Research Article
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Culturable Microbial Population Dynamics During Decomposition of Cola nitida Leaf Litters in A Tropical Soil Setting

Year 2005, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 313 - 319, 01.12.2005


The culturable aerobic heterotrophic bacterial and fungal distributions and population dynamics during decomposition of kolanut leaf litters were investigated between February 2002 and January 2003 using standard litterbag studies and microbial cultivation techniques in a confined and unconfined setting. Organic carbon and soil pH were also monitored in the experimental plot. Bacterial counts ranged between 6.0  105 and 8.1  107 cfu/g wet weight of litter or soil, while fungal counts were of the order of 103 – 104 cfu/g wet weight of litter or soil. Counts of bacteria and fungi were highest during the rainy season months and reduce on either sides of the rainy season divide. Bacteria diversity index ranged between 0.42 and 1.69, while fungal diversity index varied between 0.56 and 2.54, and a total of eighteen culturable bacterial and fourteen fungal strains were identified. The organic carbon contents of the leaf litters were consistently significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of the soils in the experimental plot and ranged between 13.42 and 59% for the leaf litter and 4.02 – 14.76% for the soil samples. pH of the soil samples were observed to vary between 5.3 and 7.98. We conclude that decomposition of kolanut leaf litters in a confined or unconfined setting does not appear to significantly affect the stability of the culturable microbial milieu.


  • Aerts, R., 1997. Climate, leaf litter chemistry and leaf litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: a triangular relationship. Oikos. 79: 439 - 499.
  • Amir, H. and Pineau R., 1998. Influence of plants and cropping on microbiological Characteristics of some new Caledonian Ultramafic Soils. Aust. J. Soil Res. 36(3): 457 – 470.
  • Areola, O., 1984. The characteristics and fertility status of the soils of the old cocoa farms of Ibadan region, Nigeria. Malays. J. Trop. Geogr. 10: 1-11.
  • Atlas, A.R. and Bartha, M., 1998. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications. 4th Edition. Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc. pp. 300–350.
  • Becker, W.M. and Deamer, D.W., 1991. The World of the Cell. Benjamin Cummings, Redwood City California, pp 32.
  • Bergey, 1977. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9th Edition. Buchanna, R.E.; Gibon, N.E.; Williams and Williams (Eds). Baltimore.
  • Black, C.A., 1965. Methods of Soil analysis. Agronomy No 9. Part 2. Amer. Soc. of Agron. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Dickinson, C.H. and Pugh, G.J.F., 1974. Biology of Plant Litter Decomposition. 2nd Volume Academic Press, New York.
  • Dilly, O.S., Bartsch, P., Rosenbrock, P., Buscot, F. and Munch, J.C., 2001. Shifts in physiological capabilities of the microbiota during the decomposition of leaf litter in a black alder (Alnus glutinosa (Gaertn.) L.) forest. Soil Biol. Biochem. 33: 921 – 930.
  • Dilly, O.,Bloem, J.,Vos, A. and Munch, J.C., 2004. Bacterial diversity in agricultural soils during litter decomposition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 70 (1): 468–474.
  • Ekanade, O., 1998. The nutrient status of soil under peasant cocoa farms varying ages in Southwestern Nigeria. Biol. Agric. Hort. 5: 155- 167.
  • Ekanade, O., Adesina, F.A. and Egbe, N.E., 1991. Sustaining tree crop production under land use: an investigation into soil quality under varying cropping patterns in Western Nigeria. J. Environ Man. 32: 105-113.
  • Fernando, H.C., Amanda, V. and Wright, J.S., 1994. Tropical forest litter decomposition under seasonal drought: nutrient release, fungi and bacteria. Oikos. 70: 183 - 190.
  • Hendrix, P.J., Parmelee, R.W., Crossley, D.A., Coleman, Goffman, P.M., 1986. Detritus food webs in conventional and no-tillage agrosystems. Bioscience. 36: 374 – 380. E.P. and
  • Huang, J.H., Han, G.X. and Chen, L.Z., 1998. Studies in litter decomposition process in a temperate forest ecosystem 1: Change of organic matter in Oak (Quercus liaolungensis koidz) twigs. Ecol. Res. 13: 163 – 170.
  • Jordan, C.F., 1989. An Amazonia rain forest: The structure stressed ecosystem and the impact of slash-and- burn agriculture. Man and Biosphere Serves. UNESCO Paris, France and Parthenon. nutrient
  • Martin, S.G., Juliet, B., Jules, N.P., Osborn, M. and Andrew, B.B., 2003. Soil type is the primary determinant of the composition of the total bacterial communities in arable soils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(3):1800-1809.
  • Neely, C.L., Beare, M.H., Hargrove, W.L. and Coleman, D.C., 1991. Relationships between fungal and bacterial substrate-induced respiration, biomass and plant residue decomposition. Soil Biol. Biochem. 23: 947 - 954.
  • Okoh, A., Ekanade, O., Olaniran, A., Ortiz, A., Maria, T. and Rodolfo, Q., 1999a. Comparison of the microbial distribution of the topsoil under different vegetation cover during dry and wet seasons in southwestern Nigeria. Microbes and environment 14(4): 227–231.
  • Okoh, I.A., Badejo, M.A., Nathaniel, I.T. and Tian, G. 1999b. Studies on the bacteria, fungi and springtails (Collembola) of an agroforestry arboretum in Nigeria. Pedobiologia. 43: 18 - 27.
  • Qiu, X.Z., Xie, S.C. and Liu, W.Y., 1998. Studies on the forest ecosystem in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, China. Yunnan Sciences and Technology Press, Cummings (in Chinese with English summary).
  • Seeley, H.W. and Vandenmmark, P.J., 1981. Microbes in action: a laboratory manual of microbiology. WH Freeman and Co. USA.
  • Shannon, C.E. and Weaver, W., 1963. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
  • Talbot, P.H.B., 1978. Principles of Fungal Taxonomy. Macmillan Press Ltd., London.
  • Zvyagintsev, D.G., 1994. Vertical distribution of microbial communities in soils, p. 29-37. In K. Ritz, J. Dighton, and K. E. Giller (ed.), Beyond the biomass. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri

Year 2005, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 313 - 319, 01.12.2005


Çürümekte olan Cola nitida yaprak artıklarında bulunan kültüre alınabilir aerobik, heterotrofik bakteri ve fungus dağılımı ve populasyon dinamikleri, Şubat 2002 ve Ocak 2003 tarihleri arasında çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, standart çöp-torba ve mikrobiyal kültivasyon teknikleri, dışa kapalı ve kapalı olmayan ortamlar düzeneğinde kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, organik karbon ve toprak pH’ sı takip edilmiştir. Bakteri sayıları 6.0 × 105 ve 8.1 × 107 cfu/g yaş artık veya toprak ağırlığı arasında değişirken, fungal sayımlar 103 – 104 cfu/g yaş artık veya toprak ağırlığı civarında olmuştur. Bakteri ve fungus sayıları en çok yağmurlu sezon içerisindeki aylarda olmuş, bunun dışındaki aylarda düşmüştür. Bakteri çeşitlilik indeksi 0.42 ve 1.69, fungal çeşitlilik indeksi ise 0.56 ve 2.54 arasında değişmiş ve toplam onsekiz kültüre alınabilir bakteri ve ondört fungal strain bulunmuştur. Yaprak artıklarında bulunan organik karbon miktarı toprakta bulunandan devamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuş, yaprak artıkları için % 13.42 ve 59.00 arasında değişirken, toprak örnekleri için % 4.02 ve 14.76 arasında seyretmiştir. Toprak örneklerinde pH, 5.3 ve 7.98 arasında bulunmuştur. Cola nitida yaprak artıklarının kapalı veya kapalı olmayan ortamlarda dekompozisyonun, kültüre alınabilir mikrobiyal ortamın stabilitesini önemli ölçüde etkilemediği sonucuna varılmıştır


