Types of miraculousness found in the Qur'an such as its eloquence,
rhetoric, linguistic and artistic style; contain their own unique aesthetic
style. Many scholars and researchers have dedicated a lot of studies
around them. Nevertheless, they still need more attention because they
address a book that is not in similitude to other books. Namely, it is the
book of God that is inexhaustible and its wonders do not come to an
end. It is the book that has always remained young, vital and new just
like the first time it was revealed. It is the book which the Quraish infidels
could not counter with any chapter or verse of its kind. Moreover,
neither humans nor jinn have ever been able to come up with its
similitude even if they gathered for that aim because it is the miraculous
book revealed from God Almighty.
The rhetoric miracle of the Qura'n includes multiple and diverse
elements, including meaning. The Holy Scripture of Qur'an possesses
deep meanings on which prudent and clever minds would bewildered. In
addition to deep meanings, the Qur'an possesses a distinguished style. Its
style is unique and brilliant as well as marvelous and persuasive. No one
has ever been able to imitate it neither will anyone ever be able to. The
Quran is also superior in its wording as it is exceptional in terms of style
and account. Its wording is eloquent and smooth. Its reader would never
feel bored or unsatisfied. Many linguistics and scholars of eloquence
testify to this fact. Moreover, it is distinguished by its pure declaration as
the highest state of oratory. Nursi refers to the fact that man made laws
and legislation get old, shift and change. On the contrary, the provisions
of the Qur'an and its laws gain more fortitude and firmness so that they
become more durable as time passes by.
Nursi believes that such profound methods in the Qur'an constitute two
types of discourse. The first type targets polytheists in Mecca. They were
illiterate and did not have a book. Thus, the verses revealed in Mecca
dealt with the issue of faith and unity of God. The style which is used to address these important issues is supreme, brief and miraculous. The
second type of rhetoric in the Qur'an addressed Jews and Christians who
were the people of the book. They believed in God and revered His
books. Thus, the verses and their style came in accordance with their
state of faith. The style was easy, smooth and clear. That is why verses
revealed in Medinah are usually adopting this easy and direct manner.
النورسي والبعد الجمالي في أسلوبيات القرآن الكريم
Nursi and the Aesthetic Dimensions of the Qur’an’s Literary Styles
Prof. Dr. ‘Imaduddin Khalil
Types of miraculousness found in the Qur'an such as its eloquence, rhetoric, linguistic and artistic style; contain their own unique aesthetic style. Many scholars and researchers have dedicated a lot of studies around them. Nevertheless, they still need more attention because they address a book that is not in similitude to other books. Namely, it is the book of God that is inexhaustible and its wonders do not come to an end. It is the book that has always remained young, vital and new just like the first time it was revealed. It is the book which the Quraish infidels could not counter with any chapter or verse of its kind. Moreover, neither humans nor jinn have ever been able to come up with its similitude even if they gathered for that aim because it is the miraculous book revealed from God Almighty.
The rhetoric miracle of the Qura'n includes multiple and diverse elements, including meaning. The Holy Scripture of Qur'an possesses deep meanings on which prudent and clever minds would bewildered. In addition to deep meanings, the Qur'an possesses a distinguished style. Its style is unique and brilliant as well as marvelous and persuasive. No one has ever been able to imitate it neither will anyone ever be able to. The Quran is also superior in its wording as it is exceptional in terms of style and account. Its wording is eloquent and smooth. Its reader would never feel bored or unsatisfied. Many linguistics and scholars of eloquence testify to this fact. Moreover, it is distinguished by its pure declaration as the highest state of oratory. Nursi refers to the fact that man made laws and legislation get old, shift and change. On the contrary, the provisions of the Qur'an and its laws gain more fortitude and firmness so that they become more durable as time passes by.
