Research Article
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Year 2022, , 252 - 265, 30.09.2022


Endüstriyel olarak işlenmiş tüketici ürünleriyle ilgili sağlık endişelerinin artmasıyla birlikte, yakın dönemde organik ürünlere olan talep artmıştır. Bu çalışma, organik ürün tercihini belirleyen hanehali demografik özelliklerini ortaya koymak amacıyla, 60 binin üzerinde ABD hanehalkının gıda alımlarına ilişkin verişini kullanarak, yedi ana gıda grubu temelinde organik ürünlerin tüketici profillerini incelemektedir. Regresyon analizlerinden elde edilen sonuçlar, organik ürünlere olan talebin gelir ve eğitim düzeyi ile arttığını ortaya koymaktadır. Organik ürün tercihi genç hanelerde daha yüksek olup, 30-34 yaş grubunda en yüksek seviyeye çıkmakta, buna karşın dört ve daha çok birey içeren geniş haneler için düşüş göstermektedir. Küçük çocuklu evlerde, özellikle yumurta ve süt ürünleri gibi tipik olarak çocuk beslenmesinde önemli yeri olan gıda kategorilerinde organik ürünlerin payı artmaktadır. Bu bulgular, organik ürün pazarlamasında, demografik etmenlerde yaş ve hanehalkı büyüklüğüne göre ve ürün kategorisine göre oluşabilen tercih farklarının gözönünde bulundurulması gerektiğine işaret etmektedir.


  • Angrist, J. D., & Pischke, J. S. (2009). Mostly harmless econometrics: An empiricist’s companion. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Bezawada, R., & Pauwels, K. (2013). What is special about marketing organic products? How organic assortment, price, and promotions drive retailer performance. Journal of Marketing, 77(1), 31-51.
  • Chassy, B., Tribe, D., Brookes, G., & Kershen, D. (2014). Organic marketing report. Academics Review. Retrieved from pdf.
  • Chinnici, G., D’Amico, M., & Pecorino, B. (2002). A multivariate statistical analysis on the consumers of organic products. British Food Journal, 104(3/4/5), 187-199.
  • Crinnion, W. J. (2010). Organic foods contain higher levels of certain nutrients, lower levels of pesticides, and may provide health benefits for the consumer. Alternative Medicine Review, 15(1), 4-12.
  • Demeritt, L. (2006). Consumers drive organic mainstream. Organic Processing Magazine, April-June 2006.
  • Dietz, T., Stern, P. C., & Guagnano, G. A. (1998). Social structural and social psychological bases of environmental concern. Environment and Behavior, 30(4), 450–471.
  • Eskenazi, B., Bradman, A., & Castorina, R. (1999). Exposures of children to organophosphate pesticides and their potential adverse health effects. Environmental health perspectives, 107(3), 409-419.
  • Hughner, R. S., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Shultz, C. J., & Stanton, J. (2007). Who are organic food consumers? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review, 6(2‐3), 94-110.
  • Janssen, M., & Hamm, U. (2012). Product labelling in the market for organic food: Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for different organic certification logos. Food quality and preference, 25(1), 9-22.
  • Lee, W. C. J., Shimizu, M., Kniffin, K. M., & Wansink, B. (2013). You taste what you see: Do organic labels bias taste perceptions?. Food Quality and Preference, 29(1), 33-39.
  • Makatouni, A. (2002). What motivates consumers to buy organic food in the UK? Results from a qualitative study. British food journal.
  • Ngobo, P. V. (2011). What drives household choice of organic products in grocery stores?. Journal of retailing, 87(1), 90-100.
  • Pearson, D., & Henryks, J. (2008). Marketing organic products: Exploring some of the pervasive issues. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 14(4), 95-108.
  • Padel, S., & Foster, C. (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8), 606-625.
  • Pearson, D., Henryks, J., & Jones, H. (2011). Organic food: What we know (and do not know) about consumers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 26(2), 171-177.
  • Pino, G., Peluso, A. M., & Guido, G. (2012). Determinants of Regular and Occasional Consumers’ Intentions to Buy Organic Food. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(1), 157-169.
  • Rana, J., & Paul, J. (2017). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food: A review and research agenda. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 38, 157-165.
  • Thompson, G. D. (1998). Consumer demand for organic foods: what we know and what we need to know. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(5), 1113-1118.
  • United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. (2012). Organic Agriculture: Organic Trade. (Updated May 26, 2012). Re¬trieved from¬ment/organic-agriculture/organic-trade.aspx
  • Van Doorn, J., & Verhoef, P. C. (2011). Willingness to pay for organic products: Differences between virtue and vice foods. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 28(3), 167-180.
  • Van Doorn, J., & Verhoef, P. C. (2015). Drivers of and barriers to organic purchase behavior. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 436-450.
  • Zanoli, R., & Naspetti, S. (2002). Consumer motivations in the purchase of organic food: A means‐end approach. British food journal, 104(8), 643-653.


