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Tescilli ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) genotiplerinin kuraklık stresine fizyo-biyokimyasal yanıtları: Antioksidan parametreler ve fotosentetik pigment miktarlarındaki değişimler

Year 2024, , 1 - 10, 15.05.2024


Bu çalışmada, 7 tescilli ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) genotipinin (Gerek 79, Sultan 95, Haymana 79, Grk/Cty, T98-9, Pastor, PM ME1) fizyo-biyokimyasal parametreleri kuraklık stresi koşulları altında incelenmiştir. Farklı kuraklık şiddetine (3., 6. ve 10. gün) maruz bırakılan bu buğday genotiplerinde polifenol oksidaz (PPO), peroksidaz (POD), askorbat peroksidaz (APX), katalaz (CAT), fotosentetik pigment, toplam protein, hidrojen peroksit, lipid peroksidasyonu (malonildialdehit-MDA) ve prolin seviyeleri belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, 7 farklı buğday genotipi arasında Gerek 79 ve Haymana 79 genotipleri fizyolojik olarak kuraklığa en duyarlı genotipler olurken, Pastor ve Sultan 95 genotipleri kuraklığa en toleranslı çeşitler olmuştur. Ayrıca buğday çeşitlerinde genel olarak kuraklık süresinin uzamasına paralel olarak oksidatif hasara bağlı olarak fotosentetik pigment içeriğinin önemli ölçüde azaldığı, prolin ve MDA içeriğinin ise arttığı tespit edilmiştir.

