Research Article
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Effects of the Soil Applications of Municipal Sewage Sludge on Tomato Plant: II. Yield and Fruit Characteristics and Fruit Mineral Contents

Year 2003, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 97 - 106, 01.06.2003


In greenhouse experiment, the effects of different sewage sludges applied repeatedly to soil at different application rates for two years on tomato dry matter, fruit yield, fruit quality parameters and mineral contents of tomato plant were examined. Plant dry matter and fruit yield, mineral contents including N, P, K, Ca and Mg in fruits of tomato plant were increased by the increasing applications of sludge rates for each years. Differences of the characteristics of sludges were reflected to growth, yield and mineral contents of plants grown on sludge-applied soil. Mineral contents of tomato plant were higher in the second year by successive sludge applications. At low rates either of these sludges affected plant growth well, but depending on the sludge type, phytotoxicity and growth retard were determined by higher sludge application rates and successive sludge treatments. The findings on the effects of sludge differences, phytotoxicity and heavy metals accumulation in plant as a result of successive years applications of municipal sludge to greenhouse soil could be thought a noticeable examples for the safety reuse concerns of sludge in agriculture.


  • Anonim, 1974. Domates Salçası (TS 1598). Türk Standartları Enstitüsü yayını, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 1973. Analytical methods for atomic absorption spectrofotometry. Perkin Elmer Catolog, Norwalk, Connecticut, U.S.A.
  • Anonymous, 1996. The use of reclaimed water and sludge in food crop production. Environmental Pollution Agency. National research council. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Bayraktar, K. 1970. Sebze Yetiştirme. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, No. 169, İzmir.
  • Bouyoucos, G.D. 1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of the soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Bremner, J.M. 1965. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2, Chemical and microbiological properties. In Ed. C.A. Black, American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Pub. Agron Series, No. 9., Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
  • Chaney, R.L. 1990. Twenty years of land application research. Biocycle, september 54-59.
  • Çağlar, K.Ö. 1949. Toprak Bilgisi. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No. 10, Ankara.
  • Deska, J. and Kalembasa, S. 1995. Effect of substrates containing waste sludge on the biological value of tomato fruits. Zeszyty Problemowe Postepow Nauk Rolniczych, 429:87-93.
  • Gomez, I., Navarro-Pedreno, J., Mataix, J., Fragoso, M.A.C. and Beusichem, M.L. 1993. Effects of organic waste fertilization and saline irrigation on mineral composition of tomato leaves and fruits. Eighth International Colloquum for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition, 31 August-8 September, Lisbon, Portugal, 333-337.
  • Grewelling, T. and Peech, M. 1960. Chemical soil tests. Cornell University, Agr. Expt. Station Bull., 960.
  • Hızalan, A. ve Ünal, H. 1966. Topraklarda önemli kimyasal analizler. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları: 278, Yardımcı Ders Kitabı: 97, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Jackson, M.L. 1962. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Eng. Cliffs, U.S.A.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Bitki ve toprağın kimyasal analizleri, II. Bitki analizleri. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 453, Uygulama Klavuzu:155, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Kadunc, V., Mihelic, R. and Lobnik, F. 1994. Usability of compost from municipal sewage sludge and conifer bark in the plant production. Kmetijstvo, 63: 191-203.
  • Kalembasa, D. 1996. The effects of vermicompost on the yield and chemical composition of tomato. Zeszyty-Problemowe-Postepow-Nauk-Rolniczych, 437:249-252.
  • Linden, D.R., Clap, C.E. and Dowdy, R.H. 1983. Hydrologic management: nutrients. pp 79-103 in Proceedings of the workshop on utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge on land. Riverside, University of California.
  • Lindsay, W.L. and Norwell, W.A. 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 42:421-428.
  • Logan, T.J. and Chaney, L. 1983. Metals.pp In utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge on land. A.L. Page, T.L. Gleason, J.E., Smith, I.K., Iskender and C.E. Sommers, eds. Riverside.
