Mikromutasyon yöntemi uyarınca Kaya arpa çeşidinin verim kapasitesini arttırmayı amaçlayan bu çalışma 1985-1987 yılları arasında Bornova ve Tokat'ta yürütülmüştür. Gama ışınlarının 15 ve 30 krad dozları uygulanarak elde edilen M2 mutant populasyonlarında, makro mutant tipler sıkı bir şekilde seçildikten sonra, her iki yörede tarlalarda kalan normal görünüşlü bitkiler arasından tesadüfi örnekleme ile başlangıç populasyonları oluşturulmuştur. Daha sonra bu populasyonlardan % 25 oranında yüksek verimli bitkiler seçilmiştir. Seçilen bitkiler iki tekerrürlü tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde M3 generasyonu olarak sonraki yıl döl testine alınmışlardır. Her populasyon ayrı denemeye yerleştirilmiş, dane verimi için populasyon ortalaması, değişim aralığı ve kalıtım derecesi tahminleri elde edilmiştir. Mutant populasyonlar ile kontrolları arasındaki karşılaştırmalar bu istatistikler kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bu değerlendirmelerden sonra tüm M3 populasyonlarında dane verimi için ikinci bir seleksiyon uygulanmış ve beklenen genetik kazanç ve M4 döl ortalamaları tahminlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, özellikle 15 krad dozundan gelen mutant populasyonların tek bitki verimi bakımından kontroldan daha yüksek ortalama, değişim aralığı ve varyasyon katsayısına sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca tahmin edilen seleksiyon diferensiyalleri ile döl (M3) ortalamaları arasında sıkı bir uyum bulunmuştur. Parsel verimi için yapılan seleksiyandan sonra mutant populasyonlarda yüksek genetik kazançlar tahmin edilmiştir. Genetik kazançları M3 ortalamalarına ekleyerek hesaplanan beklenen M4 ortalamaları özellikle 15 krad populasyonlarında belirgin olarak yüksek olmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar, Kaya mutant populasyonlarında dane verimi için kalıtsal varyasyon bulunduğunu ve bu varyasyondan seleksiyon yoluyla yararlanmanın mümkün olduğunu göstermiştir.
Bhatia.C.R. and M.S.Swaminathan, 1962. Induced polygenic variability in bread wheat and its bearing on selection procedures. Z.Pflanzenzuchtg. 48: 317-326.
Borojevic,K., 1965. The effects of irradiation and selection after irradiation on the number of kernels perspike in wheat. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.505-513.
Borojevic,K., 1966. Studies on radiation induced mutations in quantitative characters of wheat (Triticim vulgare). In: Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Vienna, pp.15-37.
Brock,R.D., 1965. Induced mutations affeeting quantitative character. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, Radiat. Bot. Suppl. S:251-264.
Gaul,H., 1964. Mutations in Plant Breeding. Radiat. Bot. 4:155-232.
Gaul,H.,1965. The concept of macro- and micro- mutations and results on induced micro-mutations in barley. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.407-428.
Gaul,H., 1966. Züchterische bedeutung von klein-mutationen. I.Durch röntgenstrachlen induzierte variabilitat von kornertrag, korngrösse und vegetationslange bei dei gerste haisa II.Z.Pflanzenzuchtg. 55:1-20.
Gaul,H.P.K., E.Ulonska, C.zum Winkel and G.Braker, 1969. Micro-mutations influencing yield in barley-studies over nine generations. In: Induced Mutations in plants, IAEA, Vienna, pp,375-398.
Gill,K.S., K.S.Bains and K.Chand, 1974. Differantial response of mutagens in inducing genetic variation in metrical traits in barley. Z.Pflanzenzuchtg. 71:117-123.
Gordon,I.L., D.E.Byth and L.N.Balaam, 1972. Variance of heritability ratios estimated from phenotypic variance components. Biometrics 28:401-415.
Gustafsson,A., U.Lundqvist and G.Ekman, 1968. Yield analysis after repeated mutagenic treatment and selection in barley. In: Mutations in Plant Breeding II, IAEA, Vienna, pp.113-128,
Hadjichristodoulou,A., A.Della and B.O.Eggum, 1984. Improvement of protein content and yield in barley by mutation breeding in a semi-arid arei. In: Cereal Grain Protein Improvement, IAEA, Vienna, pp.57-70.
Hansel,H., W.Simon and K.Ehrendorfer, 1972. Mutation breeding for yield and kernel performance in spring barley. In: Induced Mutations and Plant Improvement, IAEA, Vienna, pp.221-235.
Scossiroli,R.E., 1965. Value of induced mutations for quantitative characters in plant breeding. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.443-450.
Scossirolu,R.E., 1966. Wheat mutagenesis in quantitative traits. Hereditas, Suppl. 2:85-101.
Scossiroli,R.E., 1967, Induction of mutations for quantitative characters. Abhand Deutschen Akademie Wissensch. Zu Berlin. Klasse für Medizin No:2, Akademia- Verlag, Berlin, pp.283-386.
Steel,R.G.D. and J.H.Torrie, 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Mc Graw Hill Book Comp. N.Y.
Yıldırım,M.B., 1980, Buğday Mutant Populasyonları üzerinde Seleksiyon Çalışmaları. E.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yayınları, No:427, Bornova.
Yıldırım,M.B., M.İ.Çağırgan and İ.Turgut, 1987. Arpa Mutant Populasyonları üzerinde Seleksiyon Çalışması. Türkiye Tahıl Sempozyumu, 6-9 Ekim 1987, TÜBİTAK, Bursa, pp.473-481.
Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley
Year 1991,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1-2, 1 - 10, 01.12.1991
An applied micromutation study in barley mas planned to increase the yielding capacity without changing drastically other agronomic traits of the "Kaya" variety. In accord with this aim, base populations of the variety irradiated with gamma rays were built up by selecting normal-appearing single plants randomly in the M2 generation grown at 2 locations in 1985-1986. The control populations were also constructed by applying the same procedure. Mass selection for plant yield was applied to the base populations and selected individuals were tested as during the 1986-1987. The population means, ranges and the heritabilities were estimated. Mutant populations were compared with their controls and then a second step selection for grain yield was applied in the all populations and the expected genetic gains were calculated. The results obtained have shown that mutant populations, particularly those from 15 krad, expressed higher means, ranges, and variation for the plant yield than those of the control populations. Selection differentials for mutant populations were also higher than those of the control and they were in agreement with the actual population means of the M3 generation. After the second step selection for grain yield in M3, the expected populations means of the M4 generation obtained by adding the genetic gains to the means of the M3 generation were considerably higher as compared to the expected means of the control populations. It was finally concluded that induced variation in the mutant populations could be effectively utilized by selection.
Bhatia.C.R. and M.S.Swaminathan, 1962. Induced polygenic variability in bread wheat and its bearing on selection procedures. Z.Pflanzenzuchtg. 48: 317-326.
Borojevic,K., 1965. The effects of irradiation and selection after irradiation on the number of kernels perspike in wheat. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.505-513.
Borojevic,K., 1966. Studies on radiation induced mutations in quantitative characters of wheat (Triticim vulgare). In: Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Vienna, pp.15-37.
Brock,R.D., 1965. Induced mutations affeeting quantitative character. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, Radiat. Bot. Suppl. S:251-264.
Gaul,H., 1964. Mutations in Plant Breeding. Radiat. Bot. 4:155-232.
Gaul,H.,1965. The concept of macro- and micro- mutations and results on induced micro-mutations in barley. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.407-428.
Gaul,H., 1966. Züchterische bedeutung von klein-mutationen. I.Durch röntgenstrachlen induzierte variabilitat von kornertrag, korngrösse und vegetationslange bei dei gerste haisa II.Z.Pflanzenzuchtg. 55:1-20.
Gaul,H.P.K., E.Ulonska, C.zum Winkel and G.Braker, 1969. Micro-mutations influencing yield in barley-studies over nine generations. In: Induced Mutations in plants, IAEA, Vienna, pp,375-398.
Gill,K.S., K.S.Bains and K.Chand, 1974. Differantial response of mutagens in inducing genetic variation in metrical traits in barley. Z.Pflanzenzuchtg. 71:117-123.
Gordon,I.L., D.E.Byth and L.N.Balaam, 1972. Variance of heritability ratios estimated from phenotypic variance components. Biometrics 28:401-415.
Gustafsson,A., U.Lundqvist and G.Ekman, 1968. Yield analysis after repeated mutagenic treatment and selection in barley. In: Mutations in Plant Breeding II, IAEA, Vienna, pp.113-128,
Hadjichristodoulou,A., A.Della and B.O.Eggum, 1984. Improvement of protein content and yield in barley by mutation breeding in a semi-arid arei. In: Cereal Grain Protein Improvement, IAEA, Vienna, pp.57-70.
Hansel,H., W.Simon and K.Ehrendorfer, 1972. Mutation breeding for yield and kernel performance in spring barley. In: Induced Mutations and Plant Improvement, IAEA, Vienna, pp.221-235.
Scossiroli,R.E., 1965. Value of induced mutations for quantitative characters in plant breeding. In: The Use of Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.443-450.
Scossirolu,R.E., 1966. Wheat mutagenesis in quantitative traits. Hereditas, Suppl. 2:85-101.
Scossiroli,R.E., 1967, Induction of mutations for quantitative characters. Abhand Deutschen Akademie Wissensch. Zu Berlin. Klasse für Medizin No:2, Akademia- Verlag, Berlin, pp.283-386.
Steel,R.G.D. and J.H.Torrie, 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Mc Graw Hill Book Comp. N.Y.
Yıldırım,M.B., 1980, Buğday Mutant Populasyonları üzerinde Seleksiyon Çalışmaları. E.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yayınları, No:427, Bornova.
Yıldırım,M.B., M.İ.Çağırgan and İ.Turgut, 1987. Arpa Mutant Populasyonları üzerinde Seleksiyon Çalışması. Türkiye Tahıl Sempozyumu, 6-9 Ekim 1987, TÜBİTAK, Bursa, pp.473-481.
Yıldırım, B. M., & Çağırgan, M. İ. (1991). Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 4(1-2), 1-10.
Yıldırım BM, Çağırgan Mİ. Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. December 1991;4(1-2):1-10.
Yıldırım, B. Metin, and M. İlhan Çağırgan. “Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert Ain Mutant Populations of Barley”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 4, no. 1-2 (December 1991): 1-10.
Yıldırım BM, Çağırgan Mİ (December 1, 1991) Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 4 1-2 1–10.
B. M. Yıldırım and M. İ. Çağırgan, “Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 1–10, 1991.
Yıldırım, B. Metin - Çağırgan, M. İlhan. “Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert Ain Mutant Populations of Barley”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 4/1-2 (December 1991), 1-10.
Yıldırım BM, Çağırgan Mİ. Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1991;4:1–10.
Yıldırım, B. Metin and M. İlhan Çağırgan. “Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert Ain Mutant Populations of Barley”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 4, no. 1-2, 1991, pp. 1-10.
Yıldırım BM, Çağırgan Mİ. Selection Studies For Grain Yield In Cert ain Mutant Populations of Barley. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1991;4(1-2):1-10.