Year 2023,
, 151 - 169, 27.03.2023
İlknur Akbaş
Ebru Tümer Kabadayı
Nilşah Cavdar Aksoy
Alev Koçak Alan
Günümüzde, müşteriler yalnızca satın alım aşamasındaki aktörler değil, satın alım sonrasında gerçekleştirdikleri farklılaşan davranışlarla işletme faaliyetlerinde aktif rol oynayan taraflardır. Müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı, bireylerin işletme faaliyetlerini şekillendirmedeki gücünü ve bu bakımdan nasıl aktif rol oynadıklarını gösteren bir davranış olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bu davranış üzerine kapsamlı bir literatür incelemesi gerçekleştirilmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı kavramının sınırlarını netleştirecek bir literatür taraması sunarak tüketici davranışları ve pazarlama araştırma ve uygulamalarına katkı sağlamaktır. Bunu yaparken, müşteri vatandaşlık davranışının temel özellikleri, bu davranışın boyutları, müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı ile ilişkili kavramlar ve müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı çalışmalarında kullanılan temel teoriler incelenmektedir. Bu incelemeler neticesinde, kavramın ileride daha iyi araştırılması için akademik araştırmalar için bir içgörü sunulmakta ve bu davranışın işletmelerce daha iyi anlaşılması ve desteklenebilmesine katkı sağlanmaktadır.
- Adams, J.S. (1965). Inequity in Social Exchange. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 267-299.
- Ahearne, M., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Gruen, T. (2005). Antecedents and consequences of customer-company identification: Expanding the role of relationship marketing. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(3), 574-585.
- Ahn, J., Lee, C., Back, K., & Schmitt, A. (2019). Brand experiential value for creating integrated resort customers’ co-creation behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 104-112.
- Aljarah, A. (2020). The nexus between corporate social responsibility and target-based customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(12), 2044-2063.
- Anaza, N. A. (2014). Personality antecedents of customer citizenship behaviors in online shopping situations. Psychology and Marketing, 31(4), 251-263.
- Anaza, N. A., & Zhao, J. (2013). Encounter-based antecedents of e-customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(2), 130–140.
- Aracı, Ü. E., & Sezgin, E. K. (2020). Müşteri Vatandaşlık Davranışı Ölçeğinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 1279-1293.
- Assiouras, I., Skourtis, G., Giannopoulos, A., Buhalis, D., & Koniordos, M. (2019). Value co-creation and customer citizenship behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 78, 102742.
- Aydoğan, İ. (2013). Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı. H. B. Memduhoğulları, K. Yılmaz (Eds.), Yönetimde Yeni Yaklaşımlar içinde (s. 390-419). Pegem.
- Bagger, J., & Li, A. (2014). How does supervisory family support influence employees’ attitudes and behaviors? A social exchange perspective. Journal of Management, 40(4), 1123-1150.
- Bagozzi, R. P. (1995). Reflections on relationship marketing in consumer markets. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23(4), 272-277.
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- Balaji, M. S. (2014). Managing customer citizenship behavior: A relationship perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22(3), 222-239.
- Barry, J., & Terry, T. S. (2008). Empirical study of relationship value in industrial services. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 23(4), 228-241.
- Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2011). Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 64, 39-44.
- Bateman, T. S., & Organ, D. W. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: The relationship between affect and employee citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 587-595.
- Bettencourt, L. A. (1997). Customer voluntary performance: Customers as partners in service delivery. Journal of Retailing, 73(3), 383-406.
- Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2003). Consumer‐firm identification: A framework for understanding consumers' relationships with companies. Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 76-88.
- Blau, P. M. (1964). Exchange and power in social life. Wiley.
- Bove, L. L., Pervan, S. J., Beatty, S. E., & Shiu, E. (2009). Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 62, 698-705.
- Brown, T. J., Barry, T. E., Dacin, P. A., & Gunst, R. F. (2005). Spreading the word: Investigating antecedents of consumers’ positive word-of-mouth intentions and behaviors in a retailing context. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2), 123-138.
- Chan, K. W., Gong, T., Zhang, R., & Zhou, M. (2017). Do employee citizenship behaviors lead to customer citizenship behaviors? The roles of dual identification and service climate. Journal of Service Research, 20(3), 259-274.
