sector in Oman. Based on PLS-SEM, the results indicated that HRD practices (i.e., training, performance appraisal, and rewards) have a positive impact on expatriates’ ability to share knowledge with national staff, and thus positively impact the localization success. Additionally, the firm's performance is positively influenced by successful localization. Knowledge sharing does not mediate the link between HRD practices and successful localization, but the results confirmed the interactive impact of organizational commitment on the direct connection between localization and performance. The findings contribute significantly to the research community and provide practical guidelines and managerial implications.

Supporting Institution

University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Salalah College of Applied Sciences, Oman.


We would like to thank the human resources in the Omani aviation sector for circulating our questionnaire. We are also grateful to our respondent aviation employees for participating in the study.


  • Abdelhamied, H., & Elbaz, A. (2018). Burnout in tourism and hospitality SMEs: The moderating role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 12(2), 66-82.
  • Alaref, J., Koettl-Brodmann, J., Onder, H., Rahman, A., Speakman, J., Beschel, R., Malik, I., Vodopyanov, A., & Quota, M. (2018). The jobs agenda for the Gulf cooperation council countries (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.
  • Alkathiri, N. A., & Soliman, M. (2020). Examining foreign direct investment determinants of tourism industry in Oman and Egypt: The moderating role of investment environment. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1-19.
  • Al-Hamadi, A. B., Budhwar, P. S., & Shipton, H. (2007). Management of Human Resources in Oman. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1), 100-113.
  • Al-Lamki, S. (2005). The role of private sector in Omanization: The case of the banking industry in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Management, 22(2), 176-188.
  • Al-Waqfi, M., & Forstenlechner, I. (2010). Stereotyping of citizens in an expatriate-dominated labour market: implications for workforce localization policy. Employee Relations, 32(4), 364-381.
  • Appelbaum, S. H., & Fewster, B. M. (2003). Global Aviation Human Resource Management: Contemporary Compensation and Benefits Practices. Management Research News, 26(7), 59-71.
  • Arezki, R., Fan, R. Y., & Nguyen, H. (2020). Coping with COVID-19 and oil price collapse in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Retrieved July 8, 2020, from
  • Baltes, S., & Ralph, P. (2020). Sampling in software engineering research: A critical review and guidelines. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.07764.
  • Bandeira, M. C. G. D. S., Borille, G. M. R., Maia M. C. D., & Moser R. F. (2014). Key indicators that affect the perception of service quality in critical airport areas of passenger boarding. Journal of Transport Literature, 8(4), 7-36.
  • Bartlett, C., & Ghoshal, S. (2002). Managing Across Borders. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
  • Behrendt, C. H., Haq, T., & Kamel, N. (2009). The impact of the financial and economic crisis on Arab states: considerations on employment and social protection policy responses. International Labour Office, Beirut.
  • Bontenbal, M., & Aziz, H. (2013). Oman's tourism industry: student career perceptions and attitudes. Journal of Arabian Studies, 3(2), 232-248.
  • Budhwar, P. S., Al-Yahmadi, S., & Debrah, Y. (2002). Human Resource Development in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Training and Development, 6(3), 198-215.
  • Chan, D., Ye, T., & Xu, H. (2016a). Localization of senior managers of international luxury hotels in China: the current situation and influencing factors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12(1), 126-143.
  • Chan, D., Ye, T., & Xu, H. (2016b). Culture differences and challenges in localization of senior executives of international luxury hotels in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12(2), 196-215.
  • Chang, Y. Y., Gong, Y., & Peng, M. W. (2012). Expatriate knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity and subsidiary. Academy of Management Journal, 55(4), 927-948.
  • Chen, J., Silverthorne, C., & Hung, J. (2006). Organization communication, job stress, organizational commitment, and job performance of accounting professionals in Taiwan and America. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(4), 242-249.
  • Chen, S., & Wilson, M. (2003). Standardization and localization of human resource management in Sino-foreign joint ventures. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 20, 397-408.
  • Correia, A. R., Wirasinghe, S. C., & de Barros, A. G. (2008). Overall level of service measures for airport passenger terminals. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(2), 330-346.
  • Conger, J. A., Kanungo, R. N., & Menon, S. T. (2000). Charismatic leadership and follower effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 21(7), 747-767.
  • Dutt, C. S., Harvey, W. S., & Shaw, G. (2017). The missing voices in the perceptions of tourism: the neglect of expatriates. Tourism Management Perspectives, 26, 193-202.
  • Elbaz, A. M., Agag, G. M., & Alkathiri, N. A. (2018). How ability, motivation and opportunity influence travel agents: the moderating role of absorptive capacity. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(1), 119-141.
  • Fan, X., Lu, Z., & Wu, H. (2013). Current situation of rural residents' tourism: a case study in Zhejiang Province in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(10), 1191–1206.
