Asian Journal of Instruction (AJI) is a refereed journal that aims to create a unique reference source by publishing qualified scientific studies in the field of educational sciences at the international level. For this purpose, it contributes to the improvement of educational processes and outcomes, develops the understanding of quality in the field and publishes innovative research in education in this direction. AJI is committed to guiding researchers and practitioners in the field of educational sciences and contributing to academic and professional development in the field by encouraging different perspectives.
One of the main missions of AJI is to contribute to the shaping of education policies in Turkey and the world; to support the global dissemination of knowledge and to prepare the ground for achieving beneficial results for humanity.
The journal includes original and qualified research on all current issues that contribute to the field of education, especially in educational sciences and teacher training. AJI encourages qualitative and quantitative empirical research, articles with methodological and theoretical innovations, studies that provide recommendations and conclusions for educational policies, and studies that include interdisciplinary approaches.
Asya Journal of Teaching has adopted the principle of including original research articles with a sound theoretical framework and high scientific qualifications in research design and analysis. It is pleased to contribute to the academic community with qualified studies that enrich the knowledge in the field of educational sciences.
-The language of the journal is English. The process of the articles can be carried out in Turkish, and the articles can be translated into English after the acceptance stage.
-Manuscripts should be submitted using the article template above.
-The article should not exceed 20 pages or 8000 words including full text, abstract and references.
-Information about the authors (title, institution, Doi number and e-mail addresses) should be at the bottom of the first page, but the names of the authors and any information identifying the authors should not be included in the first manuscript submission.
-If the study was presented at a congress or symposium, the title, date and place should be included in a footnote at the bottom of the first page.
-Page format; A4, margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be 3 cm.
-The title of the article should be written in 14 pt. bold and the initial letter of each word should be capitalized. The title of the article should be placed in the center of the page. The title should be short and descriptive and should contain a maximum of 12 words.
-The abstract should include the aim, method, findings and main conclusions and should be between 150-250 words. Manuscripts should be single-spaced, 9-point font size and Times New Roman format. 3-5 keywords should be included after the abstract. Keywords should be separated by commas. Only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized, other words should start with lowercase letters. There should be no citations in the abstract.
-Manuscripts should be single-spaced, 11-point font size and Times New Roman format. The text format should be single column. All relevant information should be included in the main text. Paragraphs should not be indented. Words should not be underlined for emphasis, instead italics should be used.
-Subheadings should be numbered, short and meaningful. For first level headings, 12-point font should be used, for second level headings, 11-point italic font should be used, and for third level headings, 11-point italic font should be used. Headings should be bold and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. First level headings should be centered, second and third level headings should be left justified.
-Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with APA7 publication guidelines.
-The article should consist of abstract, introduction, method (sample or study group, data collection tools, data collection process, data analysis, validity and reliability), findings, discussion and conclusion, references. However, some changes can be made according to the structure of the article.
-In the introduction section, the conceptual framework should be explained, the importance of the research and the studies conducted on this subject in the literature should be mentioned, the gap that the research will fill in the field and its contribution to the field should be stated. The purpose of the research and the problem/sub-problems (if any) should be written.
-In the methodology section, readers should be informed about the study model, data collection sources (quantitative, qualitative or both), data collection and analysis processes.
-In the findings and interpretations section, the data obtained should be presented clearly. The meaning of the findings should be explained. Comparison with the literature should not be made. The results of the study should be explained in tables, diagrams, graphs or pictures to support the purpose and problem of the study.
-Tables should use 10-point font size and vertical lines should not be drawn. The number of the tables should be above the table and the table description should be italicized and below the table number.
-Figures should be centered on the page, in .jpg, .tiff or .gif format, with the figure number and description centered on the page below the figure.
-In the discussion and conclusion section, in the light of the importance of the study, the results should be discussed with reference to the literature and author opinions. Recommendations should be made according to the results of the study.
-References section should be organized in accordance with APA7 style. Make sure that in-text citations are included in the reference list. References should not be numbered and doi numbers (if available) must be included in the references.
-With the adoption of APA 7 by the Asian Journal of Teaching, some important changes and updates have been introduced in the writing rules for authors.
