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Potansiyel Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Briyofitler

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 15.11.2020


İnsanlığın varoluşundan bu yana tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler önemli yere sahip olmuştur. Son yıllarda doğala yönelişle birlikte hastalıklara karşı korunmada ve tedavide sekonder bileşik içerikleri yüksek olan tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin kullanımı artmıştır. Hastalıkların temel nedenlerinden biri olan oksidatif stres, serbest radikaller ve antioksidanlar arasındaki dengesizlikten kaynaklanmaktadır. İstenmeyen bu durum ile mücadele etmede organizmalar endojen ya da ekzojen kaynaklı antioksidanlara ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Günümüzde dejeneratif hastalıklarla mücadelede etkili olan doğal antioksidanların araştırılması zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Vasküler bitkilerin doğal antioksidan kaynağı oldukları iyi bilinmesine rağmen diğer bitki grupları özellikle de briyofitler hakkında çok az veri bulunmaktadır. Briyofitler en eski kara bitkileri olarak sekonder metabolitlerce zengin, abiyotik ve biyotik streslere karşı adaptasyon yetenekleri yüksek bitkilerdir. Briyofitlerin zengin antioksidan kaynağı oldukları ve kullanımlarının artması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.


  • Asakawa Y. 2004. Chemosystematics of the hepaticae. Phytochemistry. 65: 623-669.
  • Aslanbaba B. Yılmaz S. Yayıntaş Ö.T. Özyurt D. Öztürk B.D. 2017. Total phenol content and antioxidant activity of mosses from Yenice forest (Ida mountain). Journal of Scientific Perspectives. 1:1, 1-12.
  • Basile A. Sorbo S. Conte B. Golia B. Montanari S. Castaldo Cobianchi R. Esposito S. 2011. Antioxidant activity in extracts from Leptodictyum riparium (Bryophyta), stressed by heavy metals, heat shock, and salinity. Plant Biosystems. 145:1, 77-80.
  • Becker, H. 2009. Bryophyte in vitro cultures, secondary products. Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology. Flickinger M. C (Editor) pp. 1-6.
  • Bhattarai H.D. Paudel B. Lee H.K. Oh H. Yim J.H. 2009. In vitro antioxidant capacities of two Benzonaphthoxanthenones: ohioensins F and G, isolated from the antarctic moss Polytrichastrum alpinum. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 64: 3-4, 197-200.
  • Carranza M.S.S. Linis V.C. Ragasa C.Y. Tan M.C.S. 2019. Chemical constituents and antioxidant potentials of seven Philippine mosses. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences. 23:6, 950-962.
  • Chandna R. Hakeem K.R. Ahmad P. 2012. Proteomic markers for oxidative stress: new tools for reactive oxygen species and photosynthesis research. Ahmad P, Prasad M.N.V (Editors) Abiotic stress responses in plants: metabolism, productivity and sustainability. Springer. New York.
  • Chobot V. Kubicová L. Nabbout S. Jahodář L. Vytlačilová J. 2006. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of five moss species. Fitoterapia. 77: 7-8, 598-600.
  • Chopra S. Wallace H.M. 1998. Induction of spermidine/ spermine N-1 acetyl transferase in human cancer cells in response to increased production of reactive oxygen species. Biochemical Pharmacology. 55: 1119–1123.
  • Christenhusz M.J.M. Byng J.W. 2016. The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. Phytotaxa. 261: 3, 201-217.
  • Dey A. De J.N. 2012. Antioxidative potential of bryophytes: stress tolerance and commercial perspectives: a review. Pharmacologia. 3:6, 151-159.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. A reference list of Turkish bryophytes. The state of knowledge from 1829 until 2017. Anatolian Bryology. 3:2, 81-102.
  • Erşahin M. Özsavcı D. Şener A. Özakpınar Ö.B. Toklu H.Z. Akakin D. Yeğen B.Ç. 2013. Obestatin alleviates subarachnoid haemorrhage-induced oxidative injury in rats via its anti-apoptotic and antioxidant effects. Brain Injury. 27:10, 1181-1189.