Project Number



  • Abedi T, Pakniyat H (2010). Antioxidant enzymes changes in response to drought stress in ten cultivars of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 46(1): 27-34.
  • Arnon DI (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant physiology 24(1): 1.
  • Arora A, Sairam R, Srivastava G (2002). Oxidative stress and antioxidative system in plants. Current science 1227-1238.
  • As SG (1993). Overexpression of superoxide dismutase protects plants from oxidative stress. Plant Physiol. (103): 1067-1073.
  • Bhargava S, Sawant K (2013). Drought stress adaptation: metabolic adjustment and regulation of gene expression. Plant breeding 132(1): 21-32.
  • Bradford MM (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical biochemistry 72(1-2): 248-254.
  • Chakraborty U, Pradhan B (2012). Oxidative stress in five wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) exposed to water stress and study of their antioxidant enzyme defense system, water stress responsive metabolites and H2O2 accumulation. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 2(4): 117-130.
  • Choudhury S, Panda P, Sahoo L, Panda SK (2013). Reactive oxygen species signaling in plants under abiotic stress. Plant signaling & behavior 8(4): e23681.
  • De Gara L, de Pinto MC, Tommasi F (2003). The antioxidant systems vis-à-vis reactive oxygen species during plant–pathogen interaction. Plant physiology and biochemistry 41(10): 863-870.
  • Demirci-Cekic S, Özkan G, Avan AN, Uzunboy S, Çapanoğlu E, Apak R (2022). Biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (209): 114477.
  • Dursun K (2018). The responses of antioxidant system against the heavy metal-induced stress in tomato. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22(1): 1-6.
  • Esfandiari E, Shakiba MR, Mahboob SA, Alyari H, Toorchi M (2007). Water stress, antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation in wheat seedling. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 5(1): 149.
  • Farooq A, Bukhari SA, Akram NA, Ashraf M, Wijaya L, Alyemeni MN, Ahmad P (2020). Exogenously applied ascorbic acid-mediated changes in osmoprotection and oxidative defense system enhanced water stress tolerance in different cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.). Plants 9(1): 104.
  • Flurkey WH (1989). Polypeptide composition and amino-terminal sequence of broad bean polyphenoloxidase. Plant physiology 91(2): 481-483.
  • Ghorbanli M, Gafarabad M, Amirkian T, Allahverdi MB (2013). Investigation of proline, total protein, chlorophyll, ascorbate and dehydroascorbate changes under drought stress in Akria and Mobil tomato cultivars. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology Vol (3): 651-658.
  • Gill SS, Tuteja N (2010). Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Plant physiology and biochemistry 48(12): 909-930.
  • Girija C, Smith B, Swamy P (2002). Interactive effects of sodium chloride and calcium chloride on the accumulation of proline and glycinebetaine in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Environmental and experimental botany 47(1): 1-10.
  • Gunes A, Pilbeam DJ, Inal A, Coban S (2008). Influence of silicon on sunflower cultivars under drought stress, I: Growth, antioxidant mechanisms, and lipid peroxidation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39(13-14): 1885-1903.
  • Hasanuzzaman M, Bhuyan MB, Zulfiqar F, Raza A, Mohsin SM, Mahmud JA, Fujita M, Fotopoulos V (2020). Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defense in plants under abiotic stress: Revisiting the crucial role of a universal defense regulator. Antioxidants 9(8): 681.
  • HongBo S, ZongSuo L, MingAn S (2005). Changes of anti-oxidative enzymes and MDA content under soil water deficits among 10 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes at maturation stage. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 45(1): 7-13.
  • Illescas M, Pedrero-Méndez A, Pitorini-Bovolini M, Hermosa R, Monte E (2021). Phytohormone production profiles in Trichoderma species and their relationship to wheat plant responses to water stress. Pathogens 10(8): 991.
  • Karabal E, Yücel M, Öktem HA (2003). Antioxidant responses of tolerant and sensitive barley cultivars to boron toxicity. Plant Science 164(6): 925-933.
  • Kaya C, Ashraf M, Wijaya L, Ahmad P (2019). The putative role of endogenous nitric oxide in brassinosteroid-induced antioxidant defence system in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants under water stress. Plant physiology and biochemistry (143): 119-128.
  • Keles Y, Öncel I. (2004). Growth and Solute Composition in Two Wheat Species Experiencing Combined Influence of Stress Conditions1 . Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (51): 203–209.
  • Khaleghi E, Arzani K, Moallemi N, Barzegar M (2012). Evaluation of chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and relationships between chlorophyll a, b and chlorophyll content index under water stress in Olea europaea cv. Dezful. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 6(8): 636-639.
  • Kiyosue T, Yoshiba Y, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Shinozaki K (1996). A nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial proline dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in proline metabolism, is upregulated by proline but downregulated by dehydration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 8(8): 1323-1335.
  • Kuromori T, Seo M, Shinozaki K (2018). ABA transport and plant water stress responses. Trends in plant science 23(6): 513-522.
  • Liang X, Zhang L, Natarajan SK, Becker DF (2013). Proline mechanisms of stress survival. Antioxidants & redox signaling 19(9): 998-1011.
  • Mafakheri A, Siosemardeh A, Bahramnejad B, Struik P, Sohrabi Y (2011). Effect of drought stress and subsequent recovery on protein, carbohydrate contents, catalase and peroxidase activities in three chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5(10): 1255-1260.
  • Maghsoudi K, Emam Y, Ashraf M, Arvin MJ (2019). Alleviation of field water stress in wheat cultivars by using silicon and salicylic acid applied separately or in combination. Crop and Pasture Science 70(1): 36-43.