  • Martens, D.C. and Westermann, D.T. 1991. Fertilizer applications for correcting micronutrient deficiencies in micronutrients in agriculture. Mortvedt, J.J. et al., eds., Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. Book Series, No. 4, Madison, Wisconsin, Amer. Soc. of Agronomy.
  • Miller, R.W.,Azzari, A.S. and Gardiner, D.T. 1995. Heavy metals in crops as affected by soil types and sewage sludge rates. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 26:5-6, 703-711.
  • Navaro-Pedreno, J., Gomez, I, Moral, R., Mataix, J., Van-Cleemput, O., Hofman, G. and Vermoesen, A. 1996. Nitrogen nutrition of tomato derived from the use of sewage sludge and almonds residue as fertilizers. Progress in nitrogen cycling studies: Proceedings of the Nitrogen Workshop held at the University of Ghent, 5-8 september 1994, 243-246.
  • Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S. and Dean, H.C. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Department of Agr. Cir. No. 939, Washington D.C.
  • Paulraj, C. and Ramulu, U.S. 1994. Effect of soil application of low levels of urban sewage sludge on the uptake of nutrients and yield of certain vegetables. Journal of the Indian society of soil science, 42(3):485-487.
  • Pedreno, J.N., Gomez, I., Moral, R. and Mataix, J. 1996. Improving the agricultural value of a semi-arid soil by addition of sewage sludge and almond residue. Utilisation of waste organic matter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 58(2-3):115-119.
  • Perez-Espinosa, A., Moreno-Caselles, J., Moral R. and Perez-Murcia, M.D., Gomez, I. 1999. Effect of sewage sludge and cobalt treatments on tomato fruit yield of certain vegetables. Journal of plant nutrition, 22(2):379-385.
  • Pinamonti, F. Stringari, G. and Zorzi, G. 1997. Use of compost in soilless cultivation. Compost science and utilization, 5(2):38-46.
  • Pratt, P.F. 1965. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2, Chemical and microbiological properties. In Ed. C.A. Black, American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Pub. Agron. Series, No. 9., Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
  • Saper, G.M. and Phillips, J.G. 1977. Tomato acidity and safety of home canned tomatoes. Hortscience, 12(3):204-208.
  • Sommers, L.E. 1997. Chemical composition of sewage sludges and analysis of their potential use as fertilizer. J. Environmental Quality, 6:225-232.
  • Tabatabai, M.A. and Frankerberger, W.T. 1979. Chemical composition of sewage sludges in Iowa. Agriculture and Home Economics Experimental Station, Iowa State University of Sci. and Technology Research Bulletin, 586.
  • Tirmizi, S.A., Javed, I., Saeed, A. and Samina, F. 1996. A study of the inorganic elements in vegetable and soil samples of the polluted and nonpolluted areas of Bahawalpur city (Pakistan). Hamdard-Medicus, 39(3):90-95.
  • Topcuoğlu, B., Önal, M.K. ve Arı, N. 2001. Toprağa kentsel katı atık kompostu ve kentsel atıksu arıtma çamuru uygulamalarının sera domatesinde kuru madde miktarı ve bazı bitki besin içerikleri üzerine etkisi. GAP II. Tarım Kongresi, 24-26 Ekim, Şanlıurfa.
  • Villarroel De, J.R., Chang, A.C. and Amrhein, C. 1993. Cd and Zn Phytoavailability of a field-stabilized sludge-treated soil. Soil Science, 155(3):197-205.

Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri

Year 2003, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 97 - 106, 01.06.2003


Sera denemesinde iki yıl yinelemeli olarak toprağa uygulanan farklı kentsel arıtma çamurlarının domates bitkisinde kuru madde, meyve ürün miktarları ve bazı meyve kalite özellikleri ile mineral içerikleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Toprağa artan miktarlarda uygulanan arıtma çamurları ile ilgili olarak her iki yıl domates bitkisinin kuru madde ve meyve ürün miktarları, ve meyvede N, P, K, Mg, Fe, içerikleri artmıştır. Arıtma çamurlarının niteliklerindeki farklılık, uygulandığı toprakta yetişen bitkilerin gelişme ve mineral içeriklerine yansımıştır. Arıtma çamurlarının yinelemeli uygulamalarında bitkide daha yüksek mineral içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Toprağa uygulanan çamurlar düşük düzeylerde bitki gelişimini olumlu etkilemiş, fakat yinelemeli uygulamalarda ve yüksek uygulama düzeylerinde, uygulanan çamur tipine bağlı olarak gelişimde duraklama ve fitotoksisite etkileri belirlenmiştir. Kentsel arıtma çamurunun sera toprağına yinelemeli uygulamalarının sonucu olarak, bitkide gözlenen fitotoksisite ve çamur etkilerinin farklılıkları üzerindeki bulgular arıtma çamurlarının tarımda güvenli geri kazanımı üzerindeki endişelere örnek teşkil etmektedir.


