Research Article
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Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 122 - 131, 15.11.2022


In this study; the two Crocus L. taxa endemic to Bolu province, Crocus abantensis T. Baytop et Mathew and Crocus× paulineae Pasche & Kerndorff (hybrid) together with C. ancyrensis (Herbert) Maw subsp. ancyrensis, and C. olivieri J.Gay, were used to reveal their detailed leaf anatomical features. In view of these characteristics, it was aimed to determine the true parents of the hybrid and possible other hybrid taxa distributed in the south-southeast coasts Abant Lake. These two Crocus taxa, which are endemic to this region, have no previous anatomical studies. In this sense, deficiencies related to Crocus taxonomy have been completed. The main differences of C. × paulineae from the other taxa; having the thickest cuticle (3.80 µm), the longest parenchyma (20.93 µm) cell in the mesophyll, and having papillae like structure on the keel corners of cuticle. This structure was also observed in C. olivieri over the cuticle at the corners of the keel. The other important differences was the number of small vascular bundles among the studied taxa. The chromosomal number of hybrid was also given for the first time.

Supporting Institution

Abant İzzet Baysal University, Scientific Research Projects Unit (BAP)

Project Number

Project number: 2018.03.01.1325.


  • Akan H, Eker İ (2004). Some morphological and anatomical investigations on autumn species of Crocus L. occurring in Şanlıurfa. Turkish Journal of Botany 28:185-191.
  • Alavi-Kia S, Mohammadi S, Aharizad S, Moghaddam M (2008). Analysis of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in Crocus genus of Iran using inter retrotransposon amplified polymorphism. Biotechnol Biotechnological Equipment. 22 (3): 795-800.
  • Bhargava VK (2011). Medicinal uses and pharmacological properties of Crocus sativus Linn (saffron). A review International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Suppl 3(2): 21-26.
  • Bowles EA (1954). A Handbook of Crocus and Colchicum for Gardeners. London: The Bodley Head.
  • Bozdağ B, Kocabaş O, Akyol Y, Özdemir C (2016). Bitki anatomisi çalışmalarında el kesitleri için yeni boyama yöntemi. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 20: 184-190.
  • Candan F (2015). Morphological and leaf anatomical investigations on 2 yellow flowered endemic taxa of Crocus L. (Crocus ancyrensis, C. sieheanaus) from Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries 3: 93-98.
  • Candan F, Özhatay N (2013). Crocus chrysanthuss. lato (Iridaceae) in Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici (50): 423-430.
  • Coşkun F, Selvi S, and Satıl F (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of some Turkish Crocus (Iridaceae) taxa based on morphological and anatomical characters, Turkish. Journal of Botany (34): 171-178.
  • Çolak A H (2005). Türkiye çiçekleri. Ankara: İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi.
  • Ekim T, Koyuncu M, Vural, M, Duman H, Aytaç Z, Adıgüzel N (2000). Türkiye Bitkileri Kırmızı Kitabı. Ankara: Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Derneği ve Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi.
  • Erol O, Çiftçi A (2022). Crocus. In: Güner A, Kandemir A, Menemen Y, Yıldırım H, Aslan S, Çimen AÖ, Göner I, Ekşi Bona G, Şen Gökmen F (eds.) Resimli Türkiye Florası. İstanbul: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Erol O, Harpke D, Yıldırım H (2015). A new Crocus L. (Iridaceae) species from SE Turkey, based on morphological and molecular data. Phytotaxa 239 (3): 223-232.
  • Erol O, Can L, Küçüker O (2014). Crocus yaseminiae (Iridaceae) a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 188 (2): 103-111.
  • Erol O, Küçüker O (2007). Leaf anatomy of some endemic Crocus L. (Iridaceae) taxa from the west Anatolia. International Journal of Botany (3): 290-295.
  • Goode T (2005). A Crocus collection. Plant Heritage 12 (1): 14-18.
  • Güner A, Akyıldırım B, Alkayış M F, Çıngay B, Kanoğlu S S, Özkan A M, Öztekin M, ve Tuğ G N (2012). Türkçe bitki adları. Şu eserde: Güner, A., aslan, S. Ekim, T. Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (eds.) Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayınları.
  • Hammer Ø, David AT, Harper, Paul DR (2001). Past: paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis, Palaeontologia Electronica / [accessed 30 August 2022].
  • Harpke D, Peruzzi L, Kerndorff H, Karamplianis T, Constantinidis T, Randelović V, Randelović N, Juskovic M, Pasche E, Blattner F (2014). Phylogeny, geographic distribution, and new taxonomic circumscription of the Crocus reticulatus species group (Iridaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany (38): 1182-1198.
  • Kandemir N, Celik A, Yayla F (2012). Comparative anatomic and ecologic ınvestigation on some endemic crocus taxa (Iridacea) in Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44(3): 1065-1074.
