Research Article
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Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin

Year 2013, , 34 - 41, 01.10.2013


Objectives: The present study was undertaken to measure the angle of humeral torsion (AHT) on digital images. The aims of the present study were to estimate the: i) angle of humeral torsion, ii) difference in the AHT between right and left humeri, and iii) reliability of the method.

Methods: A total of 185 unpaired humeri (101 right and 84 left) from South India of unknown age and sex available at the department of anatomy were studied. Reference points for the long axis of the upper end of the humerus were marked. An end-on digital photograph of the articular surface of the head was taken. Using appropriate software, lines were drawn to define the AHT. Printouts of the above images were taken and the AHT measured with a protractor. The mean and standard deviation of the AHT were calculated for all the humeri and separately for each side. The unpaired t-test was used to determine the significance of the side differences. Inter- and intra-observer reliability was estimated using the technical error of measurement (TEM), relative technical error of measurement (rTEM) and coefficient of reliability (R).

Results: The mean AHT considering all the humeri was 59.65°±10.97. The corresponding values on the right and left side were 57.85°±9.80 and 61.83°±11.93 respectively, with a significantly greater (p=0.02) mean AHT on the left side. Acceptable rTEM values of 4.27% and 7.62% for intra-observer and inter-observer repeat measurements were obtained.

Conclusion: The mean values of the AHT lie within the range previously described, with significantly greater values on the left side. The method described showed acceptable inter- and intra-observer reliability.


  • Mehta L, Chaturvedi RP. Angle of humeral torsion. J Anat Soc India 1971;20:94-8.
  • Larson SG. The definition of humeral torsion: a comment on Rhodes (2006). Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;133:819-20.
  • Kate BR. Humeral torsion in Indians. J Anat Soc India 1968;18:31.
  • Broca P. La torsion de I’humerus et le tropometre, instrument des- tine a mesurer la torsion des os. Revue d’Anthrop 1881;4:193-210, 385-423.
  • Krahl VE, Evans FG. Humeral torsion in man. Am J Phys Anthropol 1945;3:229-53.
  • Debevoise NT, Hyatt GW, Townsend GB. Humeral torsion in recurrent shoulder dislocations. A technic of determination by X- ray. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1971;(76): 87-93.
  • Kronberg M, Brostrom LA, Soderlund V. Retroversion of the humeral head in the normal shoulder and its relationship to the normal range of motion. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1990;(253):113-7.
  • Symeonides PP, Hatzokos I, Christoforides J, Pournaras J. Humeral head torsion in recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1995;77:687-90.
  • Murachovsky J, Ikemoto RY, Nascimento LGP, et al. Evaluation of humeral head retroversion in handball players. Acta Ortop Bras 2007;15:258-61.
  • Saha AK. Dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint. Acta Orthop Scand 1971;42: 491-505.
  • Doyle AJ, Burks RT. Comparison of humeral head retroversion with the humeral axis/biceps groove relationship: a study in live subjects and cadavers. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1998;7:453-7.
  • Robertson DD, Yuan J, Bigliani LU, Flatow EL, Yamaguchi K. Three-dimensional analysis of the proximal part of the humerus: relevance to arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2000;82:1594-602.
  • DeLude JA, Bicknell RT, MacKenzie GA, et al. An anthropomet- ric study of the bilateral anatomy of the humerus. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2007;16:477-83.
  • Ayer AA, Upshon B. The angle of humeral torsion in the South Indian. In: Proceedings of the 30th Indian Science Congress; 1943 Calcutta, India. Part III (Abstract), 77.
  • Cowgill LW. Humeral torsion revisited: a functional and ontoge- netic model for populational variation. Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;134:472-80.
  • Thor G, Phillip L, Walker P, Valerie A. Humeral retroversion: an activity pattern index in prehistoric southern California. In: Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists; 2003 Apr 26; Tempe, Arizona.
  • Shah RK, Trivedi BD, Patel JP, Shah GV, Nirvani AB. A study of angle of humeral torsion. J Anat Soc India 2006;55:43-7.
  • Gardner E, Gray DJ, O'Rahilly R. Anatomy: A Regional Study of Human Structure. 4th Asian ed. Tokyo: W. B. Saunders Company; 1975.
  • Williams PL, Bannister LH, Berry MM, et al. (eds.) Gray's Anatomy. 38th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1999.
  • Martin CP. The cause of torsion of the humerus and of the notch on the anterior edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula. J Anat 1933;67:573-82.
  • Cassagnaud X, Maynou C, Petroff E, Dujardin C, Mestdagh H. A study of reproducibility of an original method of CT measurement of the lateralization of the intertubercular groove and humeral retroversion. Surg Radiol Anat 2003;25:145-51.
  • Pieper HG, Krankenhaus AK. Retrotorsion of the humerus in the throwing arm of handball players - an adaptation to unilateral strain. ISBS proceedings II 1998;321-4.
  • Martin R. Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. 2nd ed. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer; 1928.
  • Heber C, Crockett, Lyndon B, et al. Osseous adaptation and range of motion at the glenohumeral joint in professional baseball pitch- ers. Am J Sports Med 2002;30:20-5.
  • Boileau P, Bicknell RT, Mazzoleni N, Walch G, Urien JP. CT scan method accurately assesses humeral head retroversion. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2008;466:661-6.
  • Mathews W, Wortman JL, Billings JS. Human bone of the Hemenway collection in the U. S. Army Medical Museum. Mem Nat Acad Sci 1893;6:139-286.
  • Chillida LA. Caracteristicas metricas y morphologicas del humerus en los Arborigens Argentines. Revista del Instituto de Antropologia 1943;3-5.
  • Kummer FJ, Perkins R, Zuckerman JD. The use of the bicipital groove for alignment of the humeral stem in shoulder arthroplas- ty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1998;7:144-6.
  • Ulijaszek SJ, Kerr DA. Anthropometric measurement error and the assessment of nutritional status. Br J Nutr 1999;82:165-77.
  • Lewis SJ. Quantifying measurement error. In: Anderson S, ed. Current and Recent Research in Osteoarchaeology 2: Proceedings of the 4th, 5th and 6th Meetings of the Osteoarchaeological Research Group. Oxford: Oxbow Books; 1999. p. 54-5.
  • Pederson D, Gore C. Error en la medición antropométrica. In: Norton K, Olds T, eds. Antropométrica. Argentina: Biosystem Servicio Educativo; 2000. p. 71-86.
  • Himes JH. Reliability of anthropometric methods and replicate measurements. Am J Phys Anthropol 1989;79:77-80.
Year 2013, , 34 - 41, 01.10.2013



