A reference list of Turkish bryophytes. The state of knowledge from 1829 until 2017
Year 2017,
, 81 - 102, 15.12.2017
Adnan Erdağ
Harald Kürschner
A reference
list of Turkish bryophytes published between 1829 and 2017 is presented,
including a brief history of Turkish bryology. The list comprises 520 publications
which focus largely on flora and taxonomy, vegetation and ecology of Turkish
bryophytes. Some larger revisional studies are included in cases when they refer
to Turkish records or if they include Turkish locality data. A new topic which
come along within the last years are experimental studies based on Turkish
material. They are included as well, however, may far away from being complete.
- ABAY G. & ÇETİN B., 2003a – The moss flora (Musci) of Ilgaz Mountain National Park. Turkish Journal of Botany 27: 321-332.
- ABAY G. & ÇETİN B., 2003b – Plagiothecium laetum Bruch, Schimp. & Gümbel. In, New national and regional bryophyte records, 7. Journal of Bryology 25: 141-144.
- ABAY G., (2004) 2006 – The moss flora (Musci) of Kıyıcık village (Fındıklı-Rize). Ot Sistematik. Botanik Dergisi 11: 149-162.
- ABAY G., URSAVAŞ S., KADROĞLU N. B. & TARHAN İ. 2006 – Some moss (Musci) records from Artvin (A4) and Antalya (C12). Nature & Man 4: 19-32.
- ABAY G., URSAVAŞ S. & ŞAHİN A., 2007 – The chorology of the Turkish moss species of Andreaeaceae, Archidiaceae, Aulacomniaceae, Amblystegiaceae and Anomodontaceae families (review). G.U. Journal of Sciences 20: 51-60.
- ABAY G., UYAR G., ÇETİN B. & KEÇELİ T., 2007 – Bucklandiella microcarpa (Hedw.) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra (Grimmiaceae, Bryopsida), new to the moss flora of Turkey and South-West Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28: 145-148.
- ABAY G., 2008 – Contributions to the moss (Musci) flora of Çankırı (Yapraklı). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, ser. A 1: 24-35 (in Turkish).
- ABAY G. & URSAVAŞ S., 2005 – Mosses (Musci) of Değirmenboğazı (Manyas District, Balıkesir). Turkish Journal of Botany 29: 425-434.
- ABAY G. & URSAVAŞ S., 2009 – The moss (Musci) flora and ecology of Çankırı Research Forest. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 11 (16): 61-70. (in Turkish)
- ABAY G., UYAR G., ÇETİN B. & KEÇELİ T., 2009 – New bryofloristic records of the square A 4 (Rize, Turkey). In: Ivanova D. (ed.), Plant, fungal and habitat diversity investigation and conservation, Proc. IV Balkan Botanic Congress, Sofia, pp. 134 -139.
- ABAY G., UYAR G., KEÇELİ T. & ÇETİN B., 2009a – Sphagnum centrale and other remarkable bryophyte records from the Kaçkar Mountains (Northern Turkey). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 30: 399-407.
- ABAY G., UYAR G., KEÇELİ T. & ÇETİN B., 2009b – Contributions to the bryoflora of the Kaçkar Mts. (NE Turkey). Phytologia Balcanica 15: 317-329.
- ABAY G., KARAKOÇ O.C., TUFEKÇİ A.R., KOLDAŞ S., DEMİRTAŞ İ, 2012 –Insecticidal activity of Hypnum cupressiforme (Bryophyta) against Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 51: 6-10.
- ABAY G., ALTUN M., KARAKOÇ O.C., GÜL F., DEMİRTAS İ., 2013 – Insecticidal Activity of Fatty Acid-Rich Turkish Bryophyte Extracts Against Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 16: 806-816.
- ABAY G., GÜL E., URSAVAŞ S. & ERŞAHİN S., 2014 – Substratum properties and mosses in semi-arid environments. A case study from North Turkey. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 35: 181-196.
ABAY G. & KEÇELİ T., 2014 – Sphagnum molle (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) in Turkey and SW Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 35: 105-112.
