Research Article
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Determination of Antioxidant Activity and Biochemical Content of Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp.

Year 2024, , 169 - 178, 05.12.2024


Living organisms produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the oxygen processing. ROS damage biomolecules and causes oxidative stress. Antioxidants prevent cellular damage against these harmful effects of ROS by neutralizing free radicals. Medicinal plants provide a rich source of antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and play an important role in the treatment of diseases. Bioactive compounds, especially polyphenols and flavonoids, protect cells against oxidative damage by neutralizing free radicals. Bryophytes, especially mosses, are one of the plant groups that attract attention in this area. Mosses show biologically active properties with secondary metabolites such as terpenes and flavonoids they contain. In this study, extraction of Homalothecium philippeanum moss with ethanol, methanol, and n-hexane solvents was carried out and the biochemical content analysis of the extracts was investigated. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-methylpropyl) ester was detected as the major component in the ethanol and methanol extracts of the H. philippeanum. Biologically active alkanes such as Tetradecane and Hexadecane were found in the n-hexane extract. The antioxidant activity of moss ethanol extract was investigated using the DPPH method and the EC50 value was determined as 7.084 mg/ml.


  • Akpuaka A. Ekwenchi M.M. Dashak D.A. Dildar A. 2013. Biological activities of characterized isolates of n-hexane extract of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Neem) leaves. Nature and Science. 11:5, 141-147.
  • AlSheikh H.M.A. Sultan I. Kumar V. Rather I.A. Al-Sheikh H. Tasleem Jan A. Haq Q.M.R. 2020. Plant-based phytochemicals as possible alternative to antibiotics in combating bacterial drug resistance. Antibiotics. 9:8, 480.
  • Altuner E.M. Canlı K. Akata I. 2014. Antimicrobial screening of Calliergonella cuspidata, Dicranum polysetum and Hypnum cupressiforme. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 8:1, 539-545.
  • Amos-Tautua B.M. Alayande K.A. Ajileye O. Fadare O.A. Songca A.O.S.P. 2020. Effect of the leaf extracts of Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf. against selected pathogens. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. 8:4, 125-129.
  • Asha K.R. Priyanga S. Hemmalakshmi S. Devaki K. 2017. GC-MS Analysis of the Ethanolic Extract of the whole Plant Drosera indica L. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research. 9:5, 685-688.
  • Baltacı C. Öz M. Fidan M.S. Üçüncü O. Karataş Ş. M. 2022. Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Colchicum speciosum Steven growing in Türkiye. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 59:5.
  • Bandyopadhyay A. Dey A. 2022. The ethno-medicinal and pharmaceutical attributes of bryophytes: A review. Phytomedicine Plus. 2:2, 100255.
  • Benek A. Canlı K. Altuner E.M. 2022. Traditional medicinal uses of mosses. Anatolian Bryology. 8:1, 57-65.
  • Boy H.I.A. Rutilla A.J.H. Santos K.A.Ty A.M.T. Alicia I. Y. Mahboob T. ... Nissapatorn V. 2018. Recommended medicinal plants as source of natural products: a review. Digital Chinese Medicine. 1:2, 131-142.
  • Bozkurt S. D. Turu D. Gül G. Yaman C. Benek A. Canlı K. 2023. Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp.'in farklı çözücülerle elde edilen ekstraktlarının biyokimyasal içeriğinin belirlenmesi. 6th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2023), 11-13 Ekim 2023, Özet Metin Kitabı, s. 1521.
  • Canli K. Bozyel M.E. Turu D. Benek A. Şimşek O. Altuner E.M. 2023. Biochemical, Antioxidant Properties and Antimicrobial Activity of Steno-Endemic Origanum onites. Microorganisms. 11:8, 1987.
  • Chen Z. Bertin R. Froldi G. 2013. EC50 estimation of antioxidant activity in DPPH assay using several statistical programs. Food Chemistry. 138:1, 414-420.
  • Cianciullo P. Maresca V. Sorbo S. Basile A. 2021. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of extracts and bioactive compounds in bryophytes. Applied Sciences. 12:1, 160.
