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Hyacinthella Schur soğanlarında şeker içeriğinin belirlenmesi ve şekerlerin kümeleme analizi yöntemiyle tanımlanması

Year 2024, , 60 - 64, 15.05.2024


Türkiye floristik açıdan zengin bir çeşitliliğe sahiptir ve Hyacinthella cinsinin gen merkezi olarak Türkiye kabul edilmektedir. Dünya’da Hyacinthella cinsine ait on dokuz tür tanımlanmakla, bu türlerin on bir’i Türkiye’de yayılış göstermektedir. Ayrıca Hyacinthella cinsinin on bir türü’nün on’u ülkemiz için endemiktir. Bu nedenle, bu türler ile ilgili yapılacak her türlü çalışma, ülkemiz gen kaynaklarının korunması, tanıtılması ve sürdürülebilirliğine katkı sağlayacaktır. Bitkiler genetik yapıları ve çevresel şartlara göre farklı metabolit içeriklerine sahip olabilirler. Soğanlı bitkilerde şeker içeriği sukroz metabolizmasına bağlı olup, tür ve çevresel etkiler ile değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada ülkemizde yayılış gösteren 11 farklı Hyacinthella türüne ait şeker içerikleri analiz edilmiştir. Dokuz farklı şeker grubunun tür içinde varlığı kalitatif ve kantitatif olarak analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca şeker içeriklerine bağlı olarak, küme analizi yöntemiyle tanımlama ve gruplama teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak yapılan şeker analizlerinde glikoz, sukroz ve fruktoz tüm türlerde rastlanır iken, diğer şeker içeriklerinde türler arasında farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Kümeleme analizinde Hyacinthella türleri şeker içerikleri bakımından 3 farklı gruba ayrılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma hem Hyacinthella türlerinin soğanlarında bulunan şeker içeriklerini tanımlamakta hem de farklı bir tanımlama yöntemi önermektedir. Morfolojik, moleküler ve metabolik verilerin birleştirilmesi ile türlerin tam ve doğru bir şekilde teşhis edilmesi sağlanacaktır.

Project Number

Van YYU BAP (FYL-2022-10054)


  • Allen DJ, Ort DR (2001). Impacts of chilling temperatures on photosynthesis in warm-climate plants. Trends in Plant Science 6: 36-42.
  • Buchanan BB, Gruissem W, Jones RL (2000). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. Rockville: American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  • Davis PH (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Eroğlu H, Karaismailoğlu MC, Fidan M, Pınar SM (2022). Seed morphological and anatomical structures as taxonomy tool for Turkish Hyacinthella Schur (Asparagaceae) Taxa. Phytotaxa 564: 191-207.
  • Karkacier M, Erbas M, Uslu MK, Aksu M (2003). Comparison of different extraction and detection methods for sugars using amino-bonded phase HPLC. Journal of ChromatoGraphic Science 41(6): 331-333.
  • Lemoine R, La Camera S, Atanassova R, Dédaldéchamp F, Allario T, Pourtau N, Bonnemain JL, Laloi M, Coutos- Thévenot Prousset L et al., (2013). Source-to-sink transport of sugar and regulation by environmental factors. Frontiers Plant Science 4: 272-289.
  • Li J, Seng S, Li D, Zhang F, Liu Y, Yao T, Wu J (2021). Antagonism between abscisic acid and gibberellin regulates starch synthesis and corm development in Gladiolus hybridus. Horticulture Research. 8(1): 155.
  • Liu Y, Zhenyu Qi, Jinsen Wei, Jingquan Yu, Xiaojian Xia (2022). Brassinosteroids promote starch synthesis and the implication in low-light stress tolerance in Solanum lycopersicum. Environmental and Experimental Botany 201: 104990.
  • López-Millán AF, Morales F, Abadía A, Abadía J (2000). Effects of iron deficiency on the composition of the leaf apoplastic fluid and xylem sap in sugar beet: implications for iron and carbon transport. Plant Physiology 124: 885-897.
  • Malkin R, Niyogi K (2000). Photosynthesis. In: Buchanan BB, Gruissem W, Jones RL (eds). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. Rockville: ASPP.
  • Morkunas I, Ratajczak L (2014). The role of sugar signaling in plant defense responses against fungal pathogens. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36: 1607-1619.
  • Patrick JW, Botha FC, Birch RG (2013). Metabolic engineering of sugars and simple sugar derivatives in plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 11: 142-156.
  • Persson K (2000). Two new bulbous species from the central Taurus mountains of Turkey. New Plantsman 7(4): 200-208.
  • Persson K, Wendelbo P (1982). Taxonomy and cytology of the genus Hyacinthella, Liliaceae, Scilloideae with special reference to the species in Southwestern Asia. Scilloideae 513-541.
  • Rolland F, Baena-Gonzalez E, Sheen J (2006). Sugar sensing and signaling in plants: Conserved and novel mechanisms. Annual Review of Plant Biology 57: 675-709.
  • Smeekens S, Ma J, Hanson J, Rolland F (2010). Sugar signals and molecular networks controlling plant growth. Current Opinion Plant Biology 13: 273-278.
  • Sahin AA, Eroğlu H (2022). Pollen morphology of the genus Hyacinthella (Asparagaceae) and Muscari azureum in Turkiye. Phytotaxa 564: 39-58.
  • Thompson AL, Love SL, Sowokinos JR, Thornton MK, Shock CC (2008). Review of the sugar end disorder in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). American Journal of Potato Research 85(5): 375-386.
  • Torija E, Díez C, Matallana C, Camara M, Camacho E, Mazarío P (1998). Influence of freezing process on free sugars content of papaya and banana fruits. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 76(3): 315-319.
  • Wu Y, Ren Z, Gao C, Sun M, Li S, Min R, Xia Y (2020). Change in sucrose cleavage pattern and rapid starch accumulation govern lily shoot-to-bulblet transition in vitro. Frontiers Plant Science 11: 564713.
  • Xu JX, Li QZ, Yang LY, Li X, Wang Z, Yang Z, Zhang YC (2019). Changes in starch synthesis and metabolism within developing bulbs of Lycoris radiata during the vegetative growth stage. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 39 (2): 785-794.

Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method

Year 2024, , 60 - 64, 15.05.2024


Türkiye has a rich floristic diversity and is accepted as the gene center of the Hyacinthella genus. Nineteen species of the Hyacinthella genus have been described in the World, and eleven of these species are distributed in Türkiye. Additionally, ten of the eleven Hyacinthella species are endemic to our country. Therefore, any study on these species will contribute to the protection, promotion and sustainability of our country's genetic resources. Plants may have different metabolite contents depending on their genetic structure and environmental conditions. Sugar content in bulbous plants depends on sucrose metabolism and varies with species and environmental effects. In this study, the sugar contents of 11 different Hyacinthella species distributed in our country were analyzed. The presence of 9 different sugar types in the species was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In addition, depending on the sugar content, identification and grouping techniques were used with the Cluster Analysis Method. As a result of sugar analysis, while glucose, sucrose and fructose are found in all species, differences were detected between species in other sugar contents In cluster analysis, Hyacinthella species were divided into 3 different groups in terms of sugar content. The study both identifies the sugar contents found in the bulbs of Hyacinthella species and suggests a different identification method By combining morphological, molecular and metabolic data, a complete and accurate identification of species will be achieved.

Supporting Institution


Project Number

Van YYU BAP (FYL-2022-10054)


The authors are grateful to the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Van Yuzuncu Yil University for supporting our project (FYL-2022-10054)


