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Karaman ili makromantarlarının kontrol listesi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 157 - 167, 15.11.2024


Bu çalışma 2000 ve 2023 yılları arasında Karaman il sınırları içinde makromantarlar üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş çalışmaların bulgularına dayanmaktadır. Bölgede gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar taranarak Ascomycota ve Basidiomycota bölümleri içinde yer alan 8 sınıf, 20 takım, 75 familya ve 180 cinse ait 380 taksonu içeren bir liste oluşturulmuştur.


  • Berber O, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2022). Macrofungi determined in Ulukışla (Niğde-Turkey) district. KSU J. Agric Nat. 25 (5): 1007-1015.
  • Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007). Fungal Families of the World. Wallingford, CAB International.
  • Çelik A, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2020). Macrofungal Biodiversity of Güneysınır District (Konya-Turkey). Mantar Dergisi 11(1): 75-83.
  • Çetinkaya A, Uzun Y (2021). Hymenoscyphus caudatus, a new ascomycete record for the mycobiota of Turkey. Anatolian Journal of Botany 5(1): 19-22.
  • Çetinkaya A, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2020). Thecotheus lundqvistii, a new coprophilous ascomycete record for Turkey. Mantar Dergisi 11(2): 138-141.
  • Çetinkaya A, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2021). Macrofungi Determined in Ayrancı and Yeşildere (Karaman) Districts. Mantar Dergisi 12(1): 42-49.
  • Çevik FT, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2021). Macrofungi determined in Ereğli (Konya) district. The Journal of Fungus 12(2)138-147.
  • Doğan HH, Akata I (2011). Ecological features of Tricholoma anatolicum in Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(59): 12626-12668.
  • Doğan HH, Aktaş S (2010). Two new Ascomycetes records from Mediterranean part of Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 3(1): 83-86.
  • Doğan HH, Işıloğlu M (2002). A new and interesting ascomycete genus (Pithya Fuckel) record for the fungi flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 26(5): 403-404.
  • Doğan HH, Karadelev M (2009). Phellinus sulphurascens (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota): A very rare wood-decay fungus in Europe collected in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 33(3): 239-242.
  • Doğan HH, Karadelev M, Işıloğlu M (2011a). Macrofungal diversity associated with the scale – leaf juniper trees, Juniperus excelsa and J. foetidissima, distributed in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 35(2): 219-237.
  • Doğan HH, Karadelev M, Rusevska K, Aktaş S (2011b). New records of corticioid fungi in Turkey. Mycotaxon 116: 421-430.
  • Doğan HH, Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Aktaş S (2003). New records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Karaman province. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 10(1): 111-141.
  • Doğan HH, Öztürk C (2006). Macrofungi and their distribution in Karaman Province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 30(3): 193-207.
  • Doğan HH, Öztürk C, KaşıkG, Aktaş S (2007). New Records in Karaman Province for Macrofungi Flora of Turkey. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 7(1): 355-379.
  • Index Fungorum (2024). / [accessed 15 July 2024].
  • Intini M, Doğan HH, Alfredo R (2003). Tricholoma anatolicum Spec Nov A New Member of The Matsutake Group. Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea 18(2): 135-142.
  • İleri R, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2019). Psathyrella typhae, a new macrofungus record for Turkey. Mantar Dergisi 10(2): 87-90.
  • İleri R, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2020). Macromycetes of Karadağ (Karaman) and its Environs. Mantar Dergisi 11(1): 57-63.
  • Kaplan D, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2021). Stamnaria Fuckel: A New Discomycete Genus Record for Turkish Mycobiota. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 24(5): 1100-1103.
  • Kaşık G, Doğan HH, Öztürk C, Aktaş S (2002). New records of Ascomycetes for Turkish mycoflora. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 20: 75-81.
  • Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Doğan HH (2000). Macrofungi of Ermenek (Karaman) District. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1(16): 61-65.
  • Kaya A, Uzun Y (2023). New locality records in türkiye for two rare members of Ascomycota. Türler ve Habitatlar 4(2): 91-97.
  • Kirk PM, Ansell AE (1992). Authors of fungal names. International Mycological Institute, Wallingford: CABI.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, David JC, Stalfers JA (2004). Authors of fungal names. CABI Bioscience, Wallingford. Electronic version: http:// www. indexfungorum. org/ Names /Names.asp / [15 July 2024].
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford: Cab International.
  • Öztürk C (2002). Türkiye makrofungus florası için iki yeni kayıt. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 9(1): 117-120.
  • Öztürk C, Doğan HH, Kaşık G (2001). Additions to the macrofungus flora of Ermenek (Karaman). Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18: 61-66.
  • Öztürk C, Doğan HH, Kaşık G, Aktaş S (2003). Türkiye mikoflorası için Karaman yöresinden yeni kayıtlar. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 10(2): 213-248.
  • Sesli E, Asan A, Selçuk F (eds.) Abacı Günyar Ö, Akata I, Akgül H, Aktaş S, Alkan S, Allı H, Aydoğdu H, Berikten D, Demirel K, Demirel R, Doğan HH, Erdoğdu M, Ergül C, Eroğlu G, Giray G, Halikî Uztan A, Kabaktepe Ş, Kadaifçiler D, Kalyoncu F, Karaltı İ, Kaşık G, Kaya A, Keleş A, Kırbağ S, Kıvanç M, Ocak İ, Ökten S, Özkale E, Öztürk C, Sevindik M, Şen B, Şen İ, Türkekul, İ, Ulukapı M, Uzun Ya, Uzun Yu, Yoltaş A (2020). The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey, Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul.
  • Türkoğlu A, Castellano MA, Trappe JM, Yaratanakul Güngör M (2015). Turkish truffles I: 18 new records for Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 39(2): 359-376.

