Writing Rules


Anatolian Academy Social Sciences Journal (ASBID) (ISSN 2667-5471) is a double-blind which started its publication life in 2019, is scanned in national / international indexes such as CiteFactor, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar and Asos Index and published at least twice a year. It is an academic, international and peer-reviewed, open access, scientific journal that carries out a (confidential) peer-review process.

Our journal continues its publication activities on the address https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/Anadoluakademi.

Anatolian Academy Social Sciences Journal (ASBİD) social sciences; It aims to present original / national and international studies on many different sub-disciplines such as history, sociology, philosophy, archeology, law, political science, international relations, economics, business, psychology and communication sciences to scientists. All subcategories of Social Sciences are covered by the journal. Studies submitted to our journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. Information about publication in studies derived from postgraduate theses and papers should be indicated in a footnote. Our journal includes articles in Turkish and English languages; authors are required to prepare their work in accordance with the necessary rules in terms of grammar and spelling.

Therefore, the information of the author / authors should not be displayed on the manuscripts.

It will be sufficient to upload the required documents regarding the author (s) to the DERGIPARK system during the application process.

The studies decided to be published as a result of the referee evaluation will be sent to the author / authors again for final reading; Meanwhile, they will be asked to add the necessary information to the text.

It is mandatory for all authors in the articles submitted to our journal to upload their "ORCID" numbers to the system.

Studies should be prepared in Microsoft Word program. Studies should be prepared according to the following spelling rules:

Studies that are not prepared according to these rules will be sent to the authors for editing; Studies that do not make the necessary regulation will be rejected.
Studies should be prepared on A4 size paper. Margins;
 3 cm from the top edge,
 3.5 cm from the left edge,
 It should be arranged as 2.5 cm from the bottom and right edges.

The font should be preferred as Times New Roman for the entire work. Regarding fonts, the following points should be considered:
 Study title (Turkish and English), all capital letters, 14 pt.
 Abstracts in 8 pt. Justified,
 Normal text 10 pt. Justified,
 Line spacing 1.5,
 First 0 pt and After 6 pt,
 There is no indent.

The introduction and main headings in the article will be numbered sequentially as 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. and all will be in capital letters. Subheadings 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5. And only the first letters will be capital.

Author / authors should prepare in-text citations and references of their work to APA 6 Rules (American Psychological Association).

Author / Authors are required to take the entire plagiarism report and upload it to the system as an attachment file with the article. Legal responsibility at the point of plagiarism belongs entirely to the author (s)

The editorial board has the right to reject the articles that are deemed unsuitable as a result of its preliminary evaluation.

Articles deemed appropriate by the editorial board are included in the evaluation process and sent to two referees who are experts in their fields. If a positive report is received from both referees to whom the article was sent, the Journal Editor / Editorial Board decides whether the article can be published or not, or in what issue. If one or two referees give negative opinions, the article is not published and rejected.

For studies that are decided to be published as a result of the evaluation process, it is obligatory to add an extended abstract between 700-1000 words.

The responsibility of the expressions in the studies belongs to the authors. The management of the journal does not have any legal responsibility due to the studies published in the Anatolian Academy Social Sciences Journal.

No transaction fee is requested from the author (s) who submit their work to journal.

The editors and editorial board of journal have all the authority in matters not specified within the framework of the Publication Principles and Writing Rules.

NOTE: When uploading your work to the Dergipark System, you must sign the Plagiarism Report, Copyright Transfer, Author Agreement and Ethics Statement.

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Anatolian Academy Social Sciences Journal ISSN: 2667-5471