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First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye

Year 2024, , 34 - 38, 15.05.2024


A deadly poisonous fungus, Galerina venenata A.H. Sm. collected from the rhizospheric region of Olea europaea L., which is distributed in the area with the dominance of Mediterranean climate, is reported for the first time for Türkiye. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on ITS rDNA sequences from Turkish collections confirmed the position of G. venenata in the genus, and being the closest relative of G. marginata (Batsch) Kühner. A detailed morphological description of the present species, photographs, and comparison with taxonomically and phylogenetically close species are provided.

Project Number

the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) fund of the Aydın Adnan Menderes University (Project number: FEF-21029) and the Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Project number: 2021-ILK1-0155)


  • Ammirati JF, Traquair JA, Horgen PA (1985). Poisonous mushrooms of the Northern United States and Canada. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Fries EM (1821). Systema mycologicum: sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species, huc usque cognitas, quas ad normam methodi naturalis determinavit, disposuit atque descripsit: Vol. II. Geneva: Geneva Botanical Garden.
  • Gardes M, Bruns TD (1993). ITS primers with enhanced specificity for basidiomycetes application to the identification of mycorrhizae and rusts. Molecular Ecology 2(2): 113-118.
  • Grzesiak B, Wolski GJ (2015). Bryophilous species of the genus Galerina in peat bogs of central Poland. Herzogia 28: 607-623.
  • Gulden G (2012). Galerina Earle. In: Knudsen H, Vesterholt J (eds.) Funga Nordica, Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gastroid genera. Copenhagen: Nordsvamp.
  • Gulden G, Stensrud Ø, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Kauserud H (2005). Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics. Mycologia 97(4): 823-837.
  • Gulden G (2010). Galerinas in cold climates. North American Fungi 5: 127-157.
  • Hall TA (2004). BioEdit. Ibis Therapeutics, Carlsbad, CA, 92008, USA. Website: / [accessed 10 December 2023].
  • Index Fungorum. (2024). / [accessed 10 January 2024].
  • Katoh K, Standley DM (2013). MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: improvements in performance and usability. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30: 772-780.
  • Kaygusuz O, Knudsen H, Türkekul İ, Çolak ÖF (2020). Volvariella turcica, a new species from Turkey, and a multigene phylogeny of Volvariella. Mycologia 112(3): 577-587.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, David JC (2001). Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the Fungi. 9th ed. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Landry B, Whitton J, Bazzicalupo AL, Ceska O, Berbee ML (2021). Phylogenetic analysis of the distribution of deadly amatoxins among the little brown mushrooms of the genus Galerina. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246575.
  • Liu X, Bau T (2021). A new species of Galerina (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from northeast China. Phytotaxa 524(1): 027-036.
  • Matheny PB, Curtis JM, Hofstetter V (2006). Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview. Mycological Progress 98: 982-995.
  • Rambaut A (2012). FigTree, version 1.4. 2. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.
  • Sesli E, Asan A, Selçuk F (eds.) Abacı Günyar Ö, Akata I, Akgül H, Aktaş S, Alkan S, Allı H, Aydoğdu H, Berikten D, Demirel K, Demirel R, Doğan HH, Erdoğdu M, Ergül C, Eroğlu G, Giray G, Halikî Uztan A, Kabaktepe Ş, Kadaifçiler D, Kalyoncu F, Karaltı İ, Kaşık G, Kaya A, Keleş A, Kırbağ S, Kıvanç M, Ocak İ, Ökten S, Özkale E, Öztürk C, Sevindik M, Şen B, Şen İ, Türkekul İ, Ulukapı M, Uzun Ya, Uzun Yu, Yoltaş A (2020). The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey. İstanbul: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını.
  • Smith AH (1953). New Species of Galerina from North America. Mycologia 45(6): 892-925.
  • Smith AH, Singer R (1964). A monograph on the genus Galerina Earle. New York: Hafner Publishing Co.
  • Solak MH, Türkoğlu A (2022). Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist vol. III. İzmir: Kanyilmaz Matbaacılık Kağıt ve Ambalaj Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
  • Stamatakis A, Hoover P, Rougemont J (2008). A rapid bootstrap algorithm for the RAxML Web servers. Syst Biol 57: 758-771.
  • Tyler VE, Smith AH (1963). Chromatographic detection of Amanita toxins in Galerina venenata. Mycologia 55(3): 358-359.
  • Vellinga EC (1988). Glossary. In: Bas C, Kuyper Th.W, Noordeloos ME, Vellinga EC (eds.) Flora Agaricina Neerlandica, Vol. 1. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.
  • White TJ, Bruns T, Lee S, Taylor J (1990). Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky JJ, White TJ (eds.). PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications New York: Academic Press.
  • Wood AE (2001). Studies in the genus Galerina (Agaricales) in Australia. Australia Systematic Botany 14: 615-676.

