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Ecojustice Education in Quranic Perspective

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 190 - 200, 31.12.2021


The anthropocentric paradigm accuses the teachings of celestial religion as the basis of the argument about the thought that humans are the most important/center element in the universe, from this thinking arrogance arises exploiting natural resources activities and leading to environmental damage. This study wants to uncover the teachings of the Al-Qur’an about patterns of interaction between humans and nature that should be cooperative and complementary, through the concept of ecojustice education. Through maudu'i's interpretation method, this research produced the concept of ecojustice education about respecting the existence and enforcement of natural rights by creating a safe and healthy environment for all people as a form of worship and accountability to the God. Through concepts that integrate students' intellectual, emotional and psychological dimensions in understanding nature, teacher not only educate students about environmental preservation and law enforcement efforts, this concept could also help to touch the spiritual dimension between teacher and students in viewing the sistemic relationship between God, humans and nature.

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  • Amrullah, A. B. K. (2000). Tafsir al-Azhar, Jakarta: PT. Pustaka Panji Mas. ash-Shiddiqie, Hasbi. (2000). Tafsir al-Quranul Majid, AN-NUR, Semarang: Pustaka Rizki Putera.
  • Aristotle. (2009), Aristotle Rhetoric edited by Edward Meredith Cope and Jhon Edwin Sandys, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009, (first edition 1877), vol. 1.
  • al-Biqā‘ī, B. D. (1415 H/1995 M). Naẓm al-Durar fī Tanāsub al-Āyāt wa al-Suwar, Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, print. I.
  • Bock, N. (2013). “An Ecotheology: Toward a Spirituality of Creation and Eco-Justice”, Cross currant, Association for Religion and Intellectual Life.
  • C. W. Hrynkow. (2017). “Greening God? Christian Ecotheology, Environmental Justice, and Socio-Ecological Flourishing”, Environmental Justice , Jun, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p. 81-87.
  • Celia Deane-Drummond, (2017). A Primer in Ecotheology: Theology for a Fragile Earth (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books), p. 167.
  • Dalton, Anne Marie & Henry C. Simons, (2010), Ecotheology and the Practice of Hope, New York: Albany. Davy, B J. (2003) “Jewish ecologies”, Alternatives Journal, Waterloo: Vol. 29, Iss. 2; p. 46.
  • Fakhr al-Dīn, M. R. (1415 H/1995 M) Tafsīr al-Kabīr wa Mafātiḥ al-Ghaib, Beirūt: Dār al-Fikr.
  • al-Farmawī, ‘A. H. (1977). al-Bidāyah fī al-Tafsīr al-Mauḍū‘ī: Dirāsah Manhajiyah Maudḍū‘iyyah, Mesir: Maktabah al-Jumhūriyyah.
  • Febriani, N. A. (2014). Ekologi Berwawasan Gender dalam Perspektif al-Quran, Bandung: Mizan.
  • Febriani, N. A. (2017) “Ekoteologi Berwawasan Gender dalam al-Quran”, Palastren, no.1/10.
  • G. L. Chamberlain, (2000) “Ecology and Religious Education”, Religious Education; Spring; 95, 2; ProQuest.
  • Ituma, E A. (2013). “Christocentric Ecotheology and Climate Change”, Open Journal of Philosophy,. Vol. 3, No. 1A, 126.
