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Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri

Year 2024, , 41 - 48, 29.12.2024


Giriş ve Hedefler Orman ağacı tohumları her ne kadar uygun sıcaklık ve nem koşullarında depolansalar dahi zamana bağlı olarak yaşlanmaktadırlar. Yaşlanmaya bağlı olarak özellikle fizyolojik tohum kalitesi düşmektedir. Bu bağlamda; Priming, bir ön işlem olarak, tohum kalitesini arttırmada kullanılan en yaygın uygulamalardan biridir.
Yöntem Bu çalışmada; TB-82 ulusal kodlu Bursa-İnegöl-Boğazova klonal tohum bahçesinden 2006 ve 2018 yıllarında hasat edilen ve depolanan Anadolu Karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana Lamb. (Holmboe)) tohumları kullanılmıştır. Tohum seçiminde ortodoks kategorisinde yer alan ve ağaçlandırma çalışmalarında yaygın olarak kullanılan karaçam tohumları tercih edilmiştir. Dolayısı ile uzun süre depolanan Anadolu karaçam tohumlarında meydana gelen çimlenme kapasitesi düşüklüğünün iyileştirilmesinde kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit gibi materyaller ile priming uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada; priming materyallerinin ve dozlarının tohumların çimlenmesi üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır.
Bulgular Çimlenme hızı ve yüzdesi üzerine kitosan uygulamasının (%0,5 ve %0,75) diğer priming materyalleri ve dozlarına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı etki yaptığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, deniz yosunu uygulamasının ortalama çimlenme süresini önemli ölçüde azalttığı da tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuçlar Kitosan uygulamasının bilhassa yaşlı tohumlarda çimlenme hızı ve yüzdesini önemli oranda artırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte; canlılığı ve çimlenme kabiliyeti düşmüş Anadolu karaçamı ve diğer orman ağacı tohumları üzerine priming işlemlerinin etkilerini belirlemeye yönelik ileri araştırmalar önerilmektedir.

Project Number

KU-BAP01/2021-21 ve KU-HIZDES/2021-06


Şeyma Selin Akın, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Sürdürülebilir Ormancılık Programında Yükseköğretim Kurulu'nun 100/2000 bursuyla ve TÜBİTAK 2211/A yurtiçi genel doktora bursu ile desteklenmiştir. Ayrıca, araştırma materyali Anadolu karaçamı tohumlarının tedarikini sağlayan Bursa Orman Fidanlık Müdürlüğüne teşekkür ederiz.