  • Malik S, Ashraf M (2012). Exogenous application of ascorbic acid stimulates growth and photosynthesis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under drought. Soil & Environment 31(1): 72-77.
  • Michaletti A, Naghavi MR, Toorchi M, Zolla L, Rinalducci S (2018). Metabolomics and proteomics reveal drought-stress responses of leaf tissues from spring-wheat. Scientific reports 8(1): 5710.
  • Miller G, Suzuki N, Ciftci‐Yilmaz S, Mittler R (2010). Reactive oxygen species homeostasis and signalling during drought and salinity stresses. Plant, cell & environment 33(4): 453-467.
  • Mohammadkhani N, Heidari R (2008). Effects of drought stress on soluble proteins in two maize varieties. Turkish Journal of Biology 32(1): 23-30.
  • Ozturk M, Turkyilmaz Unal B, García‐Caparrós P, Khursheed A, Gul A, Hasanuzzaman M (2021). Osmoregulation and its actions during the drought stress in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 172(2): 1321-1335.
  • Öztürk L, Demir Y (2003). Effects of putrescine and ethephon on some oxidative stress enzyme activities and proline content in salt stressed spinach leaves. Plant Growth Regulation (40): 89-95.
  • Passardi F, Cosio C, Penel C, Dunand C (2005). Peroxidases have more functions than a Swiss army knife. Plant cell reports (24): 255-265.
  • Per TS, Khan NA, Reddy PS, Masood A, Hasanuzzaman M, Khan MIR, Anjum NA (2017). Approaches in modulating proline metabolism in plants for salt and drought stress tolerance: Phytohormones, mineral nutrients and transgenics. Plant physiology and biochemistry (115): 126-140.
  • Pulvento C, Sellami M, Lavini A (2022). Yield and quality of Amaranthus hypochondriacus grain amaranth under drought and salinity at various phenological stages in southern Italy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102(12): 5022-5033.
  • Shafiq S, Akram NA, Ashraf M, Arshad A (2014). Synergistic effects of drought and ascorbic acid on growth, mineral nutrients and oxidative defense system in canola (Brassica napus L.) plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (36): 1539-1553.
  • Simelton E, Fraser ED, Termansen M, Forster PM, Dougill AJ (2009). Typologies of crop-drought vulnerability: an empirical analysis of the socio-economic factors that influence the sensitivity and resilience to drought of three major food crops in China (1961–2001). Environmental Science & Policy 12(4): 438-452.
  • Smirnoff N (1993). Tansley Review No. 52. The role of active oxygen in the response of plants to water deficit and desiccation. New phytologist 27-58.
  • Sreenivasulu N, Ramanjulu S, Ramachandra-Kini K, Prakash H, Shekar-Shetty H, Savithri H, Sudhakar C (1999). Total peroxidase activity and peroxidase isoforms as modified by salt stress in two cultivars of fox-tail millet with differential salt tolerance. Plant Science 141(1): 1-9.
  • Strizhov N, Ábrahám E, Ökrész L, Blickling S, Zilberstein A, Schell J, Koncz C, Szabados L (1997). Differential expression of two P5CS genes controlling proline accumulation during salt‐stress requires ABA and is regulated by ABA1, ABI1 and AXR2 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 12(3): 557-569.
  • Sui N (2015). Photoinhibition of Suaeda salsa to chilling stress is related to energy dissipation and water-water cycle. Photosynthetica 53(2): 207-212.
  • Sultan MARF, Hui L, Yang LJ, Xian ZH (2012). Assessment of drought tolerance of some Triticum L. species through physiological indices. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 48(4): 178-184.
  • Szabados L, Savouré A (2010). Proline: a multifunctional amino acid. Trends in plant science 15(2): 89-97. Ulusu F, Tümer K, Ulusu Y (2022). Antioxidant Responses To Drought Stress in Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium L.). Journal of Scientific Reports-A (051): 26-48.
  • Ulusu Y, Öztürk L, Elmastaş M (2017). Antioxidant capacity and cadmium accumulation in parsley seedlings exposed to cadmium stress. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (64): 883-888.
  • Velikova V, Yordanov I, Edreva A (2000). Oxidative stress and some antioxidant systems in acid rain-treated bean plants: protective role of exogenous polyamines. Plant Science 151(1): 59-66.
  • Wahab A, Abdi G, Saleem MH, Ali B, Ullah S, Shah W, Mumtaz S, Yasin G, Muresan CC, Marc RA (2022). Plants’ physio-biochemical and phyto-hormonal responses to alleviate the adverse effects of drought stress: A comprehensive review. Plants 11(13): 1620.
  • Wahid A, Gelani S, Ashraf M, Foolad MR (2007). Heat tolerance in plants: an overview. Environmental and Experimental Botany 61(3): 199-223.
  • Wang H, Tang X, Wang H, Shao HB (2015). Proline accumulation and metabolism-related genes expression profiles in Kosteletzkya virginica seedlings under salt stress. Frontiers in Plant Science (6): 792.
  • Weng XY, Zheng CJ, Xu HX, Sun JY (2007). Characteristics of photosynthesis and functions of the water–water cycle in rice (Oryza sativa) leaves in response to potassium deficiency. Physiologia Plantarum 131(4): 614-621.
  • Yang X, Lu M, Wang Y, Wang Y, Liu Z, Chen S (2021). Response mechanism of plants to drought stress. Horticulturae 7(3): 50.
  • Yu H, Zhang Q, Sun P. Song C (2018). Impact of droughts on winter wheat yield in different growth stages during 2001-2016 in Eastern China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (9): 376-391.
  • Zaheer M S, Raza MAS, Saleem MF, Khan IH, Ahmad S, Iqbal R, Manevski K (2019). Investigating the effect of Azospirillum brasilense and Rhizobium pisi on agronomic traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65(11): 1554-1564.
  • Zgallaï H, Steppe K, Lemeur R (2006). Effects of different levels of water stress on leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, protein and chlorophyll content and certain anti‐oxidative enzymes in tomato plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48(6): 679-685.
  • Zhang Y, Xie Z, Wang Y, Su P, An L, Gao H (2011). Effect of water stress on leaf photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, and growth of oriental lily. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 58: 844-850.

Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts

Year 2024, , 1 - 10, 15.05.2024


In this study, physio-biochemical parameters of 7 registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes (Gerek 79, Sultan 95, Haymana 79, Grk/Cty, T98-9, Pastor, PM ME1) were investigated under drought stress conditions. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), photosynthetic pigment, total protein, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation (malonyldialdehyde-MDA) and proline levels were determined in this wheat genotypes exposed to different drought duration (3rd, 6th and 10th day). As a result of this study, among 7 different wheat genotypes, Gerek 79 and Haymana 79 genotypes were the most physiologically sensitive to drought. In comparison, Pastor and Sultan 95 genotypes were the most drought-tolerant varieties. In addition, in parallel with the prolongation of the drought period in wheat varieties in general, it was determined that the content of photosynthetic pigments decreased significantly due to oxidative damage, while proline and MDA content increased

Supporting Institution

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi

Project Number



The seeds belonging to wheat genotypes used in this study were obtained from Prof. Dr. Özlem Ateş Sönmezoğlu. This study was supported by Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Scientific Research Projects Commission. Project Number: 07-YL-17.


  • Abedi T, Pakniyat H (2010). Antioxidant enzymes changes in response to drought stress in ten cultivars of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 46(1): 27-34.
  • Arnon DI (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant physiology 24(1): 1.
  • Arora A, Sairam R, Srivastava G (2002). Oxidative stress and antioxidative system in plants. Current science 1227-1238.
  • As SG (1993). Overexpression of superoxide dismutase protects plants from oxidative stress. Plant Physiol. (103): 1067-1073.
  • Bhargava S, Sawant K (2013). Drought stress adaptation: metabolic adjustment and regulation of gene expression. Plant breeding 132(1): 21-32.
  • Bradford MM (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical biochemistry 72(1-2): 248-254.
  • Chakraborty U, Pradhan B (2012). Oxidative stress in five wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) exposed to water stress and study of their antioxidant enzyme defense system, water stress responsive metabolites and H2O2 accumulation. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 2(4): 117-130.
  • Choudhury S, Panda P, Sahoo L, Panda SK (2013). Reactive oxygen species signaling in plants under abiotic stress. Plant signaling & behavior 8(4): e23681.
  • De Gara L, de Pinto MC, Tommasi F (2003). The antioxidant systems vis-à-vis reactive oxygen species during plant–pathogen interaction. Plant physiology and biochemistry 41(10): 863-870.
  • Demirci-Cekic S, Özkan G, Avan AN, Uzunboy S, Çapanoğlu E, Apak R (2022). Biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (209): 114477.
  • Dursun K (2018). The responses of antioxidant system against the heavy metal-induced stress in tomato. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22(1): 1-6.
  • Esfandiari E, Shakiba MR, Mahboob SA, Alyari H, Toorchi M (2007). Water stress, antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation in wheat seedling. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 5(1): 149.
  • Farooq A, Bukhari SA, Akram NA, Ashraf M, Wijaya L, Alyemeni MN, Ahmad P (2020). Exogenously applied ascorbic acid-mediated changes in osmoprotection and oxidative defense system enhanced water stress tolerance in different cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.). Plants 9(1): 104.
  • Flurkey WH (1989). Polypeptide composition and amino-terminal sequence of broad bean polyphenoloxidase. Plant physiology 91(2): 481-483.
  • Ghorbanli M, Gafarabad M, Amirkian T, Allahverdi MB (2013). Investigation of proline, total protein, chlorophyll, ascorbate and dehydroascorbate changes under drought stress in Akria and Mobil tomato cultivars. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology Vol (3): 651-658.
  • Gill SS, Tuteja N (2010). Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Plant physiology and biochemistry 48(12): 909-930.
  • Girija C, Smith B, Swamy P (2002). Interactive effects of sodium chloride and calcium chloride on the accumulation of proline and glycinebetaine in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Environmental and experimental botany 47(1): 1-10.
