Editorial Principles

1) The Journal of Academic Inquiries (AID) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes studies on social, human and administrative sciences.

2) The Journal of Academic Inquiries is a double-blind peer reviewed journal which is published twice a year (April and October).

3) The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.

4) The articles to be published in the journal should be original and academic studies prepared primarily by using appropriate research methods related to their fields. In addition, translations, book reviews, critiques and evaluations that contribute to the academic field are also acceptable.

5) The articles submitted for publication in our journal are controlled by a plagiarism software called i-Thenticate. Articles with a similarity rate higher than 45% are rejected without being processed into evaluation. Similarity rates between %20 and %30 are required to be reviewed by the author and should be reduced below 20%. There should not be more than 3% similarity rate from a single source.

6) The articles submitted to the journal should not be published before or sent for publication anywhere else at the same time.

7) In studies requiring ethics committee approval, it is assumed that the permissions are obtained, and “information about the permits should be included in the manuscript”. Ethics committee approval must be obtained for the following cases in the manuscripts which sent as of 01.01.2020 and added to the manuscript.

Researches requiring Ethics Committee approval are as follows::
• Any research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group study, direct observation, and experiment and interview techniques alike,
• Retrospective studies related to The Law on The Protection of Personal Data,
• In the case reports, it must be stated that “Informed consent form” was taken,
• Approvals from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs that belong to others must be expressed and obtained.
• It must be noted that copyright regulations are observed for the intellectual and artistic works.

8) The submitted articles are first examined in terms of formal requirements. The article which do not comply with the publication and writing principles would be returned to the author in order to make the necessary corrections without subject to the content review.

9) The articles submitted to the journal for publication are sent to the related reviewers by the editorial board after the preliminary examination. With the report of two positive reviews, it is decided to publish the article and publishable issue of the journal is notified to the author. In case of two reviews give negative result, the article is not published. When positive and negative reviews are available for the same article, the decision on the article is given by the Editorial Board, with the consideration of the content of the reviews.

10) If the articles that are decided to be published after revisions by the reviews, the article returned to the author for the necessary corrections. The author makes corrections in a different colour. After the revisions, the reviewer's warnings are taken into account and checked again.

11) It is decided within three months that the articles sent to the journal will be published and the author is informed.

12) A maximum of two studies of the same author (copyright and translation) can be published in an issue.

13) No copyright fee is paid to the author for the published articles.

14) The academic and legal responsibility of the published work belongs to the author or authors.

*Journal electronic back up (access to archive) and publication process are protect from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/akademikincelemeler/archive

Last Update Time: 4/1/23, 10:42:18 AM

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Journal of Academic Inquiries accepts the Open Access Journal Policy for sharing knowledge.