Asmalarda tomurcuk dinlenmesi ve dinlenmeyi kesen maddeler incelenmiştir. Hidrojen siyanamid tomurcuklarda ve tohumlarda dinlenmeyi kesen yeni geliştirilmiş bir bitki büyüme düzenleyicisidir. Hidrojen siyanamidin bitkiler tarafından alınma metabolizması, kimyasal ue fiziksel özellikleri açıklanmıştır. Hidrojen siyanamid, aşağıda belirtilen amaçlar için asma gözlerinin uyanmasında kullanılabilir: 1. Erken uyanma yoluyla üzümlerin olgunlaşmasını öne almak, 2. Uzun budanan çeşitlerde uyanmayan göz sayısını azaltmak, 3. Tropik e subtropik bölgelerde uyanmayı düzenleyerek yılda iki ürün almak.
Antcliff,A.J. and P.May, 1961. Dormancy and bud burst in Sultana vines. Vitis, 3, 1, 1-14.
Burnett, J.J., 1985. Advancing ripening of table grapes. Deciduous Fruit Grower, 35, 8, 281-283.
Erez,A., 1987. Chemical control of budbreak. Hortscience, 22, 6, 1240-1243.
Eriş,A., 1977. Sıcaklık şokunun gerçek dinlenmedeki asma kışlık tomurcuklarına etkisi. Bitki. 4, 4, 533-537.
Eriş,A. ve H,Çelik, 1981. Effects of some plant growth regulators on bud burst and rooting of Vitis yinifera Chaush cuttings. J.Amer.Enol.Vitic., 32, 2, 122-124.
Eriş,A., 1981. Asmalarda kışlık tomurcukların dinlenmeye sürmeleri ile bunlara neden olan bazı faktörler üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yayınları. No: 768.
Eriş,A., 1982. Ankara koşullarında yetiştirilen bazı üzüm çeşitlerinin soğuk gereksinimleri ve dona dayanımlarının saptanması üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yayınları, No: 856.
Ferrer,J.E.0., 1987. Efecto de cianamide hidrogenada sobre la brotacion de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) en condiciones dela zona central de Chile. Tesis, Santiago, Chile.
Foott.H.J., 1987. Effect of Hydrogen cyanamide on bud emergence in wine grapes. Calif.Agric., 41, 3-4, 19.
George,A.P., R.J.Nissen and J.A.Baker, 1988. Effect of cyanamide in manipulating budburst and advancing fruit maturity of table grapes in southeastern Queensland.flustr.J.Exp.Agric., 28, 533-538.
Goldbach.H., C.H.Thaler, A.Wunsch and A.Amberger, 1988. Decomposition of 14C- labelled cyanamide in Vitis vinifera cuttings. Plant Physiol., 133, 299-303.
Iwasaki,K. and R.J.Weaver, 1977. Effect of chilling, calcium cyanamide and bud scale removal on break, rooting and inhibitor content of buds of "Zindanfel" grape (Vitis vinifera L.) J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci., 102, 584- 587.
Jordan,D., 1986. Early maturity. The chemical way. Grapegrower and Winemaker, 59-61.
Kurci,I., 1986. Effect of calcium cyanamide and cyanamide on bud break of "Kyoho" grape. Vitis Abst., 25, 3, 64.
Lavee, S., 1987. Usefullness of growth regulators for controlling vine growth and improving grape guality in intensive vineyards. Acta Horticulturae. 206, 89-108.
Lin,C.H. and T.Y.Wang., 1985. Enhancement of bud sprouting in grape in grape single bud cuttings by cyanamide. Am. J.Enol.Vitic., 36, 1, 15-17.
Lin.C.H., J.H.Lin, L.R.Chang and H.S.Lin., 1985, The regulation of the Golden Muscat grape production season in Taiwan, Am.J.Enol.Vitic., 36, 2, 114- 117.
Lin.C.H., 1987. Chemical induction of multiple cropping of grape in Taiwan. Acta Horticulturae, 199, 91-99.
Lin,H.S., J.H.Lin, W.J.Liaw and L.R.Chang. 1983. The application of cyanamide on termination of dormancy in Kyoho grapevine bud. (I) in vitro cutting test.Natl.Sci.Counc.Monthly, ROC, 11, 4, 291-300.
Lin,H.S., L.R.Chang, J.H.Lin and W.J.Liaw, 1983. The application of cyanamide on termination of domancy in grapevine bud. (II) Field test.Proc.Nati. Sci. Counc.ROC(A), 7, 4, 237-242.
Martin.G.C., 1984. An introduction to bud dormancy.Proc. "Bud dormancy on grapevines" Int.Sem., 1-4.
Mattioda.H., F.Fave, P.Dumartin and J.J.Payan, 1986. Utilisation du SKW 83010 (Cyanamide Hydrogene) pour L'ameloration du debourrement de la vigne en France. Ill e symp. Int. sur la Phys. de la Uigne. Bordeaux. 61-67.