  • Gunes A, Pilbeam DJ, Inal A, Coban S (2008). Influence of silicon on sunflower cultivars under drought stress, I: Growth, antioxidant mechanisms, and lipid peroxidation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39(13-14): 1885-1903.
  • Hasanuzzaman M, Bhuyan MB, Zulfiqar F, Raza A, Mohsin SM, Mahmud JA, Fujita M, Fotopoulos V (2020). Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defense in plants under abiotic stress: Revisiting the crucial role of a universal defense regulator. Antioxidants 9(8): 681.
  • HongBo S, ZongSuo L, MingAn S (2005). Changes of anti-oxidative enzymes and MDA content under soil water deficits among 10 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes at maturation stage. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 45(1): 7-13.
  • Illescas M, Pedrero-Méndez A, Pitorini-Bovolini M, Hermosa R, Monte E (2021). Phytohormone production profiles in Trichoderma species and their relationship to wheat plant responses to water stress. Pathogens 10(8): 991.
  • Karabal E, Yücel M, Öktem HA (2003). Antioxidant responses of tolerant and sensitive barley cultivars to boron toxicity. Plant Science 164(6): 925-933.
  • Kaya C, Ashraf M, Wijaya L, Ahmad P (2019). The putative role of endogenous nitric oxide in brassinosteroid-induced antioxidant defence system in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants under water stress. Plant physiology and biochemistry (143): 119-128.
  • Keles Y, Öncel I. (2004). Growth and Solute Composition in Two Wheat Species Experiencing Combined Influence of Stress Conditions1 . Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (51): 203–209.
  • Khaleghi E, Arzani K, Moallemi N, Barzegar M (2012). Evaluation of chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and relationships between chlorophyll a, b and chlorophyll content index under water stress in Olea europaea cv. Dezful. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 6(8): 636-639.
  • Kiyosue T, Yoshiba Y, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Shinozaki K (1996). A nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial proline dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in proline metabolism, is upregulated by proline but downregulated by dehydration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 8(8): 1323-1335.
  • Kuromori T, Seo M, Shinozaki K (2018). ABA transport and plant water stress responses. Trends in plant science 23(6): 513-522.
  • Liang X, Zhang L, Natarajan SK, Becker DF (2013). Proline mechanisms of stress survival. Antioxidants & redox signaling 19(9): 998-1011.
  • Mafakheri A, Siosemardeh A, Bahramnejad B, Struik P, Sohrabi Y (2011). Effect of drought stress and subsequent recovery on protein, carbohydrate contents, catalase and peroxidase activities in three chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5(10): 1255-1260.
  • Maghsoudi K, Emam Y, Ashraf M, Arvin MJ (2019). Alleviation of field water stress in wheat cultivars by using silicon and salicylic acid applied separately or in combination. Crop and Pasture Science 70(1): 36-43.
  • Malik S, Ashraf M (2012). Exogenous application of ascorbic acid stimulates growth and photosynthesis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under drought. Soil & Environment 31(1): 72-77.
  • Michaletti A, Naghavi MR, Toorchi M, Zolla L, Rinalducci S (2018). Metabolomics and proteomics reveal drought-stress responses of leaf tissues from spring-wheat. Scientific reports 8(1): 5710.
  • Miller G, Suzuki N, Ciftci‐Yilmaz S, Mittler R (2010). Reactive oxygen species homeostasis and signalling during drought and salinity stresses. Plant, cell & environment 33(4): 453-467.
  • Mohammadkhani N, Heidari R (2008). Effects of drought stress on soluble proteins in two maize varieties. Turkish Journal of Biology 32(1): 23-30.
  • Ozturk M, Turkyilmaz Unal B, García‐Caparrós P, Khursheed A, Gul A, Hasanuzzaman M (2021). Osmoregulation and its actions during the drought stress in plants. Physiologia Plantarum 172(2): 1321-1335.
  • Öztürk L, Demir Y (2003). Effects of putrescine and ethephon on some oxidative stress enzyme activities and proline content in salt stressed spinach leaves. Plant Growth Regulation (40): 89-95.
  • Passardi F, Cosio C, Penel C, Dunand C (2005). Peroxidases have more functions than a Swiss army knife. Plant cell reports (24): 255-265.
  • Per TS, Khan NA, Reddy PS, Masood A, Hasanuzzaman M, Khan MIR, Anjum NA (2017). Approaches in modulating proline metabolism in plants for salt and drought stress tolerance: Phytohormones, mineral nutrients and transgenics. Plant physiology and biochemistry (115): 126-140.