  • Aghbolaghi, M.A., Sedghi, M., Sharifi, R.S., & Dedicova, B., 2022. Germination and the biochemical response of pumpkin seeds to different concentrations of humic acid under cadmium stress. Agriculture, 12(3), 374.
  • Akbari, G. A., Heshmati, S., Soltani, E., & Amini Dehaghi, M., 2020. Influence of seed priming on seed yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown under water deficit. International Journal of Plant Production, 14, 245-258.
  • Anjos Neto, A.P.D., Oliveira, G.R.F., Mello, S.D.C., Silva, M.S.D., Gomes-Junior, F. G., Novembre, A.D.D.L.C., Azevedo, R.A,. 2020. Seed priming with seaweed extract mitigate heat stress in spinach: effect on germination, seedling growth and antioxidant capacity. Bragantia, 79, 502-511.
  • Asadi Aghbolaghi, M., Sedghi, M., Sharifi, R. S., Dedicova, B., 2022. Germination and the biochemical response of pumpkin seeds to different concentrations of humic acid under cadmium stress. Agriculture, 12(3), 374.
  • Asghari, M., & Aghdam, M. S., 2010. Impact of salicylic acid on post-harvest physiology of horticultural crops. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21(10), 502-509.
  • Ashraf M., Foolad M. R., 2005. Pre-sowing seed treatments shotgun approach to improve germination, plant growth and crop yield under saline and non-saline conditions. Adv. Agron., 88, 223–271.
  • Ayan S, Akın Ş. S., 2023. Reactive stress factors and their effects on forest tree seeds, in Page, S. Ayan (Eds.), Climate Change: Effects and Management in Forest Ecosystems. Chapter 4. Palme Publishing, Ankara, pp. 53-72.
  • Ayan, S., Yücedag, C., Simovski, B., 2021. A major tool for afforestation of semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas in Turkey: Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe, Journal of Forest Science, 67(10), 449–46367.
  • Bailly, C., Benamar, A., Corbineau, F., Come, D., 1998. Free radical csavenging as affected by accelerated ageing and subsequent priming in sunflower seeds. Physiologia Plantarum, 104(4), 646-652.
  • Basahi, M., 2021. Humic acid improved germination rate, seedling growth and antioxidant system of pea (Pisum sativum L. var. alicia) grown in water polluted with CdCl 2. AIMS Environmental Science, 8(4), 358-370.
  • Basay, S., Sürmeli, N, Okcu, G., Demir, D,. 2006. Changes in germination percentages, protein and lipid contents of primed pepper seeds during storage. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B- Soil and Plant Science, 56, 138-142.
  • Basra, S. M. A., Zia N, Mahmood T, Afzal A, Khaliq A., 2003. Comparison of different in vigoration techniques in wheat (Triricum aestivum L.) seeds. Pak. J. Arid. Agri., 5, 11–16.
  • Bewley, J.D., Black, M., 1994. Seeds: physiology of development and germination, Second Edition, Plenum Press, New York, pp.445.
  • Braccini, A. de L. E., Reis, M.S., Moreira, M.A., Sediyama, C.S., Scapim, C.A., 2000. Biochemical changes associated to soybeanseeds osmoconditioning during storage. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., Brasilia, 35(2), 433-447.
  • Brar, N.S., Kaushik, P., Dudi, B. S., 2019. Assessment of natural ageing related physio-biochemical changes in onion seed. Agriculture, 9(8), 163.
  • Buitink, J., Claessens, M.M., Hemminga, M.A., Hoekstra, F.A., 1998. Influence of water content and temperature on molecular mobility and intracellular glasses in seeds and pollen. Plant Physiology, 118(2), 531-541.
  • Bujalski, W., Nienow, A.W., 1991. Large-scale osmotic priming of onion seeds: a comparison of different strategies for oxygenation. Scientia Hort., 46, 13-24.
  • Chiu, K.Y., Wang, C.S., Sung, J.M., 1995. Lipid peroxidation and peroxide-scavenging enzymes associated with accelerated aging and hydration of watermelon seeds differing in ploidy. Physiologia Plantarum, 94 (3), 441-446.
  • Guan, Y., Hu, J., Wang, X., Shao, C., 2009. Seed priming with chitosan improves maize germination and seedling growth in relation to physiological enhances under low temperature stress. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B, 10(6), 427-433.
  • Hameed, A., Sheikh, M. A., Hameed, A., Farooq, T., Basra, S. M. A., Jamil, A., 2013. Chitosan priming enhances the seed germination, antioxidants, hydrolytic enzymes, soluble proteins and sugars in wheat seeds. Agrochimica, 57(2), 97-110.