- ABAY G., KOLDAŞ S., TÜFEKÇİ A. R. & DEMİRTAŞ İ., 2015 – Determination of antiproliterative activities of volatile contents and HPLC profiles of Dicranum scoparium (Dicranaceae, Bryophyta). Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 18: 453 – 463.
- ABAY G., BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2016 – Bryophyte checklist of Rize, Northeast Turkey. Arctoa 25: 386 – 392.
- ACAR O. & YAYINTAŞ A., 1994 – Die Moosflora von Dumanlı Dağ (İzmir). Journal of Faculty of Science, Ege University 16: 16-23.
- ALATAŞ M., ÖREN M. & UYAR G., 2011 – The bryophyte flora in campus center of Zonguldak Karaelmas University. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 13: 51-58. (in Turkish)
- ALATAŞ M. & UYAR G., 2011 – A note on Pohlia ludwigii (Spreng. ex Schwägr.) Broth. (Bryaceae, Musci) in Turkey. Biological Diversity & Conservation 4: 83-86.
- ALATAŞ M., UYAR G., KARA R. & EZER T., 2012a – The epiphytic bryophytes of Uludağ Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana) on Abant Mountains/Turkey. Biological Diversity & Conservation 5: 69-75 (in Turkish).
- ALATAŞ M., EZER T., KARA R. & UYAR G., 2012b – Abant Dağlarındaki Fagus orientalis Lipsky. (Doğu Kayını) Ağaçlarının Epifitik Bryofitleri. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14: 98 – 105.
- ALATAŞ M., BATAN N. & HAZER Y., 2014 – The moss flora of Elazığ-Sivrice (Turkey) province. Biological Diversity & Conservation 7: 148-153 (in Turkish).
- ALATAŞ M. & BATAN N., 2015 – The moss flora of Keban (Elazığ/Turkey) district. Biological Diversity & Conservation 8: 59-65 (in Turkish).
- ALATAŞ M. & UYAR G., 2015 – The bryophyte flora of Abant Mountains (Bolu/Turkey). Biological Diversity & Conservation 8: 35-43 (in Turkish).
- ALATAŞ M. & BATAN N. & ÖZDEMIR T., 2015 – Notes on Barbilophozia lycopodioides (Wallr.) Loeske (Scapaniaceae, Hepaticae) in Turkey. Anatolian Bryology 1: 61-66 (in Turkish).
- ALATAŞ M., EZER T., KARA R. & BATAN N., 2015 – Beldibi ve Babadağ ormanlarının epifitik briyofitleri, Zonguldak, Türkiye. Anatolian Bryology 1: 10-17.
- ALATAŞ M., KARA R., EZER T., ÜYAR G. & BATAN N., 2015 – The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Zonguldak-Göbü village (Northwest Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Botany 47: 1439-1449.
- ALATAŞ M. & BATAN N., 2016a – The moss flora of Arapgir (Malatya/Turkey) district. Biological Diversity & Conservation 9: 102-107.
- ALATAŞ M. & BATAN N. 2016b – The moss flora of Yeşilyurt and Battalgazi (Malatya/Turkey) district. Anatolian Bryology 2: 47-55 (in Turkish).
- ALATAŞ M., KARA R., EZER T., BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2016 – Contribution to the epiphytic flora and vegetation of the Lake District in the Burdur region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany 40: 329-342.
- ALATAŞ M. & BATAN N., 2017A – The bryophyte flora of Baskil district (Elazığ / Turkey). Biological Diversity & Conservation 10 (1): 31 – 38.
- ALATAŞ M., BATAN N., EZER T. & UYAR G., 2017b – The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Boraboy and Destek Forests ( Amasya, Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49: 1779 – 1786.
- ALTAN Y. & YURDAKULOL E., 1987 – The mosses (Musci) and ferns (Filicinae) of Gülveren Village (Erzurum – Şenkaya). Journal of Fırat University 2: 93-98.
- ALTUNER E. M., ÇETİN B. & ÇÖKMÜŞ C., 2010 – Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. özütlerinin antimikrobiyal aktivitesi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 10: 111-116 (in Turkish).
- ANDO H., 1976 – Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (III). Journal of Science, Hiroshima Univ. ser. B, Div. 2 (Bot.) 16: 1-46.
- ANDO H., 1989 – Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (VI). Hikobia 10: 269-291.