  • Jauhari, T. (no year). al-Jawāhir fī Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-Karīm, Beirut: Dār al-Fikr.
  • Kruger F, Adre le Roux and Kevin Teise. (2020) “Ecojustice education and communitarianism: Exploring the possibility for African eco communitarianism”, EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY, VOL. 52, NO. 2, 206–216.
  • Kulnieks, Andrejs; Longboat, Dan; Young, Kelly. (2013). “Engaging Literacies through Ecologically Minded Curriculum: Educating Teachers about Indigenous Knowledges through an Ecojustice Education Framework”, Journal Articles; Reports – Evaluative, Vol. 19, Number. 2, p. 138-152.
  • Leese, J J. Johnson (2019) “Ecofaith: Reading Scripture in an Era of Ecological Crisis”, Religions; Basel Vol. 10, Iss. 3, (Mar 2019).
  • Leonard, L. (2018). “Bridging Social and Environmental Risks: the Potential for an Emerging Environmental Justice framework in South Africa, JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN STUDIES, VOL. 36, NO. 1.
  • Morrison S. (2018) “Reframing Westernized culture: insights from a Critical Friends Group on EcoJustice education”, Environmental Education Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, 111-128.
  • Moore, B L. (2017) Ecological Literature and the Critique of Anthropocentrism, Macmillan: Palgrave, 2017, 1.
  • M. Pepper & R. Leonard, (2016) “How Ecotheological Beliefs Vary Among Australian Churchgoers and Consequences for Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors”, Rev Relig Res 58.
  • Nasr, H. (2004). Intelegensi & Spiritualitas Agama-agama, terj. Suharsono dkk, Jogjakarta: Inisiasi Press.
  • Noer, K. A. (1999). “Menyemarakkan Dialog Agama”, dalam Dekonstruksi Mazhab Ciputat, Bandung: Aman Wacana Mulia.
  • R. A. Martusewicz, John Lupinacci, Jeff Edmundson, (2015). EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities, New York: Routledge.
  • Rahman, F. (1999). Major Themes of The Qur’ān, Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust.
  • Raya, A. T. (2007). “Khalifah”, in: Ensiklopedi al-Quran, Jakarta, Lentera Hati, cet. I, vol. 2.
  • Ridwanuddin, P. (2017). “Ekoteologi dalam Pemikiran Badiuzzaman Said Nursi”, Lentera, vol. 1, no.1, Juni.
  • Rita J. Turner, (2015). Teaching for EcoJustice: Curriculum and Lessons for Secondari and College Classrooms, New York: Rotledge.
  • S. A. Morrison, (2018). Reframing Westernized culture: insights from a Critical Friends Group on EcoJustice education, Environmental Education Research, VOL. 24, NO. 1.
  • S. Hawwā (1989), al-Asās fī al-Tafsīr, Cairo: Dār al-Salām, print. II.
  • S. Tonstad, (no year). “Ecology & Theology in Revelation”, Shabbat Shalom, p. 24.
  • Shihab, Muhammad Quraish. Tafsir al-Mishbah Pesan Kesan dan Keserasian al-Quran, Jakarta: Lentera Hati, 2005.
  • Skillen J. R, (2016). “Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology: Foundations in Scripture, Theology, History, and Praxis”, Christian Scholar's Review; Holland Vol. 45, Iss. 2.
  • Suwito NS (2011). Eko-Sufisme Studi tentang Usaha Pelestarian Lingkungan pada Jama’ah Mujahadah Ilmu Giri dan Jama’ah Aoliya’ Jogjakarta, Jogjakarta: Buku Litera.
  • Zumaro, A. (2020). Ekoteologi Islam (Studi Konsep Pelestarian Lingkungan dalam Hadis Nabi Saw, Jogjakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Dissertation.