  • Çizgen S. Tuttu, G. Ursavaş S. 2018a. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Juniperus drupacea Cones in Turkey. Ecology 2018 International Symposium, Abstract Book, 901. 19-23 June 2018, Kastamonu (Poster Bildiri).
  • Çizgen S. Tuttu G. Ursavaş S. 2018b. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Oleander (Nerium oleander) in Turkey. Ecology 2018 International Symposium, Abstract Book, 871. 19-23 June 2018, Kastamonu (Poster Bildiri).
  • Cui H. Zhang C. Li C. Lin L. 2019. Antibacterial mechanism of oregano essential oil. Industrial Crops and Products. 139: 111498.
  • Değirmenci U. Ezer T. 2024. Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp. (Bryophyta) ekstresinin Asetilkolinesteraz enzim aktivitesine etkisi. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi. 14:3, 587-593.
  • Edewor T.I. Kazeem N.O. Owa S.O. 2016. GC-MS analysis of leaf extracts of Terminalia macroptera and Dioclea reflexa, two medicinal plants used for the treatment of respiratory tract disorders.
  • Egbung G.E. Anosike C. Utu-Baku A.B. Ogar I. Nna V.U. 2017. Phytochemical evaluation and GC-MS analysis of Hyptis verticillata cultivated in Calabar Cross River State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 11:5, 2548-2559.
  • Faleva A.V. Ul’yanovskii N.V. Falev D.I. Onuchina A. A. Budaev N. A. & Kosyakov D. S. 2022. New Oligomeric Dihydrochalcones in the Moss Polytrichum commune: Identification, Isolation, and Antioxidant Activity. Metabolites. 12:10, 974.
  • Hameed M.F. AL-Muhsin A. A. 2024. Estimation of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the ethanolic extract of S. monoica as an antifungal agent for Candida albicans. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 13:3, 450-455.
  • Hernansanz-Agustín P. & Enríquez J. A. 2021. Generation of reactive oxygen species by mitochondria. Antioxidants. 10:3, 415.
  • Ilozue N.M. Okoye P.A. Ekpunobi U. E. 2024. Phytochemical Evaluation, GC-MS Profiling and Antimicrobial Activity of Two Herbal Mixtures Marketed in Anambra State. South Asian Research Journal of Natural Products. 7:3, 184-196.
  • Jang Y.W. Jung J.Y. Lee I.K. Kang S.Y. Yun B.S. 2012. Nonanoic acid, an antifungal compound from Hibiscus syriacus Ggoma. Mycobiology. 40:2, 145-146.
  • Kedare S.B. Singh R.P. 2011. Genesis and development of DPPH method of antioxidant assay. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 48: 412-422.
  • Kumar M. Sarma D.K. Shubham S. Kumawat M. Verma V. Nina P. B. ... & Tiwari R. R. 2021. Futuristic non-antibiotic therapies to combat antibiotic resistance: A review. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, 609459.
  • Kumosani T.A. Alnefayee A. Barbour E. Qari M. Ahmed T. Moselh S.S. 2024. Identification of Bioactive Ingredients of Traditional Medicinal Plants Psiadia arabica Jaub. Tamarix articulata, Terminalia arjuna and Rhazya stricta by GC-MS in Saudi Arabia. Pharmacognosy Research. 16:3.
  • Lanchana H.A. Garampalli R.H. 2024. Analysis of phytochemical constituents, antibacterial, antioxidant and GC-MS profiling of Crotalaria ramosissima leaf extracts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research. 426-434.
  • Martelli G. Giacomini D. 2018. Antibacterial and antioxidant activities for natural and synthetic dual-active compounds. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 158: 91-105.
  • Miguel M.G. 2011. Anthocyanins: Antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory activities. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 7-15.
  • Mittler R. Zandalinas S.I. Fichman Y. Van Breusegem F. 2022. Reactive oxygen species signalling in plant stress responses. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 23:10, 663-679.
  • Munteanu I.G. Apetrei C. 2021. Analytical methods used in determining antioxidant activity: A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:7, 3380.
  • Mushtaq S. Abbasi B.H. Uzair B. Abbasi R. 2018. Natural products as reservoirs of novel therapeutic agents. EXCLI Journal. 17, 420.
  • Na M.K. Thuong P.T. Bae K.H. 2011. Natural compounds with antioxidant activity: recent findings from studies on medicinal plants. Natural Product Sciences. 17:2, 65-79.
  • Naragani K. Mangamuri U. Muvva V. Poda S. Munaganti R. K. 2016. Antimicrobial potential of Streptomyces cheonanensis VUK-a from mangrove origin. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 8, 53-57.