  • Aerts, R., 1997. Climate, leaf litter chemistry and leaf litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: a triangular relationship. Oikos. 79: 439 - 499.
  • Amir, H. and Pineau R., 1998. Influence of plants and cropping on microbiological Characteristics of some new Caledonian Ultramafic Soils. Aust. J. Soil Res. 36(3): 457 – 470.
  • Areola, O., 1984. The characteristics and fertility status of the soils of the old cocoa farms of Ibadan region, Nigeria. Malays. J. Trop. Geogr. 10: 1-11.
  • Atlas, A.R. and Bartha, M., 1998. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications. 4th Edition. Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc. pp. 300–350.
  • Becker, W.M. and Deamer, D.W., 1991. The World of the Cell. Benjamin Cummings, Redwood City California, pp 32.
  • Bergey, 1977. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9th Edition. Buchanna, R.E.; Gibon, N.E.; Williams and Williams (Eds). Baltimore.
  • Black, C.A., 1965. Methods of Soil analysis. Agronomy No 9. Part 2. Amer. Soc. of Agron. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Dickinson, C.H. and Pugh, G.J.F., 1974. Biology of Plant Litter Decomposition. 2nd Volume Academic Press, New York.
  • Dilly, O.S., Bartsch, P., Rosenbrock, P., Buscot, F. and Munch, J.C., 2001. Shifts in physiological capabilities of the microbiota during the decomposition of leaf litter in a black alder (Alnus glutinosa (Gaertn.) L.) forest. Soil Biol. Biochem. 33: 921 – 930.
  • Dilly, O.,Bloem, J.,Vos, A. and Munch, J.C., 2004. Bacterial diversity in agricultural soils during litter decomposition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 70 (1): 468–474.
  • Ekanade, O., 1998. The nutrient status of soil under peasant cocoa farms varying ages in Southwestern Nigeria. Biol. Agric. Hort. 5: 155- 167.
  • Ekanade, O., Adesina, F.A. and Egbe, N.E., 1991. Sustaining tree crop production under land use: an investigation into soil quality under varying cropping patterns in Western Nigeria. J. Environ Man. 32: 105-113.
  • Fernando, H.C., Amanda, V. and Wright, J.S., 1994. Tropical forest litter decomposition under seasonal drought: nutrient release, fungi and bacteria. Oikos. 70: 183 - 190.
  • Hendrix, P.J., Parmelee, R.W., Crossley, D.A., Coleman, Goffman, P.M., 1986. Detritus food webs in conventional and no-tillage agrosystems. Bioscience. 36: 374 – 380. E.P. and
  • Huang, J.H., Han, G.X. and Chen, L.Z., 1998. Studies in litter decomposition process in a temperate forest ecosystem 1: Change of organic matter in Oak (Quercus liaolungensis koidz) twigs. Ecol. Res. 13: 163 – 170.
  • Jordan, C.F., 1989. An Amazonia rain forest: The structure stressed ecosystem and the impact of slash-and- burn agriculture. Man and Biosphere Serves. UNESCO Paris, France and Parthenon. nutrient
  • Martin, S.G., Juliet, B., Jules, N.P., Osborn, M. and Andrew, B.B., 2003. Soil type is the primary determinant of the composition of the total bacterial communities in arable soils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(3):1800-1809.
  • Neely, C.L., Beare, M.H., Hargrove, W.L. and Coleman, D.C., 1991. Relationships between fungal and bacterial substrate-induced respiration, biomass and plant residue decomposition. Soil Biol. Biochem. 23: 947 - 954.
  • Okoh, A., Ekanade, O., Olaniran, A., Ortiz, A., Maria, T. and Rodolfo, Q., 1999a. Comparison of the microbial distribution of the topsoil under different vegetation cover during dry and wet seasons in southwestern Nigeria. Microbes and environment 14(4): 227–231.
  • Okoh, I.A., Badejo, M.A., Nathaniel, I.T. and Tian, G. 1999b. Studies on the bacteria, fungi and springtails (Collembola) of an agroforestry arboretum in Nigeria. Pedobiologia. 43: 18 - 27.
  • Qiu, X.Z., Xie, S.C. and Liu, W.Y., 1998. Studies on the forest ecosystem in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, China. Yunnan Sciences and Technology Press, Cummings (in Chinese with English summary).
  • Seeley, H.W. and Vandenmmark, P.J., 1981. Microbes in action: a laboratory manual of microbiology. WH Freeman and Co. USA.
  • Shannon, C.E. and Weaver, W., 1963. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
  • Talbot, P.H.B., 1978. Principles of Fungal Taxonomy. Macmillan Press Ltd., London.
  • Zvyagintsev, D.G., 1994. Vertical distribution of microbial communities in soils, p. 29-37. In K. Ritz, J. Dighton, and K. E. Giller (ed.), Beyond the biomass. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, United Kingdom.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

B. O. Akpor This is me

A. İ. Okoh This is me

G. O. Babalola This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 18 Issue: 3


APA Akpor, B. O., Okoh, A. İ., & Babalola, G. O. (2005). Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 18(3), 313-319.
AMA Akpor BO, Okoh Aİ, Babalola GO. Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. December 2005;18(3):313-319.
Chicago Akpor, B. O., A. İ. Okoh, and G. O. Babalola. “Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola Nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 18, no. 3 (December 2005): 313-19.
EndNote Akpor BO, Okoh Aİ, Babalola GO (December 1, 2005) Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 18 3 313–319.
IEEE B. O. Akpor, A. İ. Okoh, and G. O. Babalola, “Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 313–319, 2005.
ISNAD Akpor, B. O. et al. “Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola Nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 18/3 (December 2005), 313-319.
JAMA Akpor BO, Okoh Aİ, Babalola GO. Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2005;18:313–319.
MLA Akpor, B. O. et al. “Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola Nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 18, no. 3, 2005, pp. 313-9.
Vancouver Akpor BO, Okoh Aİ, Babalola GO. Tropik Toprak Koşullarında Cola nitida Yaprak Artıklarının Parçalanması Sürecinde Kültüre Alınabilir Mikrobiyal Populasyon Dinamikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2005;18(3):313-9.