  • Erturk O. Sahin H. Erturk E.Y. Hotaman H.E. Koz B. Oldemir O. 2015. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extracts obtained from some moss species in Turkey. Herba Polonica Journal. 61:4, 52-65.
  • Ezer T. 2017. Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica. 30:4, 128-133.
  • Gahtori D. Chaturvedi P. 2019. Bryophytes: A Potential Source of Antioxidants. In Bryophytes. IntechOpen.
  • Gaurav B. Rathore Kajal S. Shivom S. 2018. Phytochemical screening and total phenolic content in the extract of bryophyte Plagiochasma appendiculatum and Dicranum scoparium. Environment Conservation Journal. 19: 1-2, 175-181.
  • Giri U. Kausar H. Athar M. 1999. Free radicals and oxidative stress in biological system. Environ Health. 1–16.
  • Greeshma G.M. Manoj G.S. Murugan K. 2017. Insight into pharmaceutical importance of bryophytes. Kongunadu Research Journal. 4:2, 84-88.
  • Greeshma G.M. Murugan K. 2018. Comparison of antimicrobial potentiality of the purified terpenoids from two moss species Thuidium tamariscinum (C. Muell.) Bosch. & Sande-Lac and Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) A. Jaeger. J Anal Pharm Res. 7:5, 530-538.
  • Habtemariam, S. 2019. Modulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Health and Disease. Antioxidants. 8:11, 513.
  • Hazer Y. Çölgeçen H. Koca-Çalışkan U. Uyar G. 2019. Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedw.) Gangulee in vitro Doku Kültürü, Fitokimyasal İçeriği, Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal. 9:1, 142-151.
  • Hu Y. Guo D.H. Liu P. Rahman K. Wang D.X. Wang B. 2009. Antioxidant effects of a Rhodobryum roseum extract and its active components in isoproterenol-induced myocardial injury in rats and cardiac myocytes against oxidative stress-triggered damage. Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 64: 1, 53-57.
  • Hurrell R. 2003. Influence of vegetable protein sources on trace element and mineral bioavailability. Journal of Nutrition. 133: 9, 2973-2977.
  • Ielpo M.T.L. Sole P.D. Basile A. Moscatiello V. Laghi E. Cobianchi R.C. Vuotto M. L. 1998. Antioxidant properties of Lunularia cruciata (Bryophyta) extract. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. 20: 4, 555-566.
  • Kataria S. Baghel L. Jain M. Guruprasad K.N. 2019. Magnetopriming regulates antioxidant defense system in soybean against salt stress. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 18: 1-9.
  • Krishnan R. Murugan K. 2013. In vitro anticancer properties of flavonoids extracted from cell suspension culture of Marchantia linearis Lehm & Lindenb.(Bryophyta) against SW 480 colon cancer cell lines. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 3: 12, 1427-1437.
  • Kumar K. Singh K.K. Asthana A.K. Nath V. 2000. Ethnotherapeutics of Bryophyte Plagiochasma appendiculatum among the Gaddi Tribes of Kangra Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. Pharmaceutical Biology. 38, 353–356.
  • Manoj G.S. 2012. Screening of secondary metabolites from Plagiochilla beddomei Steph., L. bowringii Mitt. and Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. (Bryophytes) and their antioxidant and antimicrobial potentiality (Ph.D. thesis). Department of Botany. University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
  • Manoj G. S. Murugan K. 2012. Phenolic profiles, antimicrobial and antioxidant potentiality of methanolic extract of a liverwort, Plagiochila beddomei. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources. 3:2, 173-183.
  • Milošević S. Vujičić M.M. Sabovljević M.S. Sabovljević A. D. 2017. Effect of ABA treatment on activities of antioxidative enzymes in selected bryophyte species. Botanica Serbica. 41:1, 11-15.