  • Hamouda, M. M., Saad-Allah, K. M., Gad, D., 2022. Potential of seaweed extract on growth, physiological, cytological and biochemical parameters of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(2), 1818-1831.
  • Harman, G. E., Mattick, L. R., 1976. Association of lipid oxidation with seed ageing and death. Nature, 260(5549), 323-324.
  • Hsu, C.C., Chen, C.L., Chen, J.J., Sung, J.M., 2003. Accelerated aging-enhanced lipid peroxidation in bitter gourd seeds and effects of priming and hot water soaking treatments. Scientia Horticulturae, 98, 201-212.
  • Iqbal, M., Ashraf, M., 2006. Wheat seed priming in relation to salt tolerance: growth, yield and levels of free salicylic acid and polyamines. Ann. Bot. Fennici, 43, 250–259.
  • ISTA (International Seed Testing Association), (1999). International Rules for Seed Testing. Seed Science and Technology, 27, 340.
  • Kaloyereas, S.A., 1958. Rancidity as a factor in the loss of viability of pine and other seeds. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 35, 176-179.
  • Kaya, G,. 2008. Tohum uygulamaları (Priming)’nın tohum yağ asitleri kompozisyonuna etkisi ve tohum kalitesi ile ilişkisi. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1-2), 53-62.
  • Kermode, A. R., Finch-Savage, B.E., 2002. Desiccation sensitivity in orthodox and recalcitrant seeds in relation to development. In Book: Desiccation and survival in plants: Drying without dying, 149-184.
  • Kılıç, B., 2020. Prolin ön uygulamasının kuraklık stresi koşullarındaki karaçam tohumlarının çimlenmesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, Artvin.
  • Korkmaz, U., 2022. Farklı kimyasallar ile yapılan ekim öncesi uygulamaların ekmeklik buğdayın (Triticum aestivum L.) çimlenme özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Krugman, S.L., Stein, W.I., Schmitt, D.M., 1974. Seed Biology, In: Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States. U.S. Dept. Agrie., Agrie. Handbook 450, pp. 5-4.
  • Lizárraga-Paulín, E. G., Miranda-Castro, S. P., Moreno-Martínez, E., Lara-Sagahón, A. V., Torres-Pacheco, I., 2013. Maize seed coatings and seedling sprayings with chitosan and hydrogen peroxide: their influence on some phenological and biochemical behaviors. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 14, 87-96.
  • Marquez-Millano, A., Elam, W.W., Blanche, C.A., 1991. Influence of accelerated aging on fatty acid composition of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) seeds. Journal of Seed Technology, 29-41.
  • Mohammadi, G.R., 2009. The influence of NaCl priming on seed germination and seedling growth of canola (Brassica napus L.) under salinity conditions. Amer-Eura J. Agri. Environ. Sci., 5(5), 696–700.
  • Muhammad, A., Khurram, Z., Qumer, L., Ahmad, L., Muhammad, A.R, Zulfiqar, A.S., 2007. Effect of seed priming on seed vigour and salt tolerance in hot pepper. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 44(3), 408–416.
  • Murthy, U. N., Kumar, P. P., Sun, W. Q., 2003. Mechanisms of seed ageing under different storage conditions for Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek: lipid peroxidation, sugar hydrolysis, Maillard reactions and their relationship to glass state transition. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54(384), 1057-1067.
  • Mustafa, A. S., Cheyed, S. H., 2018. Effect of seed priming of organıc, biochemical and mineral fertilizers on seed vigor of sorghum. Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci. Vol, 14(1), 239-244.
  • Odat, N., Tawaha, A. M., Hasan, M., Al-Tawaha, A. R., Thangadurai, D., Sangeetha, J., Rauf, A., Khalid, S., Saranraj, P., Al-Taey, D.K.A., Safari, Z.S., Zahid, N.A., Qazizadah, A.Z, Sirajuddin, S. N., 2021. Seed priming with chitosan alleviates salinity stress by improving germination and early growth parameters in common vetch (Vicia sativa). IOP Publishing, In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 788(1), 1-8.
  • Paparella, S., Araújo, S. S., Rossi, G., Wijayasinghe, M. A. L. A. K. A., Carbonera, D., & Balestrazzi, A., 2015. Seed priming: state of the art and new perspectives. Plant Cell Reports, 34, 1281-1293.
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The effects of priming applications with chitosan, seaweed and humic acid on germination in stored Anatolian Black Pine seeds

