Research Article
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The Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of Akyazı District (Sakarya, Turkey): A Multivariate Study of Community-Habitat Relationships

Year 2019, , 85 - 99, 30.11.2019


In this study, epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of
the Akyazı District in Sakarya Province (Turkey) was investigated. In the
different vegetation periods of the year 2017, a total of 85 relevés taken from
the trunks of trees and were classified by Braun-Blanquet method and regulated by
using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) and Two-Way Indicator
Species Analysis (TWINSPAN).
TWINSPAN classification technique produced two
main vegetation groups include eight clusters at the third level.
results of
DECORANA indicated that the distribution
patterns of epiphytic communities change from xeric to mesic and along the lower
base and upper zones. The most important ecological factor for the epiphytic
community differentiation in the study area, according to the ordination
diagram, is humidity of the epiphytic habitats. Consequently, six epiphytic
bryophyte associations and two subassociations were determined in the present
paper. Among them;
for the second time and
Pterigynandretum filiformis -leucodontetosum
were recorded for the first time in Turkey.
Orthotrichetum pallentis - isothecietosum alopecuroidis subass.
was described as a new epiphytic association from the Akyazı District
of Sakarya Province. Floristic and ecological characteristics such as;
(humidity, light, acidity) of these new syntaxa are given with detailed


  • Akman Y. 2011. İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Alataş M. Uyar G. 2017. A New Bryophyte Community and Three New Records for the Epiphytic Bryophyte Vegetation of Turkey. Turk J Bot. 41, 308-323.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Uyar G. 2017. The Epiphytic Bryophyte Flora and Vegetation of Boraboy and Destek Forets (Amasya, Turkey). Pakistan J Bot. 49:5, 1779-1786.
  • Alataş M. 2018. Checklist of Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Botanica-Serbica. 42:2, 173-179.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Erata H. 2019a. A new bryophyte sub-association and a new association record for Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 12:1, 181-188.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Erata H. 2019b. Türkiye’deki Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf. 1941 Üzerine Bir Not. Anatolian Bryology. 5:1, 8-14.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. 2019c. The Epiphytic Bryophyte Vegetation of Kamilet Valley (Artvin/Turkey). Turk J Bot. DOI: 10.3906/bot-1812-38.
  • Baisheva EZ. 2000. Bryophyte Vegetation of Bashkiria (South Urals). III. Epiphytic and Epixylic Communities of Western Bashkiria. Arctoa. 9, 101-104. Barkman J.J. 1958. Phytosociology and Ecology of Cryptogamic Epiphytes.Van Gorcum. Assen.
  • Braun Blanquet J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Aufl. Springer. New York.
  • Can Gözcü M. 2017. Samanlı Dağları'nın (Sakarya-Kocaeli-Yalova-Bursa) Briyofit Florası ve Epifitik Briyofit Vejetasyonunun Araştırılması. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Niğde.
  • Casas C. Brugués M. Cros MR. Sérgio C. Infante M. 2009. Handbook of Liverworts and Hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Institut d‘Estudis Catalans. Barcelona.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. Roma.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. Roma.
  • Dierssen K. 2001. Distribution, ecological amplitude and phytosociological characterization of European bryophytes. Band 56. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Stuttgart.
  • Düzenli A. Ezer T. Kara R. 2009. The Anomodonto-Leucodontetum sciuroidis Wisn. 1930-an epiphytic bryophyte community new for Turkey. Botanika-Steciana. 13, 145-154.
  • Ezer T. 2017. Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities and Succession on Platanus orientalis Trees in Kadıncık Valley (Mersin/Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Botany. 49:2, 623-630.
  • Frey W. Kürschner H. 1991a. Crossidium laevipilum Ther. Et.Trab. (Pottiaceae, Musci), Ein Eigenstandıges, Morphologisch und Standortökologisch Deutlich Unterscheidbares Taxon Der Saharo-Arabischen Florenregion. Criptogamie Bryol. 12, 441-450.
  • Frey W. Frahm JP. Fischer E. Lobin W. 2006. The Liverworts, Mosses and Ferns of Europe. Harley Books. Essex. Garcia C. Sérgio C. Sim-Sim M. 2005. Epiphytic Bryophyte Diversity in Oak Woodlands of Centre and Northern Portugal. First analyses from a national survey. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 97, 161-181.
  • Glime J. 2009. Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists. Website: [Erişim: 06 Nisan 2010].
  • Goia I. Schumacker R. 2004. The Study of Corticolous Bryophyte Communities from the Arieşul Mare Basin. Contribuţii Botanice. 39, 105-114.
  • Guerra J. Cros M. 2007. Flora Briofítica Ibérica. Vol. 1. Universidad de Murcia Sociedad Española de Briología. Murcia. Henderson D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23, 263-278.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Jerusalem.
  • Hill M.O. 1979a. Decorona-A Fortran Program for Detrended Correspondance Analysis and Reciprocal Averaging, Cornell University, Section of Ecology and systematic. Ithaca.
  • Hill MO. 1979b. Twinspan-A Fortran Program for Arranging Multivariate Data in an Ordered Two Way Table by Classification of Individual and Attributes, Cornell University, Section of Ecology and systematic. Ithaca.
  • Hübschmann A. 1986. Prodromus der Moosgesellschaften Zentraleuropas Band 32. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Stuttgart.
  • Kılınç M. 2011. Bitki Sosyolojisi (Vejetasyon Bilimi). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Kürschner H. Parolly G. Erdağ, A. 2006. Life forms and life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Quercus vulcanica forest of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia. 82, 3-4.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2011. Liverworts, Mosses and Hornworts of Southwest Asia. Beiheft 139. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stutgart.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Goffinet B. Draper I. Medina R. Vigalondo B. Mazimpaka V. 2016. Lewinskya, a new genus to accommodate the phaneroporous and monoicous taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Cryptogamie Bryologie. 37, 361-382.
  • Marstaller R. 2006. Syntaxonomischer Konspekt der Moosgesellschaften Europas und angrenzender Gebiete. Haussknechtia Beiheft 13. Jena. Patiño J. Gonza´lez-Mancebo JM. Ferna´ndez-Palacios JM. 2009. Epiphytic Bryophytes in Canarian Subtropical Montane Cloud Forest: The Importance of the Time Since Disturbance and Host Identity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39, 48-63.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts Flora of the British Isles. Harley Books. Oxon.
  • Plášek V. Sawicki J. Ochyra R. Szczecińska M. Kulik T. 2015. New taxonomical arrangement of the traditionally conceived genera Orthotrichum and Ulota (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Acta Mus. Siles. Sci. Natur. 64, 169-174.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge.
  • URL 1. Climate Date. Website: [06 Kasım 2017].
  • Weber HE. Moravec J. Theurillat JP. 2000. International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. Vegatation Scince. 3, 739-768.
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments. Bullettin of the Buffalo Society of Naturel Sciences 32. Newyork.
  • Zohary M. 1973. Geobotanical Foundations of the Middle East Band 1-2. Gustave Fischer Verlag. Amsterdam.