  • Mishra S. Jha A.B. Dubey R.S. 2011. Arsenite treatment induces oxidative stress, upregulates antioxidant system, and causes phytochelatin synthesis in rice seedlings. Protoplasma. 248: 3, 565–577.
  • Mishra R. Pandey V.K. Chandra R. 2014. Potential of bryophytes as therapeutics. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 5:9, 3584-3593.
  • Mitra S. Manna A. Rai R. 2019. Phytochemical screening and in-vitro antioxidant potential of two ethnomedicinally important mosses of Dicranaceae from Darjeeling hills. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 8: 1, 649-654.
  • Mohandas G.G. Kumaraswamy M. 2018. Antioxidant activities of terpenoids from Thuidium tamariscinum (C. Muell.) Bosch. and Sande-Lac. A Moss. Pharmacognosy Journal. 10: 4, 645-649.
  • Montenegro G. Portaluppi M.C. Salas F.A. Díaz M.F. 2009. Biological properties of the Chilean native moss Sphagnum magellanicum. Biological Research. 42: 2, 233-237.
  • Mukhopadhyay S.T. Mitra S. Biswas A. Das N. Poddar-Sarkar M. 2013. Screening of antimicrobial and antioxidative potential of Eastern Himalayan mosses. Journal of Medicinal Plants. 3: 3, 422-428.
  • Nobushiro S. Shai K. R Mittler. G Miller. 2012. ROS and redox signalling in the response of plants to abiotic stress. Plant Cell Environ. 35: 259–270.
  • O’Brien J.A. Daudi A. Butt V.S. Bolwell G.P. 2012. Reactive oxygen species and their role in plant defence and cell wall metabolism. Planta. 236: 765–779.
  • Oyedapo O.O. Makinde A.M. Ilesanmi G.M. Abimbola E.O. Akiwunmi K.F. Akinpelu B.A. 2015. Biological activities (anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant) of fractions and methanolic extract of Philonotis hastata (Duby Wijk & Margadant). African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 12: 4, 50-55.
  • Paciolla C. Tommasi F. 2003. The ascorbate system in two bryophytes: Brachythecium velutinum and Marchantia polymorpha. Biologia plantarum. 47: 3, 387-393.
  • Sharma P. Jha A.B. Dubey R.S. Pessarakli M. 2012. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative damage, and antioxidative defense mechanism in plants under stressful conditions. Journal of Botany.
  • Pejin B. Bogdanovic-Pristov J. Pejin I. Sabovljevic M. 2013. Potential antioxidant activity of the moss Bryum moravicum. Natural Product Research. 27: 10, 900-902.
  • Pizarro M. Contreras R.A. Köhler H. Zúñiga G.E. 2019. Desiccation tolerance in the Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata. Biological Research. 52: 1, 46.
  • Pourmorad F. Hosseinimehr S.J. Shahabimajd N. 2006. Antioxidant activity, phenol and flavonoid contents of some selected Iranian medicinal plants. African Journal of Biotechnology. 5: 11, 1142-1145.
  • Provenzano F. Sánchez J.L. Rao E. Santonocito R. Ditta L.A. Borrás Linares I. & Segura-Carretero A. 2019. Water extract of Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) D. Mohr bryophyte as a natural powerful source of biologically active compounds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20: 22, 5560.
  • Rajan S.S. Murugan K. 2010. Purification and kinetic characterization of the liverwort Pallavicinia lyelli (Hook.) S. Gray. cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 48: 9, 758-763.
  • Rasheed A. Azeez R.F.A. 2019. A Review on Natural Antioxidants. In Traditional and Complementary Medicine. IntechOpen.
  • Saroya A.S. 2011. Herbalism, Phytochemistry, and Ethnopharmacology. Science Publishers. Punjab. pp. 286-293.
  • Savaroğlu F. İşçen C.F. Vatan A.P.Ö. Kabadere S. Ilhan S. Uyar R. 2011. Determination of antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Turkish Journal of Biology. 35: 3, 361-369.