  • Feild, L., Pruchno, R. A., Bewley, J., Lemay Jr, E. P., & Levinsky, N. G. (2006). Using probability vs. nonprobability sampling to identify hard-to-access participants for health-related research: Costs and contrasts. Journal of Aging and Health, 18(4), 565-583.
  • Fryxell, G., Butler, J., & Choi, A. (2004). Successful localization programs in China: An important element in strategy implementation. Journal of World Business, 39(3), 268–283.
  • Fu, W., & Deshpande, S. P. (2014). The impact of caring climate, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on job performance of employees in a China’s insurance company. Journal of Business Ethics, 124, 339–349.
  • Garavan, T., Gunnigle, M., & Collins, E. (2001). Human capital accumulation: the role of human resource development. Journal of European Industrial Training, 44(5), 48-60.
  • GCC-STAT (2018). Economic performance and outlook for the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) 2018. Issue No.2. Muscat – Sultanate of Oman.
  • Goby, V. P., & Alhadhrami, A. (2020). Expat or citizen? Raising the question of a potential impact of status on leader behavior. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 28(5), 1019-1030.
  • Gomez, C., & Sanchez, J. (2005). Human resource control in MNCs: a study of the factors influencing the use of formal and informal control mechanisms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(10), 1847-1861.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011) PLS-SEM: indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Hair, J. F., Matthews, L. M., Matthews, R. L., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). PLS-SEM or CB-SEM: updated guidelines on which method to use. International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis, 1(2), 107-123.
  • Harry, W. (2007). Employment creation and ‘localization’: the crucial human resource issues for the GCC. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(10), 132–146.
  • Harvey, G., & Turnbull, P. (2009). The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Labour in the Civil Aviation Industry. Final Report. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • Hassan, S. B., & Soliman, M. (2021). COVID-19 and repeat visitation: Assessing the role of destination social responsibility, destination reputation, holidaymakers’ trust and fear arousal. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19, 100495.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing. In R. R. Sinkovics, & P. N. Gauri (Eds.), New Challenges to International Marketing (pp. 277-319). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Hislop, D. (2002). Linking human resource management and knowledge management via commitment: a review and research agenda. Employee Relations, 25(2), 182-202.
  • Hitotsuyanagi-Hansel, A., Froese, F. J., & Pak, Y. S. (2016). Lessening the divide in foreign subsidiaries: The influence of localization on the organizational commitment and turnover intention of host country nationals. International Business Review, 25, 569–578.
  • Huselid, M. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity and corporate financial. Academy of Management Journal, 38(3), 635-672.
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  • Jarvis, C. B., MacKenzie, S. B., & Podsakoff, P. M. (2003). A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model misspecification in marketing and consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(2), 199-218.
  • Kaltenborn, B. P., Andersen, O., Nellemann, C., Bjerke, T., & Thrane, C. (2008). Resident attitudes towards mountain second-home tourism development in Norway: the effects of environmental attitudes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 16(6), 664.
  • Karam, A. M. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Socialization and Stereotypes on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: A Study on Localization in the United Arab Emirates. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wollongong, Dubai.
  • Khan, N. R., Awang, M., & Ghouri, A. M. (2014). Organizational commitment construct: Validity measure using SEM. Science International, 26(2), 897-902.
  • Khan, F. R., & Krishnamurthy, J. (2016). Future proofing of tourism entrepreneurship in Oman: challenges and prospects. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 8(1), 79-94.
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  • Kock, N., & Lynn, G. (2012). Lateral collinearity and misleading results in variance-based SEM: an illustration and recommendations. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 13(7), 1-40.
  • Lasserre, P., & Ching, P. (1997). Human resources management in China and the localization challenge. Journal of Asian Business, 13(4), 85-99.
  • Law, K., Song, L., Wong, C., & Chen, D. (2009). The antecedents and consequences of successful localization. Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 1359-1373.
  • Law, K., Wong, C., & Wang, K. (2004). An empirical test of the model on managing the localization of human resources in the People’s Republic of China. Int. J. of Human Resource Management, 15(4), 635-648.
  • Liu, Y. (2004). Localization strategy of multinational companies in China and its impact. Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 6, 29-33.
  • Lowry, B., & Gaskin, J. (2014). Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for building and testing behavioral causal theory: when to choose it and how to use it. IEEE Transaxctions on Professional Communication, 57(2), 123-146.
  • MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and behavioral research: integrating new and existing techniques. MIS Quarterly, 35(2), 293-334.
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Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 418 - 443, 01.12.2021