The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 157 - 167, 15.11.2024


This study was based on the findings of macrofungal studies performed within the boundaries of Karaman province between 2000 and 2023. Tracing the researches carried out in the region, a list of 380 taxa belonging to 180 genera, 75 families, 20 orders and 8 classes within Ascomycota and Basidiomycota have been compiled.


  • Berber O, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2022). Macrofungi determined in Ulukışla (Niğde-Turkey) district. KSU J. Agric Nat. 25 (5): 1007-1015.
  • Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007). Fungal Families of the World. Wallingford, CAB International.
  • Çelik A, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2020). Macrofungal Biodiversity of Güneysınır District (Konya-Turkey). Mantar Dergisi 11(1): 75-83.
  • Çetinkaya A, Uzun Y (2021). Hymenoscyphus caudatus, a new ascomycete record for the mycobiota of Turkey. Anatolian Journal of Botany 5(1): 19-22.
  • Çetinkaya A, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2020). Thecotheus lundqvistii, a new coprophilous ascomycete record for Turkey. Mantar Dergisi 11(2): 138-141.
  • Çetinkaya A, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2021). Macrofungi Determined in Ayrancı and Yeşildere (Karaman) Districts. Mantar Dergisi 12(1): 42-49.
  • Çevik FT, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2021). Macrofungi determined in Ereğli (Konya) district. The Journal of Fungus 12(2)138-147.
  • Doğan HH, Akata I (2011). Ecological features of Tricholoma anatolicum in Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(59): 12626-12668.
  • Doğan HH, Aktaş S (2010). Two new Ascomycetes records from Mediterranean part of Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 3(1): 83-86.
  • Doğan HH, Işıloğlu M (2002). A new and interesting ascomycete genus (Pithya Fuckel) record for the fungi flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 26(5): 403-404.
  • Doğan HH, Karadelev M (2009). Phellinus sulphurascens (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota): A very rare wood-decay fungus in Europe collected in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 33(3): 239-242.
  • Doğan HH, Karadelev M, Işıloğlu M (2011a). Macrofungal diversity associated with the scale – leaf juniper trees, Juniperus excelsa and J. foetidissima, distributed in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 35(2): 219-237.
  • Doğan HH, Karadelev M, Rusevska K, Aktaş S (2011b). New records of corticioid fungi in Turkey. Mycotaxon 116: 421-430.
  • Doğan HH, Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Aktaş S (2003). New records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Karaman province. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 10(1): 111-141.
  • Doğan HH, Öztürk C (2006). Macrofungi and their distribution in Karaman Province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 30(3): 193-207.
  • Doğan HH, Öztürk C, KaşıkG, Aktaş S (2007). New Records in Karaman Province for Macrofungi Flora of Turkey. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 7(1): 355-379.
  • Index Fungorum (2024). / [accessed 15 July 2024].
  • Intini M, Doğan HH, Alfredo R (2003). Tricholoma anatolicum Spec Nov A New Member of The Matsutake Group. Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea 18(2): 135-142.
  • İleri R, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2019). Psathyrella typhae, a new macrofungus record for Turkey. Mantar Dergisi 10(2): 87-90.
  • İleri R, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2020). Macromycetes of Karadağ (Karaman) and its Environs. Mantar Dergisi 11(1): 57-63.