  • Sharma A. Slathia S. Gupta D. Handa N. Choudhary S.P. Langer A. Bhardwaj R. 2015. Antifungal and antioxidant profile of ethnomedicinally important liverworts (Pellia endiviifolia and Plagiochasma appendiculatum) used by indigenous tribes of district Reasi: North West Himalayas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. India Section B: Biological Sciences. 85: 2, 571-579.
  • Singh M. Govindarajan R. Nath V. Rawat A.K.S. Mehrotra S. 2006. Antimicrobial, wound healing and antioxidant activity of Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. et Lind. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 107:1, 67-72.
  • Srivastava S. Dubey R.S. 2011. Manganese-excess induces oxidative stress, lowers the pool of antioxidants and elevates activities of key antioxidative enzymes in rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation. 64: 1–16.
  • Tanaka K. Takio S. Yamamoto I. Satoh T. 1998. Characterization of a cDNA encoding CuZn-superoxide dismutase from the liverwort Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Plant and cell physiology. 39: 2, 235-240.
  • Tonguc Yayintas O. Sogut O. Konyalioglu S. Yilmaz S. Tepeli B. 2017. Antioxidant activities and chemical compositon of different extracts of mosses gathered from Turkey. AgroLife Scientific Journal. 6: 2, 205-213.
  • Xie C.F. Lou H.X: 2009. Secondary metabolites in bryophytes: An ecological aspect. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 6: 3, 303-312.
  • Varela Z. Debèn S. Saxena D.K. Aboal J.R. Fernàndez J.A. 2018. Levels of antioxidant compound glutathione in moss from industrial areas. Atmosphere. 9: 7, 284.
  • Vats S. Alam A. 2013. Antioxidant activity of Barbula javanica Doz. Et Molk.: A relatively unexplored bryophyte. Elixir Applied Botany. 65: 3, 20103-20104.
  • Wang X. Cao J. Dai X. Xiao J. Wu Y. Wang Q. 2017. Total flavonoid concentrations of bryophytes from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province (China): Phylogeny and ecological factors. PloS One. 12: 6, 1-10.
  • Yayintas O.T. Irkin L.C. 2018. Bryophytes as hidden treasure. Journal of Scientific Perspectives. 2: 1, 71-82.
  • Yayintas, O.T. Yilmaz S. Sökmen M. 2019. Determination of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antitumor activity of bryophytes from Mount Ida (Canakkale, Turkey). Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 18: 2, 395-401.

Bryophytes as the Potential Source of Antioxidant

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 15.11.2020


Medicinal and aromatic plants have had an important place since the existence of humanity. In recent years, the use of medicinal and aromatic plants with high secondary compound content in the protection and treatment of diseases has increased with the orientation towards nature. Oxidative stress, which is one of the main causes of diseases, is due to the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. To combat this unwanted condition, organisms needs endogenous or exogenous antioxidants. Today, it has become imperative to investigate natural antioxidants that are effective in combating degenerative diseases. Although it is well known that vascular plants are a natural antioxidant source, there is very little data about other plant groups, especially bryophytes. The bryophytes are the oldest land plants, rich in secondary metabolites, with high adaptability to abiotic and biotic stresses. It is thought that bryophytes are rich sources of antioxidants and their usage should increase.


  • Asakawa Y. 2004. Chemosystematics of the hepaticae. Phytochemistry. 65: 623-669.
  • Aslanbaba B. Yılmaz S. Yayıntaş Ö.T. Özyurt D. Öztürk B.D. 2017. Total phenol content and antioxidant activity of mosses from Yenice forest (Ida mountain). Journal of Scientific Perspectives. 1:1, 1-12.
  • Basile A. Sorbo S. Conte B. Golia B. Montanari S. Castaldo Cobianchi R. Esposito S. 2011. Antioxidant activity in extracts from Leptodictyum riparium (Bryophyta), stressed by heavy metals, heat shock, and salinity. Plant Biosystems. 145:1, 77-80.