Ölümcül zehirli Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina)’nın Türkiye’den ilk kaydı

Year 2024, , 34 - 38, 15.05.2024


Akdeniz ikliminin hakim olduğu bölgelerde yayılış gösteren Olea europaea L.'nın rizosferik bölgesinden toplanan ölümcül zehirli bir mantar olan Galerina venenata A.H. Sm., Türkiye için ilk kez rapor edilmektedir. Türkiye koleksiyonlarından elde edilen ITS rDNA dizilerine dayanan moleküler filogenetik analiz, G. venenata'nın cins içindeki konumunu ve G. marginata (Batsch) Kühner'nın en yakın akrabası olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Mevcut türün ayrıntılı morfolojik tanımı, fotoğrafları ile taksonomik ve filogenetik olarak yakın türlerle kıyaslanması verilmiştir.

Project Number

the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) fund of the Aydın Adnan Menderes University (Project number: FEF-21029) and the Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Project number: 2021-ILK1-0155)


  • Ammirati JF, Traquair JA, Horgen PA (1985). Poisonous mushrooms of the Northern United States and Canada. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Fries EM (1821). Systema mycologicum: sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species, huc usque cognitas, quas ad normam methodi naturalis determinavit, disposuit atque descripsit: Vol. II. Geneva: Geneva Botanical Garden.
  • Gardes M, Bruns TD (1993). ITS primers with enhanced specificity for basidiomycetes application to the identification of mycorrhizae and rusts. Molecular Ecology 2(2): 113-118.
  • Grzesiak B, Wolski GJ (2015). Bryophilous species of the genus Galerina in peat bogs of central Poland. Herzogia 28: 607-623.
  • Gulden G (2012). Galerina Earle. In: Knudsen H, Vesterholt J (eds.) Funga Nordica, Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gastroid genera. Copenhagen: Nordsvamp.
  • Gulden G, Stensrud Ø, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Kauserud H (2005). Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics. Mycologia 97(4): 823-837.
  • Gulden G (2010). Galerinas in cold climates. North American Fungi 5: 127-157.
  • Hall TA (2004). BioEdit. Ibis Therapeutics, Carlsbad, CA, 92008, USA. Website: / [accessed 10 December 2023].
  • Index Fungorum. (2024). / [accessed 10 January 2024].
  • Katoh K, Standley DM (2013). MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: improvements in performance and usability. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30: 772-780.
  • Kaygusuz O, Knudsen H, Türkekul İ, Çolak ÖF (2020). Volvariella turcica, a new species from Turkey, and a multigene phylogeny of Volvariella. Mycologia 112(3): 577-587.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, David JC (2001). Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the Fungi. 9th ed. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Landry B, Whitton J, Bazzicalupo AL, Ceska O, Berbee ML (2021). Phylogenetic analysis of the distribution of deadly amatoxins among the little brown mushrooms of the genus Galerina. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246575.
  • Liu X, Bau T (2021). A new species of Galerina (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from northeast China. Phytotaxa 524(1): 027-036.
  • Matheny PB, Curtis JM, Hofstetter V (2006). Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview. Mycological Progress 98: 982-995.
  • Rambaut A (2012). FigTree, version 1.4. 2. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.
  • Sesli E, Asan A, Selçuk F (eds.) Abacı Günyar Ö, Akata I, Akgül H, Aktaş S, Alkan S, Allı H, Aydoğdu H, Berikten D, Demirel K, Demirel R, Doğan HH, Erdoğdu M, Ergül C, Eroğlu G, Giray G, Halikî Uztan A, Kabaktepe Ş, Kadaifçiler D, Kalyoncu F, Karaltı İ, Kaşık G, Kaya A, Keleş A, Kırbağ S, Kıvanç M, Ocak İ, Ökten S, Özkale E, Öztürk C, Sevindik M, Şen B, Şen İ, Türkekul İ, Ulukapı M, Uzun Ya, Uzun Yu, Yoltaş A (2020). The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey. İstanbul: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını.
  • Smith AH (1953). New Species of Galerina from North America. Mycologia 45(6): 892-925.
  • Smith AH, Singer R (1964). A monograph on the genus Galerina Earle. New York: Hafner Publishing Co.
  • Solak MH, Türkoğlu A (2022). Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist vol. III. İzmir: Kanyilmaz Matbaacılık Kağıt ve Ambalaj Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
  • Stamatakis A, Hoover P, Rougemont J (2008). A rapid bootstrap algorithm for the RAxML Web servers. Syst Biol 57: 758-771.
  • Tyler VE, Smith AH (1963). Chromatographic detection of Amanita toxins in Galerina venenata. Mycologia 55(3): 358-359.
  • Vellinga EC (1988). Glossary. In: Bas C, Kuyper Th.W, Noordeloos ME, Vellinga EC (eds.) Flora Agaricina Neerlandica, Vol. 1. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.
  • White TJ, Bruns T, Lee S, Taylor J (1990). Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky JJ, White TJ (eds.). PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications New York: Academic Press.
  • Wood AE (2001). Studies in the genus Galerina (Agaricales) in Australia. Australia Systematic Botany 14: 615-676.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mycology
Journal Section Articles

