Kronik bel ağrısında ağrı inançlarının cinsiyetlere göre semptom şiddeti ile ilişkisi
Year 2023,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 66 - 71, 31.08.2023
Ömer Şevgin
Burak Buğday
Mahsun Ekinci
Amaç: Kronik bel ağrılı bireylerin ağrı inançlarının cinsiyetlere göre semptom şiddetleri ile ilişkisini incelemek.
Yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-65 yaş aralığında 204 kişi katıldı. Katılımcıların cinsiyete göre yaş ortalamaları sırasıyla erkeklerde 42.21±14.24, kadınlarda 41.65±13.41 idi. Çalışmada ağrı inançlarını ölçmek için Ağrı İnançları Ölçeği (AİÖ) ve ağrı şiddetlerini ölçmek için de Numerik Derecelendirme Sakalası (NRS-11) kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Kronik bel ağrılı bireylerin ağrı inançlarının semptom şiddeti ile ilişkisinin cinsiyetlere göre anlamlı farklılığa sahip olduğu bulundu (p=0.001). AİÖ ve NRS-11 değerleri cinsiyetler arası istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılığa sahip olup (p=0.001), kadınlarda daha yüksek düzeyde bulundu (p<0.001).
Sonuçlar: Araştırmamızda ağrı inançlarının ve kronik ağrıyı algılamanın cinsiyete göre değiştiğini tespit ettik. Cinsiyet faktörünün, yaşanılan ağrı şiddeti ve ağrılara dair geliştirilen inançların gücüyle ilişkili olduğu görüldü. Kadın bireylerin erkek bireylere göre daha yüksek ağrı şiddeti skor ortalamasına sahip olduğu, organik ve psikolojik ağrı inançlarının da daha fazla olduğu bulundu.
- Alaca, N., Kaba, H., & Atalay, A. (2020). Associations between the severity of disability level and fear of movement and pain beliefs in patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 33(5), 785–791.
- Babadağ, B. (2017). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ağrı inançları. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 26(6), 244-250.
- Baird, A., & Sheffield, D. (2016). The relationship between pain beliefs and physical and mental health outcome measures in chronic low back pain: Direct and indirect effects. Healthcare, 4(3), 58.
- Barbosa, F. M., Vieira, É. B., & Garcia, J. B. (2018). Beliefs and attitudes in patients with chronic low back pain. Brazilian Journal of Pain, 1, 116-121.
- Craft, R. M. (2007). Modulation of pain by estrogens. Pain, 132 Suppl 1, S3–S12.
- Craft, R. M., Mogil, J. S., & Aloisi, A. M. (2004). Sex differences in pain and analgesia: The role of gonadal hormones. European Journal of Pain, 8(5), 397–411.
- Edwards, L. C., Pearce, S. A., Turner-Stokes, L., & Jones, A. (1992). The Pain Beliefs Questionnaire: An investigation of beliefs in the causes and consequences of pain. Pain, 51(3), 267–272.
- Edwards, R. R., Dworkin, R. H., Sullivan, M. D., Turk, D. C., & Wasan, A. D. (2016). The role of psychosocial processes in the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 17(9 Suppl), T70–T92.
- Hartrick, C. T., Kovan, J. P., & Shapiro, S. (2003). The numeric rating scale for clinical pain measurement: A ratio measure? Pain practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 3(4), 310–316.
- Hartvigsen, J., Hancock, M. J., Kongsted, A., Louw, Q., Ferreira, M. L., Genevay, S., ... & Woolf, A. (2018). What low back pain is and why we need to pay attention. Lancet, 391(10137), 2356–2367.
- Kılıçarslan, F. N., & Erek Kazan, E. (2021). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ağrı inançları ve ağrı korkuları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(3), 316-325.
- Krebs, E. E., Carey, T. S., & Weinberger, M. (2007). Accuracy of the pain numeric rating scale as a screening test in primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22(10), 1453–1458.
- Lee, G. I., & Neumeister, M. W. (2020). Pain: Pathways and physiology. Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 47(2), 173–180.
- Maher, C., Underwood, M., & Buchbinder, R. (2017). Non-specific low back pain. Lancet, 389(10070), 736–747.
- Owen, P. J., Miller, C. T., Mundell, N. L., Verswijveren, S. J. J. M., Tagliaferri, S. D., Brisby, H., Bowe, S. J., & Belavy, D. L. (2020). Which specific modes of exercise training are most effective for treating low back pain? Network meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(21), 1279–1287.
- Racine, M., Solé, E., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Tomé-Pires, C., Roy, R., Jensen, M. P., Miró, J., Moulin, D. E., & Cane, D. (2020). An evaluation of sex differences in patients with chronic pain undergoing an interdisciplinary pain treatment program. Pain practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 20(1), 62–74.
- Racine, M., Tousignant-Laflamme, Y., Kloda, L. A., Dion, D., Dupuis, G., & Choinière, M. (2012). A systematic literature review of 10 years of research on sex/gender and pain perception- part 2: Do biopsychosocial factors alter pain sensitivity differently in women and men? Pain, 153(3), 619–635.