In-text Citation Edits
References with Three or More Authors: In APA 7, in references with three or more authors, only the surname of the first author is used, followed by the phrase “et al.”.
Example: (Yılmaz et al., 2020)
Use of “&” sign: It is suggested that “&” sign should be used instead of “and” in the references with two authors.
Example: (Yılmaz & Kaya, 2021)
Multiple Author and Publication Year Conflicts: In the works of different authors with the same surname and the same year, the first letter of the author's name is added.
Example: (A. Kaya, 2021; B. Kaya, 2021).
Changes in the End-of-Text Bibliography List
Source Link: In APA 6, “doi:” or “Retrieved from” is used at the beginning of DOI and URL links, while in APA 7 only the full URL or DOI link is written.Example:
Use of the “&” sign instead of “and” between two authors: In works with two authors in the bibliography list, “&” is used instead of “and”.Example: Yılmaz, A., & Kaya, B. (2021).
References with Seven or More Authors: In APA 7, the names of the first 19 authors are written in the bibliography list and “et al.” is added only for the 20th author.
Place of Publication in Books: Only the publisher should be given, but not the place of publication. URL or DOI is used if available.Example: Author, A. A. (2021). New Directions in Education. Publisher
It is of great importance that all stakeholders in the process (editors, authors and reviewers) comply with the ethical principles and responsibilities of research and publication. The scientific and legal responsibilities of all articles belong to their authors.
All or part of the articles submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere and should not be in the process of publication. Manuscripts prepared from papers presented at scientific meetings can be submitted to the journal, provided that they are not published in full.
The code of ethics in the Asian Journal of Teaching (AJI) is based on the guidance of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) open access principles, DORA Declaration and Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license principles.
Open Access and License Policy: AJI applies an open access policy to ensure that scientific knowledge is accessible to all. All articles are published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license so that the content can be used for non-commercial purposes, with attribution and without modification.
Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI): According to BOAI, Open Access is “the free availability of peer-reviewed scientific literature via the internet, without financial, legal or technical barriers, to be freely accessed, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, exported as data to software and used for any legal purpose”.
Statement of Research Assessment (DORA) Commitment: AJI adheres to the principles of the Statement of Research Assessment (DORA) and adopts the principle of evaluating the value of articles based on their scientific contribution and originality, not only on the number of citations they receive. Accordingly, the academic contributions of authors are evaluated based on objective criteria and a fair and impartial approach is adopted in all publication evaluation processes.
Double Blind Reviewing and Plagiarism: The article evaluation process in the Asian Journal of Teaching is carried out with the principle of “double-blind refereeing”. All evaluations and feedback are communicated through the journal management system. All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism and articles with a plagiarism rate of 20% or more are rejected.
Self-creation of research findings, altering research data, submitting the work of others (data, text or theories), submitting the same work to two or more journals, splitting a work into several parts and submitting it to more than one journal are major ethical violations. Necessary actions will be taken in case of ethical violations.
Research Ethics Principles and Approval
In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index, articles are accepted according to the new rules and principles in 2020. It is mandatory to obtain an “ethics committee approval” document for studies that require ethics committee approval. Ethics committee approval must be uploaded to the system with the article. Information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the last page of the article; “In this study titled .........., all the rules specified to be followed within the scope of the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive of Higher Education Institutions have been complied with. Ethics committee permission for this study was obtained with the decision of the .................................... Ethics Committee dated ............. and numbered .............”