  • Mehta L, Chaturvedi RP. Angle of humeral torsion. J Anat Soc India 1971;20:94-8.
  • Larson SG. The definition of humeral torsion: a comment on Rhodes (2006). Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;133:819-20.
  • Kate BR. Humeral torsion in Indians. J Anat Soc India 1968;18:31.
  • Broca P. La torsion de I’humerus et le tropometre, instrument des- tine a mesurer la torsion des os. Revue d’Anthrop 1881;4:193-210, 385-423.
  • Krahl VE, Evans FG. Humeral torsion in man. Am J Phys Anthropol 1945;3:229-53.
  • Debevoise NT, Hyatt GW, Townsend GB. Humeral torsion in recurrent shoulder dislocations. A technic of determination by X- ray. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1971;(76): 87-93.
  • Kronberg M, Brostrom LA, Soderlund V. Retroversion of the humeral head in the normal shoulder and its relationship to the normal range of motion. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1990;(253):113-7.
  • Symeonides PP, Hatzokos I, Christoforides J, Pournaras J. Humeral head torsion in recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1995;77:687-90.
  • Murachovsky J, Ikemoto RY, Nascimento LGP, et al. Evaluation of humeral head retroversion in handball players. Acta Ortop Bras 2007;15:258-61.
  • Saha AK. Dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint. Acta Orthop Scand 1971;42: 491-505.
  • Doyle AJ, Burks RT. Comparison of humeral head retroversion with the humeral axis/biceps groove relationship: a study in live subjects and cadavers. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1998;7:453-7.
  • Robertson DD, Yuan J, Bigliani LU, Flatow EL, Yamaguchi K. Three-dimensional analysis of the proximal part of the humerus: relevance to arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2000;82:1594-602.
  • DeLude JA, Bicknell RT, MacKenzie GA, et al. An anthropomet- ric study of the bilateral anatomy of the humerus. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2007;16:477-83.
  • Ayer AA, Upshon B. The angle of humeral torsion in the South Indian. In: Proceedings of the 30th Indian Science Congress; 1943 Calcutta, India. Part III (Abstract), 77.
  • Cowgill LW. Humeral torsion revisited: a functional and ontoge- netic model for populational variation. Am J Phys Anthropol 2007;134:472-80.
  • Thor G, Phillip L, Walker P, Valerie A. Humeral retroversion: an activity pattern index in prehistoric southern California. In: Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists; 2003 Apr 26; Tempe, Arizona.
  • Shah RK, Trivedi BD, Patel JP, Shah GV, Nirvani AB. A study of angle of humeral torsion. J Anat Soc India 2006;55:43-7.
  • Gardner E, Gray DJ, O'Rahilly R. Anatomy: A Regional Study of Human Structure. 4th Asian ed. Tokyo: W. B. Saunders Company; 1975.
  • Williams PL, Bannister LH, Berry MM, et al. (eds.) Gray's Anatomy. 38th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1999.
  • Martin CP. The cause of torsion of the humerus and of the notch on the anterior edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula. J Anat 1933;67:573-82.
  • Cassagnaud X, Maynou C, Petroff E, Dujardin C, Mestdagh H. A study of reproducibility of an original method of CT measurement of the lateralization of the intertubercular groove and humeral retroversion. Surg Radiol Anat 2003;25:145-51.
  • Pieper HG, Krankenhaus AK. Retrotorsion of the humerus in the throwing arm of handball players - an adaptation to unilateral strain. ISBS proceedings II 1998;321-4.
  • Martin R. Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. 2nd ed. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer; 1928.
  • Heber C, Crockett, Lyndon B, et al. Osseous adaptation and range of motion at the glenohumeral joint in professional baseball pitch- ers. Am J Sports Med 2002;30:20-5.
  • Boileau P, Bicknell RT, Mazzoleni N, Walch G, Urien JP. CT scan method accurately assesses humeral head retroversion. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2008;466:661-6.
  • Mathews W, Wortman JL, Billings JS. Human bone of the Hemenway collection in the U. S. Army Medical Museum. Mem Nat Acad Sci 1893;6:139-286.
  • Chillida LA. Caracteristicas metricas y morphologicas del humerus en los Arborigens Argentines. Revista del Instituto de Antropologia 1943;3-5.
  • Kummer FJ, Perkins R, Zuckerman JD. The use of the bicipital groove for alignment of the humeral stem in shoulder arthroplas- ty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1998;7:144-6.
  • Ulijaszek SJ, Kerr DA. Anthropometric measurement error and the assessment of nutritional status. Br J Nutr 1999;82:165-77.
  • Lewis SJ. Quantifying measurement error. In: Anderson S, ed. Current and Recent Research in Osteoarchaeology 2: Proceedings of the 4th, 5th and 6th Meetings of the Osteoarchaeological Research Group. Oxford: Oxbow Books; 1999. p. 54-5.
  • Pederson D, Gore C. Error en la medición antropométrica. In: Norton K, Olds T, eds. Antropométrica. Argentina: Biosystem Servicio Educativo; 2000. p. 71-86.
  • Himes JH. Reliability of anthropometric methods and replicate measurements. Am J Phys Anthropol 1989;79:77-80.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Manjunath Motagi This is me