- ANDO H., 1992 – Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (VIII). Hikobia 11: 111-123.
- ARIÖZ S. S., KARA R., CAN S. M., & EZER T., 2012 – The moss flora of Kirmir valley (Güdül, Ankara/Turkey). Biological Diversity & Conservation 5: 63-68.
- AŞÇI B., ÇETER V., PINAR N. M., ÇÖLGEÇEN H. & ÇETİN B., 2010 – Spore morphology of some Turkish Tortula and Syntrichia species [Pottiaceae Schimp. (Bryophyta)]. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 17: 165-180.
- AYAŞLIGİL Y., 1987 – Der Köprülü Kanyon Nationalpark. Seine Vegetation und ihre Beeinflussung durch den Menschen. Landschaftsökologie Weihenstephan Band 5: 1-309.
- AYDIN Ş. & KESERCİOĞLU T., 2001 – Chromosome studies on some Turkish species of Grimmia Hedw.: G. laevigata (Brid.) Brid., G. ovalis (Hedw.) Lindb., G. pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm., G. trichophylla Grev. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 22: 175-177.
- AYDIN Ş. & KESERCİOĞLU T., 2003 – Mitotic chromosome studies on Tortula muralis, Syntrichia intermedia, S. princeps and S. ruraliformis from Turkey. Lindbergia 28: 45-47.
- AYDIN Ş. & KESERCİOĞLU T., 2005 – Chromosome studies on some Turkish mosses. Cryptogamie, Bryology 26: 335-340.
- AYDOĞAN S., ERDAĞ B. & AKTAŞ L., 2017 – Bioacumulation and oxidative stress impact of Pb, Ni, Cu and Cr heavy metals in two bryophyte species, Pleurochaete squarrosa and Timmiella barbuloides. Turkish Journal of Botany, 41: 464 -475.
- BAĞDATLI M N. & ERDAĞ B., 2015 – The moss Dicranella varia (Hedw.) Schimp. from spore to gametophore under in vitro conditions. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience 3 (11): 47 – 50.
- BAĞDATLI M N. & ERDAĞ B., 2017 – Spore germination and protonemal features of some mosses under in vitro conditions. European Journal of Biotechnology and Biosciences 5 (5): 80 – 85.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2008 – Contributions to the moss flora of Artvin region (Hatila Valley National Park – Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11: 1676-1682.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2011 – Some moss (Musci) records from Mersin C12), Trabzon and Gümüşhane (A4). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 12: 104-109.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMIR T., 2012 – Bryoerythrophyllum rubrum (Pottiaceae) – a new moss in the Turkish bryophyte flora. Phytologia Balcanica 18: 117-120.
- BATAN N., ALATAŞ M. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2013a – Leptoscyphus cuneifolius (Lophocoleaceae, Marchantiophyta) new to southwest Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 34: 373-377.
- BATAN N., ALATAŞ M. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2013b – Schistidium sordidum new to Turkey and Southwest Asia. Archive of Biological Sciences Belgrade 65: 1505-1509.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T. 2013a – Contributions to the moss flora of the Caucasian part (Artvin province) of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 37: 375-388.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2013b – Notes on Campyliadelphus elodes (Lindb.) Kanda (Amblystegiaceae) in Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 6: 118-122.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2013c – Bryoflora of Dernekpazarı district of Trabzon (Turkey) province. Biological Diversity and Conservation 6: 45-49.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2013d – New records for the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia. Nova Hedwigia 97: 437-440.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2013e – Contribution to the moss flora of Eastern Black Sea region (Artvin) in Turkey and new record to the Southwest Asia. Arctoa 22: 101-106.
- BATAN N., ÖZDEMİR T. & ALATAŞ M., 2013 – Bryophyte flora of the Iğdır province (Turkey). Phytologia Balcanica 19: 179-191.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2014a – Schistidium boreale Poelt. In: New national and regional bryophyte records, 39. Journal of Bryology 36: 144-145.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2014b – Pylaisia subcircinata Cardot. In: New national and regional bryophyte records, 40. Journal of Bryology 36: 235.