  • Kandemir N (2011). Comparative leaf anatomy of some endemic Crocus L. taxa from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 40(2): 155-162.
  • Kandemir N (2009). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of critically endangered endemic Crocus pestalozzae Boiss. (Iridaceae) in North-West Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 38 (2): 127-132.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E, Harpke D, and Blattner F (2012). Seven new species of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Stapfia. (97): 3-16.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (2004). Two new taxa of the Crocus biflorus Aggregate (Liliflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Linzer biologische Beitrage 36 (1): 5-10.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1997). Two remarkable taxa of the Crocus biflorus complex (Iridaceae) from northeastern Turkey. Linzer biologische Beitrage (29): 591-600.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1996a). Crocuses from Turkey to Jordan. Quarterly Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society (64): 296-312.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1996b). Crocuses from Turkey to Jordan. Quarterly Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society (64): 459-467.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1994). Crocus mathewii. A new autumn flowering Crocus. New Plantsman 1: 102-106. Jensen W A (1962). Botanical histochemistry. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.
  • Levan A, Fredga K, Sandberg AA (1964). Nomenclature for centromoric position on chromosomes. Hereditas 52: 201-220.
  • Mathew BF (1982). The Crocus, A Revision of The Genus Crocus (Iridaceae), B.T. Batsford Ltd. London.
  • Mathew BF (1984). Crocus. In: Davis PH (ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands Vol. 8, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Mathew BF (2002). Crocus up-date. Plantsman 1(1): 44-56.
  • Mathew BF (2000). Crocus L. In: Güner A, Özhatay N, Ekim T & Baser KHC (eds.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Suppl. 2), Vol. 11, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Meidner H, Mansifield TA (1968). Physiology of stomata. London: McGraw Hill.
  • Negbi M, Dagan B, Dror A, Basker D (1989). Growth, flowering, vegetative reproduction, and dormancy in the saffron Crocus Ccrocus sativus L.). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 38 (2-3): 95-99.
  • Özhatay N (2002). Diversity of bulbous monocots in Turkey with special reference. Chromosome numbers. Pure and Applied Chemistry 74(4): 547-555.
  • Özdemir C, Alçitepe E, Bozdağ B, Baran P (2011). An anatomical study on Crocus olivieri gay subsp. olivieri (iridaceae). Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany: Additional series 35(1): 210-214.
  • Özdemir C, Baran P Akyol Y (2006). The morphology and anatomy of Crocus flavus Weston subsp. falvus (Irıdaceae) Turkish Journal of Botany 30: 175-180.
  • Özdemir C, Akyol Y, Alçitepe E (2004). Morphological and anatomical studies on two endemic Crocus species of Turkey area. Pakistan Journal of Botany 36(1): 103-113.
  • Pasche E, Kerndorff H (1999). A new natural hybrid in the genus Crocus (Iridaceae), The New Plantsman (6): 43-45.
  • Pasche E (1994). A new Crocus (Iridaceae) from Turkey. Herbertia 49: 67-75.
  • Raca I, Ljubisavljević I, Jušković M, Ranđelović N, Ranđelović V (2017). Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana 8(1): 15-22.
  • Raca I, Jovanović M, Ljubisavljević I, Jušković M, Ranđelović V (2019). Morphological and leaf anatomical variability of Crocus cf. heuffelianus Herb. (Iridaceae) populations from the different habitats of the Balkan Peninsula. Turkish Journal of Botany 43: 645-658.
  • Rios JL, Recio MC, Giner RM, Manez S (1996). Review: An update review of saffron and its active constituents. Phytotherapy Research 10: 189-193.
  • Rudall P, Mathew B (1990). Leaf anatomy in Crocus (Iridaceae). Kew Bulletin 45(3): 535-544.
  • Ruksans J (2017). The World of Crocuses. Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences.
  • Satıl F, Selvi S (2007). An anatomical and ecological study of some Crocus L. taxa (Iridaceae) from the west part of Turkey. Acta Botanica Croatica 66(1) : 25-33.
  • Uslu E, Babaç M T, Yılmaz A (2012). Karyological studies on some Crocus L. taxa from Turkey. Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 65(1): 7-10
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S, Celep F (2016). Crocus ancyrensis subsp. guneri (Iridaceae), a new subspecies from Turkey. Phytotaxa 266: 219-225.
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S, Aslan S, and Özhatay N (2015). Crocus thracicus (Iridaceae), a new species from north-western Turkey. Phytotaxa 197(3): 207-214.