  • Abdelhamied, H., & Elbaz, A. (2018). Burnout in tourism and hospitality SMEs: The moderating role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 12(2), 66-82.
  • Alaref, J., Koettl-Brodmann, J., Onder, H., Rahman, A., Speakman, J., Beschel, R., Malik, I., Vodopyanov, A., & Quota, M. (2018). The jobs agenda for the Gulf cooperation council countries (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.
  • Alkathiri, N. A., & Soliman, M. (2020). Examining foreign direct investment determinants of tourism industry in Oman and Egypt: The moderating role of investment environment. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1-19.
  • Al-Hamadi, A. B., Budhwar, P. S., & Shipton, H. (2007). Management of Human Resources in Oman. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1), 100-113.
  • Al-Lamki, S. (2005). The role of private sector in Omanization: The case of the banking industry in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Management, 22(2), 176-188.
  • Al-Waqfi, M., & Forstenlechner, I. (2010). Stereotyping of citizens in an expatriate-dominated labour market: implications for workforce localization policy. Employee Relations, 32(4), 364-381.
  • Appelbaum, S. H., & Fewster, B. M. (2003). Global Aviation Human Resource Management: Contemporary Compensation and Benefits Practices. Management Research News, 26(7), 59-71.
  • Arezki, R., Fan, R. Y., & Nguyen, H. (2020). Coping with COVID-19 and oil price collapse in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Retrieved July 8, 2020, from
  • Baltes, S., & Ralph, P. (2020). Sampling in software engineering research: A critical review and guidelines. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.07764.
  • Bandeira, M. C. G. D. S., Borille, G. M. R., Maia M. C. D., & Moser R. F. (2014). Key indicators that affect the perception of service quality in critical airport areas of passenger boarding. Journal of Transport Literature, 8(4), 7-36.
  • Bartlett, C., & Ghoshal, S. (2002). Managing Across Borders. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
  • Behrendt, C. H., Haq, T., & Kamel, N. (2009). The impact of the financial and economic crisis on Arab states: considerations on employment and social protection policy responses. International Labour Office, Beirut.
  • Bontenbal, M., & Aziz, H. (2013). Oman's tourism industry: student career perceptions and attitudes. Journal of Arabian Studies, 3(2), 232-248.
  • Budhwar, P. S., Al-Yahmadi, S., & Debrah, Y. (2002). Human Resource Development in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Training and Development, 6(3), 198-215.
  • Chan, D., Ye, T., & Xu, H. (2016a). Localization of senior managers of international luxury hotels in China: the current situation and influencing factors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12(1), 126-143.
  • Chan, D., Ye, T., & Xu, H. (2016b). Culture differences and challenges in localization of senior executives of international luxury hotels in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12(2), 196-215.
  • Chang, Y. Y., Gong, Y., & Peng, M. W. (2012). Expatriate knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity and subsidiary. Academy of Management Journal, 55(4), 927-948.
  • Chen, J., Silverthorne, C., & Hung, J. (2006). Organization communication, job stress, organizational commitment, and job performance of accounting professionals in Taiwan and America. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(4), 242-249.
  • Chen, S., & Wilson, M. (2003). Standardization and localization of human resource management in Sino-foreign joint ventures. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 20, 397-408.
  • Correia, A. R., Wirasinghe, S. C., & de Barros, A. G. (2008). Overall level of service measures for airport passenger terminals. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(2), 330-346.
  • Conger, J. A., Kanungo, R. N., & Menon, S. T. (2000). Charismatic leadership and follower effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 21(7), 747-767.
  • Dutt, C. S., Harvey, W. S., & Shaw, G. (2017). The missing voices in the perceptions of tourism: the neglect of expatriates. Tourism Management Perspectives, 26, 193-202.
