Author Guide

The Scope of Anatolian Bryology

Anatolian Bryology, related to mosses, liverworts and hornworts, publishes original research articles on morphology, ultrastructure, diversity, distribution, conservation, threatened species and their habitats, genetics, biotechnology, systematic, evolution phytogeography, ecology, environmental management, and interrelationship among of the bryophytes.

Descriptive or experimental studies presenting clear research questions are accepted. The submitted paper must be original and unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts in English or in Turkish languages are welcome. Printed in Turkey. This journal is published two times a year, open access, and free.

Articles that do not comply or with the rules of subjects outside the scope of the journal will be rejected without peer review process. Each accepted article which fulfill the objective and scope of the journal, required to submit author's copyright transfer form duly signed by all authors to the editor prior to publication. All correspondences related to the publication process of the journal should be made by e-mail in the Internet environment. Contribution is open to researchers of all nationalities.

1.      Research articles: Original research in various fields of bryophyte will be evaluated as research articles.

2.      Research notes: These include articles such as preliminary notes on a study or manuscripts on the morphological, anatomical, cytological, chemical, and other properties of bryophyte species.

 3.      Reviews: Reviews of recent developments, improvements, discoveries, and ideas in various fields of bryophyte will be requested by the editor or advisory board.

 4.      Letters to the editor: These include opinions, comments relating to the publishing policy of the Turkish Journal of Botany, news, and suggestions. Letters are not to exceed one journal page.

 Author Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscript

Style and format: Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 3-cm margins on all sides of the page, in Times New Roman font. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered. All copies of the manuscript should also have line numbers starting with 1 on each consecutive page. Manuscripts must be written in English and in Turkish. Contributors who are not native English speakers are strongly advised to ensure that a colleague fluent in the English language or a professional language editor has reviewed their manuscript. Concise English without jargon should be used. Repetitive use of long sentences and passive voice should be avoided. It is strongly recommended that the text be run through computer spelling and grammar programs. Either British or American spelling is acceptable but must be consistent throughout.

Symbols, units, and abbreviations: In general, the journal follows the conventions of Scientific Style and Format, The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Council of Science Editors, Reston, VA, USA (7th ed.). If symbols such as ×, μ, η, or ν are used, they should be added using the Symbols menu of Word. Degree symbols (°) must be used from the Symbol menu, not superscripted letter o or number 0. Multiplication symbols must be used (×), not the letter x. Spaces must be inserted between numbers and units (e.g., 3 kg) and between numbers and mathematical symbols (+, –, ×, =, <, >), but not between numbers and percent symbols (e.g., 45%). Please use SI units. Generally, all numbers should be given as numerals (e.g., “In 2 previous studies…”); please consult the above-mentioned style manual for full details. All abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at first mention. Latin terms such as et al., in vitro, or in situ should not be italicized.

Manuscript content: Research articles should be divided into the following sections. Principal sections should be numbered consecutively (1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Findings, 4. Results and Dicussion etc.) and subsections should be numbered 1.1., 1.2., etc.

Since January 1st, 2017, "Anatolian Bryology" uses the iThenticate screening service to verify the authenticity of content submitted before publication. The iThenticate software checks submissions against millions of published research papers, documents on the web and other relevant sources. Authors can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission by visiting

The overall similarity index for submitted manuscript should be less than 20% (Except for taxa list and bibliography). This journal has used iThenticate (Plagiarism Detection Software).

Title and contact information

The first page should contain the full title in sentence case (e.g., The response of the xerophytic plant Syntrichia caninervis var. gypsophila (J.J. Amann ex G. Roth) Ochyra to salt and drought stresses: the role of the antioxidant defence system), the full names (last names fully capitalized) and affiliations of all authors (Department, Faculty, University, City, Country), and the contact e-mail address for the clearly identified corresponding author.


The abstract should provide clear information about the research and the results obtained, and should not exceed 200 words.

Key words

Please provide 3–10 key words or phrases to enable retrieval and indexing. Acronyms should be avoided.


This should argue the case for your study, outlining only essential background, and should not include the findings or the conclusions. It should not be a review of the subject area, but should finish with a clear statement of the question being addressed.

2.Materials and methods

Please provide concise but complete information about the materials and the analytical and statistical procedures used. This part should be as clear as possible to enable other scientists to repeat the research presented. Brand names and company locations should be supplied for all mentioned equipment, instruments, chemicals, etc.


Station information and plant list etc.

4.Results and Discussion

The same data or information given in a Table must not be repeated in a Figure and vice versa. It is not acceptable to repeat extensively the numbers from Tables in the text or to give lengthy explanations of Tables or Figures. Statements from the Introduction and Finding sections should not be repeated here. The final paragraph should highlight the main conclusions of the study.