  • Kaplan D, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2021). Stamnaria Fuckel: A New Discomycete Genus Record for Turkish Mycobiota. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 24(5): 1100-1103.
  • Kaşık G, Doğan HH, Öztürk C, Aktaş S (2002). New records of Ascomycetes for Turkish mycoflora. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 20: 75-81.
  • Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Doğan HH (2000). Macrofungi of Ermenek (Karaman) District. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1(16): 61-65.
  • Kaya A, Uzun Y (2023). New locality records in türkiye for two rare members of Ascomycota. Türler ve Habitatlar 4(2): 91-97.
  • Kirk PM, Ansell AE (1992). Authors of fungal names. International Mycological Institute, Wallingford: CABI.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, David JC, Stalfers JA (2004). Authors of fungal names. CABI Bioscience, Wallingford. Electronic version: http:// www. indexfungorum. org/ Names /Names.asp / [15 July 2024].
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford: Cab International.
  • Öztürk C (2002). Türkiye makrofungus florası için iki yeni kayıt. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 9(1): 117-120.
  • Öztürk C, Doğan HH, Kaşık G (2001). Additions to the macrofungus flora of Ermenek (Karaman). Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18: 61-66.
  • Öztürk C, Doğan HH, Kaşık G, Aktaş S (2003). Türkiye mikoflorası için Karaman yöresinden yeni kayıtlar. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 10(2): 213-248.
  • Sesli E, Asan A, Selçuk F (eds.) Abacı Günyar Ö, Akata I, Akgül H, Aktaş S, Alkan S, Allı H, Aydoğdu H, Berikten D, Demirel K, Demirel R, Doğan HH, Erdoğdu M, Ergül C, Eroğlu G, Giray G, Halikî Uztan A, Kabaktepe Ş, Kadaifçiler D, Kalyoncu F, Karaltı İ, Kaşık G, Kaya A, Keleş A, Kırbağ S, Kıvanç M, Ocak İ, Ökten S, Özkale E, Öztürk C, Sevindik M, Şen B, Şen İ, Türkekul, İ, Ulukapı M, Uzun Ya, Uzun Yu, Yoltaş A (2020). The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey, Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul.
  • Türkoğlu A, Castellano MA, Trappe JM, Yaratanakul Güngör M (2015). Turkish truffles I: 18 new records for Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 39(2): 359-376.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy
Journal Section Reviews

Yasin Uzun 0000-0002-6423-6085

Early Pub Date August 29, 2024
Publication Date November 15, 2024
Submission Date July 30, 2024
Acceptance Date August 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Uzun, Y. (2024). The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 8(2), 157-167.
AMA Uzun Y. The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province. Ant J Bot. November 2024;8(2):157-167. doi:10.30616/ajb.1524720
Chicago Uzun, Yasin. “The Checklist of Macrofungi of Karaman Province”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8, no. 2 (November 2024): 157-67.
EndNote Uzun Y (November 1, 2024) The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8 2 157–167.
IEEE Y. Uzun, “The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province”, Ant J Bot, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 157–167, 2024, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1524720.
ISNAD Uzun, Yasin. “The Checklist of Macrofungi of Karaman Province”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8/2 (November 2024), 157-167.
JAMA Uzun Y. The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province. Ant J Bot. 2024;8:157–167.
MLA Uzun, Yasin. “The Checklist of Macrofungi of Karaman Province”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 157-6, doi:10.30616/ajb.1524720.
Vancouver Uzun Y. The checklist of macrofungi of Karaman province. Ant J Bot. 2024;8(2):157-6.

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