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FRIEDMAN, M. and ROSENHAM, R.H.: Type «A» Behavior and Your Heart, New York: Knopf, 1974.
GILMER B. Von Haller, Applied Psychology: Adjustment Living and Work, McGraw Hill Book Comp, 1975.
HALL, Elizabeth, Psychology Today, Random House, 1983.
HELLRIEGEL, Don., John W. Slocum, Jr. and Richard W.Woodman, Organizational Behavior, West Publishing Comp, 1983.
KALDıRıMCI, Nurettin., «Örgütsel Davranış Açısından Stress», Erciyes Üniv. iktisadi ve idari Bilimler Fak. Dergisi, S. 5, Aralık, 1983, ss. 65-89.
LEVI, L., Ed. Society, Stress and Disease and Working Life, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
MCLEAN, AA. Work Stress, Reading Mass: Addison-Vesley, 1979.
NEWMAN, J.E., and BEEHR, T.A.: «Personnel and Organizational Strategies for Handling Jab Stress: A Review of Research and Opinion». Personnel Psychology, Vol. 32,
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ÖZKALP, Enver., «İş ve Stress», Prof. Dr. Suat Mirza'nın Anısına Armağan, Cilt 1., T,C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 205, Eskişehir, 1986, s. 233-247.
SCHULTZ, Duane. P. Psychology and Industry Today, McMillan Publishing Comp., 1982.
STEERS, Richard M., Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Good Year Publishing Comp, 1981.
YATES, J.E. Managing Stress: A Businesspersorı's Guide, New York: AMACOM, 1979.
Year 1989,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 143 - 166, 30.06.1989
COLLIGAN, M.J., STOCTON, W.: «The Mystery of Assernbly Line Hystera», Psychology Today, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1978, ss. 93-116.
COOPER, C.L., and MARSHALL, J. : «Occupational Sources of Stress A. Review of the Literature Relating to Corronary Heart Disease and Mental ill Health», Journal of Occupational Psychology, Vol. 49, 1976, ss. 11-28.
FRIEDMAN, M. and ROSENHAM, R.H.: Type «A» Behavior and Your Heart, New York: Knopf, 1974.
GILMER B. Von Haller, Applied Psychology: Adjustment Living and Work, McGraw Hill Book Comp, 1975.
HALL, Elizabeth, Psychology Today, Random House, 1983.
HELLRIEGEL, Don., John W. Slocum, Jr. and Richard W.Woodman, Organizational Behavior, West Publishing Comp, 1983.
KALDıRıMCI, Nurettin., «Örgütsel Davranış Açısından Stress», Erciyes Üniv. iktisadi ve idari Bilimler Fak. Dergisi, S. 5, Aralık, 1983, ss. 65-89.
LEVI, L., Ed. Society, Stress and Disease and Working Life, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
MCLEAN, AA. Work Stress, Reading Mass: Addison-Vesley, 1979.
NEWMAN, J.E., and BEEHR, T.A.: «Personnel and Organizational Strategies for Handling Jab Stress: A Review of Research and Opinion». Personnel Psychology, Vol. 32,
1979, ss. 1-43.
ÖZKALP, Enver., «İş ve Stress», Prof. Dr. Suat Mirza'nın Anısına Armağan, Cilt 1., T,C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 205, Eskişehir, 1986, s. 233-247.
SCHULTZ, Duane. P. Psychology and Industry Today, McMillan Publishing Comp., 1982.
STEERS, Richard M., Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Good Year Publishing Comp, 1981.
YATES, J.E. Managing Stress: A Businesspersorı's Guide, New York: AMACOM, 1979.