Mc Coll.C.R., 1986. Cyanamide advances the maturity of table grapes in central Australia.Aust.J.Exp.Agric., 26, 505-509.
Orffer.C.J. and P.G.Goussard, 1980. Effect of hot water treatments on bud burst and rooting of grapevines cuttings. Vitis, 19, 1-3.
Shikhamany.S.D. and N.N.Reddy, 1989. Comparative efficacy of cyanamide and thiourea sprays on budbreak in Thompson Seedless grape. Indian grape J., 3-5, 37-42.
Shulman,Y.,G.Nir, L.Fanberstein and S.Lavee, 1983. The effect of cyanamide on the release from dormancy of grapevine buds. Scientia Horticulture, 19, 97-104.
Shulman.Y., G.Nir and S.Lavee, 1986. Oxidative processesin bud dormancy and the use of hydrogen cyanamide in breaking dormancy, Acta Horticulturae 179, 141-148.
Smit,C.J., 1985. Advancing and improving bud break in vines. Decudious Fruit Grower, 35, 8, 271-278.
Smit.C.J. and J.J.Burnett, 1986. The use of cyanamide as dormancy breaker in vines. Farming in South Africa, VORT, No:172.
Spiegel-Roy,P., Y.Shulman, I.Baron and e.Ashbel, 1987. Effect of cyanamide in overcoming grape seed dormancy. Hortscience, 22, 2, 208-210.
Turner,J.O. and B.Sham, 1989. Cyanamide promotes better early grapes. Queensland Fruit Veg.News, 15-18.
Vilsmeier.K. und A.Amberger, 1988. Aufname und metabolismus von 15N-markiertem cyanamid durch rebenestecklinge. Vitis, 27, 223-228.
Weaver,R.J., L.Manivel and F.L.Jensen, 1974. The effect of growth regulators, temperature and drying on Vitis vinifera buds Vitis, 13, 23-29.
Williams,L.E., 1987. The effect of cyanamide on budbreak and vine development of Thompson Seedless grapevines in the San loaquin Valley of California. Vitis, 26, 107-113.
Zelleke.A. and W.M.Kliewer, 1989. The effects of hydrogen cyanamide on enhancing the time and amount of budbreak in young grape vineyards.Am.J.Enol. Vitic.., 40, 1, 47-51.
Use of Hydrogen Cyanamidc in Budbreak of Grapevines
Year 1990,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1-2, 13 - 24, 01.12.1990
Bud dormancy of grapevines and dormancy breakers were studied. Hydrogen cyanamide is a newly developed plant regulator which breaks dormancy in buds and seeds. Chemical and physical properties and uptake metabolism by plants of hydrogen cyanamide were explained. Hydrogen cyanamide can be used in budbreak of grapevines for some purposes as follows: 1. To advance the maturity of grapes by early budbreak, 2. To decrease the ratio of blind buds in cane pruned cultivars, 3. To harvest two crops per year regulating budbreak in tropical and subtropical regions.
Antcliff,A.J. and P.May, 1961. Dormancy and bud burst in Sultana vines. Vitis, 3, 1, 1-14.
Burnett, J.J., 1985. Advancing ripening of table grapes. Deciduous Fruit Grower, 35, 8, 281-283.
Erez,A., 1987. Chemical control of budbreak. Hortscience, 22, 6, 1240-1243.
Eriş,A., 1977. Sıcaklık şokunun gerçek dinlenmedeki asma kışlık tomurcuklarına etkisi. Bitki. 4, 4, 533-537.
Eriş,A. ve H,Çelik, 1981. Effects of some plant growth regulators on bud burst and rooting of Vitis yinifera Chaush cuttings. J.Amer.Enol.Vitic., 32, 2, 122-124.
Eriş,A., 1981. Asmalarda kışlık tomurcukların dinlenmeye sürmeleri ile bunlara neden olan bazı faktörler üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yayınları. No: 768.
Eriş,A., 1982. Ankara koşullarında yetiştirilen bazı üzüm çeşitlerinin soğuk gereksinimleri ve dona dayanımlarının saptanması üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yayınları, No: 856.
Ferrer,J.E.0., 1987. Efecto de cianamide hidrogenada sobre la brotacion de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) en condiciones dela zona central de Chile. Tesis, Santiago, Chile.
Foott.H.J., 1987. Effect of Hydrogen cyanamide on bud emergence in wine grapes. Calif.Agric., 41, 3-4, 19.
George,A.P., R.J.Nissen and J.A.Baker, 1988. Effect of cyanamide in manipulating budburst and advancing fruit maturity of table grapes in southeastern Queensland.flustr.J.Exp.Agric., 28, 533-538.
Goldbach.H., C.H.Thaler, A.Wunsch and A.Amberger, 1988. Decomposition of 14C- labelled cyanamide in Vitis vinifera cuttings. Plant Physiol., 133, 299-303.
Iwasaki,K. and R.J.Weaver, 1977. Effect of chilling, calcium cyanamide and bud scale removal on break, rooting and inhibitor content of buds of "Zindanfel" grape (Vitis vinifera L.) J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci., 102, 584- 587.
