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Occipitocervical synostosis: case report

Year 2015, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 104 - 107, 10.09.2015


Fusion of atlas with the occipital bone is a rare congenital anomaly known as occipitocervical synostosis, occipitalization of atlas, assimilation of atlas or atlanto-occipital fusion. We describe two cases of occipitocervical synostosis identified amongst one-hundred dry adult human occipital bones from the collection of Ege University, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy (incidence 0.5%). The synostosis was complete type for both cases. Occipitocervical synostosis is clinically important as it may cause narrowing of foramen magnum which may compress the brainstem, vertebral artery and cranial nerves, and during surgical approaches to the craniovertebral region.


  • Mudaliar RP, Shetty S, Nanjundaiah K, Kumar JP, Kc J. An osteological
  • study of occipitocervical synostosis: its embryological and
  • clinical significance. J Clin Diagn Res 2013;7:1835–37.
  • Campos D, Silva TH, Ellwanger JH, Goerck ML, Kipper JF, Piazza
  • JL, Kraether NL. Atlanto-occipital fusion and its neurological complications:
  • a case report. Journal of Morphological Sciences 2012;29:
  • –3.
  • Guebert GM, Yochum TR, Rowe LJ. Congenital anomalies and
  • normal skeletal variants. In: Yochum TR, Rowe LJ, editors.
  • Essentials of skeletal radiology. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins;
  • p. 197–306.
  • Saini V, Singh R, Bandopadhyay M, Tripathi SK, Shamal SN.
  • Occipitalization of the atlas: Its occurrence and embryological basis.
  • International Journal of Anatomical Variations 2009;2:85–8.
  • Jadhav SD, Ambali MP, Patil RJ, Doshi MA, Roy PP. Assimillation
  • of atlas in Indian dry skulls. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical
  • Sciences University 2012;1:102–6.
  • Al-Motabagani MA, Surendra M. Total occipitalization of the atlas.
  • Anat Sci Int 2006;81:173–80.
  • Taitz C. Bony observation of some morphological variation and
  • anomalies of the cranio-vertebral region. Clin Anat 2000;13:354–60.
  • Lang J. Craniocervical region, osteology and articulation.
  • Neuroorthopedics 1986;1:67–92.
  • Goel A, Sharma P, Dange N, Kulkami AG. Techniques in the treatment
  • of craniovertebral instability. Neurol India 2005;53:525–33.
  • Bergman P. On varieties of atlas in man. Folio Morphologica
  • (Warsaw) 1967;26:129–39.
  • Smith CA, Tuan RS. Human PAX gene expression and development
  • of vertebral column. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1994;(302):241–50.
  • Jayanthi V, Kulkarni R, Kulkarni RN. Atlanto-occipital fusion -
  • report of two cases. J Anat Soc India 2003;52:71–3.
  • Mayhew IG, Watson AG, Heissan JA. Congenital occipitoatlantoaxial
  • malformations in the horse. Equine Vet J 1978;10:103–13.
  • Van Nie CJ, Folkerts JF. Occipitalization of the atlas in a sheep [proceedings].
  • Acta Morphol Neerl Scand 1977;15:325.
  • Pang D, Thompson DN. Embryology and bony malformations of the
  • craniovertebral junction. Review. Childs Nerv Syst 2011;27:523–64.
  • Tubbs RS, Salter EG, Oakes WJ. The intracranial entrance of the
  • atlantal segment of the vertebral artery in crania with occipitalization
  • of the atlas. J Neurosurg Spine 2006;4:319–22.
  • Nimje DA, Wankhede HA. Atlanto-occipital fusion: a rare anomaly
  • of the craniocervical junction. Edorium Journal of Anatomy and
  • Embryology 2014;1:1–4.
  • Kassim NM, Latiff AA, Das S, Ghafar NA, Suhaimi FH, Othman F,
  • Hussan F, Sulaiman IM. Atlanto-occipital fusion: an osteological
  • study with clinical implications. Bratisl Lek Listy 2010;111:562–5.
  • Gopal K, Choudhary AK, Agarwal J, Ali S. Morphological status of
  • assimilated atlas vertebra with occipital bone and its clinical significance.
  • International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2015;3:
  • –42.
  • Nayak S, Vollala VR, Raghunathan D. Total fusion of atlas with
  • occipital bone: a case report. Neuroanatomy 2005;4:39–40.
  • Caspersen LM, Kjaer I, Sonnesen L. How does occipitalization
  • influence the dimensions of the cranium? Orthod Craniofac Res
  • ;13:162–8.
  • Bose A, Shrivastava S. Partial occipitalization of atlas. International
  • Journal of Anatomical Variations 2013;6:81–4.
  • Lopez ZA, Limousin LA, Mantz JR. Contribution to the classification
  • of malformations of the atlas in the light of a new unstable malformation
  • (3 cases). [Article in Spanish] Revista Clínica Española
  • ;94:208–15.
  • Budin E, Sondheimer F. Lateral spread of the atlas without fracture.
  • Radiology 1966;87:1095–8.
  • Albrecht HJ, Castrischer E. Fission formation in the anterior and
  • posterior atlas arch. [Article in German] Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr
  • Nuklearmed 1968;108:543–5.
  • Childers JC, Wilson FC. Bipartite atlas. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1971;
  • :578–582.
  • Keller HL. Variations in form and abnormalities of the atlas and its
  • surrounding area. [Article in German] Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr
  • Nuklearmed 1961;95:361–70.
  • Vakili ST, Aguilar JC, Muller J. Sudden unexpected death associated
  • with atlanto-occipital fusion. Am J Forensic Med Pathol
  • ;6:39–43.
  • McRae DL, Barnum AS. Occipitalization of the atlas. Am J
  • Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 1953;70:23–46.
  • Iwata A, Murata M, Nukina N, Kanazawa I. Foramen magnum syndrome
  • caused by atlanto-occipital assimilation. J Neurol Sci 1998;
  • :229–31.
Year 2015, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 104 - 107, 10.09.2015