Akyazı İlçesi'nin (Sakarya, Türkiye) Epifitik Briyofit Toplulukları: Topluluk-Habitat İlişkilerinin Çok Değişkenli Bir Çalışması

Year 2019, , 85 - 99, 30.11.2019


Bu çalışmada, Sakarya ili, Akyazı ilçesinin (Türkiye) epifitik briyofit vejetasyonu

2017 yılının
farklı vejetasyon dönemlerinde
, ağaç
gövdelerinden alınan

85 örneklik alan, Braun-Blanquet metodu-kullanılarak
sınıflandırılmış, Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) ve Two-Way
Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) kullanılarak da düzenlenmiştir.
TWINSPAN sınıflandırma tekniği, üçüncü
seviyede sekiz kümeyi içeren iki ana vejetasyon grubu üretmiştir.
sonuçları, epifitik toplulukların dağılım modellerinin, kurakçıldan nemliye
taban ve üst bölgeler boyunca değiştiğini göstermiştir.
Çalışma alanındaki epifitik topluluk
farklılaşması için en önemli ekolojik faktör, ordinasyon diyagramına göre,
epifitik habitatların nemidir. Sonuç olarak, yapılan bu çalışmada altı epifitik
briyofit birliği ve iki alt birlik tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar arasından;
Türkiye’den ikinci kez, Pterigynandretum
filiformis -leucodontetosum sciuroidis
ise Türkiye’den ilk
kez kaydedilmiştir.
Dahası, Orthotrichetum
pallentis - isothecietosum alopecuroidis
subass. nova, Sakarya ilinin
Akyazı ilçesi'nden yeni bir epifitik altbirlik olarak
tanımlanmıştır. Bu sintaksonların; nem, ışık, asidite gibi ekolojik ve floristik
karakteristikleri detaylı açıklamalarıyla birlikte verilmiştir.