- Robinson, M. E., Gagnon, C. M., Riley III, J. L., & Price, D. D. (2003). Altering gender role expectations: Effects on pain tolerance, pain threshold, and pain ratings. Journal of Pain, 4(5), 284–288.
- Sertel-Berk, H. Ö. (2006). Kronik ağrı yaşantısı ve ağrı inançları: Ağrı İnançları Ölçeği’nin Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [Doktora tezi]. İstanbul Üniversitesi.
- Smith, Y. R., Stohler, C. S., Nichols, T. E., Bueller, J. A., Koeppe, R. A., & Zubieta, J. K. (2006). Pronociceptive and antinociceptive effects of estradiol through endogenous opioid neurotransmission in women. Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 26(21), 5777–5785.
- Sturgeon, J. A., & Zautra, A. J. (2016). Social pain and physical pain: shared paths to resilience. Pain Management, 6(1), 63–74.
- Tagliaferri, S. D., Miller, C. T., Owen, P. J., Mitchell, U. H., Brisby, H., Fitzgibbon, B., Masse-Alarie, H., Van Oosterwijck, J., & Belavy, D. L. (2020). Domains of chronic low back pain and assessing treatment effectiveness: A clinical perspective. Pain Practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 20(2), 211–225.
- Treede, R. D., Rief, W., Barke, A., Aziz, Q., Bennett, M. I., Benoliel, R., ... & Wang, S. J. (2019). Chronic pain as a symptom or a disease: the IASP classification of chronic pain for the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD-11). Pain, 160(1), 19–27.
- Uçurum, S. G., & Kalkan, A. C. (2018). Bel ağrılı hastalarda ağrı, kinezyofobi ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki. Ege Tıp Dergisi, 57(3), 131-135.
- Urits, I., Burshtein, A., Sharma, M., Testa, L., Gold, P. A., Orhurhu, V., Viswanath, O., Jones, M. R., Sidransky, M. A., Spektor, B., & Kaye, A. D. (2019). Low back pain, a comprehensive review: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 23(3), 23.
- Vincent, K., Warnaby, C., Stagg, C. J., Moore, J., Kennedy, S., & Tracey, I. (2013). Brain imaging reveals that engagement of descending inhibitory pain pathways in healthy women in a low endogenous estradiol state varies with testosterone. Pain, 154(4), 515–524.
- Waters, S. J., Keefe, F. J., & Strauman, T. J. (2004). Self-discrepancy in chronic low back pain: relation to pain, depression, and psychological distress. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 27(3), 251-259.
- Wise, E. A., Price, D. D., Myers, C. D., Heft, M. W., & Robinson, M. E. (2002). Gender role expectations of pain: relationship to experimental pain perception. Pain, 96(3), 335–342.
- Yildizeli Topcu, S. (2018). Relations among pain, pain beliefs, and psychological well-being in patients with chronic pain. Pain Management Nursing: Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 19(6), 637–644.
The relationship between pain beliefs and symptom severity in chronic low back pain by gender
Year 2023,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 66 - 71, 31.08.2023
Ömer Şevgin
Burak Buğday
Mahsun Ekinci
Aim: To examine the relationship between pain beliefs of individuals with chronic low back pain and symptom severity according to gender.
Methods: 204 people between the ages of 18-65 participated in the study. The mean age of the participants by gender was 42.21±14.24 in males and 41.65±13.41 in females, respectively. In the study, Pain Beliefs Scale (PBQ) was used to measure pain beliefs and Numeric Rating Scale (NRS-11) was used to measure pain severity.
Results: It was found that the relationship between pain beliefs and symptom severity of individuals with chronic low back pain had a significant difference according to gender (p=0.001). PBQ and NRS-11 values had a statistically significant difference between genders (p=0.001) and were found to be higher in females (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In our study, we found that pain beliefs and perception of chronic pain differed according to gender. It was observed that the gender factor was related to the severity of the pain experienced and the strength of the beliefs developed about the pain. It was found that female individuals had a higher pain severity score average than male individuals, and organic and psychological pain beliefs were also higher.
- Alaca, N., Kaba, H., & Atalay, A. (2020). Associations between the severity of disability level and fear of movement and pain beliefs in patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 33(5), 785–791.
- Babadağ, B. (2017). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ağrı inançları. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 26(6), 244-250.
- Baird, A., & Sheffield, D. (2016). The relationship between pain beliefs and physical and mental health outcome measures in chronic low back pain: Direct and indirect effects. Healthcare, 4(3), 58.
- Barbosa, F. M., Vieira, É. B., & Garcia, J. B. (2018). Beliefs and attitudes in patients with chronic low back pain. Brazilian Journal of Pain, 1, 116-121.
- Craft, R. M. (2007). Modulation of pain by estrogens. Pain, 132 Suppl 1, S3–S12.
- Craft, R. M., Mogil, J. S., & Aloisi, A. M. (2004). Sex differences in pain and analgesia: The role of gonadal hormones. European Journal of Pain, 8(5), 397–411.
- Edwards, L. C., Pearce, S. A., Turner-Stokes, L., & Jones, A. (1992). The Pain Beliefs Questionnaire: An investigation of beliefs in the causes and consequences of pain. Pain, 51(3), 267–272.