  • Mudaliar RP, Shetty S, Nanjundaiah K, Kumar JP, Kc J. An osteological
  • study of occipitocervical synostosis: its embryological and
  • clinical significance. J Clin Diagn Res 2013;7:1835–37.
  • Campos D, Silva TH, Ellwanger JH, Goerck ML, Kipper JF, Piazza
  • JL, Kraether NL. Atlanto-occipital fusion and its neurological complications:
  • a case report. Journal of Morphological Sciences 2012;29:
  • –3.
  • Guebert GM, Yochum TR, Rowe LJ. Congenital anomalies and
  • normal skeletal variants. In: Yochum TR, Rowe LJ, editors.
  • Essentials of skeletal radiology. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins;
  • p. 197–306.
  • Saini V, Singh R, Bandopadhyay M, Tripathi SK, Shamal SN.
  • Occipitalization of the atlas: Its occurrence and embryological basis.
  • International Journal of Anatomical Variations 2009;2:85–8.
  • Jadhav SD, Ambali MP, Patil RJ, Doshi MA, Roy PP. Assimillation
  • of atlas in Indian dry skulls. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical
  • Sciences University 2012;1:102–6.
  • Al-Motabagani MA, Surendra M. Total occipitalization of the atlas.
  • Anat Sci Int 2006;81:173–80.
  • Taitz C. Bony observation of some morphological variation and
  • anomalies of the cranio-vertebral region. Clin Anat 2000;13:354–60.
  • Lang J. Craniocervical region, osteology and articulation.
  • Neuroorthopedics 1986;1:67–92.
  • Goel A, Sharma P, Dange N, Kulkami AG. Techniques in the treatment
  • of craniovertebral instability. Neurol India 2005;53:525–33.
  • Bergman P. On varieties of atlas in man. Folio Morphologica
  • (Warsaw) 1967;26:129–39.
  • Smith CA, Tuan RS. Human PAX gene expression and development
  • of vertebral column. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1994;(302):241–50.
  • Jayanthi V, Kulkarni R, Kulkarni RN. Atlanto-occipital fusion -
  • report of two cases. J Anat Soc India 2003;52:71–3.
  • Mayhew IG, Watson AG, Heissan JA. Congenital occipitoatlantoaxial
  • malformations in the horse. Equine Vet J 1978;10:103–13.
  • Van Nie CJ, Folkerts JF. Occipitalization of the atlas in a sheep [proceedings].
  • Acta Morphol Neerl Scand 1977;15:325.
  • Pang D, Thompson DN. Embryology and bony malformations of the
  • craniovertebral junction. Review. Childs Nerv Syst 2011;27:523–64.
  • Tubbs RS, Salter EG, Oakes WJ. The intracranial entrance of the
  • atlantal segment of the vertebral artery in crania with occipitalization
  • of the atlas. J Neurosurg Spine 2006;4:319–22.
  • Nimje DA, Wankhede HA. Atlanto-occipital fusion: a rare anomaly
  • of the craniocervical junction. Edorium Journal of Anatomy and
  • Embryology 2014;1:1–4.
  • Kassim NM, Latiff AA, Das S, Ghafar NA, Suhaimi FH, Othman F,
  • Hussan F, Sulaiman IM. Atlanto-occipital fusion: an osteological
  • study with clinical implications. Bratisl Lek Listy 2010;111:562–5.
  • Gopal K, Choudhary AK, Agarwal J, Ali S. Morphological status of
  • assimilated atlas vertebra with occipital bone and its clinical significance.
  • International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2015;3:
  • –42.
  • Nayak S, Vollala VR, Raghunathan D. Total fusion of atlas with
  • occipital bone: a case report. Neuroanatomy 2005;4:39–40.
  • Caspersen LM, Kjaer I, Sonnesen L. How does occipitalization
  • influence the dimensions of the cranium? Orthod Craniofac Res
  • ;13:162–8.
  • Bose A, Shrivastava S. Partial occipitalization of atlas. International
  • Journal of Anatomical Variations 2013;6:81–4.
  • Lopez ZA, Limousin LA, Mantz JR. Contribution to the classification
  • of malformations of the atlas in the light of a new unstable malformation
  • (3 cases). [Article in Spanish] Revista Clínica Española
  • ;94:208–15.
  • Budin E, Sondheimer F. Lateral spread of the atlas without fracture.
  • Radiology 1966;87:1095–8.
  • Albrecht HJ, Castrischer E. Fission formation in the anterior and
  • posterior atlas arch. [Article in German] Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr
  • Nuklearmed 1968;108:543–5.
  • Childers JC, Wilson FC. Bipartite atlas. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1971;
  • :578–582.
  • Keller HL. Variations in form and abnormalities of the atlas and its
  • surrounding area. [Article in German] Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr
  • Nuklearmed 1961;95:361–70.
  • Vakili ST, Aguilar JC, Muller J. Sudden unexpected death associated
  • with atlanto-occipital fusion. Am J Forensic Med Pathol
  • ;6:39–43.
  • McRae DL, Barnum AS. Occipitalization of the atlas. Am J
  • Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 1953;70:23–46.
  • Iwata A, Murata M, Nukina N, Kanazawa I. Foramen magnum syndrome
  • caused by atlanto-occipital assimilation. J Neurol Sci 1998;
  • :229–31.
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Reports