  • Akman Y. 2011. İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Alataş M. Uyar G. 2017. A New Bryophyte Community and Three New Records for the Epiphytic Bryophyte Vegetation of Turkey. Turk J Bot. 41, 308-323.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Uyar G. 2017. The Epiphytic Bryophyte Flora and Vegetation of Boraboy and Destek Forets (Amasya, Turkey). Pakistan J Bot. 49:5, 1779-1786.
  • Alataş M. 2018. Checklist of Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Botanica-Serbica. 42:2, 173-179.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Erata H. 2019a. A new bryophyte sub-association and a new association record for Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 12:1, 181-188.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Erata H. 2019b. Türkiye’deki Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf. 1941 Üzerine Bir Not. Anatolian Bryology. 5:1, 8-14.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. 2019c. The Epiphytic Bryophyte Vegetation of Kamilet Valley (Artvin/Turkey). Turk J Bot. DOI: 10.3906/bot-1812-38.
  • Baisheva EZ. 2000. Bryophyte Vegetation of Bashkiria (South Urals). III. Epiphytic and Epixylic Communities of Western Bashkiria. Arctoa. 9, 101-104. Barkman J.J. 1958. Phytosociology and Ecology of Cryptogamic Epiphytes.Van Gorcum. Assen.
  • Braun Blanquet J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Aufl. Springer. New York.
  • Can Gözcü M. 2017. Samanlı Dağları'nın (Sakarya-Kocaeli-Yalova-Bursa) Briyofit Florası ve Epifitik Briyofit Vejetasyonunun Araştırılması. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Niğde.
  • Casas C. Brugués M. Cros MR. Sérgio C. Infante M. 2009. Handbook of Liverworts and Hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Institut d‘Estudis Catalans. Barcelona.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. Roma.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. Roma.
  • Dierssen K. 2001. Distribution, ecological amplitude and phytosociological characterization of European bryophytes. Band 56. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Stuttgart.
  • Düzenli A. Ezer T. Kara R. 2009. The Anomodonto-Leucodontetum sciuroidis Wisn. 1930-an epiphytic bryophyte community new for Turkey. Botanika-Steciana. 13, 145-154.
  • Ezer T. 2017. Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities and Succession on Platanus orientalis Trees in Kadıncık Valley (Mersin/Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Botany. 49:2, 623-630.
  • Frey W. Kürschner H. 1991a. Crossidium laevipilum Ther. Et.Trab. (Pottiaceae, Musci), Ein Eigenstandıges, Morphologisch und Standortökologisch Deutlich Unterscheidbares Taxon Der Saharo-Arabischen Florenregion. Criptogamie Bryol. 12, 441-450.
  • Frey W. Frahm JP. Fischer E. Lobin W. 2006. The Liverworts, Mosses and Ferns of Europe. Harley Books. Essex. Garcia C. Sérgio C. Sim-Sim M. 2005. Epiphytic Bryophyte Diversity in Oak Woodlands of Centre and Northern Portugal. First analyses from a national survey. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 97, 161-181.
  • Glime J. 2009. Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists. Website: [Erişim: 06 Nisan 2010].
  • Goia I. Schumacker R. 2004. The Study of Corticolous Bryophyte Communities from the Arieşul Mare Basin. Contribuţii Botanice. 39, 105-114.
  • Guerra J. Cros M. 2007. Flora Briofítica Ibérica. Vol. 1. Universidad de Murcia Sociedad Española de Briología. Murcia. Henderson D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23, 263-278.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Jerusalem.
  • Hill M.O. 1979a. Decorona-A Fortran Program for Detrended Correspondance Analysis and Reciprocal Averaging, Cornell University, Section of Ecology and systematic. Ithaca.
  • Hill MO. 1979b. Twinspan-A Fortran Program for Arranging Multivariate Data in an Ordered Two Way Table by Classification of Individual and Attributes, Cornell University, Section of Ecology and systematic. Ithaca.
  • Hübschmann A. 1986. Prodromus der Moosgesellschaften Zentraleuropas Band 32. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Stuttgart.
  • Kılınç M. 2011. Bitki Sosyolojisi (Vejetasyon Bilimi). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Kürschner H. Parolly G. Erdağ, A. 2006. Life forms and life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Quercus vulcanica forest of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia. 82, 3-4.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2011. Liverworts, Mosses and Hornworts of Southwest Asia. Beiheft 139. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stutgart.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Goffinet B. Draper I. Medina R. Vigalondo B. Mazimpaka V. 2016. Lewinskya, a new genus to accommodate the phaneroporous and monoicous taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Cryptogamie Bryologie. 37, 361-382.
  • Marstaller R. 2006. Syntaxonomischer Konspekt der Moosgesellschaften Europas und angrenzender Gebiete. Haussknechtia Beiheft 13. Jena. Patiño J. Gonza´lez-Mancebo JM. Ferna´ndez-Palacios JM. 2009. Epiphytic Bryophytes in Canarian Subtropical Montane Cloud Forest: The Importance of the Time Since Disturbance and Host Identity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39, 48-63.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts Flora of the British Isles. Harley Books. Oxon.
  • Plášek V. Sawicki J. Ochyra R. Szczecińska M. Kulik T. 2015. New taxonomical arrangement of the traditionally conceived genera Orthotrichum and Ulota (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Acta Mus. Siles. Sci. Natur. 64, 169-174.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge.
  • URL 1. Climate Date. Website: [06 Kasım 2017].
  • Weber HE. Moravec J. Theurillat JP. 2000. International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. Vegatation Scince. 3, 739-768.
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments. Bullettin of the Buffalo Society of Naturel Sciences 32. Newyork.
  • Zohary M. 1973. Geobotanical Foundations of the Middle East Band 1-2. Gustave Fischer Verlag. Amsterdam.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Mevlüt Alataş 0000-0003-0862-0258

Güray Uyar 0000-0003-4038-6107

Tülay Ezer 0000-0002-6485-5505

Muhammet Ören 0000-0003-1839-3087

Publication Date November 30, 2019
Submission Date April 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Alataş, M., Uyar, G., Ezer, T., Ören, M. (2019). The Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of Akyazı District (Sakarya, Turkey): A Multivariate Study of Community-Habitat Relationships. Anatolian Bryology, 5(2), 85-99.

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