In addition, in the method section, it is necessary to include information that permission has been obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, and that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used. In articles without an ethics committee certificate (research data used before 2020, produced from master's/doctoral studies), the responsible author should write on an A4 file, “Ethical rules have been complied with in this research titled ...... I undertake that the “Asian Journal of Teaching” has no responsibility for any ethical violations to be encountered and that all responsibility belongs to the authors.” will be written and signed and uploaded to the website. Studies that do not meet these conditions will not be evaluated.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
The editorial board is responsible for everything published in the journal. It should therefore take all reasonable steps to improve quality and strive to continuously improve the journal. It should use appropriate processes to ensure the quality of the articles to be published. The editorial board is responsible for preparing author guidelines to guide authors and updating these guidelines when necessary. The refereeing process should be explained in the journal system and any deviations from this process should be explained. Electronic submission systems should be designed to ensure that authors can easily access all necessary information. The editorial board is responsible for regularly monitoring the review process and preventing delays. The decision to accept or reject a publication should be based solely on scientific content and articles should be evaluated on equal terms without any discrimination. The editor should not change the acceptance decision on submitted manuscripts unless there is a serious problem with the manuscript. The journal should consider authors' objections to editorial decisions and implement procedures to address complaints. The journal should provide explanatory and informative feedback to authors.
A qualified peer review process should be carried out. Confidentiality of manuscripts submitted to the journal should be ensured. A guideline should be prepared to guide reviewers on what is expected of them. This guideline should be updated regularly and a link to this guideline should be provided on the journal page. The editorial board should take steps to keep the referee pool up to date and strive to have a large pool of referees. Referees should be selected according to the subject of the article. The identities of the referees should also be kept confidential. Reviewers should be encouraged to make their evaluations in an impartial and scientific manner. Rude and unscientific reviewer criticism should be avoided.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
A responsible author should be chosen to whom the referees' comments will be forwarded and to whom the readers can contact, and the contact details of this author should be included on the manuscript. Only one paper of the same author is accepted. For publications resulting from thesis work, the student's name should be listed first. Changes in author names or author order after acceptance of an article are not accepted. No such proposal should be made. Contributors other than the authors should be thanked at the end of the article and their contribution should be explained.
The studies submitted for publication must be original. The article must not have been submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous evaluation. The article must not have been published in whole or in part before. A single study should not have been divided into several parts and submitted to various journals. Authors may be asked to provide raw data related to an article for review. Therefore, raw data must be stored. If the research involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment with unusual hazards, the authors must have the necessary permissions. If subjects (animal or human) are used in the research, a document indicating that the subjects' consent has been obtained must be available. If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, he/she must immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article.
Authors whose names are written in the article are considered to have made sufficient contributions to the scientific work and therefore share common responsibility for the results. The names of individuals who took little or no part in the research should not be written in the article, and the names of those who contributed to the article should not be left out. The extent to which each author contributed to the article should be clearly stated. No data written by others may be presented as the author's own. Authors must ensure that they cite appropriately the work and words of other authors if they use them.
Reviewers should only accept articles related to their areas of expertise. Reviewers should evaluate the article they accept within the specified time frame. Reviewers should not accept to be reviewers just to gain information and opinions without intending to evaluate. Reviewers should take care to ensure that the “accept/review/reject” proposal they give for the article is consistent with the comments given in the review. Reviewers should evaluate within the principles of impartiality and objectivity. Reviewers should express their opinions clearly by supporting them with supporting arguments and necessary references. They should not include insulting and derogatory statements in their evaluations. They should not criticize the authors personally. Reviewers should avoid using the information obtained during the review process for their own benefit or the benefit of others or using it in a way that disadvantages others and deprives them of their rights. Reviewers should not contact authors directly without the permission of the journal and should not include another person in the evaluation without permission from the journal. Reviewers must notify the journal if they encounter any irregularities related to research and publication ethics.
All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Asian Journal of Instruction entitles all parties to read, download, copy, share, and redistribute all the articles, data sets, figures, and supplementary files published in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
The Asian Journal of Education (AJI) does not charge any article submission or publication fees from authors. All content is provided for free online access and readers can access the articles free of charge. However, there are some special services for articles to be published in the journal, as listed below:
1. Article Language Editing Fee: The journal publishes articles only in English. Upon the request of the authors, language editing and proofreading services can be provided after the article is accepted and are charged.
2. Translation Fee: When articles in Turkish and decided to be published at the end of the evaluation process are requested to be translated into English, the translation process is carried out by professional translators and charged. Authors are free to outsource the translation service or use the translation service recommended by our journal.
3. Additional Services: In case of additional service requests such as graphic editing, special page layout or table-visual editing, charges are made according to the cost of the relevant service.