Buse Kayhan This is me

Pelin Çoruk This is me

Mete Erturk This is me

Gulgun Sengul This is me

Publication Date September 10, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Kayhan, B., Çoruk, P., Erturk, M., Sengul, G. (2015). Occipitocervical synostosis: case report. Anatomy, 9(2), 104-107.
AMA Kayhan B, Çoruk P, Erturk M, Sengul G. Occipitocervical synostosis: case report. Anatomy. September 2015;9(2):104-107. doi:10.2399/ana.15.017
Chicago Kayhan, Buse, Pelin Çoruk, Mete Erturk, and Gulgun Sengul. “Occipitocervical Synostosis: Case Report”. Anatomy 9, no. 2 (September 2015): 104-7.
EndNote Kayhan B, Çoruk P, Erturk M, Sengul G (September 1, 2015) Occipitocervical synostosis: case report. Anatomy 9 2 104–107.
IEEE B. Kayhan, P. Çoruk, M. Erturk, and G. Sengul, “Occipitocervical synostosis: case report”, Anatomy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 104–107, 2015, doi: 10.2399/ana.15.017.
ISNAD Kayhan, Buse et al. “Occipitocervical Synostosis: Case Report”. Anatomy 9/2 (September 2015), 104-107.
JAMA Kayhan B, Çoruk P, Erturk M, Sengul G. Occipitocervical synostosis: case report. Anatomy. 2015;9:104–107.
MLA Kayhan, Buse et al. “Occipitocervical Synostosis: Case Report”. Anatomy, vol. 9, no. 2, 2015, pp. 104-7, doi:10.2399/ana.15.017.
Vancouver Kayhan B, Çoruk P, Erturk M, Sengul G. Occipitocervical synostosis: case report. Anatomy. 2015;9(2):104-7.

Anatomy is the official journal of Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy (TSACA).