Research Article
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Year 2023, , 1 - 23, 27.12.2023


21. Yüzyılın en büyük sorunlarından biri olan iklim değişikliğine karşı insanlık şimdiye kadar hiç karşılaşmadığı kadar zor bir sınavdan geçmektedir. Bu sınavda aktif çaba gösterebilmek adına birtakım konferanslar düzenlenmekte, önemli ve bağlayıcı kararlar alınmakta ve bunları gerçekleştirebilmek için çeşitli uygulamalar ortaya konmaktadır. Bu çabaların en önemlilerinden birisi de iklim değişikliğinin çevresel, ekonomik ve de sosyal etkilerini azaltmak amacıyla Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından ilan edilen Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri (SKH)’dir. Ancak bu hedefleri gerçekleştirebilmek için büyük miktarda finansal kaynağa ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Özellikle az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde söz konusu finansal kaynağa duyulan ihtiyaç giderek artmaktadır. Bu çalışma, teknolojik yenilik ve gelişmelerin finansal sisteme entegrasyonunu ifade eden Finansal Teknolojiler (FinTech) kavramının söz konusu kalkınma hedeflerini gerçekleştirmede üstlenmiş olduğu aktif rolü ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Planlanan projelerin hayata geçirilmesinde çeşitli FinTech uygulamalarının sağlayacağı katkı, yapılmış akademik çalışmalarla ve hâlihazırda var olan örnekler ile vurgulanarak tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır.