  • Allen DJ, Ort DR (2001). Impacts of chilling temperatures on photosynthesis in warm-climate plants. Trends in Plant Science 6: 36-42.
  • Buchanan BB, Gruissem W, Jones RL (2000). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. Rockville: American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  • Davis PH (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Eroğlu H, Karaismailoğlu MC, Fidan M, Pınar SM (2022). Seed morphological and anatomical structures as taxonomy tool for Turkish Hyacinthella Schur (Asparagaceae) Taxa. Phytotaxa 564: 191-207.
  • Karkacier M, Erbas M, Uslu MK, Aksu M (2003). Comparison of different extraction and detection methods for sugars using amino-bonded phase HPLC. Journal of ChromatoGraphic Science 41(6): 331-333.
  • Lemoine R, La Camera S, Atanassova R, Dédaldéchamp F, Allario T, Pourtau N, Bonnemain JL, Laloi M, Coutos- Thévenot Prousset L et al., (2013). Source-to-sink transport of sugar and regulation by environmental factors. Frontiers Plant Science 4: 272-289.
  • Li J, Seng S, Li D, Zhang F, Liu Y, Yao T, Wu J (2021). Antagonism between abscisic acid and gibberellin regulates starch synthesis and corm development in Gladiolus hybridus. Horticulture Research. 8(1): 155.
  • Liu Y, Zhenyu Qi, Jinsen Wei, Jingquan Yu, Xiaojian Xia (2022). Brassinosteroids promote starch synthesis and the implication in low-light stress tolerance in Solanum lycopersicum. Environmental and Experimental Botany 201: 104990.
  • López-Millán AF, Morales F, Abadía A, Abadía J (2000). Effects of iron deficiency on the composition of the leaf apoplastic fluid and xylem sap in sugar beet: implications for iron and carbon transport. Plant Physiology 124: 885-897.
  • Malkin R, Niyogi K (2000). Photosynthesis. In: Buchanan BB, Gruissem W, Jones RL (eds). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. Rockville: ASPP.
  • Morkunas I, Ratajczak L (2014). The role of sugar signaling in plant defense responses against fungal pathogens. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36: 1607-1619.
  • Patrick JW, Botha FC, Birch RG (2013). Metabolic engineering of sugars and simple sugar derivatives in plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 11: 142-156.
  • Persson K (2000). Two new bulbous species from the central Taurus mountains of Turkey. New Plantsman 7(4): 200-208.
  • Persson K, Wendelbo P (1982). Taxonomy and cytology of the genus Hyacinthella, Liliaceae, Scilloideae with special reference to the species in Southwestern Asia. Scilloideae 513-541.
  • Rolland F, Baena-Gonzalez E, Sheen J (2006). Sugar sensing and signaling in plants: Conserved and novel mechanisms. Annual Review of Plant Biology 57: 675-709.
  • Smeekens S, Ma J, Hanson J, Rolland F (2010). Sugar signals and molecular networks controlling plant growth. Current Opinion Plant Biology 13: 273-278.
  • Sahin AA, Eroğlu H (2022). Pollen morphology of the genus Hyacinthella (Asparagaceae) and Muscari azureum in Turkiye. Phytotaxa 564: 39-58.
  • Thompson AL, Love SL, Sowokinos JR, Thornton MK, Shock CC (2008). Review of the sugar end disorder in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). American Journal of Potato Research 85(5): 375-386.
  • Torija E, Díez C, Matallana C, Camara M, Camacho E, Mazarío P (1998). Influence of freezing process on free sugars content of papaya and banana fruits. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 76(3): 315-319.
  • Wu Y, Ren Z, Gao C, Sun M, Li S, Min R, Xia Y (2020). Change in sucrose cleavage pattern and rapid starch accumulation govern lily shoot-to-bulblet transition in vitro. Frontiers Plant Science 11: 564713.
  • Xu JX, Li QZ, Yang LY, Li X, Wang Z, Yang Z, Zhang YC (2019). Changes in starch synthesis and metabolism within developing bulbs of Lycoris radiata during the vegetative growth stage. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 39 (2): 785-794.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant Biochemistry
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Acar 0009-0000-3285-5300

Mehmet Emre Erez 0000-0002-4944-365X

Hüseyin Eroğlu 0000-0001-9171-5607

Project Number Van YYU BAP (FYL-2022-10054)
Early Pub Date March 16, 2024
Publication Date May 15, 2024
Submission Date February 9, 2024
Acceptance Date March 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Acar, M., Erez, M. E., & Eroğlu, H. (2024). Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 8(1), 60-64.
AMA Acar M, Erez ME, Eroğlu H. Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method. Ant J Bot. May 2024;8(1):60-64. doi:10.30616/ajb.1434496
Chicago Acar, Mehmet, Mehmet Emre Erez, and Hüseyin Eroğlu. “Determination of Sugar Contents in Hyacinthella Schur Bulbs and Identification of Sugars by Cluster Analysis Method”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8, no. 1 (May 2024): 60-64.
EndNote Acar M, Erez ME, Eroğlu H (May 1, 2024) Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8 1 60–64.
IEEE M. Acar, M. E. Erez, and H. Eroğlu, “Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method”, Ant J Bot, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 60–64, 2024, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1434496.
ISNAD Acar, Mehmet et al. “Determination of Sugar Contents in Hyacinthella Schur Bulbs and Identification of Sugars by Cluster Analysis Method”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8/1 (May 2024), 60-64.
JAMA Acar M, Erez ME, Eroğlu H. Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method. Ant J Bot. 2024;8:60–64.
MLA Acar, Mehmet et al. “Determination of Sugar Contents in Hyacinthella Schur Bulbs and Identification of Sugars by Cluster Analysis Method”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, vol. 8, no. 1, 2024, pp. 60-64, doi:10.30616/ajb.1434496.
Vancouver Acar M, Erez ME, Eroğlu H. Determination of sugar contents in Hyacinthella Schur bulbs and identification of sugars by cluster analysis method. Ant J Bot. 2024;8(1):60-4.

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