  • Becker, H. 2009. Bryophyte in vitro cultures, secondary products. Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology. Flickinger M. C (Editor) pp. 1-6.
  • Bhattarai H.D. Paudel B. Lee H.K. Oh H. Yim J.H. 2009. In vitro antioxidant capacities of two Benzonaphthoxanthenones: ohioensins F and G, isolated from the antarctic moss Polytrichastrum alpinum. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 64: 3-4, 197-200.
  • Carranza M.S.S. Linis V.C. Ragasa C.Y. Tan M.C.S. 2019. Chemical constituents and antioxidant potentials of seven Philippine mosses. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences. 23:6, 950-962.
  • Chandna R. Hakeem K.R. Ahmad P. 2012. Proteomic markers for oxidative stress: new tools for reactive oxygen species and photosynthesis research. Ahmad P, Prasad M.N.V (Editors) Abiotic stress responses in plants: metabolism, productivity and sustainability. Springer. New York.
  • Chobot V. Kubicová L. Nabbout S. Jahodář L. Vytlačilová J. 2006. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of five moss species. Fitoterapia. 77: 7-8, 598-600.
  • Chopra S. Wallace H.M. 1998. Induction of spermidine/ spermine N-1 acetyl transferase in human cancer cells in response to increased production of reactive oxygen species. Biochemical Pharmacology. 55: 1119–1123.
  • Christenhusz M.J.M. Byng J.W. 2016. The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. Phytotaxa. 261: 3, 201-217.
  • Dey A. De J.N. 2012. Antioxidative potential of bryophytes: stress tolerance and commercial perspectives: a review. Pharmacologia. 3:6, 151-159.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. A reference list of Turkish bryophytes. The state of knowledge from 1829 until 2017. Anatolian Bryology. 3:2, 81-102.
  • Erşahin M. Özsavcı D. Şener A. Özakpınar Ö.B. Toklu H.Z. Akakin D. Yeğen B.Ç. 2013. Obestatin alleviates subarachnoid haemorrhage-induced oxidative injury in rats via its anti-apoptotic and antioxidant effects. Brain Injury. 27:10, 1181-1189.
  • Erturk O. Sahin H. Erturk E.Y. Hotaman H.E. Koz B. Oldemir O. 2015. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extracts obtained from some moss species in Turkey. Herba Polonica Journal. 61:4, 52-65.
  • Ezer T. 2017. Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica. 30:4, 128-133.
  • Gahtori D. Chaturvedi P. 2019. Bryophytes: A Potential Source of Antioxidants. In Bryophytes. IntechOpen.
  • Gaurav B. Rathore Kajal S. Shivom S. 2018. Phytochemical screening and total phenolic content in the extract of bryophyte Plagiochasma appendiculatum and Dicranum scoparium. Environment Conservation Journal. 19: 1-2, 175-181.
  • Giri U. Kausar H. Athar M. 1999. Free radicals and oxidative stress in biological system. Environ Health. 1–16.
  • Greeshma G.M. Manoj G.S. Murugan K. 2017. Insight into pharmaceutical importance of bryophytes. Kongunadu Research Journal. 4:2, 84-88.
  • Greeshma G.M. Murugan K. 2018. Comparison of antimicrobial potentiality of the purified terpenoids from two moss species Thuidium tamariscinum (C. Muell.) Bosch. & Sande-Lac and Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) A. Jaeger. J Anal Pharm Res. 7:5, 530-538.
  • Habtemariam, S. 2019. Modulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Health and Disease. Antioxidants. 8:11, 513.
  • Hazer Y. Çölgeçen H. Koca-Çalışkan U. Uyar G. 2019. Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedw.) Gangulee in vitro Doku Kültürü, Fitokimyasal İçeriği, Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal. 9:1, 142-151.