- Chiu, W., Kwag, M. S., & Bae, J. S. (2015). Customers as partial employees: The influences of satisfaction and commitment on customer citizenship behavior in fitness centers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(4), 627-633.
- Choi, L., & Lotz, S. L. (2018). Exploring antecedents of customer citizenship behaviors in services. The Service Industries Journal, 38(9-10), 607-628.
- Curth, S., Uhrich, S., & Benkenstein, M. (2014). How commitment to fellow customers affects the customer-firm relationship and customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(2), 147-158.
- Di, E., Huang, C., Chen, I., & Yu, T. (2010). Organizational justice and customer citizenship behavior of retail industries. The Service Industries Journal, 30(11), 1919-1934.
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Year 2023,
, 151 - 169, 27.03.2023
İlknur Akbaş
Ebru Tümer Kabadayı
Nilşah Cavdar Aksoy
Alev Koçak Alan
Customers are now not only actors in the purchasing stage, but also parties who actively participate in business activities through differentiated behaviors after the purchase. Customer citizenship behavior stands out as a behavior that demonstrates individuals' power in shaping business activities and how they actively participate in this regard. A comprehensive literature review on this behavior is conducted in this study. The study’s aim is to contribute to consumer behavior and marketing research and applications by presenting a literature review that clarifies the concept of customer citizenship behavior. In doing so, the main characteristics of customer citizenship behavior, its dimensions, concepts related to customer citizenship behavior, and the main theories used in customer citizenship behavior studies are investigated. As a result of these reviews, an insight is provided for future academic research to better investigate the concept, and it contributes to a better understanding and support of this behavior by businesses.
- Adams, J.S. (1965). Inequity in Social Exchange. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 267-299.
- Ahearne, M., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Gruen, T. (2005). Antecedents and consequences of customer-company identification: Expanding the role of relationship marketing. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(3), 574-585.
- Ahn, J., Lee, C., Back, K., & Schmitt, A. (2019). Brand experiential value for creating integrated resort customers’ co-creation behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 104-112.
- Aljarah, A. (2020). The nexus between corporate social responsibility and target-based customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(12), 2044-2063.
- Anaza, N. A. (2014). Personality antecedents of customer citizenship behaviors in online shopping situations. Psychology and Marketing, 31(4), 251-263.
- Anaza, N. A., & Zhao, J. (2013). Encounter-based antecedents of e-customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(2), 130–140.
- Aracı, Ü. E., & Sezgin, E. K. (2020). Müşteri Vatandaşlık Davranışı Ölçeğinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 1279-1293.
- Assiouras, I., Skourtis, G., Giannopoulos, A., Buhalis, D., & Koniordos, M. (2019). Value co-creation and customer citizenship behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 78, 102742.
- Aydoğan, İ. (2013). Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı. H. B. Memduhoğulları, K. Yılmaz (Eds.), Yönetimde Yeni Yaklaşımlar içinde (s. 390-419). Pegem.
- Bagger, J., & Li, A. (2014). How does supervisory family support influence employees’ attitudes and behaviors? A social exchange perspective. Journal of Management, 40(4), 1123-1150.
- Bagozzi, R. P. (1995). Reflections on relationship marketing in consumer markets. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23(4), 272-277.
- Bailey, J. J., Gremler, D. D., & Vemccollough, M. A. (2001). Service encounter emotional value: The dyadic influence of customer and employee emotions. Service Marketing Quarterly, 23(1), 1-25.
- Balaji, M. S. (2014). Managing customer citizenship behavior: A relationship perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22(3), 222-239.
- Barry, J., & Terry, T. S. (2008). Empirical study of relationship value in industrial services. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 23(4), 228-241.
- Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2011). Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 64, 39-44.
- Bateman, T. S., & Organ, D. W. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: The relationship between affect and employee citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 587-595.
- Bettencourt, L. A. (1997). Customer voluntary performance: Customers as partners in service delivery. Journal of Retailing, 73(3), 383-406.
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- Bove, L. L., Pervan, S. J., Beatty, S. E., & Shiu, E. (2009). Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 62, 698-705.