  • Nasr Z.S. El-shershaby H. Sallam K.M. Abed N. Ghany A.E. Sidkey N. 2022. Evaluation of antimicrobial potential of tetradecane extracted from Pediococcus acidilactici DSM: 20284-CM isolated from curd milk. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 65:3, 705-713.
  • Nepal A. Chakraborty M. Sarma D. Kanti P. 2021. Phyto-chemical characterization of Aeschynanthus sikkimensis (Clarke) Stapf. (Gesneriaceae) using GC-MS. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 13:3, 597-602.
  • Nimse S.B. Pal D. 2015. Free radicals, natural antioxidants, and their reaction mechanisms. RSC Advances. 5(35), 27986-28006.
  • Octarya Z. Novianty R. Suraya N. 2021. Antimicrobial activity and GC-MS analysis of bioactive constituents of Aspergillus fumigatus 269 isolated from Sungai Pinang Hot Spring, Riau, Indonesia. Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity. 22:4.
  • Sahilli Y. Ç. Korkmaz V. & Alataş M. Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp. taksonunun antioksidan özellikleri. Iğdır International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies 2018 Proceedings.
  • Shaaban M.T. Ghaly M.F. Fahmi S.M. 2021. Antibacterial activities of hexadecanoic acid methyl ester and green‐synthesized silver nanoparticles against multidrug‐resistant bacteria. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 61:6, 557-568.
  • Shibata Y. Mohamed A. Taniyama K. Kanatani K. Kosugi M. & Fukumura H. (2018). Red shift in the spectrum of a chlorophyll species is essential for the drought-induced dissipation of excess light energy in a poikilohydric moss, Bryum argenteum. Photosynthesis research, 136: 229-243.
  • Stanković N. Mihajilov-Krstev T. Zlatković B. Stankov-Jovanović V. Mitić V. Jović J. ... & Bernstein N. 2016. Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of traditional medicinal plants from the Balkan Peninsula. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. 78: 21-28.
  • Stopiglia C.D.O. Collares F.M. Ogliari F.A. Piva E. Fortes C.B.B. Samuel S.M.W. Scroferneker M.L. 2012. Antimicrobial activity of [2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl] trimethylammonium chloride against Candida spp. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología. 29:1, 20-23.
  • Sultana B. Anwar F. Ashraf M. 2009. Effect of extraction solvent/technique on the antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plant extracts. Molecules. 14:6, 2167-2180.
  • Sumerta I.N. Yuliani Y. Komalasari M. Purnaningsih I. Kanti A. 2022. Yeast species and bioactive compounds of traditional rice wine originated from Lombok Island, Indonesia. agriTECH. 42:1, 48-54.
  • Süntar I. 2020. Importance of ethnopharmacological studies in drug discovery: Role of medicinal plants. Phytochemistry Reviews. 19:5, 1199-1209.
  • Tretter V. Hochreiter B. Zach M.L. Krenn K. Klein K.U. 2021. Understanding cellular redox homeostasis: A challenge for precision medicine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23:1, 106.
  • Tuttu G. Ursavaş S. 2017. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Stinging nettle (Urtica sp.) in Turkey. 1. Uluslararası Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Kongresi, Abstract Book, 487. 9-12 Mayıs 2017, Konya (Poster Bildiri).
  • Tuttu G. Ursavaş S. Söyler R. 2017. Ihlamur Çiçeğinin Türkiye’deki Hasat Miktarları ve Etnobotanik Kullanımı. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3:1, 60-66.
  • Ursavaş S. Tuttu G. 2017. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Mushroom (Boletus sp.) in Turkey. 1. Uluslararası Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Kongresi, Abstract Book, 482. 9-12 Mayıs 2017, Konya (Poster Bildiri).
  • Veljić M. Tarbuk M. Marin P. D. Ćirić A. Soković M. Marin M. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of methanol extracts of mosses from Serbia. Pharmaceutical Biology. 46:12, 871-875.
  • Wang X. Shen Y. Thakur K. Han J. Zhang J.G. Hu F. Wei Z. J. 2020. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of ginger essential oil against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Molecules. 25:17, 3955.
  • Zou W. Hassan I. Akram B. Sattar H. Altaf A. Aqib A. I. ... & Li K. 2023. Validating interactions of pathogenic proteins of Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli with phytochemicals of Ziziphus jujube and Acacia nilotica. Microorganisms. 11:10, 2450.

Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp.’in Antioksidan Aktivitesinin ve Biyokimyasal İçeriğinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2024, , 169 - 178, 05.12.2024


Canlı organizmalar, oksijen işleme sürecinde, reaktif oksijen türleri (ROS) üretmektedirler. ROS’lar, biyomoleküllere zarar vererek oksidatif strese neden olmaktadır. Antioksidanlar, serbest radikalleri nötralize ederek ROS’un bu zararlarına karşın hücresel hasarı önlemektedir. Tıbbi bitkiler, oksidatif stresi azaltmak için zengin bir antioksidan kaynağı sunmakta ve hastalıkların tedavisinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle polifenoller ve flavonoidler gibi biyoaktif bileşikler, serbest radikalleri etkisiz hale getirerek oksidatif hasara karşı hücreleri korur. Briyofitler, özellikle karayosunları, bu alanda dikkat çeken bitki gruplarından olmuşlardır. İçerdikleri terpenler, flavonoidler gibi sekonder metabolitlerle biyolojik olarak aktif özellikler göstermektedirler. Bu çalışma kapsamında, Homalothecium philippeanum karayosununun etanol, metanol ve n-hekzan çözücüleriyle ekstraksiyonu gerçekleştirilmiş ve ekstraktların biyokimyasal içerik analizi araştırılmıştır. Bitkinin, etanol ve metanol ekstraktlarında majör bileşen olarak 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-methylpropyl) ester tespit edilmiştir. N-hekzan ekstraktında Tetradekan ve Hekzadekan gibi biyolojik olarak aktif alkanlar bulunmuştur. Karayosunu etanol ekstraktının antioksidan aktivitesi DPPH yöntemi kullanılarak araştırılmış ve EC50 değeri 7.084 mg/ml olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Akpuaka A. Ekwenchi M.M. Dashak D.A. Dildar A. 2013. Biological activities of characterized isolates of n-hexane extract of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Neem) leaves. Nature and Science. 11:5, 141-147.
  • AlSheikh H.M.A. Sultan I. Kumar V. Rather I.A. Al-Sheikh H. Tasleem Jan A. Haq Q.M.R. 2020. Plant-based phytochemicals as possible alternative to antibiotics in combating bacterial drug resistance. Antibiotics. 9:8, 480.
  • Altuner E.M. Canlı K. Akata I. 2014. Antimicrobial screening of Calliergonella cuspidata, Dicranum polysetum and Hypnum cupressiforme. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 8:1, 539-545.
  • Amos-Tautua B.M. Alayande K.A. Ajileye O. Fadare O.A. Songca A.O.S.P. 2020. Effect of the leaf extracts of Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf. against selected pathogens. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. 8:4, 125-129.
  • Asha K.R. Priyanga S. Hemmalakshmi S. Devaki K. 2017. GC-MS Analysis of the Ethanolic Extract of the whole Plant Drosera indica L. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research. 9:5, 685-688.
  • Baltacı C. Öz M. Fidan M.S. Üçüncü O. Karataş Ş. M. 2022. Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Colchicum speciosum Steven growing in Türkiye. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 59:5.
  • Bandyopadhyay A. Dey A. 2022. The ethno-medicinal and pharmaceutical attributes of bryophytes: A review. Phytomedicine Plus. 2:2, 100255.
  • Benek A. Canlı K. Altuner E.M. 2022. Traditional medicinal uses of mosses. Anatolian Bryology. 8:1, 57-65.
  • Boy H.I.A. Rutilla A.J.H. Santos K.A.Ty A.M.T. Alicia I. Y. Mahboob T. ... Nissapatorn V. 2018. Recommended medicinal plants as source of natural products: a review. Digital Chinese Medicine. 1:2, 131-142.
  • Bozkurt S. D. Turu D. Gül G. Yaman C. Benek A. Canlı K. 2023. Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp.'in farklı çözücülerle elde edilen ekstraktlarının biyokimyasal içeriğinin belirlenmesi. 6th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2023), 11-13 Ekim 2023, Özet Metin Kitabı, s. 1521.
  • Canli K. Bozyel M.E. Turu D. Benek A. Şimşek O. Altuner E.M. 2023. Biochemical, Antioxidant Properties and Antimicrobial Activity of Steno-Endemic Origanum onites. Microorganisms. 11:8, 1987.
  • Chen Z. Bertin R. Froldi G. 2013. EC50 estimation of antioxidant activity in DPPH assay using several statistical programs. Food Chemistry. 138:1, 414-420.
  • Cianciullo P. Maresca V. Sorbo S. Basile A. 2021. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of extracts and bioactive compounds in bryophytes. Applied Sciences. 12:1, 160.
  • Çizgen S. Tuttu, G. Ursavaş S. 2018a. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Juniperus drupacea Cones in Turkey. Ecology 2018 International Symposium, Abstract Book, 901. 19-23 June 2018, Kastamonu (Poster Bildiri).