Year 2024, , 41 - 48, 29.12.2024


Background and aims Even if forest tree seeds are stored under convenient temperature and humidity conditions, they getting age over time. Especially physiological seed quality decreases due to aging. In this context; Priming, as a pre-process, is one of the most common practices used to improve seed quality.
Methods In this study; Anatolian Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana Lamb. (Holmboe)) seeds, harvested from the Bursa-İnegöl-Boğazova clonal seed orchard with the national code TB-82 in 2006 and 2018 and stored thereafter, were used. In seed selection; Anatolian Black Pine seeds, which are in the orthodox category and widely used in afforestation studies, were preferred. Therefore, priming with materials such as chitosan, seaweed, and humic acid has been applied to improve the low germination capacity of Anatolian Black Pine seeds stored for long-term. In the study; The effects of priming materials and doses on seed germination were investigated.
Results It was determined that chitosan application (0.5% and 0.75%) had a statistically significant effect on germination rate and percentage compared to other priming materials and doses. It has also been found that seaweed application significantly reduces average germination time.
Conclusions It has been determined that chitosan application significantly increases the germination rate and percentage, especially in old seeds. With this; Further research is recommended to determine the effects of priming processes on Anatolian black pine and other forest tree seeds whose viability and germination ability have decreased.

Project Number

KU-BAP01/2021-21 ve KU-HIZDES/2021-06


  • Aghbolaghi, M.A., Sedghi, M., Sharifi, R.S., & Dedicova, B., 2022. Germination and the biochemical response of pumpkin seeds to different concentrations of humic acid under cadmium stress. Agriculture, 12(3), 374.
  • Akbari, G. A., Heshmati, S., Soltani, E., & Amini Dehaghi, M., 2020. Influence of seed priming on seed yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown under water deficit. International Journal of Plant Production, 14, 245-258.
  • Anjos Neto, A.P.D., Oliveira, G.R.F., Mello, S.D.C., Silva, M.S.D., Gomes-Junior, F. G., Novembre, A.D.D.L.C., Azevedo, R.A,. 2020. Seed priming with seaweed extract mitigate heat stress in spinach: effect on germination, seedling growth and antioxidant capacity. Bragantia, 79, 502-511.
  • Asadi Aghbolaghi, M., Sedghi, M., Sharifi, R. S., Dedicova, B., 2022. Germination and the biochemical response of pumpkin seeds to different concentrations of humic acid under cadmium stress. Agriculture, 12(3), 374.
  • Asghari, M., & Aghdam, M. S., 2010. Impact of salicylic acid on post-harvest physiology of horticultural crops. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21(10), 502-509.
  • Ashraf M., Foolad M. R., 2005. Pre-sowing seed treatments shotgun approach to improve germination, plant growth and crop yield under saline and non-saline conditions. Adv. Agron., 88, 223–271.
  • Ayan S, Akın Ş. S., 2023. Reactive stress factors and their effects on forest tree seeds, in Page, S. Ayan (Eds.), Climate Change: Effects and Management in Forest Ecosystems. Chapter 4. Palme Publishing, Ankara, pp. 53-72.
  • Ayan, S., Yücedag, C., Simovski, B., 2021. A major tool for afforestation of semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas in Turkey: Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe, Journal of Forest Science, 67(10), 449–46367.
  • Bailly, C., Benamar, A., Corbineau, F., Come, D., 1998. Free radical csavenging as affected by accelerated ageing and subsequent priming in sunflower seeds. Physiologia Plantarum, 104(4), 646-652.
  • Basahi, M., 2021. Humic acid improved germination rate, seedling growth and antioxidant system of pea (Pisum sativum L. var. alicia) grown in water polluted with CdCl 2. AIMS Environmental Science, 8(4), 358-370.
  • Basay, S., Sürmeli, N, Okcu, G., Demir, D,. 2006. Changes in germination percentages, protein and lipid contents of primed pepper seeds during storage. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B- Soil and Plant Science, 56, 138-142.
  • Basra, S. M. A., Zia N, Mahmood T, Afzal A, Khaliq A., 2003. Comparison of different in vigoration techniques in wheat (Triricum aestivum L.) seeds. Pak. J. Arid. Agri., 5, 11–16.
  • Bewley, J.D., Black, M., 1994. Seeds: physiology of development and germination, Second Edition, Plenum Press, New York, pp.445.
  • Braccini, A. de L. E., Reis, M.S., Moreira, M.A., Sediyama, C.S., Scapim, C.A., 2000. Biochemical changes associated to soybeanseeds osmoconditioning during storage. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., Brasilia, 35(2), 433-447.
  • Brar, N.S., Kaushik, P., Dudi, B. S., 2019. Assessment of natural ageing related physio-biochemical changes in onion seed. Agriculture, 9(8), 163.
  • Buitink, J., Claessens, M.M., Hemminga, M.A., Hoekstra, F.A., 1998. Influence of water content and temperature on molecular mobility and intracellular glasses in seeds and pollen. Plant Physiology, 118(2), 531-541.