- Edwards, R. R., Dworkin, R. H., Sullivan, M. D., Turk, D. C., & Wasan, A. D. (2016). The role of psychosocial processes in the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 17(9 Suppl), T70–T92.
- Hartrick, C. T., Kovan, J. P., & Shapiro, S. (2003). The numeric rating scale for clinical pain measurement: A ratio measure? Pain practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 3(4), 310–316.
- Hartvigsen, J., Hancock, M. J., Kongsted, A., Louw, Q., Ferreira, M. L., Genevay, S., ... & Woolf, A. (2018). What low back pain is and why we need to pay attention. Lancet, 391(10137), 2356–2367.
- Kılıçarslan, F. N., & Erek Kazan, E. (2021). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ağrı inançları ve ağrı korkuları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(3), 316-325.
- Krebs, E. E., Carey, T. S., & Weinberger, M. (2007). Accuracy of the pain numeric rating scale as a screening test in primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22(10), 1453–1458.
- Lee, G. I., & Neumeister, M. W. (2020). Pain: Pathways and physiology. Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 47(2), 173–180.
- Maher, C., Underwood, M., & Buchbinder, R. (2017). Non-specific low back pain. Lancet, 389(10070), 736–747.
- Owen, P. J., Miller, C. T., Mundell, N. L., Verswijveren, S. J. J. M., Tagliaferri, S. D., Brisby, H., Bowe, S. J., & Belavy, D. L. (2020). Which specific modes of exercise training are most effective for treating low back pain? Network meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(21), 1279–1287.
- Racine, M., Solé, E., Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., Tomé-Pires, C., Roy, R., Jensen, M. P., Miró, J., Moulin, D. E., & Cane, D. (2020). An evaluation of sex differences in patients with chronic pain undergoing an interdisciplinary pain treatment program. Pain practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 20(1), 62–74.
- Racine, M., Tousignant-Laflamme, Y., Kloda, L. A., Dion, D., Dupuis, G., & Choinière, M. (2012). A systematic literature review of 10 years of research on sex/gender and pain perception- part 2: Do biopsychosocial factors alter pain sensitivity differently in women and men? Pain, 153(3), 619–635.
- Robinson, M. E., Gagnon, C. M., Riley III, J. L., & Price, D. D. (2003). Altering gender role expectations: Effects on pain tolerance, pain threshold, and pain ratings. Journal of Pain, 4(5), 284–288.
- Sertel-Berk, H. Ö. (2006). Kronik ağrı yaşantısı ve ağrı inançları: Ağrı İnançları Ölçeği’nin Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [Doktora tezi]. İstanbul Üniversitesi.
- Smith, Y. R., Stohler, C. S., Nichols, T. E., Bueller, J. A., Koeppe, R. A., & Zubieta, J. K. (2006). Pronociceptive and antinociceptive effects of estradiol through endogenous opioid neurotransmission in women. Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 26(21), 5777–5785.
- Sturgeon, J. A., & Zautra, A. J. (2016). Social pain and physical pain: shared paths to resilience. Pain Management, 6(1), 63–74.
- Tagliaferri, S. D., Miller, C. T., Owen, P. J., Mitchell, U. H., Brisby, H., Fitzgibbon, B., Masse-Alarie, H., Van Oosterwijck, J., & Belavy, D. L. (2020). Domains of chronic low back pain and assessing treatment effectiveness: A clinical perspective. Pain Practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 20(2), 211–225.
- Treede, R. D., Rief, W., Barke, A., Aziz, Q., Bennett, M. I., Benoliel, R., ... & Wang, S. J. (2019). Chronic pain as a symptom or a disease: the IASP classification of chronic pain for the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD-11). Pain, 160(1), 19–27.
- Uçurum, S. G., & Kalkan, A. C. (2018). Bel ağrılı hastalarda ağrı, kinezyofobi ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki. Ege Tıp Dergisi, 57(3), 131-135.
- Urits, I., Burshtein, A., Sharma, M., Testa, L., Gold, P. A., Orhurhu, V., Viswanath, O., Jones, M. R., Sidransky, M. A., Spektor, B., & Kaye, A. D. (2019). Low back pain, a comprehensive review: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 23(3), 23.
- Vincent, K., Warnaby, C., Stagg, C. J., Moore, J., Kennedy, S., & Tracey, I. (2013). Brain imaging reveals that engagement of descending inhibitory pain pathways in healthy women in a low endogenous estradiol state varies with testosterone. Pain, 154(4), 515–524.
- Waters, S. J., Keefe, F. J., & Strauman, T. J. (2004). Self-discrepancy in chronic low back pain: relation to pain, depression, and psychological distress. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 27(3), 251-259.
- Wise, E. A., Price, D. D., Myers, C. D., Heft, M. W., & Robinson, M. E. (2002). Gender role expectations of pain: relationship to experimental pain perception. Pain, 96(3), 335–342.
- Yildizeli Topcu, S. (2018). Relations among pain, pain beliefs, and psychological well-being in patients with chronic pain. Pain Management Nursing: Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 19(6), 637–644.