  • Pulvento C, Sellami M, Lavini A (2022). Yield and quality of Amaranthus hypochondriacus grain amaranth under drought and salinity at various phenological stages in southern Italy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102(12): 5022-5033.
  • Shafiq S, Akram NA, Ashraf M, Arshad A (2014). Synergistic effects of drought and ascorbic acid on growth, mineral nutrients and oxidative defense system in canola (Brassica napus L.) plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (36): 1539-1553.
  • Simelton E, Fraser ED, Termansen M, Forster PM, Dougill AJ (2009). Typologies of crop-drought vulnerability: an empirical analysis of the socio-economic factors that influence the sensitivity and resilience to drought of three major food crops in China (1961–2001). Environmental Science & Policy 12(4): 438-452.
  • Smirnoff N (1993). Tansley Review No. 52. The role of active oxygen in the response of plants to water deficit and desiccation. New phytologist 27-58.
  • Sreenivasulu N, Ramanjulu S, Ramachandra-Kini K, Prakash H, Shekar-Shetty H, Savithri H, Sudhakar C (1999). Total peroxidase activity and peroxidase isoforms as modified by salt stress in two cultivars of fox-tail millet with differential salt tolerance. Plant Science 141(1): 1-9.
  • Strizhov N, Ábrahám E, Ökrész L, Blickling S, Zilberstein A, Schell J, Koncz C, Szabados L (1997). Differential expression of two P5CS genes controlling proline accumulation during salt‐stress requires ABA and is regulated by ABA1, ABI1 and AXR2 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 12(3): 557-569.
  • Sui N (2015). Photoinhibition of Suaeda salsa to chilling stress is related to energy dissipation and water-water cycle. Photosynthetica 53(2): 207-212.
  • Sultan MARF, Hui L, Yang LJ, Xian ZH (2012). Assessment of drought tolerance of some Triticum L. species through physiological indices. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 48(4): 178-184.
  • Szabados L, Savouré A (2010). Proline: a multifunctional amino acid. Trends in plant science 15(2): 89-97. Ulusu F, Tümer K, Ulusu Y (2022). Antioxidant Responses To Drought Stress in Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium L.). Journal of Scientific Reports-A (051): 26-48.
  • Ulusu Y, Öztürk L, Elmastaş M (2017). Antioxidant capacity and cadmium accumulation in parsley seedlings exposed to cadmium stress. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (64): 883-888.
  • Velikova V, Yordanov I, Edreva A (2000). Oxidative stress and some antioxidant systems in acid rain-treated bean plants: protective role of exogenous polyamines. Plant Science 151(1): 59-66.
  • Wahab A, Abdi G, Saleem MH, Ali B, Ullah S, Shah W, Mumtaz S, Yasin G, Muresan CC, Marc RA (2022). Plants’ physio-biochemical and phyto-hormonal responses to alleviate the adverse effects of drought stress: A comprehensive review. Plants 11(13): 1620.
  • Wahid A, Gelani S, Ashraf M, Foolad MR (2007). Heat tolerance in plants: an overview. Environmental and Experimental Botany 61(3): 199-223.
  • Wang H, Tang X, Wang H, Shao HB (2015). Proline accumulation and metabolism-related genes expression profiles in Kosteletzkya virginica seedlings under salt stress. Frontiers in Plant Science (6): 792.
  • Weng XY, Zheng CJ, Xu HX, Sun JY (2007). Characteristics of photosynthesis and functions of the water–water cycle in rice (Oryza sativa) leaves in response to potassium deficiency. Physiologia Plantarum 131(4): 614-621.
  • Yang X, Lu M, Wang Y, Wang Y, Liu Z, Chen S (2021). Response mechanism of plants to drought stress. Horticulturae 7(3): 50.
  • Yu H, Zhang Q, Sun P. Song C (2018). Impact of droughts on winter wheat yield in different growth stages during 2001-2016 in Eastern China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (9): 376-391.
  • Zaheer M S, Raza MAS, Saleem MF, Khan IH, Ahmad S, Iqbal R, Manevski K (2019). Investigating the effect of Azospirillum brasilense and Rhizobium pisi on agronomic traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65(11): 1554-1564.
  • Zgallaï H, Steppe K, Lemeur R (2006). Effects of different levels of water stress on leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, protein and chlorophyll content and certain anti‐oxidative enzymes in tomato plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48(6): 679-685.
  • Zhang Y, Xie Z, Wang Y, Su P, An L, Gao H (2011). Effect of water stress on leaf photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, and growth of oriental lily. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 58: 844-850.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology
Journal Section Articles