Year 2022, , 252 - 265, 30.09.2022


Abstract: Amid increasing health concerns about industrially processed packaged consumer products, demand for organic products has risen in recent decades. Using rich panel data on food purchases of more than 60 thousand U.S. households, this study examines consumer profiles of organic products in seven major food groups. Results show that demand for organic products increases with income and education level. Preference for organic products is higher in younger households and peaks in the 30-34 age group and it also increases in smaller households consisting of four or fewer people. The effects of these demographic variables are strongest for staple foods such as cereals, milk, and eggs. Organic consumption increases in households with a young child, especially in categories that typically make up an important part of a young child’s diet, such as eggs and dairy products.


  • Angrist, J. D., & Pischke, J. S. (2009). Mostly harmless econometrics: An empiricist’s companion. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Bezawada, R., & Pauwels, K. (2013). What is special about marketing organic products? How organic assortment, price, and promotions drive retailer performance. Journal of Marketing, 77(1), 31-51.
  • Chassy, B., Tribe, D., Brookes, G., & Kershen, D. (2014). Organic marketing report. Academics Review. Retrieved from pdf.
  • Chinnici, G., D’Amico, M., & Pecorino, B. (2002). A multivariate statistical analysis on the consumers of organic products. British Food Journal, 104(3/4/5), 187-199.
  • Crinnion, W. J. (2010). Organic foods contain higher levels of certain nutrients, lower levels of pesticides, and may provide health benefits for the consumer. Alternative Medicine Review, 15(1), 4-12.
  • Demeritt, L. (2006). Consumers drive organic mainstream. Organic Processing Magazine, April-June 2006.
  • Dietz, T., Stern, P. C., & Guagnano, G. A. (1998). Social structural and social psychological bases of environmental concern. Environment and Behavior, 30(4), 450–471.
  • Eskenazi, B., Bradman, A., & Castorina, R. (1999). Exposures of children to organophosphate pesticides and their potential adverse health effects. Environmental health perspectives, 107(3), 409-419.
  • Hughner, R. S., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Shultz, C. J., & Stanton, J. (2007). Who are organic food consumers? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review, 6(2‐3), 94-110.
  • Janssen, M., & Hamm, U. (2012). Product labelling in the market for organic food: Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for different organic certification logos. Food quality and preference, 25(1), 9-22.
  • Lee, W. C. J., Shimizu, M., Kniffin, K. M., & Wansink, B. (2013). You taste what you see: Do organic labels bias taste perceptions?. Food Quality and Preference, 29(1), 33-39.
  • Makatouni, A. (2002). What motivates consumers to buy organic food in the UK? Results from a qualitative study. British food journal.
  • Ngobo, P. V. (2011). What drives household choice of organic products in grocery stores?. Journal of retailing, 87(1), 90-100.
  • Pearson, D., & Henryks, J. (2008). Marketing organic products: Exploring some of the pervasive issues. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 14(4), 95-108.
  • Padel, S., & Foster, C. (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8), 606-625.
  • Pearson, D., Henryks, J., & Jones, H. (2011). Organic food: What we know (and do not know) about consumers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 26(2), 171-177.
  • Pino, G., Peluso, A. M., & Guido, G. (2012). Determinants of Regular and Occasional Consumers’ Intentions to Buy Organic Food. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(1), 157-169.
  • Rana, J., & Paul, J. (2017). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food: A review and research agenda. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 38, 157-165.
  • Thompson, G. D. (1998). Consumer demand for organic foods: what we know and what we need to know. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(5), 1113-1118.
  • United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. (2012). Organic Agriculture: Organic Trade. (Updated May 26, 2012). Re¬trieved from¬ment/organic-agriculture/organic-trade.aspx
  • Van Doorn, J., & Verhoef, P. C. (2011). Willingness to pay for organic products: Differences between virtue and vice foods. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 28(3), 167-180.
  • Van Doorn, J., & Verhoef, P. C. (2015). Drivers of and barriers to organic purchase behavior. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 436-450.
  • Zanoli, R., & Naspetti, S. (2002). Consumer motivations in the purchase of organic food: A means‐end approach. British food journal, 104(8), 643-653.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesileri

Ali Umut Güler 0000-0003-0093-7568

Publication Date September 30, 2022
Submission Date May 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Güler, A. U. (2022). HOUSEHOLD DEMOGRAPHICS AND PREFERENCE FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTS IN SEVEN MAJOR FOOD CATEGORIES. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(3), 252-265.

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