- BATAN N., ÖZCAN O. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2014 – New bryophyte records from Turkey and Southwest Asia. Telopea 17: 337 – 346.
- BATAN N. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2016a – Herzogiella turfacea (Lindb.) Z. Iwats. (Plagiotheciaceae, Bryophyta) new to Turkey. Arctoa 25: 141-143.
- BATAN, N. & ÖZDEMIR T., 2016b – The bryophyte flora of Burdur Province (Turkey.) Arctoa 25: 160-170.
- BATAN N., JIA N., ÖZDEMİR T. & ALATAŞ M., 2016 – Brotherella and Encalypta species new to Turkey, Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. Plant Biosystems 150 (3): 436-441.
- BATAN N., ÖZEN Ö., ALATAŞ M. & ÖZDEMİR T., 2016 – Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Bryophyta), new to Turkey and Southwest Asia. Phytologia Balcanica 22 (3): 331-333.
- BATAN N., ÖZDEMİR T., ALATAŞ M. & ERATA H., 2016 – Sematophyllum micans. In: New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 47. Journal of Bryology 38 (2): 151-167.
- BAYDAR S. & ÖZDEMİR T., 1996 – The mosses (Musci) of Altındere Valley National Park. Turkish Journal of Botany 20: 53-57.
- BAYSAL A. & ÖZDEMIR T., 1999 – The levels of cesium radionuclides in mosses collected from Akçaabat, Maçka and Sürmene in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey, 1997. Toxilogical & Environmental Chemistry 69: 481-485.
- BECKER H., 1967 – Bryologische Studien in Steppengebieten und im Bereiche angrenzender Waldzonen Anatoliens. Mitteilungen der Ostalpin-Dinarischen Pflanzensoziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft 7: 47-48.
- BEDNAREK-OCHYRA H., 2006 – A taxonomic monograph of the moss genus Codriophorus P. Beauv. (Grimmiaceae). W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków.
- BELİVERMİŞ M., KILIÇ Ö., ÇAYIR A., COŞKUN M. & COŞKUN M., 2016 – Assesment of 210Po and 210Pb in lichen, moss and soil around Çan coal – fired power plant, Turkey. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307: 523 -531.
- BISCHLER H., 1978 – Plagiochasma Lehm. et Lindenb. II. Les taxa européens et africains. Revue bryologique et lichénologique 44: 223-300.
- BISCHLER H., 1979 – Plagiochasma Lehm. et Lindenb. III. Les taxa d’Asie et d’Océanie. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 45: 25-79.
- BISCHLER H. & JOVET-AST S., 1986 – The hepatic flora of South-West Asia: a survey. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 89 B: 229-241.
- BISCHLER-CAUSSE H., 1989 – Marchantia L. The Asiatic and Oceanic taxa. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 38: 1-317.
- BLOM, H. H., 1996 – A revision of the Schistidium apocarpum complex in Norway and Sweden. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 49: 1-333.
- BLOM H H., BEDNAREK-OCHYRA H. & OCHYRA R., 2016 – Studies on Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) in Europe, with particular reference to Alps: I. A description of Schistidium marginale sp. nov. Phytotaxa 247 (3): 210-218.
- BORNMÜLLER J., 1908 – Florulae Lydiae. Mitteilungen des Thüringischen Botanischen Vereins, Neue Folge 24: 1-140.
- BORNMÜLLER J., 1909 – Ergebnisse einer im Juni des Jahres 1899 nach dem Sultan-dagh in Phrygien unternommenen Reise nebst einigen anderen Beiträgen zur Kenntnis der Flora dieser Landschaft Inner-Anatoliens. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 24, Abt. 2: 440-503.
- BORNMÜLLER J., 1931 – Zur Bryophyten-Flora Kleinasiens. Magyar Botanikai Lapok 30: 1-21.
- BOZDOĞAN S. G., İŞLEK C., KARA R. & EZER T., 2013 – Tissue culture in bryophytes. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 6: 124-130.
- BREMER B., 1980 – A taxonomic revision of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta). Lindbergia 6: 89-117.
- BRULLO S., LO GIUDICE R. & PRIVITERA M., 1991 – Phytogeographical considerations on the psammophilous mosses from Mediterranean area. Botanika Chronika 10: 873-887.