Abant gölü çevresindeki bazı Crocus L. taksonlarının anatomik ve morfolojik özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 122 - 131, 15.11.2022


Bu çalışmada; Bolu ili için endemik iki Crocus L. taksonu, Crocus abantensis T. Baytop et Mathew ve Crocus× paulineae Pasche & Kerndorff (melez), ile birlikte C. ancyrensis (Herbert) Maw subsp. ancyrensis ve C. olivieri J.Gay, Bull. ayrıntılı yaprak anatomik özelliklerini ortaya çıkarmak için kullanıldı. Bu özellikler ışığında Abant Gölü'nün Güney-Güneydoğu kıyısında yayılış gösteren hibrit ve olası diğer hibrit taksonların gerçek ebeveynlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bölgeye endemik olan bu iki Crocus taksonun daha önce anatomik çalışması yoktur. Bu anlamda Crocus taksonomisi ile ilgili eksiklikleri tamamlanmıştır. C. × paulineae’nın diğer taksonlardan temel farklılıkları; mezofildeki en kalın kütikül (3.80 µm), en uzun parankima (20.93 µm) hücresine ve kütikülün karina köşelerinde papilla benzeri bir yapıya sahip olmasıdır. Bu yapı C. olivieri de de gözlenmiştir. Diğer önemli farklılıklar, incelenen taksonlar arasındaki küçük damar demetlerinin sayısıdır. Hibritin kromozom sayısı da ilk kez verilmiştir.

Project Number

Project number: 2018.03.01.1325.