Canan Koç 0009-0006-8164-4044

Funda Ulusu 0000-0002-0321-2602

Yakup Ulusu 0000-0002-8755-2822

Project Number 07-YL-17
Early Pub Date February 23, 2024
Publication Date May 15, 2024
Acceptance Date October 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Koç, C., Ulusu, F., & Ulusu, Y. (2024). Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 8(1), 1-10.
AMA Koç C, Ulusu F, Ulusu Y. Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts. Ant J Bot. May 2024;8(1):1-10. doi:10.30616/ajb.1369278
Chicago Koç, Canan, Funda Ulusu, and Yakup Ulusu. “Physio-Biochemical Responses of Registered Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes to Drought Stress: Variations in Antioxidant Parameters and Photosynthetic Pigment Amounts”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8, no. 1 (May 2024): 1-10.
EndNote Koç C, Ulusu F, Ulusu Y (May 1, 2024) Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8 1 1–10.
IEEE C. Koç, F. Ulusu, and Y. Ulusu, “Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts”, Ant J Bot, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2024, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1369278.
ISNAD Koç, Canan et al. “Physio-Biochemical Responses of Registered Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes to Drought Stress: Variations in Antioxidant Parameters and Photosynthetic Pigment Amounts”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8/1 (May 2024), 1-10.
JAMA Koç C, Ulusu F, Ulusu Y. Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts. Ant J Bot. 2024;8:1–10.
MLA Koç, Canan et al. “Physio-Biochemical Responses of Registered Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes to Drought Stress: Variations in Antioxidant Parameters and Photosynthetic Pigment Amounts”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, vol. 8, no. 1, 2024, pp. 1-10, doi:10.30616/ajb.1369278.
Vancouver Koç C, Ulusu F, Ulusu Y. Physio-biochemical responses of registered bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to drought stress: Variations in antioxidant parameters and photosynthetic pigment amounts. Ant J Bot. 2024;8(1):1-10.

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