- CAN S. M., KARA R. & EZER T., 2013 – Bryophyte flora of Melendiz Mountain in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 37: 575-588.
- CANGÜL C. & EZER T., 2010 – The bryophyte flora of Kaplandede Mountain (Düzce, Turkey). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 47: 3-12.
- CANLI K, ŞİMŞEK Ö., URSAVAŞ S. & ÇETİN B., 2011 – Karagöl (Çubuk, Ankara) mesire alanının bryofit (Bryophyta) florası. MAKUFEBED, 4: 38 - 49
- CANLI K. & ÇETİN B., 2012 – Didymodon tomaculosus (Blockeel) M.F.V.Corley, new to the moss flora of Turkey and Asia. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 41: 177-179.
- CANLI K. & ÇETIN B., 2014 – The moss flora of Akdağ Mountain (Amasya, Turkey). The Scientific World Journal 2014: 1-8.
- CANSU, T. B., YAYLI B., ÖZDEMİR T., BATAN N., ALPAY KARAOĞLU S. & YAYLI N., 2013 – Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oils of mosses (Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. and Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwägr.) growing in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 37: 213-219.
- CAPARROS R., LARA F., DRAPER I., MAZIMPAKA V. & GARILLET R., 2016 – Integrative taxonomy sheds light on an old problem: the Ulota crispa complex (Orthotrichaceae, Musci). Botanical Journal of Linnean Society 180: 427-451.
- ÇETİN B. & YURDAKULOL E., 1985 – The moss (Musci) flora of Gerede-Aktaş (Bolu) forest. Doğa Bilim Dergisi, ser. A 2, 9: 29-39.
- ÇETİN B. & YURDAKULOL E., 1986 – The liverworts (Hepaticae) of Bolu district (Gerede-Aktaş forest – Yedigöller National Park). Doğa, Türk Biyoloji Dergisi, C 10: 53-56.
- ÇETİN B., 1988a – Checklist of mosses of Turkey. Lindbergia 14: 15-23.
- ÇETİN B., 1988b – Checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of Turkey. Lindbergia 14: 12-14.
- ÇETİN B., 1988c – Cinclidotus nyholmiae, a new species from Köprüllü Canyon National Park (Antalya) in Turkey. Journal of Bryology 15: 269-273.
- ÇETİN B., 1988d – Some mosses (Musci) of Dilek Peninsula National Park. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 12: 207-214.
- ÇETİN B. & YURDAKULOL E., 1988 – The moss flora of Yedigöller National Park. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 12: 128-146.
- ÇETİN B., 1989a – A new moss (Musci) record for Turkey. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 139-142.
- ÇETİN B., 1989b – A new moss (Musci) record for Turkey. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 143-146.
- ÇETİN B., 1989c – A new moss (Musci) record for Turkey. Fontinalis antipyretica ssp. antipyretica var. gracilis (Lindb.) Schimp. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 452-455.
- ÇETİN B., 1989d – Pohlia wahlenbergii (Web. ve Mohr) Andrews var. calcarea (Warnst.) Warburg, a new moss (Musci) record for Turkey. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 147-150.
- ÇETİN B., 1989e – Porella pinnata L., a new liverwort (Hepaticae) recorded from Turkey. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 134-138.
- ÇETİN B., 1989f – Some mosses (Musci) of Antalya district [Köprülü Canyon National Park, Güllükdağı (Termessos) National Park and Kursunlu waterfalls]. Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 456-469 (in Turkish).
- ÇETİN B., 1989g – The liverworts (Hepaticae) of Antalya district (Kurşunlu waterfalls – Köprülü Canyon National Park). Doğa, Türk Botanik Dergisi, C 13: 151-156 (in Turkish).
- ÇETİN B., 1990 – A new record for the moss flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 14: 160-162.
- ÇETİN B., 1991 – Hygrohypnum duriusculum (De Not.) Jamieson, a new record for the moss flora of Turkey. Lindbergia 17: 3-4.
- ÇETİN B., 1993 – An investigation of the Köyçeğiz-Dalyan specially protected area as regards to bryophyte flora. Turkish Journal of Botany 17: 255-261.