Ecojustice Education in Quranic Perspective

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 190 - 200, 31.12.2021


Destekleyen Kurum

PTIQ Institute, Jakarta

Proje Numarası



Thank you for your attention, we hope our paper will be published in your journal.


  • Amrullah, A. B. K. (2000). Tafsir al-Azhar, Jakarta: PT. Pustaka Panji Mas. ash-Shiddiqie, Hasbi. (2000). Tafsir al-Quranul Majid, AN-NUR, Semarang: Pustaka Rizki Putera.
  • Aristotle. (2009), Aristotle Rhetoric edited by Edward Meredith Cope and Jhon Edwin Sandys, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009, (first edition 1877), vol. 1.
  • al-Biqā‘ī, B. D. (1415 H/1995 M). Naẓm al-Durar fī Tanāsub al-Āyāt wa al-Suwar, Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, print. I.
  • Bock, N. (2013). “An Ecotheology: Toward a Spirituality of Creation and Eco-Justice”, Cross currant, Association for Religion and Intellectual Life.
  • C. W. Hrynkow. (2017). “Greening God? Christian Ecotheology, Environmental Justice, and Socio-Ecological Flourishing”, Environmental Justice , Jun, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p. 81-87.
  • Celia Deane-Drummond, (2017). A Primer in Ecotheology: Theology for a Fragile Earth (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books), p. 167.
  • Dalton, Anne Marie & Henry C. Simons, (2010), Ecotheology and the Practice of Hope, New York: Albany. Davy, B J. (2003) “Jewish ecologies”, Alternatives Journal, Waterloo: Vol. 29, Iss. 2; p. 46.
  • Fakhr al-Dīn, M. R. (1415 H/1995 M) Tafsīr al-Kabīr wa Mafātiḥ al-Ghaib, Beirūt: Dār al-Fikr.
  • al-Farmawī, ‘A. H. (1977). al-Bidāyah fī al-Tafsīr al-Mauḍū‘ī: Dirāsah Manhajiyah Maudḍū‘iyyah, Mesir: Maktabah al-Jumhūriyyah.
  • Febriani, N. A. (2014). Ekologi Berwawasan Gender dalam Perspektif al-Quran, Bandung: Mizan.
  • Febriani, N. A. (2017) “Ekoteologi Berwawasan Gender dalam al-Quran”, Palastren, no.1/10.
  • G. L. Chamberlain, (2000) “Ecology and Religious Education”, Religious Education; Spring; 95, 2; ProQuest.
  • Ituma, E A. (2013). “Christocentric Ecotheology and Climate Change”, Open Journal of Philosophy,. Vol. 3, No. 1A, 126.
  • Jauhari, T. (no year). al-Jawāhir fī Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-Karīm, Beirut: Dār al-Fikr.
  • Kruger F, Adre le Roux and Kevin Teise. (2020) “Ecojustice education and communitarianism: Exploring the possibility for African eco communitarianism”, EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY, VOL. 52, NO. 2, 206–216.
  • Kulnieks, Andrejs; Longboat, Dan; Young, Kelly. (2013). “Engaging Literacies through Ecologically Minded Curriculum: Educating Teachers about Indigenous Knowledges through an Ecojustice Education Framework”, Journal Articles; Reports – Evaluative, Vol. 19, Number. 2, p. 138-152.
  • Leese, J J. Johnson (2019) “Ecofaith: Reading Scripture in an Era of Ecological Crisis”, Religions; Basel Vol. 10, Iss. 3, (Mar 2019).
  • Leonard, L. (2018). “Bridging Social and Environmental Risks: the Potential for an Emerging Environmental Justice framework in South Africa, JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN STUDIES, VOL. 36, NO. 1.
  • Morrison S. (2018) “Reframing Westernized culture: insights from a Critical Friends Group on EcoJustice education”, Environmental Education Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, 111-128.
  • Moore, B L. (2017) Ecological Literature and the Critique of Anthropocentrism, Macmillan: Palgrave, 2017, 1.
  • M. Pepper & R. Leonard, (2016) “How Ecotheological Beliefs Vary Among Australian Churchgoers and Consequences for Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors”, Rev Relig Res 58.
  • Nasr, H. (2004). Intelegensi & Spiritualitas Agama-agama, terj. Suharsono dkk, Jogjakarta: Inisiasi Press.
  • Noer, K. A. (1999). “Menyemarakkan Dialog Agama”, dalam Dekonstruksi Mazhab Ciputat, Bandung: Aman Wacana Mulia.
  • R. A. Martusewicz, John Lupinacci, Jeff Edmundson, (2015). EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities, New York: Routledge.
  • Rahman, F. (1999). Major Themes of The Qur’ān, Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust.
  • Raya, A. T. (2007). “Khalifah”, in: Ensiklopedi al-Quran, Jakarta, Lentera Hati, cet. I, vol. 2.
  • Ridwanuddin, P. (2017). “Ekoteologi dalam Pemikiran Badiuzzaman Said Nursi”, Lentera, vol. 1, no.1, Juni.
  • Rita J. Turner, (2015). Teaching for EcoJustice: Curriculum and Lessons for Secondari and College Classrooms, New York: Rotledge.
  • S. A. Morrison, (2018). Reframing Westernized culture: insights from a Critical Friends Group on EcoJustice education, Environmental Education Research, VOL. 24, NO. 1.
  • S. Hawwā (1989), al-Asās fī al-Tafsīr, Cairo: Dār al-Salām, print. II.
  • S. Tonstad, (no year). “Ecology & Theology in Revelation”, Shabbat Shalom, p. 24.
  • Shihab, Muhammad Quraish. Tafsir al-Mishbah Pesan Kesan dan Keserasian al-Quran, Jakarta: Lentera Hati, 2005.
  • Skillen J. R, (2016). “Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology: Foundations in Scripture, Theology, History, and Praxis”, Christian Scholar's Review; Holland Vol. 45, Iss. 2.
  • Suwito NS (2011). Eko-Sufisme Studi tentang Usaha Pelestarian Lingkungan pada Jama’ah Mujahadah Ilmu Giri dan Jama’ah Aoliya’ Jogjakarta, Jogjakarta: Buku Litera.
  • Zumaro, A. (2020). Ekoteologi Islam (Studi Konsep Pelestarian Lingkungan dalam Hadis Nabi Saw, Jogjakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Dissertation.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Badru Tamam Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2413-6597

Nur Arfiyah Febriani

Proje Numarası 1
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tamam, B., & Febriani, N. A. (2021). Ecojustice Education in Quranic Perspective. Academic Knowledge, 4(2), 190-200.


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