  • Elbaz, A. M., Agag, G. M., & Alkathiri, N. A. (2018). How ability, motivation and opportunity influence travel agents: the moderating role of absorptive capacity. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(1), 119-141.
  • Fan, X., Lu, Z., & Wu, H. (2013). Current situation of rural residents' tourism: a case study in Zhejiang Province in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(10), 1191–1206.
  • Feild, L., Pruchno, R. A., Bewley, J., Lemay Jr, E. P., & Levinsky, N. G. (2006). Using probability vs. nonprobability sampling to identify hard-to-access participants for health-related research: Costs and contrasts. Journal of Aging and Health, 18(4), 565-583.
  • Fryxell, G., Butler, J., & Choi, A. (2004). Successful localization programs in China: An important element in strategy implementation. Journal of World Business, 39(3), 268–283.
  • Fu, W., & Deshpande, S. P. (2014). The impact of caring climate, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on job performance of employees in a China’s insurance company. Journal of Business Ethics, 124, 339–349.
  • Garavan, T., Gunnigle, M., & Collins, E. (2001). Human capital accumulation: the role of human resource development. Journal of European Industrial Training, 44(5), 48-60.
  • GCC-STAT (2018). Economic performance and outlook for the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) 2018. Issue No.2. Muscat – Sultanate of Oman.
  • Goby, V. P., & Alhadhrami, A. (2020). Expat or citizen? Raising the question of a potential impact of status on leader behavior. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 28(5), 1019-1030.
  • Gomez, C., & Sanchez, J. (2005). Human resource control in MNCs: a study of the factors influencing the use of formal and informal control mechanisms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(10), 1847-1861.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011) PLS-SEM: indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Hair, J. F., Matthews, L. M., Matthews, R. L., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). PLS-SEM or CB-SEM: updated guidelines on which method to use. International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis, 1(2), 107-123.
  • Harry, W. (2007). Employment creation and ‘localization’: the crucial human resource issues for the GCC. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(10), 132–146.
  • Harvey, G., & Turnbull, P. (2009). The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Labour in the Civil Aviation Industry. Final Report. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • Hassan, S. B., & Soliman, M. (2021). COVID-19 and repeat visitation: Assessing the role of destination social responsibility, destination reputation, holidaymakers’ trust and fear arousal. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19, 100495.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing. In R. R. Sinkovics, & P. N. Gauri (Eds.), New Challenges to International Marketing (pp. 277-319). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Hislop, D. (2002). Linking human resource management and knowledge management via commitment: a review and research agenda. Employee Relations, 25(2), 182-202.
  • Hitotsuyanagi-Hansel, A., Froese, F. J., & Pak, Y. S. (2016). Lessening the divide in foreign subsidiaries: The influence of localization on the organizational commitment and turnover intention of host country nationals. International Business Review, 25, 569–578.
  • Huselid, M. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity and corporate financial. Academy of Management Journal, 38(3), 635-672.
  • Jamal, M. (2011). Job stress, job performance and organizational commitment in a multinational company: An empirical study in two countries. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(20), 20–29.
  • Jaramillo, F., Mulki, J. P., & Marshall, G. W. (2005). A meta-analysis of the relationship between organizational commitment and salesperson job performance: 25 years of research. Journal of Business Research, 58, 705–714.
  • Jarvis, C. B., MacKenzie, S. B., & Podsakoff, P. M. (2003). A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model misspecification in marketing and consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(2), 199-218.