- ÇETİN B. & BAKAR N., 1997 – Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedw.) De Not., a new record for the moss flora of Turkey. Lindbergia 22: 143-144.
- ÇETİN B. & UYAR G., 1997a – The moss flora of Sinop and its environs (Ayancik, Boyabat and Gerze). Turkish Journal of Botany 21: 231-244.
- ÇETİN B. & UYAR G., 1997b – Campylium polygamum (B.,S. & G.) J. Lange & C. Jens., a new record for the moss flora of Turkey. Lindbergia 22: 43.
- ÇETİN B., 1999a – The liverworts (Hepaticae) of Sinop and its environs (Ayancık, Boyabat and Gerze). Turkish Journal of Botany 23: 113-116.
- ÇETİN B., 1999b – The moss flora of the Uludağ National Park (Bursa/Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany 23: 187-193.
- ÇETİN B., 1999c – Barbula glauca (Ryan) Möll.,a new record for the moss flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 23: 69-70.
- ÇETİN B., 1999d – The liverworts of Uludağ National Park (Bursa). Turkish Journal of Botany 23: 277-280.
- ÇETİN B. & UYAR G., 1999a – Bryum curvatum Kaur. & H. Arn., a new record for the moss flora of Turkey. Journal of Bryology 21: 76-77.
- ÇETİN B. & UYAR G., 1999b – Lescuraea radicosa (Mitt.) Mönk. and L. radicosa var. denudata (Kindb.) Lawton newly found in Turkey. Lindbergia 24: 75-76.
- ÇETİN B., UNÇ E. & UYAR G., 2002 – The moss flora of Ankara – Kızılcahamam – Çamkoru and Çamlıdere districts. Turkish Journal of Botany 26: 91-101.
- ÇÖTELİ E., ALATAŞ M. & BATAN N., 2017 – Comparing of Glutathion ingradients of Syntrichia ruralis and Syntrichia montana (Pottiaceae) taxa. Anatolian Bryology, 3 (1): 25 – 30.
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- DAMAYANTI L., MUÑOZ J., WICKE S., SYMMANK L., SHAW B., FRAHM J.P. & QUANDT D., 2012 - Common but new: Bartramia rosamrosiae, a “new” widespread species of apple mosses (Bartramiales, Bryophytina) from the Mediterranean and western North America. Phytotaxa 73: 37-59.
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- DEMİR M E., UYGUN-AKTAŞ D., ERDAĞ A. & AKGÖL S., 2017 – A new support material for Ig adsorption: Syntrichia papillosissima (Copp.) Loeske. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology, (published online), DOI: 10.1080/21691401-2017-1296848.
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Türkiye biryofitleri yayın listesi. 1829’dan 2017’ ye bilgilerimizin durumu
Year 2017,
, 81 - 102, 15.12.2017
Adnan Erdağ
Harald Kürschner
biryolojisinin kısa bir tarihi ile birlikte 1829 ve 2017 yılları arasında
yayımlanmış makalelerin bir listesi sunulmuştur. Liste büyük çapta Türkiye
biryofitlerinin flora ve taksonomisi ile vejetasyon ve ekolojileri üzerine
odaklanmış 520 yayını içermektedir. Bazı daha geniş çaplı revizyon çalışmaları
da Türkiye’ den kayıt verdikleri veya mevki bildirdikleri durumlarda dahil
edilmişlerdir. Son yıllarda ortaya çıkan deneysel çalışmalar da Türk karayosunlarının
kullanımı yeni bir alan durumundadır. Bu çalışmalar da listeye eklenmiş olmakla
birlikte bir kısmının eksikliği olasıdır.
- ABAY G. & ÇETİN B., 2003a – The moss flora (Musci) of Ilgaz Mountain National Park. Turkish Journal of Botany 27: 321-332.
- ABAY G. & ÇETİN B., 2003b – Plagiothecium laetum Bruch, Schimp. & Gümbel. In, New national and regional bryophyte records, 7. Journal of Bryology 25: 141-144.
- ABAY G., (2004) 2006 – The moss flora (Musci) of Kıyıcık village (Fındıklı-Rize). Ot Sistematik. Botanik Dergisi 11: 149-162.
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