  • Akan H, Eker İ (2004). Some morphological and anatomical investigations on autumn species of Crocus L. occurring in Şanlıurfa. Turkish Journal of Botany 28:185-191.
  • Alavi-Kia S, Mohammadi S, Aharizad S, Moghaddam M (2008). Analysis of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in Crocus genus of Iran using inter retrotransposon amplified polymorphism. Biotechnol Biotechnological Equipment. 22 (3): 795-800.
  • Bhargava VK (2011). Medicinal uses and pharmacological properties of Crocus sativus Linn (saffron). A review International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Suppl 3(2): 21-26.
  • Bowles EA (1954). A Handbook of Crocus and Colchicum for Gardeners. London: The Bodley Head.
  • Bozdağ B, Kocabaş O, Akyol Y, Özdemir C (2016). Bitki anatomisi çalışmalarında el kesitleri için yeni boyama yöntemi. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 20: 184-190.
  • Candan F (2015). Morphological and leaf anatomical investigations on 2 yellow flowered endemic taxa of Crocus L. (Crocus ancyrensis, C. sieheanaus) from Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries 3: 93-98.
  • Candan F, Özhatay N (2013). Crocus chrysanthuss. lato (Iridaceae) in Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici (50): 423-430.
  • Coşkun F, Selvi S, and Satıl F (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of some Turkish Crocus (Iridaceae) taxa based on morphological and anatomical characters, Turkish. Journal of Botany (34): 171-178.
  • Çolak A H (2005). Türkiye çiçekleri. Ankara: İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi.
  • Ekim T, Koyuncu M, Vural, M, Duman H, Aytaç Z, Adıgüzel N (2000). Türkiye Bitkileri Kırmızı Kitabı. Ankara: Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Derneği ve Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi.
  • Erol O, Çiftçi A (2022). Crocus. In: Güner A, Kandemir A, Menemen Y, Yıldırım H, Aslan S, Çimen AÖ, Göner I, Ekşi Bona G, Şen Gökmen F (eds.) Resimli Türkiye Florası. İstanbul: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Erol O, Harpke D, Yıldırım H (2015). A new Crocus L. (Iridaceae) species from SE Turkey, based on morphological and molecular data. Phytotaxa 239 (3): 223-232.
  • Erol O, Can L, Küçüker O (2014). Crocus yaseminiae (Iridaceae) a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 188 (2): 103-111.
  • Erol O, Küçüker O (2007). Leaf anatomy of some endemic Crocus L. (Iridaceae) taxa from the west Anatolia. International Journal of Botany (3): 290-295.
  • Goode T (2005). A Crocus collection. Plant Heritage 12 (1): 14-18.
  • Güner A, Akyıldırım B, Alkayış M F, Çıngay B, Kanoğlu S S, Özkan A M, Öztekin M, ve Tuğ G N (2012). Türkçe bitki adları. Şu eserde: Güner, A., aslan, S. Ekim, T. Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (eds.) Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayınları.
  • Hammer Ø, David AT, Harper, Paul DR (2001). Past: paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis, Palaeontologia Electronica / [accessed 30 August 2022].
  • Harpke D, Peruzzi L, Kerndorff H, Karamplianis T, Constantinidis T, Randelović V, Randelović N, Juskovic M, Pasche E, Blattner F (2014). Phylogeny, geographic distribution, and new taxonomic circumscription of the Crocus reticulatus species group (Iridaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany (38): 1182-1198.
  • Kandemir N, Celik A, Yayla F (2012). Comparative anatomic and ecologic ınvestigation on some endemic crocus taxa (Iridacea) in Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44(3): 1065-1074.
  • Kandemir N (2011). Comparative leaf anatomy of some endemic Crocus L. taxa from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 40(2): 155-162.
  • Kandemir N (2009). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of critically endangered endemic Crocus pestalozzae Boiss. (Iridaceae) in North-West Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 38 (2): 127-132.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E, Harpke D, and Blattner F (2012). Seven new species of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Stapfia. (97): 3-16.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (2004). Two new taxa of the Crocus biflorus Aggregate (Liliflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Linzer biologische Beitrage 36 (1): 5-10.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1997). Two remarkable taxa of the Crocus biflorus complex (Iridaceae) from northeastern Turkey. Linzer biologische Beitrage (29): 591-600.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1996a). Crocuses from Turkey to Jordan. Quarterly Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society (64): 296-312.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1996b). Crocuses from Turkey to Jordan. Quarterly Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society (64): 459-467.
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E (1994). Crocus mathewii. A new autumn flowering Crocus. New Plantsman 1: 102-106. Jensen W A (1962). Botanical histochemistry. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.
  • Levan A, Fredga K, Sandberg AA (1964). Nomenclature for centromoric position on chromosomes. Hereditas 52: 201-220.
  • Mathew BF (1982). The Crocus, A Revision of The Genus Crocus (Iridaceae), B.T. Batsford Ltd. London.
  • Mathew BF (1984). Crocus. In: Davis PH (ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands Vol. 8, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Mathew BF (2002). Crocus up-date. Plantsman 1(1): 44-56.
  • Mathew BF (2000). Crocus L. In: Güner A, Özhatay N, Ekim T & Baser KHC (eds.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Suppl. 2), Vol. 11, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Meidner H, Mansifield TA (1968). Physiology of stomata. London: McGraw Hill.
  • Negbi M, Dagan B, Dror A, Basker D (1989). Growth, flowering, vegetative reproduction, and dormancy in the saffron Crocus Ccrocus sativus L.). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 38 (2-3): 95-99.
  • Özhatay N (2002). Diversity of bulbous monocots in Turkey with special reference. Chromosome numbers. Pure and Applied Chemistry 74(4): 547-555.
  • Özdemir C, Alçitepe E, Bozdağ B, Baran P (2011). An anatomical study on Crocus olivieri gay subsp. olivieri (iridaceae). Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany: Additional series 35(1): 210-214.
  • Özdemir C, Baran P Akyol Y (2006). The morphology and anatomy of Crocus flavus Weston subsp. falvus (Irıdaceae) Turkish Journal of Botany 30: 175-180.
  • Özdemir C, Akyol Y, Alçitepe E (2004). Morphological and anatomical studies on two endemic Crocus species of Turkey area. Pakistan Journal of Botany 36(1): 103-113.
  • Pasche E, Kerndorff H (1999). A new natural hybrid in the genus Crocus (Iridaceae), The New Plantsman (6): 43-45.
  • Pasche E (1994). A new Crocus (Iridaceae) from Turkey. Herbertia 49: 67-75.
  • Raca I, Ljubisavljević I, Jušković M, Ranđelović N, Ranđelović V (2017). Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana 8(1): 15-22.
  • Raca I, Jovanović M, Ljubisavljević I, Jušković M, Ranđelović V (2019). Morphological and leaf anatomical variability of Crocus cf. heuffelianus Herb. (Iridaceae) populations from the different habitats of the Balkan Peninsula. Turkish Journal of Botany 43: 645-658.
  • Rios JL, Recio MC, Giner RM, Manez S (1996). Review: An update review of saffron and its active constituents. Phytotherapy Research 10: 189-193.
  • Rudall P, Mathew B (1990). Leaf anatomy in Crocus (Iridaceae). Kew Bulletin 45(3): 535-544.
  • Ruksans J (2017). The World of Crocuses. Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences.
  • Satıl F, Selvi S (2007). An anatomical and ecological study of some Crocus L. taxa (Iridaceae) from the west part of Turkey. Acta Botanica Croatica 66(1) : 25-33.
  • Uslu E, Babaç M T, Yılmaz A (2012). Karyological studies on some Crocus L. taxa from Turkey. Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 65(1): 7-10
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S, Celep F (2016). Crocus ancyrensis subsp. guneri (Iridaceae), a new subspecies from Turkey. Phytotaxa 266: 219-225.
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S, Aslan S, and Özhatay N (2015). Crocus thracicus (Iridaceae), a new species from north-western Turkey. Phytotaxa 197(3): 207-214.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Emel Uslu 0000-0002-9131-4085