 Acknowledgements and/or disclaimers, if any

Names of funding organizations should be written in full.


References should be cited in the text by the last name(s) of the author(s) and year of publication with a comma between them: for example, (Ursavaş, 2014) or (Ursavaş and Keçeli, 2012). If the citation is the subject of the sentence, only the date should be given in parentheses: “According to Ursavaş (2012)…” For citation of references with 3 or more authors, only the first author’s name followed by et al. (not italicized) should be used: (Abay et al., 2002). If there is more than one reference in the same year for the same author, please add the letters a, b, etc. to the year: (Keçeli et al., 2004a, 2004b). References should be listed in the text chronologically, separated by semicolons: (Abay, 2000; Keçeli et al., 2003; Ursavaş and Ören, 2012).  Website references should be (URL1, URL2, …). Do not include personal communications, unpublished data, or other unpublished materials as references, although such material may be inserted (in parentheses) in the text. In the case of publications in languages other than English, the published English title should be provided if one exists, with an annotation such as “(article in Turkish with an abstract in English)”. If the publication was not published with an English title, provide the original title only; do not provide a self-translation. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the text without numbering. All authors should be included in reference lists unless there are 10 or more, in which case only the first 10 should be given, followed by ‘et al.’. The manuscript should be checked carefully to ensure that the spellings of the authors’ names and the years are exactly the same in the text as given in the reference list. References should be formatted as follows (please note the punctuation and capitalization):

Journal articles: Short Journal titles should be written clearly, without abbreviation. Abbreviation can be used in long journal titles.

Ursavaş S. Çetin B. 2012. Seligeria donniana (Sm.) Müll. Hal. (Seligeriaceae) a new record to the bryophyte flora of Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 5:2, 70-72.


Smith A.J.E. 1990. The liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. London.

Chapters in books

Ursavaş S. Çetin B. 2013. Contribution to the Moss Flora of Kizildağ (Isparta) National Park in Turkey. Current Progress in Biological Research. Silva-Opps M. Editor(s). Rijeka, Croatia. pp. 41-70.

Web sites (no print version):

URL1. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2016. Website: [Accessed: 00 Month 2008].

URL2. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2018. Website: [Accessed: 00 Month 2008].

Tables and Figures:

All illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc.), not including tables, must be labelled “Figure.” Figures must be submitted both in the manuscript and as separate files.

All tables and figures must have a caption and/or legend and be numbered (e.g., Table 1, Figure 2), unless there is only one table or figure, in which case it should be labelled “Table” or “Figure” with no numbering. Captions must be written in sentence case (e.g., macroscopic appearance of the samples.). The font used in the figures should be Times New Roman. If symbols such as ×, μ, η, or ν are used, they should be added using the Symbols menu of Word

All tables and figures must be numbered consecutively as they are referred to in the text. Please refer to tables and figures with capitalization and unabbreviated (e.g., “As shown in Figure 2…”, and not “Fig. 2” or “figure 2”). The tables and figures themselves should be given at the end of the text only, after the references, not in the running text.

The resolution of images should not be less than 118 pixels/cm when width is set to 16 cm. Images must be scanned at 1200 dpi resolution and submitted in jpeg. or tiff. format.

Graphs and diagrams must be drawn with a line weight between 0.5 and 1 point. Graphs and diagrams with a line weight of less than 0.5 point or more than 1 point are not accepted. Scanned or photocopied graphs and diagrams are not accepted.

Charts must be prepared in 2 dimensions unless required by the data used. Charts unnecessarily prepared in 3 dimensions are not accepted.

 Figures that are charts, diagrams, or drawings must be submitted in a modifiable format, i.e. our graphics personnel should be able to modify them. Therefore, if the program with which the figure is drawn has a “save as” option, it must be saved as *.ai or *.pdf. If the “save as” option does not include these extensions, the figure must be copied and pasted into a blank Microsoft Word document as an editable object. It must not be pasted as an image file (tiff, jpeg, or eps) unless it is a photograph.

Tables and figures, including caption, title, column heads, and footnotes, must not exceed 16 × 20 cm and should be no smaller than 8 cm in width. For all tables, please use Word’s “Create Table” feature, with no tabbed text or tables created with spaces and drawn lines. Please do not duplicate information that is already presented in the figures.

Tables must be clearly typed, each on a separate sheet, and double-spaced. Tables may be continued on another sheet if necessary, but the dimensions stated above still apply.

Correspondence Address

Manuscripts can only be submitted through our online system. Other correspondence may be directed to:


or Dr. Serhat URSAVAŞ Çankırı Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest engineering, Department of Forest Botany, Anatolian Bryology. 18200 Çankırı/TURKEY

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