  • Anonim, 1974. Domates Salçası (TS 1598). Türk Standartları Enstitüsü yayını, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 1973. Analytical methods for atomic absorption spectrofotometry. Perkin Elmer Catolog, Norwalk, Connecticut, U.S.A.
  • Anonymous, 1996. The use of reclaimed water and sludge in food crop production. Environmental Pollution Agency. National research council. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Bayraktar, K. 1970. Sebze Yetiştirme. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, No. 169, İzmir.
  • Bouyoucos, G.D. 1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of the soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Bremner, J.M. 1965. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2, Chemical and microbiological properties. In Ed. C.A. Black, American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Pub. Agron Series, No. 9., Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
  • Chaney, R.L. 1990. Twenty years of land application research. Biocycle, september 54-59.
  • Çağlar, K.Ö. 1949. Toprak Bilgisi. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No. 10, Ankara.
  • Deska, J. and Kalembasa, S. 1995. Effect of substrates containing waste sludge on the biological value of tomato fruits. Zeszyty Problemowe Postepow Nauk Rolniczych, 429:87-93.
  • Gomez, I., Navarro-Pedreno, J., Mataix, J., Fragoso, M.A.C. and Beusichem, M.L. 1993. Effects of organic waste fertilization and saline irrigation on mineral composition of tomato leaves and fruits. Eighth International Colloquum for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition, 31 August-8 September, Lisbon, Portugal, 333-337.
  • Grewelling, T. and Peech, M. 1960. Chemical soil tests. Cornell University, Agr. Expt. Station Bull., 960.
  • Hızalan, A. ve Ünal, H. 1966. Topraklarda önemli kimyasal analizler. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları: 278, Yardımcı Ders Kitabı: 97, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Jackson, M.L. 1962. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Eng. Cliffs, U.S.A.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Bitki ve toprağın kimyasal analizleri, II. Bitki analizleri. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 453, Uygulama Klavuzu:155, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Kadunc, V., Mihelic, R. and Lobnik, F. 1994. Usability of compost from municipal sewage sludge and conifer bark in the plant production. Kmetijstvo, 63: 191-203.
  • Kalembasa, D. 1996. The effects of vermicompost on the yield and chemical composition of tomato. Zeszyty-Problemowe-Postepow-Nauk-Rolniczych, 437:249-252.
  • Linden, D.R., Clap, C.E. and Dowdy, R.H. 1983. Hydrologic management: nutrients. pp 79-103 in Proceedings of the workshop on utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge on land. Riverside, University of California.
  • Lindsay, W.L. and Norwell, W.A. 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 42:421-428.
  • Logan, T.J. and Chaney, L. 1983. Metals.pp In utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge on land. A.L. Page, T.L. Gleason, J.E., Smith, I.K., Iskender and C.E. Sommers, eds. Riverside.
  • Martens, D.C. and Westermann, D.T. 1991. Fertilizer applications for correcting micronutrient deficiencies in micronutrients in agriculture. Mortvedt, J.J. et al., eds., Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. Book Series, No. 4, Madison, Wisconsin, Amer. Soc. of Agronomy.
  • Miller, R.W.,Azzari, A.S. and Gardiner, D.T. 1995. Heavy metals in crops as affected by soil types and sewage sludge rates. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 26:5-6, 703-711.
  • Navaro-Pedreno, J., Gomez, I, Moral, R., Mataix, J., Van-Cleemput, O., Hofman, G. and Vermoesen, A. 1996. Nitrogen nutrition of tomato derived from the use of sewage sludge and almonds residue as fertilizers. Progress in nitrogen cycling studies: Proceedings of the Nitrogen Workshop held at the University of Ghent, 5-8 september 1994, 243-246.
  • Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S. and Dean, H.C. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Department of Agr. Cir. No. 939, Washington D.C.
  • Paulraj, C. and Ramulu, U.S. 1994. Effect of soil application of low levels of urban sewage sludge on the uptake of nutrients and yield of certain vegetables. Journal of the Indian society of soil science, 42(3):485-487.
  • Pedreno, J.N., Gomez, I., Moral, R. and Mataix, J. 1996. Improving the agricultural value of a semi-arid soil by addition of sewage sludge and almond residue. Utilisation of waste organic matter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 58(2-3):115-119.
  • Perez-Espinosa, A., Moreno-Caselles, J., Moral R. and Perez-Murcia, M.D., Gomez, I. 1999. Effect of sewage sludge and cobalt treatments on tomato fruit yield of certain vegetables. Journal of plant nutrition, 22(2):379-385.
  • Pinamonti, F. Stringari, G. and Zorzi, G. 1997. Use of compost in soilless cultivation. Compost science and utilization, 5(2):38-46.
  • Pratt, P.F. 1965. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2, Chemical and microbiological properties. In Ed. C.A. Black, American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Pub. Agron. Series, No. 9., Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
  • Saper, G.M. and Phillips, J.G. 1977. Tomato acidity and safety of home canned tomatoes. Hortscience, 12(3):204-208.
  • Sommers, L.E. 1997. Chemical composition of sewage sludges and analysis of their potential use as fertilizer. J. Environmental Quality, 6:225-232.
  • Tabatabai, M.A. and Frankerberger, W.T. 1979. Chemical composition of sewage sludges in Iowa. Agriculture and Home Economics Experimental Station, Iowa State University of Sci. and Technology Research Bulletin, 586.
  • Tirmizi, S.A., Javed, I., Saeed, A. and Samina, F. 1996. A study of the inorganic elements in vegetable and soil samples of the polluted and nonpolluted areas of Bahawalpur city (Pakistan). Hamdard-Medicus, 39(3):90-95.
  • Topcuoğlu, B., Önal, M.K. ve Arı, N. 2001. Toprağa kentsel katı atık kompostu ve kentsel atıksu arıtma çamuru uygulamalarının sera domatesinde kuru madde miktarı ve bazı bitki besin içerikleri üzerine etkisi. GAP II. Tarım Kongresi, 24-26 Ekim, Şanlıurfa.
  • Villarroel De, J.R., Chang, A.C. and Amrhein, C. 1993. Cd and Zn Phytoavailability of a field-stabilized sludge-treated soil. Soil Science, 155(3):197-205.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