Mehmet Tekin Babaç 0000-0002-2182-0572

Yasin Bakış 0000-0001-6144-9440

Project Number Project number: 2018.03.01.1325.
Publication Date November 15, 2022
Acceptance Date November 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Uslu, E., Babaç, M. T., & Bakış, Y. (2022). Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 6(2), 122-131.
AMA Uslu E, Babaç MT, Bakış Y. Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake. Ant J Bot. November 2022;6(2):122-131. doi:10.30616/ajb.1174440
Chicago Uslu, Emel, Mehmet Tekin Babaç, and Yasin Bakış. “Investigations on Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics of Some Crocus L. Taxa Around Abant Lake”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 6, no. 2 (November 2022): 122-31.
EndNote Uslu E, Babaç MT, Bakış Y (November 1, 2022) Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake. Anatolian Journal of Botany 6 2 122–131.
IEEE E. Uslu, M. T. Babaç, and Y. Bakış, “Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake”, Ant J Bot, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 122–131, 2022, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1174440.
ISNAD Uslu, Emel et al. “Investigations on Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics of Some Crocus L. Taxa Around Abant Lake”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 6/2 (November 2022), 122-131.
JAMA Uslu E, Babaç MT, Bakış Y. Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake. Ant J Bot. 2022;6:122–131.
MLA Uslu, Emel et al. “Investigations on Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics of Some Crocus L. Taxa Around Abant Lake”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, vol. 6, no. 2, 2022, pp. 122-31, doi:10.30616/ajb.1174440.
Vancouver Uslu E, Babaç MT, Bakış Y. Investigations on anatomical and morphological characteristics of some Crocus L. taxa around Abant Lake. Ant J Bot. 2022;6(2):122-31.

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