  • Al Hammadi, T., & Nobanee, H. (2019). Fintech and sustainability: A mini-review. adresinden erişildi.
  • Arner, D. W., Buckley, R. P., Zetzsche, D. A., & Veidt, R. (2020). Sustainability, fintech and financial inclusion. European Business Organization Law Review, 21(1), 7-35.
  • Belissa, T., Bulte, E., Cecchi, F., Gangopadhyay, S., & Lensink, R. (2019). Liquidity constraints, informal institutions, and the adoption of weather insurance: A randomized controlled trial in Ethiopia. Journal of Development Economics, 140, 269-278.
  • Chen, X., Yan, D., & Chen, W. (2021). Can the digital economy promote FinTech development? Growth and Change, 53(1), 1–27.
  • Croutzet, A., & Dabbous, A. (2021). Do FinTech trigger renewable energy use? Evidence from OECD countries. Renewable Energy, 179, 1608-1617.
  • Deng, X., Huang, Z., & Cheng, X. (2019). FinTech and sustainable development: Evidence from China based on P2P data. Sustainability, 11(22), 6434. 1-19.
  • Dietz,M., Khanna,S., Olanrewaju, T., & Rajgopal, K. (2016). Cutting through the noise around financial technology. adresinden erişildi.
  • Doepke, M., & Tertilt, M. (2019). Does female empowerment promote economic development? Journal of Economic Growth, 24(4), 309-343.
  • Dorfleitner, G., & Braun, D. (2019). In the rise of green finance in Europe. M. Migliorelli ve P. Dessertine (Editörler), Fintech, digitalization and blockchain: Possible applications for green finance (s. 207-237) içinde. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Energy-Web (2018, Ekim 13). Crowdfunding in the energy transition. Smart energy international [Blog yazısı]. adresinden erişildi.
  • Ekholm, B. and Rockström, J. (2019, Ocak 15). World Economic Forum, ‘Digital technology can cut global emissions by 15 percent. Here’s how’ [Blog yazısı]. 15 January 2019. adresinden erişildi.
  • E-marketer. (2020, Mart 7). Global ecommerce 2020. adresinden erişildi.
  • European Commission. (2018). Action plan: Financing sustainable growth. Brussels: European Commission.
  • FinTech İstanbul. (2020). Türkiye’de ve dünyada fintech-2019 raporu. İstanbul: Set Pozitif Matbaa.
  • GSMA. (2021). The state of mobile internet connectivity report. adresinden erişildi.
  • Haddad, C., & Hornuf, L. (2019). The emergence of the global fintech market: Economic and technological determinants. Small Business Economics, 53(1), 81-105.
  • Hinson, R., Lensink, R., & Mueller, A. (2019). Transforming agribusiness in developing countries: SDGs and the role of FinTech. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 41, 1-9.
  • KPMG Türkiye. (2021). KPMG perspektifinden Fintech sektörüne bakış raporu. adresinden erişildi.
  • Krushelnytska, O. (2017). Introduction to green finance. Global Environment Facility (GEF): Washington, D.C.
  • Lee, I., & Shin, Y. J. (2018). Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges. Business Horizons, 61(1), 35-46.
  • Liu, H., Yao, P., Latif, S., Aslam, S., & Iqbal, N. (2022). Impact of green financing, FinTech, and financial inclusion on energy efficiency. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(13), 18955-18966.
  • Manyika, J., Lund., S., Singer, M., White, O., & Berry, C., (2016). Digital finance for all: Powering ınclusive growth ın emerging economies. Washington D.C.: McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).
  • Nassiry, D. (2018). The role of fintech in unlocking green finance: Policy insights for developing countries (ADBI Working Paper No. 883). adresinden erişildi.
  • Parakash, N., & Sethi, M. (2020). Leveraging Fintech for sustainable development in emerging economies – A policy perspective. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 421-426.
  • Pham, L. (2016). Is it risky to go green? A volatility analysis of the green bond market. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 6(4), 263-291.
  • Philippon, T. (2016). The fintech opportunity (NBER Working Paper No. 22476). adresinden erişildi.
  • Puschmann, T., Hoffmann, C. H., & Khmarskyi, V. (2020). How green FinTech can alleviate the impact of climate change—the case of Switzerland. Sustainability, 12(24), 1-30.
  • Schoenmaker, D. (2017). Investing for the common good: A sustainable finance framework. Brussels: Bruegel.
  • Tao, R., Su, C. W., Naqvi, B., & Rizvi, S. K. A. (2022). Can Fintech development pave the way for a transition towards low-carbon economy: A global perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 1-7.
  • Tellez, C., Waldron, D., & Chaintreau, M. (2017). The fight for light: Improving energy access through digital payments. United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).
  • Turguttopbaş, N. (2020). Sürdürülebilirlik, yeşil finans ve ilk Türk yeşil tahvil ihracı. Finansal Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 12(22), 267-283.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Finans Ofisi (TCCFO). (2021). Türkiye Fintek ekosistemi durum raporu. adresinden erişildi.
  • United Nations Secretary General’s Task Force (UNSGTF) (2020). People’s money: Harnessing the digitalization to finance a sustainable future. UNSGTF web site:
  • United Nations Capital Development Fund. (2020). Open digital payment ecosystem: Leaving no one behind in the digital era report. UNCDF web site:
  • United Nations Capital Development Fund. (2022). Digital finance and the SDGs. UNCDF web site:
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2014). World investment report 2014: Investing in the SDGs: An action plan. UNCTAD web site:
  • United Nations Development Programme. (2021). Multidimensional poverty index 2021: Unmasking disparities by ethnicity, caste and gender. UNECE web site:
  • United Nations. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. SDGS web site:
  • van der Lugt, C. (2019). Digital finance and citizen action in financing the future of climate-smart Infrastructure. OECD Publications.
  • Varga, D. (2018). Fintech: Supporting sustainable development by disrupting finance. Budapest Management Review, 8(11), 231-249.
  • Vergara, C., & Agudo, L. (2021). Fintech and sustainability: do they affect each other? Sustainability, 13(13), 7012.
  • Vogel, J., Hagen, S., & Thomas, O. (2019, Şubat 24-27). Discovering blockchain for sustainable product-service systems to enhance the circular economy. 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik’te sunulan bildiri. Siegen, Germany.
  • Voorhies, R., Lamb, J., & Oxman, M. (2013). Fighting poverty, profitably: Transforming the economics of payments to build sustainable, inclusive financial systems. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation web site:
  • Wang, L., Wang, Y., Sun, Y., Han, K., & Chen, Y. (2022). Financial inclusion and green economic efficiency: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(2), 240-271.
  • Woetze,J., Madgavkar, A., Ellingrud, K., Labaye, E., Devillard, S., Kutcher,E., Manyika, J., Dobbs, R., & Krishnan, M., (2015). The power of parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth. McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) web site:
  • World Bank. (2018). Europe and Central Asia economic update, May 2018: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Washington D.C.: The World Bank Group.
  • World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our common future: Report of the world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
  • Zadek, S., Bersudskaya, V., Celik, D., Forstater, M., He, M., Mitha, A., & Singh, A.(2020). People’s money: Harnessing digitalization to finance a sustainable future (The United Nations Secretary General Task Force Report). adresinden erişildi.
  • Zhang-Zhang, Y., Rohlfer, S., & Rajasekera, J. (2020). An eco-systematic view of cross-sector FinTech: The case of Alibaba and Tencent. Sustainability, 12(21), 8907.
  • Zhu, S., Song, M., Lim, M. K., Wang, J., & Zhao, J. (2020). The development of energy blockchain and its implications for China's energy sector. Resources Policy, 66, 101595.