  • Hu Y. Guo D.H. Liu P. Rahman K. Wang D.X. Wang B. 2009. Antioxidant effects of a Rhodobryum roseum extract and its active components in isoproterenol-induced myocardial injury in rats and cardiac myocytes against oxidative stress-triggered damage. Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 64: 1, 53-57.
  • Hurrell R. 2003. Influence of vegetable protein sources on trace element and mineral bioavailability. Journal of Nutrition. 133: 9, 2973-2977.
  • Ielpo M.T.L. Sole P.D. Basile A. Moscatiello V. Laghi E. Cobianchi R.C. Vuotto M. L. 1998. Antioxidant properties of Lunularia cruciata (Bryophyta) extract. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. 20: 4, 555-566.
  • Kataria S. Baghel L. Jain M. Guruprasad K.N. 2019. Magnetopriming regulates antioxidant defense system in soybean against salt stress. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 18: 1-9.
  • Krishnan R. Murugan K. 2013. In vitro anticancer properties of flavonoids extracted from cell suspension culture of Marchantia linearis Lehm & Lindenb.(Bryophyta) against SW 480 colon cancer cell lines. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 3: 12, 1427-1437.
  • Kumar K. Singh K.K. Asthana A.K. Nath V. 2000. Ethnotherapeutics of Bryophyte Plagiochasma appendiculatum among the Gaddi Tribes of Kangra Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. Pharmaceutical Biology. 38, 353–356.
  • Manoj G.S. 2012. Screening of secondary metabolites from Plagiochilla beddomei Steph., L. bowringii Mitt. and Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. (Bryophytes) and their antioxidant and antimicrobial potentiality (Ph.D. thesis). Department of Botany. University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
  • Manoj G. S. Murugan K. 2012. Phenolic profiles, antimicrobial and antioxidant potentiality of methanolic extract of a liverwort, Plagiochila beddomei. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources. 3:2, 173-183.
  • Milošević S. Vujičić M.M. Sabovljević M.S. Sabovljević A. D. 2017. Effect of ABA treatment on activities of antioxidative enzymes in selected bryophyte species. Botanica Serbica. 41:1, 11-15.
  • Mishra S. Jha A.B. Dubey R.S. 2011. Arsenite treatment induces oxidative stress, upregulates antioxidant system, and causes phytochelatin synthesis in rice seedlings. Protoplasma. 248: 3, 565–577.
  • Mishra R. Pandey V.K. Chandra R. 2014. Potential of bryophytes as therapeutics. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 5:9, 3584-3593.
  • Mitra S. Manna A. Rai R. 2019. Phytochemical screening and in-vitro antioxidant potential of two ethnomedicinally important mosses of Dicranaceae from Darjeeling hills. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 8: 1, 649-654.
  • Mohandas G.G. Kumaraswamy M. 2018. Antioxidant activities of terpenoids from Thuidium tamariscinum (C. Muell.) Bosch. and Sande-Lac. A Moss. Pharmacognosy Journal. 10: 4, 645-649.
  • Montenegro G. Portaluppi M.C. Salas F.A. Díaz M.F. 2009. Biological properties of the Chilean native moss Sphagnum magellanicum. Biological Research. 42: 2, 233-237.
  • Mukhopadhyay S.T. Mitra S. Biswas A. Das N. Poddar-Sarkar M. 2013. Screening of antimicrobial and antioxidative potential of Eastern Himalayan mosses. Journal of Medicinal Plants. 3: 3, 422-428.
  • Nobushiro S. Shai K. R Mittler. G Miller. 2012. ROS and redox signalling in the response of plants to abiotic stress. Plant Cell Environ. 35: 259–270.
  • O’Brien J.A. Daudi A. Butt V.S. Bolwell G.P. 2012. Reactive oxygen species and their role in plant defence and cell wall metabolism. Planta. 236: 765–779.