  • Çizgen S. Tuttu G. Ursavaş S. 2018b. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Oleander (Nerium oleander) in Turkey. Ecology 2018 International Symposium, Abstract Book, 871. 19-23 June 2018, Kastamonu (Poster Bildiri).
  • Cui H. Zhang C. Li C. Lin L. 2019. Antibacterial mechanism of oregano essential oil. Industrial Crops and Products. 139: 111498.
  • Değirmenci U. Ezer T. 2024. Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp. (Bryophyta) ekstresinin Asetilkolinesteraz enzim aktivitesine etkisi. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi. 14:3, 587-593.
  • Edewor T.I. Kazeem N.O. Owa S.O. 2016. GC-MS analysis of leaf extracts of Terminalia macroptera and Dioclea reflexa, two medicinal plants used for the treatment of respiratory tract disorders.
  • Egbung G.E. Anosike C. Utu-Baku A.B. Ogar I. Nna V.U. 2017. Phytochemical evaluation and GC-MS analysis of Hyptis verticillata cultivated in Calabar Cross River State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 11:5, 2548-2559.
  • Faleva A.V. Ul’yanovskii N.V. Falev D.I. Onuchina A. A. Budaev N. A. & Kosyakov D. S. 2022. New Oligomeric Dihydrochalcones in the Moss Polytrichum commune: Identification, Isolation, and Antioxidant Activity. Metabolites. 12:10, 974.
  • Hameed M.F. AL-Muhsin A. A. 2024. Estimation of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the ethanolic extract of S. monoica as an antifungal agent for Candida albicans. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 13:3, 450-455.
  • Hernansanz-Agustín P. & Enríquez J. A. 2021. Generation of reactive oxygen species by mitochondria. Antioxidants. 10:3, 415.
  • Ilozue N.M. Okoye P.A. Ekpunobi U. E. 2024. Phytochemical Evaluation, GC-MS Profiling and Antimicrobial Activity of Two Herbal Mixtures Marketed in Anambra State. South Asian Research Journal of Natural Products. 7:3, 184-196.
  • Jang Y.W. Jung J.Y. Lee I.K. Kang S.Y. Yun B.S. 2012. Nonanoic acid, an antifungal compound from Hibiscus syriacus Ggoma. Mycobiology. 40:2, 145-146.
  • Kedare S.B. Singh R.P. 2011. Genesis and development of DPPH method of antioxidant assay. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 48: 412-422.
  • Kumar M. Sarma D.K. Shubham S. Kumawat M. Verma V. Nina P. B. ... & Tiwari R. R. 2021. Futuristic non-antibiotic therapies to combat antibiotic resistance: A review. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, 609459.
  • Kumosani T.A. Alnefayee A. Barbour E. Qari M. Ahmed T. Moselh S.S. 2024. Identification of Bioactive Ingredients of Traditional Medicinal Plants Psiadia arabica Jaub. Tamarix articulata, Terminalia arjuna and Rhazya stricta by GC-MS in Saudi Arabia. Pharmacognosy Research. 16:3.
  • Lanchana H.A. Garampalli R.H. 2024. Analysis of phytochemical constituents, antibacterial, antioxidant and GC-MS profiling of Crotalaria ramosissima leaf extracts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research. 426-434.
  • Martelli G. Giacomini D. 2018. Antibacterial and antioxidant activities for natural and synthetic dual-active compounds. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 158: 91-105.
  • Miguel M.G. 2011. Anthocyanins: Antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory activities. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 7-15.
  • Mittler R. Zandalinas S.I. Fichman Y. Van Breusegem F. 2022. Reactive oxygen species signalling in plant stress responses. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 23:10, 663-679.
  • Munteanu I.G. Apetrei C. 2021. Analytical methods used in determining antioxidant activity: A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:7, 3380.
  • Mushtaq S. Abbasi B.H. Uzair B. Abbasi R. 2018. Natural products as reservoirs of novel therapeutic agents. EXCLI Journal. 17, 420.
  • Na M.K. Thuong P.T. Bae K.H. 2011. Natural compounds with antioxidant activity: recent findings from studies on medicinal plants. Natural Product Sciences. 17:2, 65-79.
  • Naragani K. Mangamuri U. Muvva V. Poda S. Munaganti R. K. 2016. Antimicrobial potential of Streptomyces cheonanensis VUK-a from mangrove origin. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 8, 53-57.
  • Nasr Z.S. El-shershaby H. Sallam K.M. Abed N. Ghany A.E. Sidkey N. 2022. Evaluation of antimicrobial potential of tetradecane extracted from Pediococcus acidilactici DSM: 20284-CM isolated from curd milk. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 65:3, 705-713.