  • Bujalski, W., Nienow, A.W., 1991. Large-scale osmotic priming of onion seeds: a comparison of different strategies for oxygenation. Scientia Hort., 46, 13-24.
  • Chiu, K.Y., Wang, C.S., Sung, J.M., 1995. Lipid peroxidation and peroxide-scavenging enzymes associated with accelerated aging and hydration of watermelon seeds differing in ploidy. Physiologia Plantarum, 94 (3), 441-446.
  • Guan, Y., Hu, J., Wang, X., Shao, C., 2009. Seed priming with chitosan improves maize germination and seedling growth in relation to physiological enhances under low temperature stress. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B, 10(6), 427-433.
  • Hameed, A., Sheikh, M. A., Hameed, A., Farooq, T., Basra, S. M. A., Jamil, A., 2013. Chitosan priming enhances the seed germination, antioxidants, hydrolytic enzymes, soluble proteins and sugars in wheat seeds. Agrochimica, 57(2), 97-110.
  • Hamouda, M. M., Saad-Allah, K. M., Gad, D., 2022. Potential of seaweed extract on growth, physiological, cytological and biochemical parameters of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(2), 1818-1831.
  • Harman, G. E., Mattick, L. R., 1976. Association of lipid oxidation with seed ageing and death. Nature, 260(5549), 323-324.
  • Hsu, C.C., Chen, C.L., Chen, J.J., Sung, J.M., 2003. Accelerated aging-enhanced lipid peroxidation in bitter gourd seeds and effects of priming and hot water soaking treatments. Scientia Horticulturae, 98, 201-212.
  • Iqbal, M., Ashraf, M., 2006. Wheat seed priming in relation to salt tolerance: growth, yield and levels of free salicylic acid and polyamines. Ann. Bot. Fennici, 43, 250–259.
  • ISTA (International Seed Testing Association), (1999). International Rules for Seed Testing. Seed Science and Technology, 27, 340.
  • Kaloyereas, S.A., 1958. Rancidity as a factor in the loss of viability of pine and other seeds. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 35, 176-179.
  • Kaya, G,. 2008. Tohum uygulamaları (Priming)’nın tohum yağ asitleri kompozisyonuna etkisi ve tohum kalitesi ile ilişkisi. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1-2), 53-62.
  • Kermode, A. R., Finch-Savage, B.E., 2002. Desiccation sensitivity in orthodox and recalcitrant seeds in relation to development. In Book: Desiccation and survival in plants: Drying without dying, 149-184.
  • Kılıç, B., 2020. Prolin ön uygulamasının kuraklık stresi koşullarındaki karaçam tohumlarının çimlenmesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, Artvin.
  • Korkmaz, U., 2022. Farklı kimyasallar ile yapılan ekim öncesi uygulamaların ekmeklik buğdayın (Triticum aestivum L.) çimlenme özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Krugman, S.L., Stein, W.I., Schmitt, D.M., 1974. Seed Biology, In: Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States. U.S. Dept. Agrie., Agrie. Handbook 450, pp. 5-4.
  • Lizárraga-Paulín, E. G., Miranda-Castro, S. P., Moreno-Martínez, E., Lara-Sagahón, A. V., Torres-Pacheco, I., 2013. Maize seed coatings and seedling sprayings with chitosan and hydrogen peroxide: their influence on some phenological and biochemical behaviors. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 14, 87-96.
  • Marquez-Millano, A., Elam, W.W., Blanche, C.A., 1991. Influence of accelerated aging on fatty acid composition of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) seeds. Journal of Seed Technology, 29-41.
  • Mohammadi, G.R., 2009. The influence of NaCl priming on seed germination and seedling growth of canola (Brassica napus L.) under salinity conditions. Amer-Eura J. Agri. Environ. Sci., 5(5), 696–700.
  • Muhammad, A., Khurram, Z., Qumer, L., Ahmad, L., Muhammad, A.R, Zulfiqar, A.S., 2007. Effect of seed priming on seed vigour and salt tolerance in hot pepper. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 44(3), 408–416.
  • Murthy, U. N., Kumar, P. P., Sun, W. Q., 2003. Mechanisms of seed ageing under different storage conditions for Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek: lipid peroxidation, sugar hydrolysis, Maillard reactions and their relationship to glass state transition. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54(384), 1057-1067.
  • Mustafa, A. S., Cheyed, S. H., 2018. Effect of seed priming of organıc, biochemical and mineral fertilizers on seed vigor of sorghum. Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci. Vol, 14(1), 239-244.
  • Odat, N., Tawaha, A. M., Hasan, M., Al-Tawaha, A. R., Thangadurai, D., Sangeetha, J., Rauf, A., Khalid, S., Saranraj, P., Al-Taey, D.K.A., Safari, Z.S., Zahid, N.A., Qazizadah, A.Z, Sirajuddin, S. N., 2021. Seed priming with chitosan alleviates salinity stress by improving germination and early growth parameters in common vetch (Vicia sativa). IOP Publishing, In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 788(1), 1-8.
  • Paparella, S., Araújo, S. S., Rossi, G., Wijayasinghe, M. A. L. A. K. A., Carbonera, D., & Balestrazzi, A., 2015. Seed priming: state of the art and new perspectives. Plant Cell Reports, 34, 1281-1293.
  • Parera., C.A, Cantliffe., D.J., 1994. Pre-sowing seed priming. Hort Rev., 16,109–141.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tree Improvement, Silviculture
Journal Section Articles