Year 2023, , 1 - 23, 27.12.2023


Against climate change, one of the biggest problems of the 21st century, humanity is going through a more difficult test than it has ever faced. In order to make active effort in this exam, numerous conferences are organized, important and binding decisions are made and various practices are put forward to carry them out. One of the most important of these initiatives is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN to reduce the environmental, economic and social impacts of climate change. However financial resources are required to achieve these goals. The demand for this financial resource is increasing particularly in developing and least developed countries. This study aims to reveal the role of Financial Technologies (FinTech) in achieving these development goals. The contribution of various FinTech applications in the implementation of the planned projects will be tried to be determined by emphasizing the academic studies and existing examples.


  • Al Hammadi, T., & Nobanee, H. (2019). Fintech and sustainability: A mini-review. adresinden erişildi.
  • Arner, D. W., Buckley, R. P., Zetzsche, D. A., & Veidt, R. (2020). Sustainability, fintech and financial inclusion. European Business Organization Law Review, 21(1), 7-35.
  • Belissa, T., Bulte, E., Cecchi, F., Gangopadhyay, S., & Lensink, R. (2019). Liquidity constraints, informal institutions, and the adoption of weather insurance: A randomized controlled trial in Ethiopia. Journal of Development Economics, 140, 269-278.
  • Chen, X., Yan, D., & Chen, W. (2021). Can the digital economy promote FinTech development? Growth and Change, 53(1), 1–27.
  • Croutzet, A., & Dabbous, A. (2021). Do FinTech trigger renewable energy use? Evidence from OECD countries. Renewable Energy, 179, 1608-1617.
  • Deng, X., Huang, Z., & Cheng, X. (2019). FinTech and sustainable development: Evidence from China based on P2P data. Sustainability, 11(22), 6434. 1-19.
  • Dietz,M., Khanna,S., Olanrewaju, T., & Rajgopal, K. (2016). Cutting through the noise around financial technology. adresinden erişildi.
  • Doepke, M., & Tertilt, M. (2019). Does female empowerment promote economic development? Journal of Economic Growth, 24(4), 309-343.
  • Dorfleitner, G., & Braun, D. (2019). In the rise of green finance in Europe. M. Migliorelli ve P. Dessertine (Editörler), Fintech, digitalization and blockchain: Possible applications for green finance (s. 207-237) içinde. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Energy-Web (2018, Ekim 13). Crowdfunding in the energy transition. Smart energy international [Blog yazısı]. adresinden erişildi.
  • Ekholm, B. and Rockström, J. (2019, Ocak 15). World Economic Forum, ‘Digital technology can cut global emissions by 15 percent. Here’s how’ [Blog yazısı]. 15 January 2019. adresinden erişildi.
  • E-marketer. (2020, Mart 7). Global ecommerce 2020. adresinden erişildi.
  • European Commission. (2018). Action plan: Financing sustainable growth. Brussels: European Commission.
  • FinTech İstanbul. (2020). Türkiye’de ve dünyada fintech-2019 raporu. İstanbul: Set Pozitif Matbaa.
  • GSMA. (2021). The state of mobile internet connectivity report. adresinden erişildi.
  • Haddad, C., & Hornuf, L. (2019). The emergence of the global fintech market: Economic and technological determinants. Small Business Economics, 53(1), 81-105.
  • Hinson, R., Lensink, R., & Mueller, A. (2019). Transforming agribusiness in developing countries: SDGs and the role of FinTech. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 41, 1-9.
  • KPMG Türkiye. (2021). KPMG perspektifinden Fintech sektörüne bakış raporu. adresinden erişildi.
  • Krushelnytska, O. (2017). Introduction to green finance. Global Environment Facility (GEF): Washington, D.C.
  • Lee, I., & Shin, Y. J. (2018). Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges. Business Horizons, 61(1), 35-46.
  • Liu, H., Yao, P., Latif, S., Aslam, S., & Iqbal, N. (2022). Impact of green financing, FinTech, and financial inclusion on energy efficiency. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(13), 18955-18966.
  • Manyika, J., Lund., S., Singer, M., White, O., & Berry, C., (2016). Digital finance for all: Powering ınclusive growth ın emerging economies. Washington D.C.: McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).
  • Nassiry, D. (2018). The role of fintech in unlocking green finance: Policy insights for developing countries (ADBI Working Paper No. 883). adresinden erişildi.
  • Parakash, N., & Sethi, M. (2020). Leveraging Fintech for sustainable development in emerging economies – A policy perspective. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 421-426.