  • Nepal A. Chakraborty M. Sarma D. Kanti P. 2021. Phyto-chemical characterization of Aeschynanthus sikkimensis (Clarke) Stapf. (Gesneriaceae) using GC-MS. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 13:3, 597-602.
  • Nimse S.B. Pal D. 2015. Free radicals, natural antioxidants, and their reaction mechanisms. RSC Advances. 5(35), 27986-28006.
  • Octarya Z. Novianty R. Suraya N. 2021. Antimicrobial activity and GC-MS analysis of bioactive constituents of Aspergillus fumigatus 269 isolated from Sungai Pinang Hot Spring, Riau, Indonesia. Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity. 22:4.
  • Sahilli Y. Ç. Korkmaz V. & Alataş M. Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp. taksonunun antioksidan özellikleri. Iğdır International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies 2018 Proceedings.
  • Shaaban M.T. Ghaly M.F. Fahmi S.M. 2021. Antibacterial activities of hexadecanoic acid methyl ester and green‐synthesized silver nanoparticles against multidrug‐resistant bacteria. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 61:6, 557-568.
  • Shibata Y. Mohamed A. Taniyama K. Kanatani K. Kosugi M. & Fukumura H. (2018). Red shift in the spectrum of a chlorophyll species is essential for the drought-induced dissipation of excess light energy in a poikilohydric moss, Bryum argenteum. Photosynthesis research, 136: 229-243.
  • Stanković N. Mihajilov-Krstev T. Zlatković B. Stankov-Jovanović V. Mitić V. Jović J. ... & Bernstein N. 2016. Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of traditional medicinal plants from the Balkan Peninsula. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. 78: 21-28.
  • Stopiglia C.D.O. Collares F.M. Ogliari F.A. Piva E. Fortes C.B.B. Samuel S.M.W. Scroferneker M.L. 2012. Antimicrobial activity of [2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl] trimethylammonium chloride against Candida spp. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología. 29:1, 20-23.
  • Sultana B. Anwar F. Ashraf M. 2009. Effect of extraction solvent/technique on the antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plant extracts. Molecules. 14:6, 2167-2180.
  • Sumerta I.N. Yuliani Y. Komalasari M. Purnaningsih I. Kanti A. 2022. Yeast species and bioactive compounds of traditional rice wine originated from Lombok Island, Indonesia. agriTECH. 42:1, 48-54.
  • Süntar I. 2020. Importance of ethnopharmacological studies in drug discovery: Role of medicinal plants. Phytochemistry Reviews. 19:5, 1199-1209.
  • Tretter V. Hochreiter B. Zach M.L. Krenn K. Klein K.U. 2021. Understanding cellular redox homeostasis: A challenge for precision medicine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23:1, 106.
  • Tuttu G. Ursavaş S. 2017. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Stinging nettle (Urtica sp.) in Turkey. 1. Uluslararası Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Kongresi, Abstract Book, 487. 9-12 Mayıs 2017, Konya (Poster Bildiri).
  • Tuttu G. Ursavaş S. Söyler R. 2017. Ihlamur Çiçeğinin Türkiye’deki Hasat Miktarları ve Etnobotanik Kullanımı. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3:1, 60-66.
  • Ursavaş S. Tuttu G. 2017. Harvest Amounts and Ethnobotanical Uses of the Mushroom (Boletus sp.) in Turkey. 1. Uluslararası Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Kongresi, Abstract Book, 482. 9-12 Mayıs 2017, Konya (Poster Bildiri).
  • Veljić M. Tarbuk M. Marin P. D. Ćirić A. Soković M. Marin M. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of methanol extracts of mosses from Serbia. Pharmaceutical Biology. 46:12, 871-875.
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There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Selime Deniz Bozkurt 0009-0003-4782-8884

Dilay Turu 0000-0002-8485-0488

Gizem Gül 0000-0003-3928-2917

Cenker Yaman 0000-0002-3559-9098

Atakan Benek 0000-0001-6726-5968

Kerem Canlı 0000-0001-6061-6948

Publication Date December 5, 2024
Submission Date October 31, 2024
Acceptance Date November 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Bozkurt, S. D., Turu, D., Gül, G., Yaman, C., et al. (2024). Determination of Antioxidant Activity and Biochemical Content of Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) Schimp. Anatolian Bryology, 10(2), 169-178.

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