M. K. Önal This is me

B. Topcuoğlu This is me

N. Arı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Önal, M. K., Topcuoğlu, B., & Arı, N. (2003). Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 16(1), 97-106.
AMA Önal MK, Topcuoğlu B, Arı N. Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. June 2003;16(1):97-106.
Chicago Önal, M. K., B. Topcuoğlu, and N. Arı. “Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme Ve Meyve Özellikleri Ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 16, no. 1 (June 2003): 97-106.
EndNote Önal MK, Topcuoğlu B, Arı N (June 1, 2003) Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 16 1 97–106.
IEEE M. K. Önal, B. Topcuoğlu, and N. Arı, “Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 97–106, 2003.
ISNAD Önal, M. K. et al. “Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme Ve Meyve Özellikleri Ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 16/1 (June 2003), 97-106.
JAMA Önal MK, Topcuoğlu B, Arı N. Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2003;16:97–106.
MLA Önal, M. K. et al. “Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme Ve Meyve Özellikleri Ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 16, no. 1, 2003, pp. 97-106.
Vancouver Önal MK, Topcuoğlu B, Arı N. Toprağa Uygulanan Kentsel Arıtma Çamurunun Domates Bitkisine Etkisi: II. Gelişme ve Meyve Özellikleri ile Meyvede Mineral İçerikleri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2003;16(1):97-106.