Şeyma Selin Akın 0000-0001-8353-6422

Sezgin Ayan 0000-0001-8077-0512

Esra Nurten Yer Çelik 0000-0002-6368-3916

Hasan Alp Sahin 0000-0002-7811-955X

Project Number KU-BAP01/2021-21 ve KU-HIZDES/2021-06
Early Pub Date November 5, 2024
Publication Date December 29, 2024
Submission Date July 25, 2024
Acceptance Date September 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akın, Ş. S., Ayan, S., Yer Çelik, E. N., Sahin, H. A. (2024). Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 41-48.
AMA Akın ŞS, Ayan S, Yer Çelik EN, Sahin HA. Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri. AOAD. December 2024;10(2):41-48. doi:10.53516/ajfr.1521956
Chicago Akın, Şeyma Selin, Sezgin Ayan, Esra Nurten Yer Çelik, and Hasan Alp Sahin. “Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına Kitosan, Deniz Yosunu Ve hümik Asit Ile Priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine Etkileri”. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 10, no. 2 (December 2024): 41-48.
EndNote Akın ŞS, Ayan S, Yer Çelik EN, Sahin HA (December 1, 2024) Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 10 2 41–48.
IEEE Ş. S. Akın, S. Ayan, E. N. Yer Çelik, and H. A. Sahin, “Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri”, AOAD, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 41–48, 2024, doi: 10.53516/ajfr.1521956.
ISNAD Akın, Şeyma Selin et al. “Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına Kitosan, Deniz Yosunu Ve hümik Asit Ile Priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine Etkileri”. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 10/2 (December 2024), 41-48.
JAMA Akın ŞS, Ayan S, Yer Çelik EN, Sahin HA. Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri. AOAD. 2024;10:41–48.
MLA Akın, Şeyma Selin et al. “Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına Kitosan, Deniz Yosunu Ve hümik Asit Ile Priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine Etkileri”. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2024, pp. 41-48, doi:10.53516/ajfr.1521956.
Vancouver Akın ŞS, Ayan S, Yer Çelik EN, Sahin HA. Depolanmış Anadolu Karaçamı tohumlarına kitosan, deniz yosunu ve hümik asit ile priming uygulamanın çimlenme üzerine etkileri. AOAD. 2024;10(2):41-8.