Nursi believes that such profound methods in the Qur'an constitute two types of discourse. The first type targets polytheists in Mecca. They were illiterate and did not have a book. Thus, the verses revealed in Mecca dealt with the issue of faith and unity of God. The style which is used to address these important issues is supreme, brief and miraculous. The second type of rhetoric in the Qur'an addressed Jews and Christians who were the people of the book. They believed in God and revered His books. Thus, the verses and their style came in accordance with their state of faith. The style was easy, smooth and clear. That is why verses revealed in Medinah are usually adopting this easy and direct manner.
Key words: Risale-i Nur, Quran, Aesthetics, Rhetoric, Eloquence
– ملخص البحث –
أ.د. عماد الدين خليل
تنطوي أصناف الإعجاز في القرآن الكريم ومنها البلاغي أو البياني أو الأدبي أو اللغوي أو الفني على جمالياته الخاصة، وقد تناولها علماء أجلة وكَتب فيها الباحثون الكثير من الدراسات، ومع ذلك فهي لازالت في حاجة إلى المزيد لأنها تتطرق لكتاب يختلف عن سائر الكتب، ألا وهو كتاب اللّٰه الذي لا ينضب ولا تنقضي عجائبه، والذي حافظ وما يزال يحافـظ على طراوته وشبابيته وغرابته مثلما نزل أول مرة، ورغم ذلك لم يستطع كفار قريش أن يأتوا بمثله ولا بسورة مثله ولا بآية مثله، بل يعجز الجن والإنس على الإتيان بمثله ولو اجتمعوا له، ولن يستطيعوا أن يأتوا بأقل من ذلك، لأنه الكتاب المعجز الذي أنزل من عند اللّٰه عز وجل.
ويتضمن الإعجاز البلاغي للقرآن الكريم عناصر متعددة ومتنوعة، منها المعنى، فالكتاب الكريم يتحلى بمعاني عميقة ودقيقة يحار فيها العقل المتدبر والمتفكر، وكذلك نجد عنصر الأسلوب الذي يتميز به كتاب اللّٰه عز وجل، إنه غريب وبديع، كما هو عجيب ومقنع، لم يقلد أحدا قط ولا يستطيع أحد أن يقلده. وكذلك عنصر اللفظ، فالقرآن كما هو بليغ خارق من حيث أسلوبه وبيان معناه، فهو فصيح في غاية السلاسة في لفظه، والدليل علىى ذلك هو عدم إيراثه السأم والملل، كما يشهد علماء البيان والمعاني على ذلك، بالإضافة إلى عنصر البيان من حيث كونه أعلى مرتبة من مراتب الخطاب... ويشير الأستاذ إلى أن آثار البشر وقوانينه تشيب وتهرم، وتتغير وتتبدل، إلا أن أحكام القرآن وقوانينه لها من الثبات والرسوخ بحيث تظهر متانتها أكثر كلما مرت العصور.
يرى النورسي أن هذه الأساليب العميقة في القرآن الكريم تشكل نوعين من الخطاب يستهدف المعارضين في مكة وهم مشركو قريش وهم أميون لا كتاب لهم، فاقتضت البلاغة أسلوبا عاليا قويا، لذا بحثت أغلب السور المكية أركان الإيمان ومراتب التوحيد بأسلوب في غاية القوة والعلو وبإيجاز في غاية الإعجاز، فأثبتت أركان الإيمان إثباتا جعل علماء البلاغة يقفون حيارى مبهوتين أمام هذا الأسلوب المعجز. والنوع الثاني كان من اليهود والنصارى وهم أهل كتاب مؤمنون باللّٰه، فاقتضت قواعد البلاغة وأساليب الإرشاد وأسس التبليغ أن يكون الخطاب الموجه لهم مطابقا لواقع حالهم، فجاء بأسلوب سهل واضح سلس، لذا فغالبا ما نجد الآيات المدنية واضحة سلسة بأسلوب بياني معجز خاص بالقرآن الكريم.
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | ARTICLES |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 15, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 Issue: 13 |