  • Kaltenborn, B. P., Andersen, O., Nellemann, C., Bjerke, T., & Thrane, C. (2008). Resident attitudes towards mountain second-home tourism development in Norway: the effects of environmental attitudes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 16(6), 664.
  • Karam, A. M. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Socialization and Stereotypes on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: A Study on Localization in the United Arab Emirates. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wollongong, Dubai.
  • Khan, N. R., Awang, M., & Ghouri, A. M. (2014). Organizational commitment construct: Validity measure using SEM. Science International, 26(2), 897-902.
  • Khan, F. R., & Krishnamurthy, J. (2016). Future proofing of tourism entrepreneurship in Oman: challenges and prospects. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 8(1), 79-94.
  • Kock, N. (2017). WarpPLS user manual: Version 6.0. Laredo, TX: ScriptWarp System.
  • Kock, N., & Lynn, G. (2012). Lateral collinearity and misleading results in variance-based SEM: an illustration and recommendations. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 13(7), 1-40.
  • Lasserre, P., & Ching, P. (1997). Human resources management in China and the localization challenge. Journal of Asian Business, 13(4), 85-99.
  • Law, K., Song, L., Wong, C., & Chen, D. (2009). The antecedents and consequences of successful localization. Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 1359-1373.
  • Law, K., Wong, C., & Wang, K. (2004). An empirical test of the model on managing the localization of human resources in the People’s Republic of China. Int. J. of Human Resource Management, 15(4), 635-648.
  • Liu, Y. (2004). Localization strategy of multinational companies in China and its impact. Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 6, 29-33.
  • Lowry, B., & Gaskin, J. (2014). Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for building and testing behavioral causal theory: when to choose it and how to use it. IEEE Transaxctions on Professional Communication, 57(2), 123-146.
  • MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and behavioral research: integrating new and existing techniques. MIS Quarterly, 35(2), 293-334.
  • Mellahi, K., & Al-Hinai, S. (2000). Local workers in Gulf Co-Operation Countries: assets or liabilities?. Middle Eastern Studies, 3(3), 177.
  • Moideenkutty, U., Murthy, Y., & Al-Lamky, A. (2016). Localization HRM practices and financial: evidence from the Sultanate of Oman. Review of International Business and Strategy, 26(3), 431-442.
  • Mowday, R. T., Steers, R. M., & Porter, L. W. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14(2), 224–247.
  • National Center for Statistics and Information (2019). Total Expatriate Workers. Sultanate of Oman: Author. Retrieved November 8, 2019, from
  • Oliver, S. (2020, August 26). Major Oman Government Restructuring. Addleshaw Goddard LLP. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from
  • Oman Observer (2021, January 31). Details of the new fee hike to recruit expatriate workforce. Daily Oman Observer. Retrieved February 13, 2021, from
  • Oman Observer (2018, December 16). 44pc Omanisation expected in tourism sector by 2020. Daily Oman Observer. Retrieved February 13, 2021, from,41.1%20per%20cent%20in%202017.
  • Pegram, J., Falcone, G., & Kolios, A. (2018). A review of job role localization in the oil and gas industry. Energies, 11, 2779.
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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Nasser Alkathiri This is me 0000-0001-9494-7366

Ahmed Mohamed Elbaz 0000-0002-3106-7182

Iqtidar Shah This is me 0000-0002-3761-0043

Mohammad Soliman 0000-0002-9359-763X

Publication Date December 1, 2021
Submission Date October 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Alkathiri, N., Elbaz, A. M., Shah, I., Soliman, M. (2021). Predictors and Outcomes of Successful Localization in the Aviation Industry: The Case of Oman. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 9(2), 418-443.

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