  • Oyedapo O.O. Makinde A.M. Ilesanmi G.M. Abimbola E.O. Akiwunmi K.F. Akinpelu B.A. 2015. Biological activities (anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant) of fractions and methanolic extract of Philonotis hastata (Duby Wijk & Margadant). African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 12: 4, 50-55.
  • Paciolla C. Tommasi F. 2003. The ascorbate system in two bryophytes: Brachythecium velutinum and Marchantia polymorpha. Biologia plantarum. 47: 3, 387-393.
  • Sharma P. Jha A.B. Dubey R.S. Pessarakli M. 2012. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative damage, and antioxidative defense mechanism in plants under stressful conditions. Journal of Botany.
  • Pejin B. Bogdanovic-Pristov J. Pejin I. Sabovljevic M. 2013. Potential antioxidant activity of the moss Bryum moravicum. Natural Product Research. 27: 10, 900-902.
  • Pizarro M. Contreras R.A. Köhler H. Zúñiga G.E. 2019. Desiccation tolerance in the Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata. Biological Research. 52: 1, 46.
  • Pourmorad F. Hosseinimehr S.J. Shahabimajd N. 2006. Antioxidant activity, phenol and flavonoid contents of some selected Iranian medicinal plants. African Journal of Biotechnology. 5: 11, 1142-1145.
  • Provenzano F. Sánchez J.L. Rao E. Santonocito R. Ditta L.A. Borrás Linares I. & Segura-Carretero A. 2019. Water extract of Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) D. Mohr bryophyte as a natural powerful source of biologically active compounds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20: 22, 5560.
  • Rajan S.S. Murugan K. 2010. Purification and kinetic characterization of the liverwort Pallavicinia lyelli (Hook.) S. Gray. cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 48: 9, 758-763.
  • Rasheed A. Azeez R.F.A. 2019. A Review on Natural Antioxidants. In Traditional and Complementary Medicine. IntechOpen.
  • Saroya A.S. 2011. Herbalism, Phytochemistry, and Ethnopharmacology. Science Publishers. Punjab. pp. 286-293.
  • Savaroğlu F. İşçen C.F. Vatan A.P.Ö. Kabadere S. Ilhan S. Uyar R. 2011. Determination of antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Turkish Journal of Biology. 35: 3, 361-369.
  • Sharma A. Slathia S. Gupta D. Handa N. Choudhary S.P. Langer A. Bhardwaj R. 2015. Antifungal and antioxidant profile of ethnomedicinally important liverworts (Pellia endiviifolia and Plagiochasma appendiculatum) used by indigenous tribes of district Reasi: North West Himalayas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. India Section B: Biological Sciences. 85: 2, 571-579.
  • Singh M. Govindarajan R. Nath V. Rawat A.K.S. Mehrotra S. 2006. Antimicrobial, wound healing and antioxidant activity of Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. et Lind. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 107:1, 67-72.
  • Srivastava S. Dubey R.S. 2011. Manganese-excess induces oxidative stress, lowers the pool of antioxidants and elevates activities of key antioxidative enzymes in rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation. 64: 1–16.
  • Tanaka K. Takio S. Yamamoto I. Satoh T. 1998. Characterization of a cDNA encoding CuZn-superoxide dismutase from the liverwort Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Plant and cell physiology. 39: 2, 235-240.
  • Tonguc Yayintas O. Sogut O. Konyalioglu S. Yilmaz S. Tepeli B. 2017. Antioxidant activities and chemical compositon of different extracts of mosses gathered from Turkey. AgroLife Scientific Journal. 6: 2, 205-213.
  • Xie C.F. Lou H.X: 2009. Secondary metabolites in bryophytes: An ecological aspect. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 6: 3, 303-312.
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Hüseyin Türker 0000-0001-7309-9484

Bengü Türkyılmaz Ünal 0000-0003-4003-5200

Publication Date November 15, 2020
Submission Date May 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Türker, H., & Türkyılmaz Ünal, B. (2020). Potansiyel Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Briyofitler. Anatolian Bryology, 6(2), 129-137.

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