  • Pham, L. (2016). Is it risky to go green? A volatility analysis of the green bond market. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 6(4), 263-291.
  • Philippon, T. (2016). The fintech opportunity (NBER Working Paper No. 22476). adresinden erişildi.
  • Puschmann, T., Hoffmann, C. H., & Khmarskyi, V. (2020). How green FinTech can alleviate the impact of climate change—the case of Switzerland. Sustainability, 12(24), 1-30.
  • Schoenmaker, D. (2017). Investing for the common good: A sustainable finance framework. Brussels: Bruegel.
  • Tao, R., Su, C. W., Naqvi, B., & Rizvi, S. K. A. (2022). Can Fintech development pave the way for a transition towards low-carbon economy: A global perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 1-7.
  • Tellez, C., Waldron, D., & Chaintreau, M. (2017). The fight for light: Improving energy access through digital payments. United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).
  • Turguttopbaş, N. (2020). Sürdürülebilirlik, yeşil finans ve ilk Türk yeşil tahvil ihracı. Finansal Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 12(22), 267-283.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Finans Ofisi (TCCFO). (2021). Türkiye Fintek ekosistemi durum raporu. adresinden erişildi.
  • United Nations Secretary General’s Task Force (UNSGTF) (2020). People’s money: Harnessing the digitalization to finance a sustainable future. UNSGTF web site:
  • United Nations Capital Development Fund. (2020). Open digital payment ecosystem: Leaving no one behind in the digital era report. UNCDF web site:
  • United Nations Capital Development Fund. (2022). Digital finance and the SDGs. UNCDF web site:
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2014). World investment report 2014: Investing in the SDGs: An action plan. UNCTAD web site:
  • United Nations Development Programme. (2021). Multidimensional poverty index 2021: Unmasking disparities by ethnicity, caste and gender. UNECE web site:
  • United Nations. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. SDGS web site:
  • van der Lugt, C. (2019). Digital finance and citizen action in financing the future of climate-smart Infrastructure. OECD Publications.
  • Varga, D. (2018). Fintech: Supporting sustainable development by disrupting finance. Budapest Management Review, 8(11), 231-249.
  • Vergara, C., & Agudo, L. (2021). Fintech and sustainability: do they affect each other? Sustainability, 13(13), 7012.
  • Vogel, J., Hagen, S., & Thomas, O. (2019, Şubat 24-27). Discovering blockchain for sustainable product-service systems to enhance the circular economy. 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik’te sunulan bildiri. Siegen, Germany.
  • Voorhies, R., Lamb, J., & Oxman, M. (2013). Fighting poverty, profitably: Transforming the economics of payments to build sustainable, inclusive financial systems. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation web site:
  • Wang, L., Wang, Y., Sun, Y., Han, K., & Chen, Y. (2022). Financial inclusion and green economic efficiency: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(2), 240-271.
  • Woetze,J., Madgavkar, A., Ellingrud, K., Labaye, E., Devillard, S., Kutcher,E., Manyika, J., Dobbs, R., & Krishnan, M., (2015). The power of parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth. McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) web site:
  • World Bank. (2018). Europe and Central Asia economic update, May 2018: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Washington D.C.: The World Bank Group.
  • World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our common future: Report of the world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
  • Zadek, S., Bersudskaya, V., Celik, D., Forstater, M., He, M., Mitha, A., & Singh, A.(2020). People’s money: Harnessing digitalization to finance a sustainable future (The United Nations Secretary General Task Force Report). adresinden erişildi.
  • Zhang-Zhang, Y., Rohlfer, S., & Rajasekera, J. (2020). An eco-systematic view of cross-sector FinTech: The case of Alibaba and Tencent. Sustainability, 12(21), 8907.
  • Zhu, S., Song, M., Lim, M. K., Wang, J., & Zhao, J. (2020). The development of energy blockchain and its implications for China's energy sector. Resources Policy, 66, 101595.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesileri

Seda Canikli 0000-0001-7523-5822

Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date September 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Canikli, S. (2023). SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR KALKINMA HEDEFLERİNİ BAŞARMADA FİNANSAL TEKNOLOJİLER LOKOMOTİF GÖREVİ GÖREBİLİR Mİ?. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(4), 1-23.

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