Nachiket Shankar This is me

Roopa Ravindranath This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Motagi, M., Shankar, N., & Ravindranath, R. (2013). Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin. Anatomy, 7(1), 34-41.
AMA Motagi M, Shankar N, Ravindranath R. Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin. Anatomy. October 2013;7(1):34-41. doi:10.2399/ana.11.143
Chicago Motagi, Manjunath, Nachiket Shankar, and Roopa Ravindranath. “Estimation of the Angle of Humeral Torsion from Digital Images of Dry Humeri of South Indian Origin”. Anatomy 7, no. 1 (October 2013): 34-41.
EndNote Motagi M, Shankar N, Ravindranath R (October 1, 2013) Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin. Anatomy 7 1 34–41.
IEEE M. Motagi, N. Shankar, and R. Ravindranath, “Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin”, Anatomy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 34–41, 2013, doi: 10.2399/ana.11.143.
ISNAD Motagi, Manjunath et al. “Estimation of the Angle of Humeral Torsion from Digital Images of Dry Humeri of South Indian Origin”. Anatomy 7/1 (October 2013), 34-41.
JAMA Motagi M, Shankar N, Ravindranath R. Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin. Anatomy. 2013;7:34–41.
MLA Motagi, Manjunath et al. “Estimation of the Angle of Humeral Torsion from Digital Images of Dry Humeri of South Indian Origin”. Anatomy, vol. 7, no. 1, 2013, pp. 34-41, doi:10.2399/ana.11.143.
Vancouver Motagi M, Shankar N, Ravindranath R. Estimation of the angle of humeral torsion from digital images of dry humeri of South Indian origin. Anatomy. 2013;7(1):34-41.

Anatomy is the official journal of Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy (TSACA).