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- Chan, K. W., Gong, T., Zhang, R., & Zhou, M. (2017). Do employee citizenship behaviors lead to customer citizenship behaviors? The roles of dual identification and service climate. Journal of Service Research, 20(3), 259-274.
- Chiu, W., Kwag, M. S., & Bae, J. S. (2015). Customers as partial employees: The influences of satisfaction and commitment on customer citizenship behavior in fitness centers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(4), 627-633.
- Choi, L., & Lotz, S. L. (2018). Exploring antecedents of customer citizenship behaviors in services. The Service Industries Journal, 38(9-10), 607-628.
- Curth, S., Uhrich, S., & Benkenstein, M. (2014). How commitment to fellow customers affects the customer-firm relationship and customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(2), 147-158.
- Di, E., Huang, C., Chen, I., & Yu, T. (2010). Organizational justice and customer citizenship behavior of retail industries. The Service Industries Journal, 30(11), 1919-1934.
- Dutton, J. E., Dukerich, J. M., & Harquail, C. V. (1994). Organizational images and member identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39, 239-263.
- Ford, W. S. Z. (1995). Evaluation of the indirect influence of courteous service on customer discretionary behavior. Human Communication Research, 22(1), 65-89.
- Fowler, J. G. (2013). Customer citizenship behavior: An expanded theoretical understanding. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(5), 1-8.
- Gelibolu, L., & Kerse, Y. (2018). Yükseköğretimde Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 361-380.
- Groth, M. (2005). Customers as good soldiers: Examining citizenship behaviors in internet service deliveries. Journal of Management, 31(1), 7-27.
- Gruen, T. W. (1995). The outcome set of relationship marketing in consumer markets. International Business Review, 4(4), 447-469.
- Gong, T. (2017). Customer brand engagement behavior in online
brand communities. Journal of Services Marketing, 32(3), 286-299.
- Gong, T., & Yi, Y. (2021). A review of customer citizenship behaviors in the service context. The Service Industries Journal, 41(3-4), 169-199.
- Guo, G., & Zhou, X. (2013). Research on organizational citizenship behavior, trust and customer citizenship behavior. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(16), 86-90.
- Homans, G. C. (1961). Social behavior: Its elementary forms. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Huang, M., Chen, Z., & Chen, I. (2017). The importance of CSR in forming customer‐company identification and long‐term loyalty. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(1), 63-72.
- Hur, W. M., Kim, H., & Kim, H. K. (2018). Does customer engagement in corporate social responsibility initiatives lead to customer citizenship behaviour? The mediating roles of customer‐company identification and affective commitment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25(6), 1258-1269.
- Hwang, K., & Lee, B. (2019). Pride, mindfulness, public self-awareness, affective satisfaction, and customer citizenship behaviour among green restaurant customers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 169-179.
- Johnson, J. W., & Rapp, A. (2010). A more comprehensive understanding and measure of customer helping behavior. Journal of Business Research, 63(8), 787-792.
- Jung, J. H., & Yoo, J. J. (2017). Customer-to-customer interactions on customer citizenship behavior. Service Business, 11(1), 117-139.
- Karmarkar U. (2004). Will you survive the services revolution?. Harvard Business Review, 82(6), 100–107.
- Keh, H. T., & Teo, C. W. (2001). Retail customers as partial employees in service provision: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 29(8), 370-378.
- Kelley, S. W., & Davis, M. A. (1994). Antecedents to customer expectations for service recovery. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 22(1), 52-61.
- Kelley, S. W., Donnelly, J. H., & Skinner, S. J. (1990). Customer participation in service production and delivery. Journal of Retailing, 66(3), 315-335.
- Kerse, Y., & Gelibolu, L. Müşteri Vatandaşlık Davranışı Oluşumunda Lojistik Hizmet Kalitesinin, Müşteri Memnuniyetinin ve Müşteri Güveninin Rolü: Aracılı Bir Model. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(3), 681-705.
- Kreiner, G., & Ashforth, B. (2004). Evidence toward an expanded model of organizational identification. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(1), 1-27.
- Lee S. M. (2015). The age of quality innovation. International Journal of Quality Innovation 1(1), 1-5.
- Li, Y., Xie, L., Gao, T., & Guan, X. (2019). Does being beautiful always helps? Contingency effects of physical attractiveness of the service providers on customer response. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(3), 356-368.
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