Jordan,D., 1986. Early maturity. The chemical way. Grapegrower and Winemaker, 59-61.
Kurci,I., 1986. Effect of calcium cyanamide and cyanamide on bud break of "Kyoho" grape. Vitis Abst., 25, 3, 64.
Lavee, S., 1987. Usefullness of growth regulators for controlling vine growth and improving grape guality in intensive vineyards. Acta Horticulturae. 206, 89-108.
Lin,C.H. and T.Y.Wang., 1985. Enhancement of bud sprouting in grape in grape single bud cuttings by cyanamide. Am. J.Enol.Vitic., 36, 1, 15-17.
Lin.C.H., J.H.Lin, L.R.Chang and H.S.Lin., 1985, The regulation of the Golden Muscat grape production season in Taiwan, Am.J.Enol.Vitic., 36, 2, 114- 117.
Lin.C.H., 1987. Chemical induction of multiple cropping of grape in Taiwan. Acta Horticulturae, 199, 91-99.
Lin,H.S., J.H.Lin, W.J.Liaw and L.R.Chang. 1983. The application of cyanamide on termination of dormancy in Kyoho grapevine bud. (I) in vitro cutting test.Natl.Sci.Counc.Monthly, ROC, 11, 4, 291-300.
Lin,H.S., L.R.Chang, J.H.Lin and W.J.Liaw, 1983. The application of cyanamide on termination of domancy in grapevine bud. (II) Field test.Proc.Nati. Sci. Counc.ROC(A), 7, 4, 237-242.
Martin.G.C., 1984. An introduction to bud dormancy.Proc. "Bud dormancy on grapevines" Int.Sem., 1-4.
Mattioda.H., F.Fave, P.Dumartin and J.J.Payan, 1986. Utilisation du SKW 83010 (Cyanamide Hydrogene) pour L'ameloration du debourrement de la vigne en France. Ill e symp. Int. sur la Phys. de la Uigne. Bordeaux. 61-67.
Mc Coll.C.R., 1986. Cyanamide advances the maturity of table grapes in central Australia.Aust.J.Exp.Agric., 26, 505-509.
Orffer.C.J. and P.G.Goussard, 1980. Effect of hot water treatments on bud burst and rooting of grapevines cuttings. Vitis, 19, 1-3.
Shikhamany.S.D. and N.N.Reddy, 1989. Comparative efficacy of cyanamide and thiourea sprays on budbreak in Thompson Seedless grape. Indian grape J., 3-5, 37-42.
Shulman,Y.,G.Nir, L.Fanberstein and S.Lavee, 1983. The effect of cyanamide on the release from dormancy of grapevine buds. Scientia Horticulture, 19, 97-104.
Shulman.Y., G.Nir and S.Lavee, 1986. Oxidative processesin bud dormancy and the use of hydrogen cyanamide in breaking dormancy, Acta Horticulturae 179, 141-148.
Smit,C.J., 1985. Advancing and improving bud break in vines. Decudious Fruit Grower, 35, 8, 271-278.
Smit.C.J. and J.J.Burnett, 1986. The use of cyanamide as dormancy breaker in vines. Farming in South Africa, VORT, No:172.
Spiegel-Roy,P., Y.Shulman, I.Baron and e.Ashbel, 1987. Effect of cyanamide in overcoming grape seed dormancy. Hortscience, 22, 2, 208-210.
Turner,J.O. and B.Sham, 1989. Cyanamide promotes better early grapes. Queensland Fruit Veg.News, 15-18.
Vilsmeier.K. und A.Amberger, 1988. Aufname und metabolismus von 15N-markiertem cyanamid durch rebenestecklinge. Vitis, 27, 223-228.
Weaver,R.J., L.Manivel and F.L.Jensen, 1974. The effect of growth regulators, temperature and drying on Vitis vinifera buds Vitis, 13, 23-29.
Williams,L.E., 1987. The effect of cyanamide on budbreak and vine development of Thompson Seedless grapevines in the San loaquin Valley of California. Vitis, 26, 107-113.
Zelleke.A. and W.M.Kliewer, 1989. The effects of hydrogen cyanamide on enhancing the time and amount of budbreak in young grape vineyards.Am.J.Enol. Vitic.., 40, 1, 47-51.
Uzun, H. İ. (1990). Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 3(1-2), 13-24.
Uzun Hİ. Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. December 1990;3(1-2):13-24.
Uzun, H. İbrahim. “Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 3, no. 1-2 (December 1990): 13-24.
Uzun Hİ (December 1, 1990) Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 3 1-2 13–24.
H. İ. Uzun, “Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 3, no. 1-2, pp. 13–24, 1990.
Uzun, H. İbrahim. “Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 3/1-2 (December 1990), 13-24.
Uzun Hİ. Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1990;3:13–24.
Uzun, H. İbrahim. “Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 3, no. 1-2, 1990, pp. 13-24.
Uzun Hİ. Asmalarda Gözlerin Uyanmasında Hidrojen Siyanamid Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1990;3(1-2):13-24.