Ali Çelik 0000-0001-7396-2671

İbrahim Türkekul 0000-0002-1036-9835

Oğuzhan Kaygusuz 0000-0003-3455-2965

Project Number the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) fund of the Aydın Adnan Menderes University (Project number: FEF-21029) and the Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Project number: 2021-ILK1-0155)
Early Pub Date February 23, 2024
Publication Date May 15, 2024
Submission Date November 26, 2023
Acceptance Date February 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Çelik, A., Türkekul, İ., & Kaygusuz, O. (2024). First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 8(1), 34-38.
AMA Çelik A, Türkekul İ, Kaygusuz O. First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye. Ant J Bot. May 2024;8(1):34-38. doi:10.30616/ajb.1396300
Chicago Çelik, Ali, İbrahim Türkekul, and Oğuzhan Kaygusuz. “First Record of the Deadly Poisonous Galerina Venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8, no. 1 (May 2024): 34-38.
EndNote Çelik A, Türkekul İ, Kaygusuz O (May 1, 2024) First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8 1 34–38.
IEEE A. Çelik, İ. Türkekul, and O. Kaygusuz, “First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye”, Ant J Bot, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 34–38, 2024, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1396300.
ISNAD Çelik, Ali et al. “First Record of the Deadly Poisonous Galerina Venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8/1 (May 2024), 34-38.
JAMA Çelik A, Türkekul İ, Kaygusuz O. First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye. Ant J Bot. 2024;8:34–38.
MLA Çelik, Ali et al. “First Record of the Deadly Poisonous Galerina Venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, vol. 8, no. 1, 2024, pp. 34-38, doi:10.30616/ajb.1396300.
Vancouver Çelik A, Türkekul İ, Kaygusuz O. First record of the deadly poisonous Galerina venenata (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricomycotina) from Türkiye. Ant J Bot. 2024;8(1):34-8.

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